Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

After about an hour later they arrived at a casual yet shaddy looking shop. When they enter they saw an middle age looking man cleaning a katana at the counter her looks up and see ritsu " hey ritsu, here to get more throwing knives?" He joke he knew she isnt working for the syndicate anymore, but she was his best customer and kind of sort of like a daughter to him.
Ritsu smiled at him " well I am here to get some polish and cleaning stuff for my knives and kohaku's sword" " sword? Can I look at to determine the polish and such"
Kohaku was looking into the store. "All this stuff looks lame..." he said bored. Yuu nodded silently in agreement.
" those are decoys my boy" he then pressed put his hand on the desk and suddenly a secret passage opened up. " you might like the stuff down here..." he began walkong down the passage.
Kohaku and Yuu looked at the passage that opened up. "Oh?" they said in unison as they followed the old guy.
Ritsu and raze chuckled and they enter3d the passage as well. The door automatically closed behind them.
Jimbi sighed ' youngsters these days..' he decided to ignore the comment and continue walking down the stairs.
The group arrived at a dark room. Jimbi turned on the lights and you can see weapons of every kind. " feel free to find what your looking for and look around"
Kohaku looked at him for a bit and pointed his finger at himself. "I am...Mr......what was your name?" Yuu pulled on Kohaku's ear."Yeah, don't go doing that."
" it's Mr.Jimbi....may I look at your sword to determine the type of polish to use on it?"


Ritsu and raze were lookong st the various weapons in the room.
"Oh...sure thing." Kohaku said pulling out the sword and giving it to him. "There are different types of polish?" Yuu went looking at the weapons.
" yes there is each type different affect on a weapon. If you use the wrong one it can dull and make the rust" he said as she took the blade and examine it.
"Oh...well how does it look?" Kohaku asked him. Yuu was looking at the knifes. "Which...will be more useful..."
" hmm....." he handed him the sword back and went to a closet and took out small bottles, white bottle and blue bottle " blue is for cleaning and white is for polishing" he put them in a bag and gave them to kohaku. " Ritsu I need to look at uou weapons as well" ritsu gave him all her knives.
" whu dont you take a weapon and swing it aroubd to get a feel of it before deciding" jimbi said to yuu.
" I can tell, but you can pick just any knife...." he gave her knoves back and went to the closet and took out 2 bottles, red, sky blue, silver and black one. " red, silver and blue are polishes. Red is for the black knife. Blue is for the white knife and sliver are for the throwing knives. Black os for cleaning them" he put them in a bag and gave it to ritsu.
Kohaku looked at Ritsu's knives."They sure don't seem special that's for sure." Yuu kept looking through them.

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