Briarwood Preparatory Academy


EMT Extraordinaire

Briarwood Preparatory Academy


~ ~ ~

An expensive black Mercedes, gleaming in the bright overcast mid-day sun, wove its way around the stone driveway and rolled to a gentle stop outside the front doors of the grandiose mansion. A man dressed in a dark suit and cap got out of the driver’s seat and hurried to open the doors of the backseat. Moments later, Veronica Holiday stepped out of the vehicle a small smile crossing her lips. She straightened her white skirt before looking up to face what seemed like more of her home than her family’s residency across the country on the Pacific coast in Malibu–she found that rather humorous.

A droplet of water landed on her cheek and reminded her that she didn’t have time to stand staring at a place she would be looking at for the entire school year, it would rain soon as it had off-and-on all day and it seemed so nonprofessional to be caught in the rain. Veronica heard her mother complaining loudly at the chauffeur about a bumpy ride near the back of the vehicle where they were unloading her luggage. She rolled her eyes, her mother was always one to make a scene, as she was never easy to satisfy. Veronica began to take a step away from the car when a hand caught her own. She turned and smiled gently into the very large sad eyes of her younger sister.

"I wanna’ go too...I’ll miss you," Maddie pried.

Veronica leaned down to look at her, "And you will next year when you’re thirteen. Then we’ll be in school together. You just have to be patient," she kissed Maddie’s forehead, "I’ll miss you, too, so much."

Her sister’s face fell, her shoulders sank, but her jaw set. "I love you," she added hopefully but Veronica just smiled sadly, finally enough to convince her younger sister to give in after a long moment of deliberation. She released the firm grip on her older sister’s hand. Veronica smiled encouragingly once more before turning and closing the door to the Mercedes behind her.

She heaved a sigh, taking solace that the Academy did not admit those who where not of proper age without reason and that she was in fact currently enrolled in her final term at Briarwood, as a senior, she would not be coming back for another year.

~ ~ ~

Cameron Epcott sighed from the back seat of a relatively clean tax cab. She stared out the windows at the leafy canopy of the towering maple trees that bordered the boulevard drive up to Academy. It was the last leg of the journey, about five minutes of driving down the Academy’s private driveway through the massive estate, but she couldn’t help thinking the trip from her apartment in Queens always seemed to take too long. Though it seemed like the cab driver was having a fine time talking her ear off with irrelevant nonsense in his heavy New Yorker accent. Cam rolled her eyes. He pulled around the drive that circled around between a huge elegant fountain that was surrounded by extravagant landscaping and marble steps up to the mansion Academy. The cab driver squeezed through the throng of other arriving students, narrowly fitting between a long black limousine and a Volvo before parking. The driver peered through the windshield to get a full view of the statuesque building.

"You shore’ we at the right place?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Cameron said shortly, her eyes averted while she picked through her wallet.

"So, ah...You go ta’ school heah?" His eyes flickered from the marble crowning to his rear-view mirror and the girl in the backseat.

Cameron looked up after a moment. "No. I’m just a consultant." She handed him the exact cash for her bill and hauled her duffle bag in her lap and popped open the door. The driver sifted through the cash twice in what seemed like record time. He coughed and cleared his throat. Cameron turned her head to face him. "Is there a problem?" she asked with mild interest.

The driver made a face and held out his hand for more money. Cameron raised an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes extravagantly, evidently irritated for the need to spell things out, "Usually, when a driver bothers to take a ‘client’ this far out of his way, usually therahs a tip involved."

Cameron raised her eyebrows. "How about never, is never good for you?"She kicked the door open farther, tired of drivers mooching off of her after they saw the kind of place she was headed to and expecting more of a tip–and this guy had really gotten on her nerves. "And you, sir, are validating my inherent mistrust in strangers."

She stepped out of the car, pulling her duffle bag over her shoulder and pushing it behind her back as she did. Cameron leaned down quickly and swept up a backpack from the floor of the car, then pushed the door shut with her hip. The heals of her black high-healed boots clicked on the stone masonry of the Academy driveway as she walked away from the car and disappeared in the activity of her fellow classmen. She felt several drops of water fall on her head. Cameron looked up at the sky and another drop fell on her face. She tugged at a light scarf around her neck that accented with her leopard print leggings then popped up the collar on her black trench coat, glad she came prepared and worn it after all.

