Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

Mac sat in the dark room. residing in the loneliness of his own thoughts. There was some sort of droning hum that had been going on for hours. He really wished to eat, but as the day dragged on in the darkness, no food was offered. Maybe they were just afraid of giving him an arm to move. They had taken away all of his physical freedom and put him in such an environment as to make him hate his mental freedom. Every time he would start thinking, he would just get depressed. His friends couldn't have known that this would happen. The most logical plan of action would be to break him out after he had healed up a little. Every time he thought, he tore down another wall of hope he had built. Tears freely rolled down his cheeks. That was his freedom. That was his only way off the table, tears.
Kamryn's gaze narrowed as she heard they would be battling one another today. She really hated doing that because more often then not she would lose... and she really hated to lose. Still, maybe she could figure something out with the new found power, right? Kamryn envisioned the flame in her mind once more and fed her thoughts and worries to it so that her mind would be at peace. Watching a couple of her friends battle and lose made the calm waiver a moment but it held in the end.

Facing off against what appeared to be an elemental Kraya, Kamryn felt at ease. She stared unflinchingly at the Elemental who, in return, glared back at her. They seemed to be on even ground- neither wanting to lose. When the bell sounded the Elementalist gained a look of concentration and Kamryn was surprised when nothing went flying in her direction. nothing really changed. Or nothing seemed to have changed at first... Kamryn noticed that her limbs seemed especially heavy as if they were weighed down and she noticed that when she tried to move it took a lot of effort. She looked at the Kraya in confusion but she was still holding her concentration.

Pushing aside the strangeness of not being able to move Kamryn focused on making an illusion. It wasn't difficult but the problem was the Elementalist didn't go for it, focusing only on Kamryn... and it wasn't like Kamryn could believably make the creature leap at the Kraya if she was held down herself... she gave it a shot though. The Illusion went straight through the other Kraya but it broke the connections long enough for Kamryn to focus into a new illusion. Strangely enough she still felt really heavy and then all of a sudden she was getting lighter... and soon her feet were no longer touching the ground. Quickly morphing her illusion (which had previously been a tiger) into a bird she had it swoop down at the Kraya.

The Elemental Kraya swatted it away, actually knocking the bird aside instead of going through. Kamryn felt the blow but she ignored it, feeding the thoughts to the flame still as she made the bird larger and swoop at the Kraya again while she physically floated higher into the air. When the bird smacked into the other Kraya once more Kamryn fell out of the sky and hit the ground hard. She lost her flame and the bird vanished. The bell rang before any more excitement could go down.

Feeling strangely calm about this... in an almost chilled way... she headed over to where she saw her friends hanging out... watching and waiting for Jo to finish her battle so they could go rescue Mac... because that was the plan, right? It seemed to be the next plan of action...

(OOC: Gravity Elementalist... thank you Silver for being strange in the morning xD It's my roommate, I asked her what a good element was and she said 'Balance'. And then brought up the element of surprise... ergo Gravity xD )
"You just HAD to be a water elemental didnt you?" Jo said trying to stand up again after a 4th time of slipping to the ground. The kraya couldnt directly attack her since she was invisble, but he could creat huge waves around himself that would push her to the floor. He laughed shortly at Jo's comment "Hey Im going easy on you dont deny it!" He said in a mocking tone.

This happened often, at least to Jo. Some krayas as well as herself didnt see the point on putting too much violence on each other, it was just training. There was no need to really go all out with their energy to the point of putting other's life in risk. But of course that wasnt the case for everyone either. There were some Krayas that really enjoyed the thrill of a fight, letting themselves get too caught up in the adrenaline rush...they were lucky if a guard stopped them before killing anyone... Jo shook her head when she realized she was spacing out so much.

The fight just went along very softly. As they both kind of joked with it. When the bell rang Jo was on the floor again after slipping. The elemental went to help her up and she pulled him to the ground "I guess I win" She said in a joking tone, helped him back up and waved him goodbye.
Mac was lost in his thoughts. He tried to feel the energy of his Paradign. Something familiar, something warm. Yet it had been all but extinguished when his fire was forcibly put out. At one point he thought he felt a faint sign, but then came another neural shock from the computer. It was taking imprints of his brain activity. Was it deliberately drawing him through these thoughts? Did he even have control over that?

