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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

There's a lot more to him as well! There were also those times when he was caring whenever his friends are in danger(anxious when he heard Midoriya required surgery from Recovery Girl) and had the common sense and a voice to try to curb Midoriya's heroic but extremely reckless episodes(in USJ). He also tricked Midnight and is shown to have some good grades among Class A(during semester practical exam arc).
Oh I didn't notice that grade thing <3
Hmm, how are the genders working out so far? Seemed about even as I looked through characters, but its hard to tell with 16 pages...
You can go to the info page for a general idea. I haven't been able to update it lately because of my studies, but it should be enough to give you an understanding
You can go to the info page for a general idea. I haven't been able to update it lately because of my studies, but it should be enough to give you an understanding
i made an updated one earlier, i'll send it to u when i get on my laptop <3

also howdy y'allll
im good, just tired as hell lmfao

my friends and i stayed up playing league and then for some reason we ended up watching the hannah montana movie until 6 am lmfao
There's only one thing that beats watching pokemon with friends all night... Watching pokemon with friends all night while taking a shot every time ash does something stupid. What a night.
(Is League shit now? Because I've heard that it is)
There's only one thing that beats watching pokemon with friends all night... Watching pokemon with friends all night while taking a shot every time ash does something stupid. What a night.
(Is League shit now? Because I've heard that it is)
jesus that must be nice

and tbh in my opinion, it is, but i only play it when my friend wants me too lmfao

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