"Pfft..." Aruka looked toward the cieling while letting out a small huff at the redhead, she always wanted to look at the positives, and the green girl doubted she had the slightest taste of the real world. A voice piped up from nearby, bringing Aruka's head to level once more, as she looked toward where it had come from. Jeez, all these years Aruka had thought she was short, this guy was tiny, it seemed to be a reoccurring trend in this class. Her eyes moved up and down the young man until they met his legs, perhaps shaking in retaliation to the commotion? Or was he simply excited for the day to come? His mutterings weren't exactly easy to hear over what had now devolved into yelling of pumped up children, she could only wonder if he was talking to himself as he stared forward. Of course, her distraction was quickly taken advantage of.
The feel of contact to the top of her head caused Aruka's eyes to pop wide in surprise, she hadn't even had time to move her gaze as she jolted away from whomever was now ruffling her hair. "Ahh!" Aruka yelped in a mix of surprise and agitation, her body pushing so far away that her chair now rested unbalanced on two legs, swatting her hands in an attempt to remove Sumi's own, yet all she met was Sumi's agitating smile. Quickly, she moved her hands back to regain her balance, slamming one on her own table and the other on the table behind her, her face now one of clear anger. "What did I tell you!?!" She began to yell, lowering her voice mid-way as to not attract any more attention toward them, thankfully for her it seemed many were already distracted.
Placing herself back into a balanced position and attempting to fix the mess that was now her hair, Aruka took a short moment to look around the room, before looking back toward Sumi. "That's clearly not what I mea..." The green girl began to respond, emphasising her point with a confused hand waving to the side. The ignorant smile Sumi gave Aruka almost made her sick, it seemed her input would not deter the redhead, who had already begun to move toward the group.
Now they were beginning to make threats, what a joke, as if any of them would have the balls to risk being kicked out over such a petty dispute. Perhaps intervening was safer than risking a quirk filled fight in the middle of class, an obvious possibility shown by the scaled beefcake. Aruka was much more friendly to the idea of having such students kicked out early, if they were acting like this now their attitudes wouldn't change any time soon. At this rate, Aruka assumed Sumi's 'best effort to help people' would be ignored in 5... 4... "Wow, that was quick." Aruka thought to herself as she watched the rejection. "That went well." Aruka simply stared up toward her with a dull expression, as if showing her she had 'told her so', pretending to give a slow, low hanging round of applause all the while.
She, and what seemed like everyone else, stopped as the room started to go dark. Aruka would be lying if she said seeing that thing up close didn't cause the hairs on her neck to stand, and her heart to race just that much faster. She didn't want to show it, however, quickly moving back into a forward position on her seat, looking toward the now small-'scale' teacher before them. A half-smile formed on the green girls face as the teacher finally took control, hopefully something better than this was planned for the rest of the day.
Mentions: Classroom 1-A
The feel of contact to the top of her head caused Aruka's eyes to pop wide in surprise, she hadn't even had time to move her gaze as she jolted away from whomever was now ruffling her hair. "Ahh!" Aruka yelped in a mix of surprise and agitation, her body pushing so far away that her chair now rested unbalanced on two legs, swatting her hands in an attempt to remove Sumi's own, yet all she met was Sumi's agitating smile. Quickly, she moved her hands back to regain her balance, slamming one on her own table and the other on the table behind her, her face now one of clear anger. "What did I tell you!?!" She began to yell, lowering her voice mid-way as to not attract any more attention toward them, thankfully for her it seemed many were already distracted.
Placing herself back into a balanced position and attempting to fix the mess that was now her hair, Aruka took a short moment to look around the room, before looking back toward Sumi. "That's clearly not what I mea..." The green girl began to respond, emphasising her point with a confused hand waving to the side. The ignorant smile Sumi gave Aruka almost made her sick, it seemed her input would not deter the redhead, who had already begun to move toward the group.
Now they were beginning to make threats, what a joke, as if any of them would have the balls to risk being kicked out over such a petty dispute. Perhaps intervening was safer than risking a quirk filled fight in the middle of class, an obvious possibility shown by the scaled beefcake. Aruka was much more friendly to the idea of having such students kicked out early, if they were acting like this now their attitudes wouldn't change any time soon. At this rate, Aruka assumed Sumi's 'best effort to help people' would be ignored in 5... 4... "Wow, that was quick." Aruka thought to herself as she watched the rejection. "That went well." Aruka simply stared up toward her with a dull expression, as if showing her she had 'told her so', pretending to give a slow, low hanging round of applause all the while.
She, and what seemed like everyone else, stopped as the room started to go dark. Aruka would be lying if she said seeing that thing up close didn't cause the hairs on her neck to stand, and her heart to race just that much faster. She didn't want to show it, however, quickly moving back into a forward position on her seat, looking toward the now small-'scale' teacher before them. A half-smile formed on the green girls face as the teacher finally took control, hopefully something better than this was planned for the rest of the day.

Mentions: Classroom 1-A