~ ~ ~

Conner Greyson pulled the ear buds out of his ears as his mother grabbed him in an inevitable, inescapable hug. The faint hum of music could be heard over the babble of a bunch of other people, lower classmen, that he didn’t know and didn’t particularly care to meet. He looked down and paused his music and shoved his iPod into his pocket and waited out the hug, patting her back with his other hand. His mother sniffed and finally pulled away, her eyes were red and wet. "Mom, please." He sighed, tired of the dramatics and waterworks year after year. "I’ll be back for Winter break. It isn’t like I’m going off to the military or anything..." he said rolling his eyes. Immediately he regretted saying anything.

She burst into tears and yanked him into a hug again. "Don’t say such a thing! I’m already going to miss you, don’t make me worry about anything happening to you!" Conner had momentarily forgotten that his mother had lost her brother in the Operation Dessert Storm; his uncle had gotten shot under friendly fire. He supposed that death was a touchy subject... " It’s your final year–you know crazy things happen when people get too comfortable!"Conner had actually counted on going to some crazy parties and participating in some of the nefarious crazy happenings seniors got into in their final year.

After a few minutes of emotional breakdown, he was able to pull out his luggage; one large suitcase a small duffle of his instrumental stuff, which he latched to the pull handle of his suitcase, and both of his guitar cases. Another few more hugs and tears and promises of being safe and studying hard, she kissed him goodbye and Conner finally coaxed her into the car. He waved to his older sister looking smug in the front seat, as she was an alumni of Briarwood from a few years back. She waved to him and mouthed, "Good luck." She laughed to herself–obviously she had listened in to their conversation--and started the car and drove off carefully.

Conner shook his head as he stared after the car. He turned around and bent down to pick up his stuff.

~ ~ ~

Megan brushed large knots from her messy hair and pulled a small shiney blue bag from her dresser drawer. She pulled out a loung tube of mascara- the waterproof kind - and brushed it onto her eye lashes. She pulled out a large variety of colorful eye liners and chose a light baby blue to math the v neck tee shirt she was wearing. She smiled and applied the eyeshadow, making small wings off of the corner of her eyes. She looked in the mirror smudging the edges a bit until she was satisfied. She changed from her plain black pajama pants into a pair of dark wash skinny jeans. From under her blankets she could hear the faint buzz of her pone but she didn't bother to answer it. She pinned the front of her hair back and smiled as she reached for the blue and purple plaid scarf lying on the pile of clothes next to her. She pulled it on and adjusted it to her liking. She picked her phone up off her bed to see a missed called from Matt. Her eyes started to water as she wiped them and grabbed her bag. She walked out and looked for Conner, pushing back tears with all of her might.

(( The reason she's wearing normal close is cause its like move in day.. I think xD ))
Violet stepped out of her parents' car, quickly grabbing her luggage and guitar cases out of the trunk, her parents not even offering her a helping hand. She tried to hoist all the bags and cases onto her delicate shoulders, and while it hurt like the devil, at least it was physically possible for such a petite girl to carry so much at once. After the three of them had gone through the typical "I love you, I'll Miss you, Bye" spiel she stalked up to the building. It was already raining and she was wishing she had on a jacket. Her warmer clothes were all stuffed in one bag together, being stowed away for the colder months later in the year. She sniffled a little from the rain and cold. Great, just great. All she needed was to get sick for the start of the school year. Perfect. She brushed her long black hair over her sun-kissed shoulders, preparing herself for her final year at the academy. It was kind of sad for her, since she had never gotten even a passing glance from the boy of her dreams. Matt didn't even notice her, and chances were slim that he even knew her name. She sighed a little. ~Think of happy things~ she thought. ~It's your last year, then it's on to college...~

She grabbed her luggage and walked into the school.

Daniella pulled her slick brown waves back into a pony tail than stopped. No, today she would let her mousy brown hair move, framing her face. It hung somewhat limply but at the same time had enough body not to look flat. Most of her stuff was already on campus and just needed to be unpacked but Daniella still had a few personal items to bring. She pulled on her favorite black and white polka dot dress with a high neck line in the front and a deep V in the back. The garment was cinched at the waist with a thick black belt and the A-line skirt came down to her mid calf like a dress from the 1950s. She threw on her favorite pair of red heels and than changed her mind once again; Daniella pulled her hair back into a slick pony tail and with a smile she left.

