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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy


I didn't Ask to be a Unicorn, I was Born that Way

Bouvardia Academy


(Grades 7 through 12)

Welcome to Bouvardia Academy, home of the Dragons!

Here at Bouvardia we offer a variety of classes that will help boost your strengths within the fine arts, and have hired the most accoladed staff in the country. Our school is located on an island just outside of Hawaii, so expect beaches and warm weather when you’re not working on that art project!

We have dorms for those who don’t wish to stay in the surrounding hotels, and provide on-campus restaurants to meet your daily needs.

The rules of our academy are as followed:

1) No boys in the girl’s dormitory after ten and vice versa

2) Nobody out of their dorms past curfew which is ten o’clock

3) Failure to attend a class after five days absence leads to immediate expulsion

4) Being tardy for class more than 3 times will lead to detention

5) Everything created within the walls of this school must be PG

6) No weapons of any sort are allowed on campus

7) No alcohol or drugs are allowed on campus

8) Skateboarding, biking, rollerblading etc. is prohibited on campus

9) Nobody may leave campus during the week

10) No pets allowed

Failure to comply with any of the rules above will lead to severe punishment.

Here at Bouvardia we offer a wide variety of dances, parties, and teambuilding experiences. Be prepared for our beginning of the year bonfire and Obstacle course, and our dances twice a semester.

There is also a hospital five miles off campus in case of any emergencies.

Come and enjoy your stay in this paradise of a school!

We will amplify your talents and make you become a pro at what you do. Enjoy your stay at Bouvardia!

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7:45. Almost time for class. Mr. Brooks sat in his office, reclining in his padded chair. He had yet to see a student at all today. It was almost as if for a moment he was back at home with his dog, Sally, and reading the paper. Yet, he was reading something else: the newest Barone's edition of AP language and rhetoric. He wasn't per se taking a class anymore, but it gave him ideas on what to do for class today. School had been in session for a week now. He was just getting to know everyone, as well. Everyone was off on this nice summer day, mentally. The air condition was the only reassurance there was such a thing as cold. Class began in 13 minutes, Brooks thought to himself as he got up from his chair and exited into the hallway.
Danni was rushing to class. Her first period was Creative Writing, all the way on the other side of the school. She hadn't checked her wrist watch in about ten minutes but she knew she was on the verge of being late. There couldn't have been more than five minutes max before the tardy bell ring, if she was lucky. Her hair was still dripping from the shower she took that morning, and her green army jacket had fallen to her elbows, but she had no time to fix it. She was sprinting. Kids watched her pass with strange looks and scowls as she bumped into them. She couldn't be bothered with their lack of understanding. "Sorry!" she yelled over her shoulder, to anyone who would take it, before skidding to a halt in front of the classroom just in time for someone to walk out of it. She smacked face-first into her teacher, falling flat on her back. Her messenger bag flew in the air, and everything she carried in it flew away. Stray pages of a book she was writing, her sheet music, even some crude sketches of fashion designs for when she would eventually make it on a big tour. It was on the floor for the world to see. As if that wasn't bad enough, some stupid kid stomped their muddy shoes on the lyrics to the new song she was writing. She could have cried.

Cleanup on aisle 4... the professor thought to himself as he felt the student collide off of him. Her stuff went all over, flying onto the vicinity from where she fell. What somewhat angered him is the disrespect that the other students showed for her. It was time to act. "The next student who ignores or steps on Danni's stuff will be sent to detention!" he bellowed in an annoyed yet irate tone into the hallway. The hall went silent. He was known to produce such an effect. The teacher bent over, his blue silk tie hanging down to the ground like a pendulum. He helped her collect her belongings, admiring the drawings as he aided her. "You mean to tell me that you have aspirations so immaculate?" Mr. Brooks said with sincerity, "I do hope your classmates render some respect to you. Such a shame. Did you complete the free-write I assigned?" he asked as he straightened himself out.

