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Fandom Boku No Hero Academia

"Oh dang..." Warren stood in awe watching everyone smash thier boulders in much more cooler and more graceful than him.

"Hmm... Wait! I have a better idea!"

Warren found another Boulder.

He set a zero gravity zone around it , and another matching one to the right of it.

Warren kicked it up and followed after it, After he cornered it very high, Warren hit it repeatedly telling


After that he dived into the other zero gravity stream.

He then made the zero gravity zone the Boulder was in, have a great amount of gravity, and it fell like, well, a rock.

Warren dived into it, right as the Boulder passed him, and drop kicked it down with a loud


Then used the momentum to toss himself into the other zero gravity zone. And floated down, just as the Boulder smashed into pieces.

"Haha, that one was so much better."
This place was certainly stacking up to be quite... Unique. From some horned boy passing out to the incessant screaming of some kid showing off, Celine reached two distinct verdicts about her current situation. Firstly, she would grow to hate each and every one of them. This was particularly troublesome for Celine, who had to befriend a few them in order to use as proper stepping stones to further her own career as a hero. She considered the weak looking fluffy one, who flinched at the mere sight of a woman' hand. Useful, she realized, taking mental note. He would be manipulable, so long as she acted friendly towards him. The one who passed out and the show-off kid might also serve as useful, so she took note of them too. Finally, her eyes rested on a another fluffy pink girl. Her powers were strange, allowing her to slide with ease, and then melt boulder thoroughly. