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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

By Day 5 in PSA
Dea's personality on the CS is completely replaced with just one picture

Idea Idea Koinu in the morning, every morning, probably

Sleeping in isn't an option for anyone in the girl's dorm. As soon as it's morning the spazzy dog will make damn sure everyone knows it. Depending on when Koinu deems it morning (my dog starts her bullshit at around 5:30) I foresee Dea, Kuro, or Octavia being forced to let Koinu outside so as not to annoy everyone else in the building.
Sleeping in isn't an option for anyone in the girl's dorm. As soon as it's morning the spazzy dog will make damn sure everyone knows it. Depending on when Koinu deems it morning (my dog starts her bullshit at around 5:30) I foresee Dea, Kuro, or Octavia being forced to let Koinu outside so as not to annoy everyone else in the building.
on the bright side (ha), she's an invaluable alarm clock.
August August sorry if I seem dumb, but could you tell me where you mentioned me or requested interaction? I'm super lost on everything, everywhere and everyone right now, im so sorry

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