Her mother had begged her to take a limo but no she was going to ride in the truck pulling Thorn. Yes she was wearing gorgeous dress but if she was careful she would not get dirty. Thorn knew when he could and could not push Daniella around and he was pretty comfortable with his limits. The girl peeked into the trailer and was happy to see her grey stallion dozing in his trailer all covered in shipping garb. You could barely see his dapple covering for his Navy and white sweat sheet, the navy tail wrap, and the navy and white packing boots. All of his tack of course matched. Daniella although usually laid back did not joke around when it came to Thorn. She loved a good sale when it came to anything else but with her stallion, if he needed it he got it no questions asked.

The drive was a short one, filled with the soothing voices of the Avett brothers and Mumford and Sons and idle chatter between she and the driver. They didn't pull into the dormitories but instead headed straight for the stable yard where a groom was waiting to take Thorn. Once the vehicle was stopped, Daniella moved quickly to unload Thorn and get him into a stall. The groom knew where all of her equipment went and was more than happy to deal with that instead of the horse. Thorn could be a bit pushy and rude with anyone else besides Daniella, he never caused bodily harm but didn't mind shake a grooming to their very core with his lightning fast speed. Once he was settled Daniella whipped out her phone checking to see if Chase had sent her text, in just a year's time he would be going off to college leaving her here for another two but she didn't want to think about that.

To: Chase <3

Are you here yet?

Coming up the drive of Briarwood was an all black Bugatti Veyron, taking a space near all the other cars in the drive. Inside the car sat an older male and Moon Smith, who was in deep conversation with her father. Her father was an French American, who had married her Korean mother when he was staying there for a couple of years. After they married, they moved to Texas and started building businesses in the entertainment industry, before Moon came along. Though she had an extravagant life growing up, she wasn't ever sure of who 'she' was and that's why she decided to come to Briarwood a couple of years ago. "You know if you need anything, you're mother and I will send it to you." Her father said in a heavy French accent. Laughing at her fathers' words, she leaned over and gave her father a big hug. "Don't worry about me. I always make the best of what I have. Just make sure mom doesn't go crazy with sending things to me." Moon replied as she pulled away from the hug. Stepping out of the car, Moon was dressed in a white long sleeve button down while a black and red corset rested around her waist with black pants on and black knee high heeled boots. Her long black hair laid straight behind her back and her bangs off to the side while her makeup was very subtle. Moving her seat forward, she pulled out a dark brown leather trunk, setting it to the side of her before moving the seat back. Saying goodbye to her father and wishing him a safe trip, Moon then made her way into the school building.


After a long ride from his house to Briarwood, Nathan, his parents and two younger siblings arrived. Looking up at the school, he couldn't believe that he was back. His twin siblings, a brother and sister, only three years old didn't want their brother to leave again. They were holding onto his shirt tightly as they rode all the way, not even letting go when they stopped somewhere. Patting the two on the head, Nathan pulled them out of their car seats before hugging the two kids as they cried against him now. "I promise you two, I'll call everyday and I'll be back for holidays, so expect many gifts from me." He said trying to make them feel better. After listening to him, the twins let go of their older brother and gave him kisses on the cheek. Chuckling at the adorable twins, he hugged them once more before getting out of the car. "Don't slack in practice, the games or school. We'll be there for every game." His father said to his son. Nathans' father was a coach himself, so he never wanted any of his kids to do just average in anything. "No worries, you didn't raise me for nothing." Nathan replied as he got out his duffle bag from the back of the car, dressed in a dark blue v-neck shirt, dark blue jeans and some all black nikes. Waving bye to his family, he ran into the school trying to avoid the rain.