Feeling an entire lack of hope, Mac closed his eyes and let himself fall asleep. If he was going to be erased, he may as well be at peace.
After the last of the battles were competed class was dismissed. Crystal was impressed by the others battles, even if some of them had lost. Each of them had their own strengths and weaknesses. "diversity is good in a team" she thought. Crystal looked at Darekk then got up and headed to the library hoping that the others would soon meet her there.
Kamryn recognized the girl from earlier though she couldn't recall her name. She looked purposeful, however, so she followed after her... why not, right? It wasn't like she had anything better to do or anything really to lose... they had to figure out how to help Mac. She stretched before folding her hands behind her head and following the girl at an easy pace, falling in step behind her. After awhile Kamryn realized they were headed to the library and she couldn't help but feel enthusiastic about where this could be headed... maybe the girl had a plan? That was a little too much to hope for but why not at least allow a little excitement, right?
A man was walking down the path to the facility that was given to him on the map. The uniform was on his person as well as a big bag on his back. He looks to be normal except for the lower face mask on his face. He sees the facility as he walks to the front door. "Hmm so this is the place" he though as opens the front door. He looks around almost cautious as if somethig was going to spring up at anytime.
Jo was heading to the showers when a guard stopped her.

"You are Hudson right?" He said in a loud monotone.

"Last time I checked" She said with a smile to the guard, he looked at her with bitter eyes. "Yes sir.." She said after clearing her throat.

"See the student over there?" He replied. "Give him so orientation of the school"

Jo looked at the guard confused, she doubted to respond back. "..But new krayas never get orientation..."

The guard looked down at her with an annoyed look and a snarky smiled "Principal's orders"

Jo flinched with that phrase, she lowered her head and nodded. She just wanted to go take a quick shower yet this whole surreal situation kept interrupting her schedule one way or another. She walked to the entrance where the Kraya was standing, he looked roughly Darekk's age.

She shook her head a bit, after all, just because things werent going her way it didnt mean innocent bistanders didnt deserve any kindness. In the end, they were all just dragged to this institution, took from their homes or picked up from their streets just to get most of their memories erased...But if the principal was behind this...she wasnt sure what to expect.

She gave him a warm smile and made a friendly head gesture tilting to the side. "Hey...uhm, my name is Joey Hudson, apparently Im in charge of showing you around..." She took a big breath and mumbled some random things trying to figure out what would be appropriate to say "I know this whole....situation may seem..confusing, If you have some headaches or blurry memories...thats normal too; dont worry it'll be fine" Without thinking it too much Jo got on the tip of her toes to pat the kraya's head. She snapped out of it pretty quickly and blushed a bit. The whole situation reminded her of Darekk too much and she spaced out again. She was so embarrased she could bearly look at him, she kept her head low. " So uhm, if y-you could follow me.. I, I'll show you the basics.." She said with a soft voice.

((OOC: I thought it was an easy way to intagrate the new character ºwº ))
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"Alright can you please show me around" kaito said but in a really cold voice. It almost seem he was angry but in reality he was trying his best. He stood thier infront of her as he waits for her to show him around. "Great that had to come out my mouth" he thought as he gave a internal sigh. His memories were a bit blurred as he figured out that some are hard to remember. He had enough though as he knows what he can do and what he was capable of. He looks around to see the guard walk away he gave them a light glare when thier back was turned before he looks at the girls infront of him. "The name is kaito.....kaito obscuro" he said again in another cold voice as the face mask on his face would make it hard to read what expression he has on
Mac was woken by a silence. Not so much a silence of noise, but a silence of the neural probing. The computer had finished its analysis. That was earlier than expected! Would it still wait the rest of the day to start it's next cue, or was this it? Mac waited, his eyes darted around in the suspense, were these his last moments?
Jo turned around to see the kraya talking to some girls. Jo got impatient as she had yet to take her shower and change into her pajamas. She tapped the floor with her foot with an anxious movement, then just snapped and decided to grab him and drag him around the school to get the tour over as soon as expected. "If you can excuse us..." She said getting in between them and looking up at him. She started walkign while grabbing his arm "I promise you'll have time to be a cassanova in a near future, for now, let continue the tour." She walked in a fast pace, as fast as she could considering she was dragging someone along. "This way you get to the main area, the caferia conects the halls for the dorms, left for girls, right for boys." Jo turned around a corner rapidly "Over here are the classrooms, The number above the door should help you find your classroom..." jo pointed to a hall at the end of the hall "That way you get to the showers, left for girls, right for boys." Jo stared at the end of the hall in an almost nostalgic look. She turned around walking towards the library, that outta be it, the other floors are teacher's offices, experiment labs, the infirmary and ..the principal's office, which you could only go with special permission...

