Bringing Down the Reign of the Dragon-Blooded

You could always have the party of Solars captured by Roseblack and subjected to a powerful spell that on the surface binds each Solar character to Roseblack and one of her Captains so that they may never harm them and they must always keep them from harm.

Oh, and have this nifty keen Red Sorceress out West do it for know...the one that's really the Red Empress who is really being controlled by the Ebon Dragon who has the key to the Imperial Manse but needs to find a way to get said key to said Manse.

So he has Roseblack broker a deal for less power with the other big galoots back on Imperial Isle and with their help marches on the Empire.  She has to, of course, take out the Immaculate Order because she's using Solar slaves to do her bidding.

Oh, and Roseblack makes a Eclipse binding deal with the Solars that she'll let them go and leave them alone after she becomes the Empress and claims the manse, she is just using them for their power, that's all.

She uses these Solars, who have at this point become badasses (most finishing out two or three trees of charms), to be her special strike force inside the realm and take down specific threats.

She makes it to the Imperial City and like Julius is proclaimed Empress!  Whoot!

She has a massive parade to the Imperial Manse where the party acts as her personal bodyguards outside her pavillion.  Once they arrive she and all of them mount the steps to the top of the Manse, and she enters.

She comes back out, the Manse appears active, and the crowd roars and cheers for her.  All the Legions and all the Warstriders that are available are there and present in the courtyard of the manse, as well as a number of higher ups.

Then the new Empress, Roseblack, turns and points at the party and says, "Kill them.  Kill them all!"

The party fights for it's life, and escape only because the Twilight sorceror uses his flying carpet spell to get them the hell out of there (oh, and he dies during the escape after he casts the spell, but for some reason it keeps flying).

Truth be known.  The red sorceress also intertwined a spell that linked the Roseblack with her so that at an opportune moment she could switch souls with Roseblack, casting Roseblack into the Ebon Dragon's prison and the Scarlet Empress/Red Sorceress into Roseblack's body.

Of course, the Empress being the Ebon Dragon's biatch she didn't count on being taken over by the Ebon Dragon right after she reasserted control over the Imperial Manse (I don't think it's alive, just a highly advanced machine), and so the Ebon Dragon ala Roseblack walks out and tells the Legions/Warstriders to kill the party, and Roseblack who made the deal is in Hell, and thus hasn't broken a deal with the incredulous party.

Ohh it was soo fun!

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