Megan walked down the hall and out of her dorm building. She smiled at the academy. It seemed like she hadn't been there in ages. She walked around the campus looking for anyone that she'd known, especially for Matt. She tucked her phone deeper into her pocket and glanced from side to side.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(( [MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION], Am I still Chase? ))
Morgan nibbled at her nail as her mother's dark blue 2011 Mercedes Benz rolled onto the grounds of the campus. She hadn't said a word to anyone, not even her parents, for almost all week, including now while she sat in the car with her mother, her eyes fixed straight ahead on the road, hands clutched the steering wheel as the car rolled smoothly until it stopped perfectly in front of the huge mansion. Her mood had started off bad once she left a few months ago, but it had just gotten worse. There was never a time she dreaded coming back to a place more. She looked at Briarwood as her home for three years. And now she just felt like a stranger to the place and everyone in it. She'd been trying her hardest to ignore her mom for the entire ride the best she could, no matter how guilty she felt doing it. She would only think. Think about how she could get herself out of this. Maybe if she faked a medical emergency later today, she'd be able to just go home. She didn't have the heart to tell her parents how afraid she was of coming back here. She didn't want them to feel burdened. Especially not as burdened as she was. But no matter how she looked at it, this was a lose lose situation. Worst of all, her mom was catching on that she was slowly falling into depression again. But she hasn't been saying anything. And the suspense was killing Morgan the more she sat there with her. But she couldn't leave the car. Then she'd have more problems to face. Problems she didn't want to even think about while she was away, but knew she could no longer avoid.

Morgan ran her fingers through her sleek blonde hair and sighed, pressing her finger tips to her mouth and blinking at the large campus that was now surrounding her. She saw the student filing into the building, smiling with their friends, and hugging their sibling, saying farewells to their parents. Being happy. Morgan had forgotten how to do that.

"You don't have to go if you really don't want to.." said a voice, softly, calmly, but sadly.

She turned to the driver's seat to see that her mother's soft, sweet voice, tickle her ears. She was looking at her, understandingly, like she knew what she was going through. "We can go right back home.." her voice said again, voice stricken with sadness.

Now Morgan felt really horrible. How could she have made her own mother this upset for her. It was so inconsiderate. She looked into her mother's sweet understanding face, her hair that she tried to hard make perfect this morning was now fallen in her face. She kept pressing her red stained lips together. Her eyes were glistening with pools of tears, like they had been for the entire ride.

Morgan sighed again and shook her head. She couldn't bear the fact of hurting her. Her mother was like her best friend over all those painful years..

"I'm not running away again, mom.." Morgan replied to her softly, trying to be strong. If not for herself, than for her.

Her mother blinked at her then turned back to stare out the windshield, at the other families arriving.

"You don't have to be brave, Morgan." she said softly.

Morgan didn't look at her this time, she kept her eyes out the window. She felt like cursing.

"I'll be fine, mom." and on that note she pushed the car door opened and slammed it behind her before one of, and then eventually both, of them started to cry. She pulled on her leather jacket and plain white shirt underneath as she walked to the trunk, beginning to remove her things.

Logan rubbed his eyes softly and groaned as he woke up from his long nap in the car. His cousin ruffled his hair and smiled at him. "Well, Logie. You're finally here at your nerd school." he then grinned and waited patiently for Logan to give him his last good comeback before he had to go. But being tired Logan just groaned again and said, "You're just jealous.." in a tired voice and pushed his way out of the cramped car. His cousin, mildly satisfied, smiled again. "Whatever you say, f

Logan reached into the back seat and pulled out his three bags, shutting the door quickly, his main priority was to go to his dorm and finish his nap.
Dane was so sick of his parents. All summer they had been nagging him to go volunteer at his father's law firm or help out his Uncle running for Governor. Of course all of those things would have meant quitting his secret job at the restaurant downtown and putting on a suit. Two things he had no desire to do. Anyway, he spent enough time with the future politicians, lawyers and doctors of the world and heck half the time he was smarter than them all thought no one knew that. Dane worked hard to maintain his so-so grade of 3.0. It took effort screwing up quiz after quiz of multiple choice and calculating just how little he could do.

Now to say he was cynical and mad at the world would be an overstatement. He knew his way of thinking wasn't necessarily the norm and that was fine with him. Everybody had their own way of living and deep down everyone was different, but being different is scary. No one knew that he cooked except for the school chef and he could admit that. Dane didn't want to hear or deal with the crap that came along with the stereotypes and maybe he was a little afraid of them but he could deal with that.

The black Ferrari came to purring halt in front of Briarwood and the driver started to get out. "Don't worry about Joe, I got it," Dane said hopping out of the car and swinging his duffle bag over his shoulders. He could smell the rain in the air and knew he needed to move pretty quickly. With sigh he zipped his grey and brown leather jacket half way up and grunted a little as he swung his black trunk out of the car. He could see wince worried about the paint but he didn't chip anything. "Tell Mom and Dad I hope the meeting was worth it," a malicious smirk creeping across his face. He could give a rat's ass whether or not his parents drive him here and Joe knew it but his parent's didn't.
(( [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] I'd reply Chase to you but I don't know for sure if I am Chase.. ))
@Ash Autopsy Yes, you are.