As they reached the library, Jo peaked inside and saw Kamryn walking behind the new girl. She looked at them in glee and stopped flat. "Look those girls over there? You can go get them cassanova, I wish you luck, see you around!" Jo said almost pushing the Kraya towards the girls. She made some signs to Kamryn trying to tell her that it was fine to talk to him, she wasnt sure if Kamryn had got the message, but before she would give it any second thoughts she almost ran towards the showers, that were of course mostly full and there was bearly any warm water. Jo gave a little kick to the floor, she planned on getting a quick shower, changing, and maybe go back to the library to talk to Kamryn...
She was floating, someone was there, who was that? It's not Ma... Or Pa. Who is that?

"I can't come down, I'm not ready, She won't accept me,"

They were shaking her, what are they doing, NO!

They can't hurt her, "I won't get back, don't hurt her..." Flashes of panic, she lashed out.

"Get away from her, she's mine,"

She was in him, she walked him away, out the door, down the street, take him far far away...

Back. She was back in her body. She hugged it.

"Mine," she whispered.

Amalie sat in her body again, she was fine. She wouldn't be trapped out, ever again. Ma looked at her funny, she looked, scared? Amalie didn't know. Why would Ma be scared, Amalie was in her body again, Amalie was safe.

"Amie, you have to go," Ma was whispering.

"Why are you whispering? Who's Amie?" Ma looked sad when she said that. Pa was yelling. There was a smash.

"No!" Ma screamed. Amalie covered her ears. "Amalie, Amalie!" Why won't she stop screaming..


"She controlled him, right out the door,"

"She was bleeding, having a seizure or something, then she was fine again,"



"What does it want?"

"Ma?" Amalie sat up. "Ma?"

No answer. She looked at herself. There was blood all over her sweater. She'd had that dream again. The one about when that, thing had happened.

Ma was there now, she was smoothing Amalie's hair now. "Shh, baby it's okay," She said. But Amalie could feel it, it wasn't okay.

"Ma?" without looking up, she knew he was there, someone. "Who is he?" She said. Ma started to cry and the man walked over. He wanted Amalie to walk with him, and Ma didn't want her to.

The man grabbed her arm, and Ma said "Just go, ignore what you feel, it'll be worse if you don't," she sniffed and ushered them away. Amalie could see the blood on Ma too. Amalie's blood, from the dream.

It wasn't until Amalie was far away, when she realised, that hadn't been Amalie's blood. It had been Ma's.

"Where are we?" Amalie said for the millionth time. She looked at her feet when she spoke. Blood down the sink, does blood roll off duck feathers like water? The man still didn't reply. They all acted weird around her, handling her like they didn't want to touch her, like they were scared. One man had gloves on.

"This is your room," he said. Where is my room? There are other rooms, other beds, where are those people?

She could feel herself getting worked up. The men are gone. Where, where, where? A scream built up in her chest, to her throat, and burst out, but it wasn't her scream, it was her.

Floating, she could see her body, it's on the floor, it's bleeding. Not the little, normal nose bleed, she'd hurt herself. Was it bad? Would she be able to get it? She tried to force her way in. It was alive, but she still couldn't get in.

Where, where, wherewherewhere?

((OOC sorry it's so long, I won't make my actual ones this long :) Just needed to introduce her a little))
Crystal turned around and looked at Kamryn. "We'll I guess we can start planning while we wait for the others." She said. "I have two different, yet similar plans and I want your opinion on which one we should use. One involves us saving Mac then hiding him and waiting to escape this place for a bit longer. The other involves us rescuing Mac and escaping at the same time. What do you think we should do?"
Kamryn nodded... they could catch the others up as soon as they joined in, anyway. "I believe we should try and do both at the same time... because if they catch us trying to hide Mac then we'll be in the same position as him. And who knows what's being done to him at the moment so the sooner we get out of here, the better." Kamryn said softly, gaze moving around to make sure there was no one in ear shot that couldn't be trusted.
Amalie could feel herself losing control, she was out that door, through halls and rooms, she didn't know where. Her connection with her body grew weaker and weaker until she could no longer stretch any further.

Tears welled in her eyes, and a table next to her smashed into splinters. The sound was enough for her to lose her footing and go shooting back through the halls, the rooms, breaking fragile glasses and the occasional chair as she was pulled through walls and into her body with a snap.

