Brighter Than White (1x1 between Evergreen and Orion) [Inactive]

Ritsu took them and put them in her bag.


" are you looking for a pair of knives...or a single knife?" He asked
Jimbi walked up to a pair of knives with white handels and handed them to yuu " swing them around and see if you like them"
Yuu swung them a around and smiled. "Hate em...and I don't think anything you have is compatible with me."
Luka jumped on ritsu's shoulder and rubbed her head against her cheek.


Jimbi rustled yuu's hair.
Ristu looked at kohaku confused " ok jimbi how do these cost?" Jimbi laughed " ill give them to you for free today" "really?" "Of course!" He laughed.
" I returned it to you" jimbi said. He then looked at yuu " you can keep those knives you seemed to like them"
Yuu looked at him."I don't want them. Because I don't like them I'll be honest with you. They were to light and to be frank...definitely not my style."
"You got nothing I there is no point in staying here. I've already seen that much." Yuu sighed waiting for them to leave.
Yuu looked at Ritsu. "You don't know what I like. You couldn't even beat a kid. Like you know how to use a knife." He shrugged a bit taunting her. "Besides, I know what I like and don't like."
Ritsu sighed again. Jimbi chuckled and handed her the knives " you keep them then " "but I already have a spare...." " my gift to you then" he smiled " alright then" he whispered in her ear " give it to him later" ritsu nodded. Jombi smiled and patted her head and petted luka.
Yuu put his arms behind his head and stretched."How dull." Kohaku looked at the ground."Dull indeed....I was kinda hoping for another secret door."

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