And from now on, all OOC will be taken to the Character Sheet/Sign-Up thread where you may state questions, coments, concerns, and suggestions by tagging users. This will clean up the actual rp thread. Any specific questions such as the dynamics of the plot or similar other, please bring it up with me. Thank you!
Chase stuff the last of his clothes into his large black suit case. He pulled the zipper up and around the suitcase, forcing it shut. He slid on a pair of plain black jeans, a pair of combat boots, and an olive green tee shirt. He pulled on his plain grey hoodie and gelled his hair up a bit(Like in the picture.) He smiled in the mirror, satisfied with the way he looked. He slung a small navy blue duffel bag over his shoulder and grabbed his suit case walking out to the living room. Awaiting him, was his mother, who was balling her eyes out into a tissue like she did every year he went back to the academy.

She embraced him in an inescapable hug. "Be safe now. Don't drink and drive. As a matter of fact, don't drink. Keep your grades up. And don't get Morgan pregnant."

His stomach dropped at the mention of Morgan's name. He hadn't told his mother that he was confused with where they stood. He loved her but Daniella made him feel.. special. In a different way than Morgan. He just nodded uncomfortabely and pulled away.

"Please be careful." She sniffled.

He nodded, knowing that she was so worried for his sake because he was her only child. He smiled and kissed her forhead. "I promise i'll be safe. I won't be gone forever.. You'll see me over winter break."

She nodded and hugged him again. "I know."

He just smiled and hugged her. He looked at the living room clock. "Mom.. I'm gonna be late for move-in."

She let go of him and nodded.

They said their last goodbye's and he walked out the door. He shut it carefully behind him and walked to his black ford f-150 pick up truck. He slung his bags into the back and got in the driver's seat, pulling his key from his pocket. He stuck it into the slot and started the car, sitting there for a moment because his phone vibrated. He pulled it out and read the screen.

New Text Message From: Danni

Are you here yet?

He sent her a text message.

To: Danni

Leaving now, What's up?

He slid his phone back into his pocket and drove away.
(I'm working on my post. Need to edit Khloe's and then I'm gonna start on Matt's)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Music pounded through bright blue ear plugs into Khloe's ears as her father drove along the road that leaded up to Briarwood. As they drove up her father patted her hand and Khloe knew that she needed to turn off the music. She unplugged her buds and looked at her father "Yes, daddy?" she asked as she tucked a lock of dark hair behind her ear. He swallowed "I'll miss you, Khlo-Bug." he said, using her pet name. "Oh. Is that all?" she asked as she became uninterested. Her father nodded as they pulled up and kissed her cheek "Bye, Daddy." she said and pulled the handle to open the door. The sleek black metal swung open and Khloe stepped out.

She grabbed her pink and blue zebra luggage from the backseat as she texted Logan.

To: My Baby <3

Hey, baby. I'm here. Where are you?

She hurried inside waving to her father as she reached the top of the stairs.
Cameron walked along, her gaze sweeping over the heads of the other bustiling students anxious to get inside before the rain. She adjusted the strap of her duffle across her shoulder. Her pace slowed as she looked up at the sky again watching the graying clouds roll overhead and thinking how wonderfully relaxing it would be down at the rocky beaches, sitting far back against the banks under an unbrella as it rained. Knowing from personal experience in her first year she had always brought a large sturdy umbrells for the shear fact that she loved the rain. Cameron was wondering if she could just skip the "Welcome Back" assembly and dinner when she ran into one of the little eighth graders. He took a look at her, Cam blinked, and stumbled away in confusion. Her expression never really changed, unless she though there was a reason of course just minor differences that really made you have to pay attention. But somehow the absence of emotion scared the boy away even more than if she would have glared. That was the way she worked. She took in the world in full motion and in returned she absorbed it with a serious, thoughtful, and literal sense. Back in school before Briarwood, classes were too boring for her, art was the only place where she felt she could feel understood without feeling judged or pressured; so she barely passed in school on the fact that she didn't participate in earning the grade though she understood it perfectly; It was for that reason that she did not get into the advanced classes. However, when it came time for the standardized tests, it was seldom that she missed a question. That was what attracted attention, and soon after a few pychological tests and reviewing her artword, she was admitted into Briarwood Preparatory Academy with a full scholarship.

