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Fantasy Breathe Life into Me

He shook his head. “Just you... how’re you feeling love?” He asked quietly, trailing patterns on her skin to help himself stay grounded right now.

carmen frowned when someone came over and she stood from from her spot in the trees, shifting back to find it was just Pedro. “What happened?” She asked him quietly, still cradling her injured arm to herself. A wound from a mate lasted longer than most so the deep claw marks were still clearly visible.
Max frowned softly and held him close kissing his cheek gently "I'm okay...my body hurts all over." She said quietly whimpering as a huge wave of pain hit her and her fever start to get worse

Pedro made his way out to Carmen to search for her and let her know the news. He frowned when he found her and sighed "His mother....I'm sorry I don't know her name....she um she passed in her sleep." He explained frowning more when he saw her arm "Carmen what the fuck happened?" He growled
She frowned and sat down on a tree stump looking up at him in shock a little. “She’s gone?” She whimpered quietly, starting to cry until she heard him mention her arm. “Oh ... he grabbed me and he wouldn’t let go and... he let his claws out cause he was so angry.” She mumbled quietly.

He nodded and moved to sit on the floor, thanking the youngster that brought him some water and a flannel, gently dabbing at her face and neck. “Shh, I’m here, it’s alright love I’ve got you.” He coaxed gently. “Here, let me take some of it.” He murmured, taking her hand. “Relax” he told her before concentrating and making sure to take away as much of the pain from her as he could manage to.
Pedro frowned and moved to sit next to her "Yeah....I'm afraid so." He said quietly before he wrapped his arms around her "Why was he mad?" He asked softly

Max took a deep breath and frowned lokking at him confused as he held her hands "What are you-" though soon she felt her pain start to reduce "What did you do?" She asked quietly
He smiled some and kissed her head. “Transferring pain.... that’s part of what you can do for your mate... you don’t have to take all of it.” He murmured, keeping her close.

she sniffled a little and rest her head on his shoulder. “His brother was egging him on a bit... I can’t seem to get pregnant... he thinks I’m gonna start sleeping with you... he’s always a little paranoid anyway... could be anything.” She mumbled, wiping her tears.
Max gave a small nod and kissed his cheek gently "This will be over for the next shift right? Its just this bad for the first time?" She asked quietly shivering some and pulling the blanket closer

Pedro frowned some and sighed heavily "Well Carmen, I love you, you're gorgeous, but I don't want to sleep with you." He said giving a small chuckle "His brother is Alpha too right?"
She managed a little smiled and just nudged his shoulder "I should hope not, it might feel a little incestuous." She mumbled, "Yeah, Travis is the older brother too... he's never been strong enough to hold the position though and he's not exactly leadership material." She explained. "You would make a better alpha than him and we both know you're far too chilled to make decisions." She pointed out, sitting with him a while longer until everyone was coming out and she stood, hugging him tightly, "I'm gonna go see him, Be safe tonight." She told him before heading inside and up to get Charlie, having to unlock the door but went in and lay with him, "We're needed downstairs love." She murmured, rubbing his back gently.

He nodded and kept holding her hand gently, "I promise you okay?" He murmured, giving her hand a squeeze and sitting there with her the whole day, late into the afternoon as the sun was beginning to set, standing up and carrying her out to the back while everyone was getting themselves ready.
Max whimpered more as he took her outside and cried out in pain as she felt her bones start to shift "Trav...." she whimpered seeing him in wolf form before she blacked out

Charlie looked over at Carmen as she came in and gave a heavy sigh nodding some "Alright...come here...please." he whispered reaching out for her "I'm sorry....I know it doesn't make anything better but I shouldn't have hurt you." He said quietly sighing heavily
She frowned and sat next to him, smoothing his hair back, "No you shouldn't have... You do it again and I'll scar you do I make myself clear?" She asked him before leaning down and hugging him tightly "Come on baby, they're gonna set up for us to give her a proper burial tomorrow." She murmured, kissing his cheek and held onto him.

He shifted as hers was starting, staying close as he possibly could, gently nudging her and whimpering a little, pacing in circles until she lay there as a wolf and he padded closer, laying next to her and wrapping himself around her, nudging her head with his own until she came to "Hey there gorgeous."
Charlie gave a nod and held her close to him before he got up and sighed heavily "Alright...lets make our way out." He murmured kissing the top of her head gently before making his way outside with her

Max woke up in a bit of a daze huffing before her blurry vision cleared and her eyes were on Travis "Trav? Is it done?" She asked feeling completely out of it but she could tell she did not feel like a human at the moment. She glanced at the ground and noticed her paws before she slowly walked to him and nuzzled against him.
Travis smiled and nudged her gently, "It's done baby, here, come with me." He told her, helping her find her feet while they waited for Carmen and his brother, showing her the basics "Everything else you're gonna let instinct take over okay? We're gonna go for a smaller hunt tonight, show you how we do things." He told her, licking at her a little until he heard his brother's call, seeing they were both finally outside and he held back only for a few moments before taking off witrh Max hot on his heels... He spent a good hour or so with her, teaching her how to take down small prey and eating with her before he heard the howls in the distance and he jumped up, listening for another minute "We gotta go... Follow me." He told her quickly, taking off with her again and taking the long route back towards the house "You're going to stay hidden. You haven't trained enough for this yet love, I'll be back as soon as I can." He promised, taking her to the garage. "Wait in here... Please." He begged quietly, pressing his head to hers momentarily before leaving to join his pack and help drive the intruders away