She sat up with a gasp. Back in her room, her hands and head slick with blood from a cut on her head. And she cried again.
"That's what u was thinking too. Ok so for this plan we need someone who's good at hacking into things to find out just where they are hiding Mac. Once we have his location a chameleon will have to sneak in there and release him. While that is happening I can freeze the entire school and all the security systems with in. Here's the hard part though I've never frozen anything this big and I have no idea how long I can hold it for but I could guess it would last about 10 minutes before it starts to thaw. So within that time we need to be out if the facility and running away as fast as possible to put some distance between us and here. What do you think?"
Kaito was a bit confused at the action of that girl who was supposed to show him around. He basically felt like he was a do key who was pulled and shown places for a second then just dropped off into a stable. He looks at the library infront of him as he did notice 2 girls off to the corner talking to each other. He walks in as he scans the are really quick to see if thier was any danger of going in. He wonder what both of those girls were talking about
Darekk looked up and saw Zak sitting by his side, so he started getting up and in the process crouched near Zak's ear "Library, plan, now"he whispered him, then stood up and started looking for Kamryn and Jo, neither of them were there so he just entered the building and started walking towards the library.

On his way there he saw Jo walking, she had her hair wait so she was probably coming from the showers, he grabbed her by the arm softly and whispered her about the library meeting, then kept walking as if nothing had happened
Zak's eyes widen as Darekk gets up for the meeting, he still had the remnants of the splitting headache, but it wasn't going to stop him from attending the meeting. He totters to his feet and shakes his head before in the direction of the library. In his mind, breaking Mac out and escaping with everyone relatively unscathed was completely in the realm of possibility, if they could come up with a good enough plan. He takes a glance at his hands to see a few parts of his arms had glowing green bumps over them, how helpful would he even be to the group? He had the guard equipment, but when it came to sneaking his power was useless. Regardless of his thoughts, he gets to the library and sees Darekk walking towards Crystal, Kamryn and some other boy, approaching with suspicion as he listens for what, if anything, people had decided. He supposed if he new boy was here, then he was trustworthy to the group, but not to him.
Jo changed into her pajamas and strted walking to let her stuff in her room. Along the way she saw Darekk; she tried to pretend not to see him but then realized he was walking directly towards her. He mentioned a meeting in the library and figured thats why the new girl and Crystal were there. Starting to regret her decition to leave a new kraya with 2 people plotting on escaping, Jo walked fastly towards the library to check that everything was ok. As she was almost running she starting slowing down more and more as she gave a deeper thought to the whole situation. In the end, the whole idea of escaping still made her feel dizzy and anxious. She was not only secrettly plotting againts the school, but she now also hold information from the same people they were trying to run away from, and she just couldnt speak any of it.

She got to the library walking in a normal pace, She saw Darekk, Zak, Kamryn and the new krayas, now there were 2 of them...who knows how much the group would grow before they actually escaped. Jo shook her head and approached the group, she didnt really greet anyone there. But she gave a subtle smile to Kamryn and Darekk. She went to ask for her same books so that the whole situation didnt look too weird to the guard. She got 8 books of her usual material to bring to the table near to everyone. She sat down quietly and waited for them to naturally do so as well. This situation has getting more tangible by the hour...
Crystal watched as everyone else finally arrived at the library. "About time" she thought. There was also a new boy within the mix and Crystal stared at him coldly. "Can we really trust him? Ehhh what the hay even if he is a spy we will be long gone by the time he can report us" she thought. "Ok guys so here's my idea to rescue Mac and escape. So for this plan we need someone who's good at hacking into things to find out just where they are hiding Mac. Once we have his location a chameleon will have to sneak in there and release him. While that is happening I can freeze the entire school and all the security systems with in. Here's the hard part though I've never frozen anything this big and I have no idea how long I can hold it for but I could guess it would last about 10 minutes before it starts to thaw. So within that time we need to be out if the facility and running away as fast as possible to put some distance between us and here. What do you think?"
"I don't mind doing this but I have a question is thier anyone I need to kill" kaito said in a very cold tone as he looks at her with a serious expression. The value of human life was a bit lost to him as he had gone through therapy. He never found life of another to be so valuable because with a simple twist of the neck it can just end. It was like a flame to him sometimes useful but easily snuffed out. He sits at the table as his overall presence seem to give off a bit of a cold aura
Zak squinted a little and the new kid, was he for real? "Hopefully, we won't need to even harm anyone." He says in a toxic tone, it only made his distrust him even more, but Crystal had already relayed the plan, so he supposed he had to deal with it... for now, at least. "Sounds like a plan, Crystal. I've had access to the systems a few times so I suppose I can find Mac." He was eager to get started, the longer Mac was gone, the longer he was in pain, and he couldn't stand the thought of it, but he knew that rushing a plan like this would lead to failure. "What will we do about the guards? I have the armor that can protect us for a few shots, but they don't need an alarm for a guard to see a bunch of Krayas running for the door with his own eyes." Zak figured they'll need a distraction of some sort.

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