Bringing Down the Reign of the Dragon-Blooded

[their given lies, presented as divine spiritual truth, and any who was to discover the truth would surely be summarily executed.

I call that a  foul yoke.]

It's a religion, so that's what you say, as with any religion
huh Christianity does NOT Promote forced conversion

Paul himself said "If the nonbeliever wants to leave, then let him leave"

And "If a man sues you for your cloak , give him your shirt too."
And, "New Diet Dr. Pepper really does taste more like regular Dr. Pepper!"
Have no idea what THAT has to do with anything.

All Im saying, is that since in exalted, The Solar protaginist KNOW as a fact that the immaculate order, the state religion of the realm is objectively false, Extreme measures to bring it down so know more children are taught this foul lie as if it was truth, is not so bad an idea.
The Solar protaginist KNOW as a fact that the immaculate order' date=' the state religion of the realm is objectively false,[/quote']
How do they KNOW this?

If you woke up tomorrow with magical powers, and someone said it was the work of Satan, how would you KNOW that they were wrong?
The man raises a point. A good point. In fact, he's quoting truth.

In exalted, the Solars sometimes have flashbacks of them ruling the planet and doing great stuff and evil stuff.

The immaculate faith preaches that the Anathema once ruled the world, but that they were corrupt and they forced people to love them etc. etc.

Objectively, if you want to use that word, the Solars see no disparity: they know they ruled the planet, and the immaculates say they did so badly and in a nasty fashion.

Also, it's not much of a "foul lie", because the immaculate order cares for and looks after the people. In fact, the only people with a real right to hate the immaculates are other faiths, and the Anathema. The common man and the lord and the dragonblood? They love it. The immaculate order praises the lords and the dragonbloods for being awesome, and placates the peasant for being an underling.

It keeps everyone happy, and keeps the dragonbloods in line somewhat. Is it really that evil? Aside from the misguided killing of anathema?
Considering what some of the Gods are asking their followers to do, or just Spirits who are angling towards fancy digs in Yu-Shan ask of their followers, it's better than some.

But if you go with the idea that the Solar gets a quick tutorial from another Solar, who gets them up to speed, and a few visions of their past lives and maybe even a pre-recorded message from the US, then the Solars begin with a good idea that the IO is not right.

But that's sort of like growing up Catholic.  You might come to feel that those teachings are false--may even have an epiphany that you KNOW is right, and that the Catholic teachings are entirely false, but you still have to check yourself when you walk into Mass.

A lot of Solars will be coming from places where they grew up with the IO teachings.  May have held them dear to their hearts.  Finding out they're false, because of divine revelation, because of the US showing up, because of another Solar showing them proof, still doesn't erase those early teachings and the lessons, and habits.
remember what raitan said to yushkuv?

"it taught the virtue of keeping quietly to ones station, abhorence for the so called anathema, and reverence of the dragon blooded" doesnt sound like a very righteous thing does it.

Oh BTW I grew up protestant and am going catholic right now
And by the way.

The foul teaching of the Immaculate order, as they yoke peoples minds into slavery, say that the anathema STOLE their powers from the heavens.

when their power was given freely.

they ALSO (Depending on which book you read) say that the original persons soul has been destroyed, and no matter how similar this "foul doppleganger" might seem your friend or family member is dead.

which is of course a lie, one that the siderals cunningly constructed to make sure anathema wouldnt be defended by their family,s in fact hunted all the more by them (unless they were strong willed enough to shake off the Immaculated orders shackles.)
It is easy to sit from a position on the sideline when you have all the information and you know what is true and what is not, since it is all made up.

But in the world of exalted only Anathema (evil in the eyes of the religion) and uppety Spirits (evil in the eyes of the religion) are saying this.

If somone who you dislike or who you think is evil is telling you things you won't believe him. All the things you are mentioning cannot be verified through impartial means.

In this respect it is Like any religion I do not know if either Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Budism, Hinduism or any of a thousand others is true because I have no impartial information telling me so only oppinions from people who have an interest in the matter. Therefore I cannot decide on the matter, in the same way that they cannot decide on it.

Truth is a moot point only perspective changes the world.
Hint: They did steal the power. They killed the primordials and took over the world.

The rest of the stuff is just too narrow-minded for my DB-mind to even engage in discussing it :P
And Pterorak -

How in the whole world do you get what the Solars do to people, to something different from the Order? Only, the Solars actually use magic to make people follow them willingly into death and war, and use Charms to bring people under their yoke of loyalty, turning them against their families and everything they loved.

Only, the Order does it by teachings and without the use of supernatural influence..
No they just rape and torture to death anyone who disagrees with them.

And you didnt answer the "The dragon blooded claim that the Anathema crush the soul of the person" it proves, to my mind, that the IO is a foul and unholy lie.

And its not JUST the celestials saying this

theirs a few dargon blooded who by some defect were accidently equiped with souls, such as Risa who ALSO Say this.
I don't know where you get your point of view, pteorak. "Rape and torture"?

I hate to tell you this, but the Freedom Stone's forums are not a canon source. :P
what is freedom stone, if I may ask?


Take a look in shadow over heavens eye.

some dragon blooded slaughtered an entire village, for harboring a god blooded.
And one human burned six million people just because he needed a scapegoat for his nation's troubles. >_>
No, I think he did it because he had one testicle, a raging drug addiction, and found getting pooped on by his first cousin erotic. I think people allowed him to because they needed a scapegoat.
That was amusing...

Here is my two and a half cents. Why do the solars need to bring down the reign of the dragon-blooded. Seems to me without the empress they are doing a pretty good job of getting it down themselves.

If I were one of the main characters in the canonical story I would sit back, grow my forces slowly and wait for the db's to mess up. No use in wasting innocent lives just because your impatient.
Of course, while you're waiting, those innocent lives go on in pain and come to an end so much sooner, because of that place coming down from the inside.
At least they go out with some warning, any dimwitted mortal could see that their masters are falling apart.

I would assume though that the guild would take over before things got too out of hand.
Jukashi said:
Of course, while you're waiting, those innocent lives go on in pain and come to an end so much sooner, because of that place coming down from the inside.
Can we say LIMIT ROLLS?

All it would take is a Compassion of 3 or Conviction of 3 with the right Motivations.

DeepFlowingRiver said:
At least they go out with some warning, any dimwitted mortal could see that their masters are falling apart.
I would assume though that the guild would take over before things got too out of hand.
It's not likely that the Guild would take over, due to the high profits made from a chaotic and decadent system.  And when the masters start having trouble, the ones that usually suffer are the underclass.
Actually in the manacle and coin book it goes on to say that the guild profit in the short term on chaos but the council that runs it prefers the stability that the realm brings. So if the realm starts to fail and stability lessons, you can be sure they would take steps to bring stability back.

Whether that be the db's or some solar deliberative who can be sure though that all their resources would be focused on brining back stability.
you cant wait too long... theirs always the posiblety of SOME Brave yoiung dragon blooded gaining control of the realm defense grid.

and that needs to be prevented.

though I like not wasting lives needlessly.

I imagince the final battle if its the solars who win, being very anticlimantic.

being fought almost entirely by elemental, and demon proxys and constructs.

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