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Fantasy Broken I bow to the Beast inside

Joseph pressed his face into her palm nodding some "Its okay, we'll get there....maybe we could adopt." He said softly to her.

Max sighed heavily but gave a small nod "Alright..." she said softlt
“Where did your beard go?” She asked him smiling a little. “You look weird with no scruff.” She mumbled starting to sit up a little and reached for him to come closer.

He got her down to the waterfall and just groaned seeing all the teenagers there. “Out. Go home. We’re using it now.” He called to them as they approached
Joseph moved to lay with her giving a small laugh "Yeah...she uh...didn't like scruff." He said quietly cuddling her gently

Max laughed lightly as they scurried off "You really didn't have to throw them out."
She smiled a little and rest her head on his shoulder. “We’ll bring it back.” She told him smiling tiredly, frowning as she noticed the marks all up his arms for the first time. “What are these from?” She asked him feeling him push a sandwich in front of her and pass her a drink, working at nibbling on it

“Oh yes I dod. They’re supposed to be back at the house by this time anyway. Unless they have special permission which thinking about it,… free this week.. maybe they did.” He smiled. “Oh well… this is our spot right now.” He murmured.
Joseph gave a small nod and handed her a sandwich that Danny had brought in earlier "I....she....they're lacerations." He said softly before removing his shirt showing her the fresh scars littering his body "Everytime I messed up I got a new one." He murmured "I'll be fine, they'll go away."

Max rolled her eyes but laughed lightly "Alright then." She murmured before throwing her shirt off and jumping in
She frowned and traced a few before looking up at him. “See… told you that you’re shit at being a bad person.” She tried to tease him a little, putting the empty glass and plate down and pulled him in close a little stronger than before. “Mmm… I’m still pinching myself that you’re home.” She murmured.

He caught the shirt and followed her in shortly after, just enjoying the cool water after a long hot day, enjoying watching her be happy. “I imagine it would be very difficult to lose your mate and not know where they are.” He frowned some.
Joseph gave a heavy sigh and nodded some pulling her close "I know...I feel the same." He said softly nuzzling his face in her hair

Max gave a small frown as she swam around and nodded softly "Yeah... it must be awful." She said softly
She smiled tiredly. “I love you.” She murmured pulling him tightly to her and ignoring the pain in her side. “Soon as I can…. Your ass… is mine” she giggled.

He frowned and watched her. “You’re quiet today… you alright?” He asked her frowning a little.
Joseph made a growl like sound in a teasing way "And you will be mine." He said before kissing all over her face laughing some as she pushed him away.

Max nodded some and smiled a bit "Yeah I'm okay, just thinking is all." She said swimming over to him
She shook her head and smiled watching him some. “You wanna help me go pee?” She asked him quietly. “You know… on the topic of being sexy.” She giggled.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked her quietly and held onto her, treading water with her, running his fingers through her hair
Joseph laughed some and kissed her forehead "Mmm of course." He said softly before he helped her up. He got her situated and broight back to bed after everything just sighing softly "I love you."

Max shrugged softly holding onto him "About the pack, everything thats been happening." She said softly kissing him gently "Thinking about you...our future."
He frowned. “I can’t tell if that was even more vague.” He teased her, heading over to the rock by the waterfall to sit again. “Go on… I’m not gonna run yknow? That’s why we have mates. Someone to lean on without worst thoughts…. So you got the short straw.” He smiled.

“Mmm you keep saying that… but then you take me straight to bed before I can ask if you would take a bath with me.” She murmured.
Max laughed lightly at him and leaned on the rock "Well it was pretty scary, Joseph and Carmen almost dying. Made me think how short our lives are even if we are werewolves." She said giving a small sigh "Had me thinking about a future with you, possible kids, but you said you don't want children."

Joseph laughed lightly smiling more "Well let me see what we can use, I don't want to hurt your wound more." He murmured before leaving to find Danny.
She shook her head. “Joe! Oh for gods sakes.” She muttered managing to get up and lean on the furniture to get herself to the bathroom and sat on the floor while she ran the water and started taking her clothes of. She felt disgusting and just wanted to be clean again.

He frowned and watched her. “Short, sweetheart how old do you think I am?” He asked her, his thumb gently rubbing circles in her palm.
Joseph came back in chuckling softly "Hey, I got these salts." He murmured before getting her in with him "You are beautiful, so very beautiful." He said softly

Max laughed lightly "Maybe 30? I don't think you're old." She said before kissing hisnhand gently
She frowned some. “You can stop that… I have a gaping hole in my side. I know it’s covered right now but I still know it’s there.” She muttered, leaning back against him, making sure she kept the wound above the water. “I’m not blaming you at all but I don’t need coddling.” She grumbled a bit.

He chuckled and shook his head. “Try 65.” He told her quietly. “I’ll likely make it to around 3-400.” He explained. “We don’t have short lives.” He told her quietly
Joseph gave a heavy sigh but nodded softly "I'm sorry I just....I feel you...your pain....how you're coming and going.." he said softly running a hand up and down her spine gently "I just want you safe and better."

Max frowned more but gave a small nod "Are you like Joseph? I thought only those with certain blood types lived that long.."
He chuckled and shook his head. “No love. We all go for a few hundred. Faster healing equals longer life.” He explained to her tiredly. “Joe is…. Joes gonna be around four… maybe even five times as long as that.” He explained to her.

She frowned. “I’ll be okay,, I think im finally getting somewhere.” She assured him, leaning into his touch w little more though.
Max gave a small nod and pulled herself up and kiss him gently "Were you born?" She asked softly realizing she really didn't know too much about his past.

Joseph gave a small smile kissing her gently "Alright, I'll pull back some I promise." He murmured
She shook her head. “Nooo… no I don’t want that.” She pouted at him and let him clean them both up.

He tensed a little and frowne. “Why’d you ask? Has someone told you something?” He questioned her frowning.
Joe chuckled some and kissed her pout "You can't have it both ways princess. But if you insist, I think I can find a happy middle ground." He said sweetly

Max shook her head softly at him "No, no one has said anything to me. I just realized I don't know much about you."
He frowned and sighed a little. “Bitten. A long time ago.” He mumbled. “Only Joe and Charlie know. That’s how it’s gonna stay.” He told her seriously,

“I’m glad you understand though… I am a princess.” She smiled, standing up carefully once he was able to give her a hand, getting into pjs and going back to bed with him.
Max nodded softly and kissed him again "You secret is safe with me.." she murmured running her hands up his legs "Ya know....this is a pretty nice place, real romantic...." she murmured trailing her lips down his neck trying to ease the air around them.

Joseph smiled happily at her and helped her back to bed after a bit. He layed with her and kissed her gently "I'm gonna grab something quick to eat okay? I'll be right back." He murmured
She nodded and just watched him go smiling tiredly, drifting off after just a few minutes.

He smiled and kissed her back. “Mmm I know it is.” He murmured. “What are you trying to ask?” He chuckled
Joseph went down to Charlie as she fell asleep and frowned some "Why did you tell her my age?" He asked as he poured himself something to drink as he got into the kitchen

Max smirked softly "Just thinking about how I've never done it under a water fall. Seems impracticle yet fun." She said laughing lightly before swimming away and then getting out. She found a way behind the waterfall and ran to it giggling the whole way.

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