At Briarwood Cameran had challenges; a place where she could express herself and share with other people who could relate; and, of course, people--a selected few--that actually
knew her. And even fewer, someone that actually understood her. It was that moment she spotted who she was looking for. The smallest smile touched her lips. Cammie slid her hand on Dane's waist.

"Miss me?" she said and reached on her toes to kiss his cheek. If nobody else in the world, Dane probably knew her better than anyone.


Conner hung his head while he walked, thinking about what his mother had said about "crazy things" and being safe--most regrettably. He wondered why he was even thinking over her words, like any other teen, he should have tuned out the silly warnings and forgotten about them. He thought about his sister laughing, obviously she knew from personal experience shit happens and there is generally, most times, offen the case, that you couldn't, maybe, avoid it? But Briarwood was a private college prep school. What could really happen.

Out of the corner of his eye he glimpsed something. He did a double take and noticed it was Violet stuggling with her bags. They were friends, both in band and orchestra, and talked together from time to time.

"Hey Vi!" he called to get her attention as he shuffled over to help her, carrying along his load. Before she could say anything, he set his suitcase upright and unloaded the majority of her bags from her burden, slinging them over his shoulder. He held up his hand, "I got this, okay? You looked like you were having some trouble there." His lips stretched into an easy smile that seemed to touched his whole face in an un-forced expression you couldn't possibly believe was not genuine.
Daniella's phone buzzed in her hand as she made a mad dash for the dorm rooms before the rain set in. She glanced down quickly and saw that it was Chase. Her stomach fluttered despite the fact that she knew it shouldn't. He was technically taken at the moment and she shouldn't be so enthralled by another girl's guy. However that did not stop her from shooting him a reply.

To: Chase

Just curious and bored

The dorms were just ahead of her and if she moved fast enough Daniella knew she could make it before the rain set in. The girl paused beneath a tree pulling her red heels off, letting them hang by a strap from her index finger. Then she ran for it as the skies opened and water poured from the clouds. Once inside she shook her head and headed up the beautiful ivory and oak staircase. Daniella just barely resisted the urge to run her fingers across the wall paper before she entered her beautiful dorm. The rich linens and soft hues were lavish and some might say extravagant but to her they were home.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Dane was making his way through the crowds trying to get to his dorm without starting a fight. To put it plainly, unless he was in a bustling kitchen where everyone knew where they were going and what to do, he hated crowds. The worst was when parents got involved and started dragging their kid from place to place, pointing out seemingly pointless spots which to them are oddly important. Wasn't it funny how it only took him a whooping minute to get cynical, Dane could be cheerful but right now he had no time time for the oohing and awwing that surrounded him.

With a grunt he hoisted his heavy backpack filled to the brim with textbooks over his shoulder and started to take a step but something stopped him.. It was a warm hand on his waist and a whisper in his ear followed by a soft kiss. A smile crept across Dane's lips, "What a silly question, I thought you were smarter than that," he whispered spinning around and wrapping Cameron in his arms. He looked into her beautiful eyes and kissed the tip of her nose softly while his back pack fell to the ground behind him in an unceremonious heap.
As Dane turned around and she saw his smile, she melted into a smile too. His arms closed around her and her stomach seemed to dance, as always when she was around him. She dropped her bags and wrapped her arms around his waist. Cameron looked up at him and tilted her head, "A rhetorical question. I personally didn't really miss this place for a number of reasons," she nodded her head at the school. It had begun to rain somewhat lazily in a drizzle; but Cameron didn't mind, "However...I can say that I did miss it for a very few..." She ran a hand through his silky dark hair and came to rest on his cheek.
Megan looked for anyone that she knew. She adjusted her scarf again and slid her phone out of her pocket. She texted Conner.