Carmen shifted once they were out the back door and before anyone could see her arm, making her way down the porch steps and looked over at Max and Travis frowning a little. He was certainly exuding more of an alpha presence than before but she stayed close to Charlie's side until he called and let everyone go off on a hunt, walking a little aways from everyone else with him. Neither of them were in the mood to give chase to anything right nw and she was trying to give him the comfort she knew he needed. It all seemed to be going fairly well and she was about to suggest to Charlie that they try for a small hunt by themselves, looking over to see him about 30 metres ahead of her when she felt something slam into her side and tackle her to the ground, followed by the sound of another pack howling and she was quickly separated from Charlie as more wolves flooded their territory, with the intent to steal it tonight..
Max smiled happily as she started to get the hang of things making sure to follow as close to Travis as she could when Charlie and Carmen came out. She hunted with him and everything was starting to kick in just like he said it would. That was until they heard the howling on the way back. She followed him to the garage and gave a nod when he told her to stay "I will hide in here." She told him before running off to hide.

Charlie walked around behind everyone sighing heavily as he glanced at Carmen here and there. He was in no mood to hunt or really do much of anything at the moment. He just wanted to be with his mate away from everyone. He frowned though when heard a growl and howling in the distance. He tensed as he saw a few ganging up on Carmen and immediately went after them until he was rammed from the side from this packs Alpha. He growled and went at it with him but soon felt his power start to fade as he felt more pain seep through him knowing now that Carmen was injured in some way.
Carmen snarled at them, trying to get to a place where she could use speed to her advantage and get out of the way so that she would have a chance but while she was busy focusing on the two large males pushing her back she didn't notice the femal coming up behind and launching at her, barely able to move as she was being ripped to shreds. It was all she could manage to eventually scramble away, making it a few steps towards the house before collapsing in the dirt, letting the sounds wash over her until she heard Pedro's voice above her, seeing through blurry vision that Travis and Charlie were at each other's throats but she couldn't move or do anything about it.

The skirmish only lasted the better part of half an hour and in the end it was Travis that managed to drive them away, with his brother weakened by the injuries to his mate, he saw his chance and he took it. He waited until the last of that pack had been driven off before launching himself at his brother and tackling him to the ground, getting up and shifting back, "Josh go collect Max. She's in the garage." He muttered, "She won't wanna miss this." He muttered, blocking Charlie's path to his mate. "Right here, right now.... I am challenging you on the grounds you are no longer fit to be alpha of this pack." He snarled at him, shifting and going at him again.
Max came out shifted to human form and frowned some seeing Travis going at it with Charlie. She frowned and whimpered some seeing how everyone had shifted back looking battered and wounded. She gasped softly as she noticed Carmen and then turned her attention back to Travis wanting him to stop but she could tell if she did she would be serverly wounded

Charlie fended off as much as he could before he collapsed on the ground grunting some trying his best to get to Carmen as he shifted back so he could help her. He frowned as he looked at Travis shaking his head some "No! Not now! A challenge is a fair fight you coward!" He yelled bit when Travis started in on him he had no choice but to shift back and start the battle. He got up using the last of his energy to take a few good lunges at his brother getting some good bites and scratches in on him. However, once Travis sunk is teeth into his neck and his claws into his chest, Charlie could do no more.
He didn’t care what Charlie thought right now and took his younger brother down with ease, stepping back and shifting. “Leave. Take your mate and go now.” He told him seriously. “You are no longer welcome in a pack you bullied for years.” He told him, stepping away and called for eveeyone else to head inside to get sorted with injuries, locking the baxk door once it was just carmen, charlie and pedro left out there.

Carmen was trying her best to even turn to look around but she couldnt lift her head, finallg hearing charlies voice right by her and just looked up at him frowning some. “It’s just... a scratch.” She mumbled, fighting to stay conscious as she’d been ripped to shreds and now they were being denied help from the pack. She was listening to Pedro tell him they needed to get to somewhere that was dry and could hold warmth, crying out in pain as Charlie lifted her but slumped against him, mumbling incoherently
Max frowned some as she walked inside with the rest of them following Travis up to their room to check him over "Trav....babe are you sure its best you kick him out?" She asked softly seeing something different in him right now and she didn't know if she liked it or not.