Kylie made her way to her first class, it was basically like chorus, just working on vocals. Kylie had woken up early enough to curl her hair, she put on a light grey zip up hoodie with dark wash colored jeans and her white high top Nikes. As she walked to class she had her headphones in the music wasn't up too loud but she would hear herself sing as she got closer to the class room. She walked into the classroom and sat towards the back row, she as excited to see what the other students had to bring and what they were capable of. She had a few minutes before the class was supposed to start. She along with a few other students were singing to the music they were listening to, she did get a few strange looks when a rap song came on and she knew every word.
"Oh crap! I'm so sorry!" Carolyn said, picking up the sheet of music. "I didn't see it..." She examines the paper trying to wipe of the mud with her nails. She frowns, defeated. "I really didn't mean to, I hope you can forgive me." She says reaching down picking up more random sheets of paper off the floor. She hands the papers to the girl. "Again, I'm sorry. I can tell by your expression that those meant something to you... Maybe I can make it up to you somehow? Maybe lunch on me?" She smiles, and adjusts her black backpack on her shoulder.
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"Yes sir," Danni grumbled before turning to the girl who had ruined her song. She only hoped she could remember it. "Uh... just don't get mud on it and you've got a deal." Danni smiled, scrambling to pick up her stuff. "Thanks Mr. Brooks and... Carolyn, right?" Danni asked. She paid attention to detail more than others, and she always heard the girl's voice when that named was called for role.
Carolyn laughs, "I'll try my best not to. I'm sorry, but I'm not the best with names..." She trails off trying not to be rude. "Is it Danni, maybe..?" She guesses. Hoping that by some miracle she's right. She's already screwed up once today, she rather not do it again.
@McMajestic @Alixx

7:58. Class should begin soon. By now, the kids were piling in to the classrooms for their daily dose of learning. "Danni and Carolyn, please hurry up. You're the stars of the show, and its curtains!" What a stupid phrase. HE was quite sure they would find that hilariously stupid. But, did it matter? He was the teacher. Everything he said was funny.
Danni smiled warmly. "Yes, it is." Danni shoved everything back into her bag, getting to her feet and readjusting her army jacket. Danni laughed at Mr. Brooks joke, and most of the class looked at her in a bewildered state of mind, but her humor was anything and everything, so she shrugged it off and stepped into the class, taking her seat right at the front. Creative Writing was the best way to start off her day. She motioned for Carolyn to sit next to her.
Lynne laughs a little at her teacher's joke and walks into class. She sees Danni and sits next to her. "You can just call my Lynne if you like." She says smiling as she gets out her notebook and pen from her backpack. She opens to a blank page and begins doodling in the corners.
The bell rang. 8 AM on the dot, and it was time to get rolling. "Hello, bonjour, hola, salve, whatever," began the professor as he took his stance at the front of the class. "I hope you all had a fantastic yesterday. I would like to see your free-writes from last night. Again, I'm not going to be grading them, but I will be giving critiques if I see fit." He hoped his star students, the ones in the front row, delivered on him today. In a class of only 13 kids, which is quite small, he needed leaders.

@Alixx @McMajestic
Danni frantically flipped through her stray papers before pulling out a ten page short story, typed and printed in the standard formatting. She had spent more time over the weekend working on the horror piece than writing her song, but her song was based off the story so it was kind of like working on the same thing. She set hers on the corner of her desk for the teacher to pick up. "So what'd you write about?" She asked Lynn.

@Alixx @JokerValentine
"Honestly I'm not the best at writing..." Lynne sighs sliding her story to the corner of her desk. "It's supposed to be a tragic love story. Not the whole thing, but like a chapter of a book. I'd love to finish it writing it one day." She wasn't really into writing, but after the first few days of class, she began to fall inlove with it. She smiles to herself, and looks over at Danni. "You?" She asks looking down at her neat typed short story, then down at her own handwritten mess... She didn't like typing, you can't change anything once you've finished.
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Mr. Brooks took examinations at everyone's works, though admittedly not in amazing detail Two people did not have their assignments, for which the teacher issued a sigh of disappointment. Then, he got to Danni. She had written tons. The title seemed to pop out. "Tyson Against the Raider. So this is a horror story I believe?" Mr. Brooks said with delight as he quickly thumbed through the pages, "You wrote quite a lot with this piece, Danni, and in great detail. Very good job. Would you like to share?" He asked her. Without hesitation, he remembered he had one more student: Lynne. It was a nice piece, looking at it from the cover page. Upon skimming through the paper, however, the professor realized she had some strengths, and weaknesses. One thing that truly popped out to her was her uniqueness to bring a character to life. "I like this a lot. We can talk about setting detail later. Your characters Bromeo and Juliet truly come to life in this paper. You should share your 6th and 7th paragraphs, if you'd like."