To: Conner

Hey Conner, It's Megan (: I've been looking around campus for anyone I know but Matt's not here yet so I was wondering if maybe you wantd to hang out for a bit??
Violet heard someone call her name and looked over to see Conner coming her way. She smiled. "Hey! Nice to see you again." She let him take some of the bags and her shoulders thanked her for doing so. "Thanks so much. This is just how helpful my parents are, you know." she said with a small grin. Anyone who knew her knew she and her parents weren't on the best terms. "So how have you been?" she asked curiously. She returned his smile with her own and they started to walk towards the dorms so she could drop off all the luggage. "You're in orchestra again this year, right?"
After finding her room, Moon finished unpacking her clothes and items she brought with her. Deciding staying in her room was boring, she picked up her from, looking through her contacts to see who she'd like to see right now. Noticing Megans' number, she sent a text asking if she was free because if there was anyone she wanted to talk to, Megan was always first. Grabbing a thin red ribbon, Moon pulled her hair up into a high ponytail as she walked out of her room, heading down the stairs to see who had arrived at the school already. Upon making it to the bottom of the stairs, she was somewhat relieved to not see Matthew there yet. Though Matt and herself were keeping a secret for a while now from her best friend, she still felt that it was wrong but he kept saying some idiotic along the lines of he loved her. There were a lot of students coming into the school, some familiar and others not so much. Couples were starting to come back to together, rejoicing over their reunion. Moon had never had a real relationship and never expected to at this school, but things at this school knew how to flip your world upside down. 'My final year here, let's hope for the best...' She thought to herself as she wandered around the room, until she accidentally bumped into the power couples' male lead. 'Great just what I need..' Stepping back from him, she lowered her head a bit before apologizing for not looking. Without waiting for a response, she passed by him to search for her friend.


Looking at the time as he finished putting his things up, Nathan couldn't believe he was back at this school again. Baseball season was his season, being the MVP, he was ready to be scouted by many coaches from amazing teams. Laying upon his bed for a little bit, staring at the ceiling. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he hurried down to meet everyone who was entering the school now. Seeing Dane with a girl he wasn't familiar with, Nathan walked over and greeted his friend that he met towards the end of last school year. "Hey Dane. What's going on?" He said to the male before noticing the girl was attached to him. Nathan couldn't help finding the girl attractive, but kept that thought to himself, getting the feeling that she and Dane were more than just friends.

Dane smiled, "A few? I thought I was the singular reason you liked this school, what with me being the most amazingly thrilling guy in the world," he teased smirking like an idiot. His skin tingled as she ran her hand through his hair and across his face. He leaned forward resting his forehead on hers, just breathing in her smell. However he was broken from this moment by a voice calling his name. With a sigh he turned one arm still looped looped around Cameron. "Not much Nathan," he said feeling a few more drops of rain hit the back of his neck.
(Sorry it's short, I've been super busy with VBS at my church and stuff I've hardly had time.)

Matt was exhausted from the two day drive to Briarwood. He yawned as the driver pulled into the huge lot and pulled out his phone. He tapped quickly on the screen his thumbs moving rapidly as the driver got his luggage and took it to his room.

To: Megzy (OOC: His Pet Name)

Hey, I'm here. Where art thou my Meg?

He jumped out of the car, his keyboard in his right hand, cell in his left (OOC: He's left handed). He waited for Megan's text as he sat down, taking his key board out. He set it up and began playing 'I'm Yours' by Jason Mraz. Singing along he smiled at the girls passing by.
Megan felt her phone buzz and jumped excitedly when she saw Matt's text. She smiled and rapidly texted him back.

To: Mattikinz<3333

Finding thou Matt.

She smiled and ran around until she saw Matt, practically tackling him with a hug and kiss.
Matt kissed her back and grinned "Miss me much?" he asked as he gave the evil eye to a couple of girls giving them weird looks. He grinned and started playing a song he had composed over the summer, "Your beauty sparkles like diamonds in the sun, and the sun is your raidience shining down on me....And I realize. That my life, would be nothing without you. Ooooooo, oo, oo. Because, Meg, your my sunshine, my spotlight in the dark. your my sparkling diamond, my entire reason for existence. And without you my life would be a blank page. A black stage. A piece of unmolded clay." he paused and looked at her "That's why I need you...That's why I want you...And that's why...I love you."
Matt smiled and kissed her back "I love you more, Megzy." he said as he pulled back. He ran a hand through her hair and gave the evil eye again to the same girls. He moved his keyboard out of the way "I'm calling it Meg's song and plan on recording it and downloading it to your phone." he said "So you can always remember me. Even when we're apart." He kissed her once more.

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