Charlie frowned about to protest but he knew he couldn't. He rushed to Carmen and shook his head some "Shh.." he whispered before he turned to Pedro and gave a small nod "Lets go." He muttered lifting her up the best he could before he walked off trying to find a place for them to stay.
He frowned but nodded. “I know it seems harsh but otherwise all were gonna have is a back and forth of him trying to take his position back... plus the pack can’t stand carmen, she’s always been too tough on everyone without pulling her own weight.” He pointed out “Are you alright? No one found you did they?”

She was fading in and out of consciousness until she came to laid out by a fire in the small log cabin that was on the very edge of their territory. It had been an old hunting lodge years ago but was abandoned now and the perfect spot for them to have some kind of shelter. She looked up at Charlie and frowned seeing the worry on his face. “I’ll be alright.” She mumbled, weakly reaching for his hand but her wounds weren’t healing like they should be and she didn’t know that Charlie could feel her slipping.
Max gave a small nod and sighed some "Alright, no I was safe. I heard some people by the window though. It sounded like they were looking for something or someone in particular." She explained before she wrapped her arms around him "Are you okay? I can feel some of your pain." She murmured

Charlie walked to the log cabin at the edge of their territory knowing that no one would come for them there and collapsed infront of the fire Pedro had started. He kept Carmen close but the pain of feeling her fading was becoming almost too intense for him to handle. He looked her over in worry and gave a small nod "Rest love." He whispered before he kissed her gently
Carmen frowned some and watched him as she passed out again with Pedro helping him get her shirt peeled off so they could assess the damage better. 'I'm gonna see if I can find some blankets or something." He told him quietly, leaving him to privacy with her while he searched the place from top to bottom.

He frowned some "Did you hear a name or anything?" He asked her, pulling her down onto his lap as he sat on the couch. "I'm okay, a few scrapes and maybe some internal bruising but it will be gone by morning." He assured her, smiling a little and nuzzling his face into the side of her neck
Charlie looked her over whimpering quietly when he saw how deep the wounds were. He could almost see straight through her. He looked over at Pedro and gave a heavy sigh "Anything?" He asked quietly

Max sat with him and cuddled up close "No I could barely make it out, but I heard them say 'I don't see him anywhere.' I guess they're looking for a guy." She explained before she cuddled up to him again "I love you." She murmured before kissing him lovingly
He shook his head, "Just one, I'm gonna go get some water from the stream we passed on the way, they need to be cleaned out." He frowned as he looked over at her, swallowing hard and passed charlie the blanket to keep her warm.

She came around again a few minutes later, looking up at him and frowned "Did they get you bad?" She asked him quietly. "I think... I think someone caught me with claws, I think I'm alright though... Charlie... you okay?" she asked hoarsely.

He frowned but nodded and kept her close smiling "I love you too, you're my queen." He murmured to her, pressing her forehead to his. "From here on out, no one will be able to lay a finger on you, they'll have to face me first and no one would dare challenge my position... No one in this pack is an alpha except Charlie and they're gone, they won't bother us anymore.
Max smiled softly at him and gave a small nod before kissing him again "My king..." she murmured letting her hands travel all over him giggling as he flipped her over "Mmm I think you deserve a congradulatory treat."

Charlie gave a heavy sigh and nodded some letting him go off before he placed the blanket over Carmen. He gave a weak smile as she started coming around and shook his head some "I'm okay love....you are too." He whispered still feeling her slip through his fingers ever so slowly
She frowned some and just tried to swallow, looking around confused. “I don’t ... I don’t feel so good.” She told him quietly, reaching for his hand and gripping it as right as she could, whimpering in pain as the cold was leaving her by the fire she was able to focus more on the pain going through her, just about able to hear Pedro come back in with some water. “Pedge... he... Diego.... mate.” She managed to tell him, running out of energy fast and soon passed out for the night.

he grinned and spent the rest of the night in bed with her, getting up early the next morning and making his way downstairs to go sort out breakfast for everyone, finding max down there making coffee. “Morning.” He yawned some, pecking her cheek and took the mug from her hands that he gave her. “I need to get into carmens computer. I need to access all of our budgets and whatnot but she never let anyone else help so I might have to hack into it.
Charlie frowned when he saw her face contort in pain. He took a deep breath and looked at Pedro as he came in frowning at the name she gave. He raised an eyebrow looking at him "Who is Diego?"

Max woke up that next morning and yawned some as Travis came down handing him a cup of coffee "Good Morning." She murmured kissing him gently "I'm sure you can do it." She murmured as she pulled out some things to make everyone breakfast for the morning
He frowned as he listened to her, tearing off the edge of the blanket and soaked it in the water before starting to clean her wounds some. “My brother.... also the one who burnt our home to the ground and murdered the rest of our pack. I don’t know why she’s talking about him though.” He muttered.

Travis stood up and frowned when someone started banging on the door, goin to answer it and frowned more when he saw a stranger stood out there looking furious. “Can I help you?” He questioned him, standing tall. The other guy was definitely not an alpha so travis had the upper hand but he wasn’t about to relax or let his guard down

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