@Alixx @McMajestic
"It's about this guy, Tyson, who finds this book called The Raider, and anybody who owns the book ends up dying based on a line of a poem inside of it. Like one of the lines is "A dove as white as love" and it doesn't seem to make any sense but the thing is love is pure and doves represents love and white represents purity, so it all works. And then this couple finds it and what happens is they find a dove that's hurt and nurse it back to health but after it flies away the guy dies and then the girl from a sickness the bird gave them. And things like that keep happening. But then this guy who knows Tyson gets the book and Tyson uses his friend to access it because he's a detective who wants to figure out what's going on and.. I'm rambling, aren't I?' Danni asked meekly, noticing the half-asleep kids around her. Some had obviously stopped paying attention. Others had actually fallen asleep. She shrunk in her seat, feeling her smile drop.
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"That sounds so cool..." Lynne says genuinely intrigued. "It reminds me of an anime, Death Note..? I bet you didn't expect me to be into that stuff." She laughs at herself, a little to loudly, waking up some of the sleeping students. "Mine's Basically just a spin off of Romeo and Juliet.. But more modern. I rather not read it to the class, I'm bit of a perfectionist and I honestly don't find my story to be anywhere close to perfect..." She pulls at the sleeves of her sweatshirt and crosses her legs.
@Alixx @McMajestic

"Those are both very good examples of creative prose. Notice how their plot-line advances? Notice how their characters seem so realistic? Everyone in this room has immense talent. With the exception of the two who had 'no time'," began Mr. Brooks in a long, drawn out lauding of the class, "Danni and Lynne had great examples. This free-write project was not in vain. There is a competition I like to do with this class, called the Playwright Competition. Do any of you know what that is?" Asked the teacher as he gazed the room for any brave hands.
Danni opened her mouth to answer since she had talked about it with Mr. Brooks last week, but then closed her mouth. She didn't like feeling unaccepted in an environment she had been sent to in order to drag her out of depression. So she kept her mouth closed in hopes somebody else would answer instead, tapping her fingernails impatiently against the desk the longer it went without a reply.


Dj had a free period for the first one of the day. So Dj went to the center of campus, and started dancing. He just started to go with the beat. He just kept dancing as the songs of his I-pod kept running. When the final song stop, he noticed he drew a crowd. They clapped, and Dj was thirsty. So he went inside, and got lost. When he was looking for the vending machine, he past the choir room. When he heard a rap song he instantly ran into the room. Not caring that he interrupted the class, Dj started dancing to the song in front of the class.

Lynne slid down, lower in her seat. She had no idea what he was talking about and didn't want to look stupid in front of the class. She picked op her pencil and started sketching. She didn't know what it'd be yet, but it calmed her down. Eventually if formed a female face, then another. Staring into each other's eyes like they were miles apart, longing to be together. Before she knew it she had a full sketch, she went to lay down he pencil but accidentally made long line across the paper. She sighed and tried to erase it. She always found a way to screw everything up. The line erased, but left an imprint. So she quietly tore the page out of her notebook and folded it up, so she could throw it away later.
Danni took the paper from Lynn, and smiled at the drawing. "I like it. You should keep it," Danni passed it back to her. "Instead of erasing the line you should turn it into part of the drawing. One time I wrote the wrong chord to a song and it ended up being the best mistake I made," she whispered.
His explanation of the project was ruined by some non-creative writing activity. Surely his best students knew better. "Danni, is there something you would like to share? Or you Lynne?" he said with insincerity. He thought highly of these students, and it would be a shame if he had to lose his cool with them. Alas, they were forgiven. "This project involves a prize:a name on a plaque and 100 dollars."

@Alixx @McMajestic

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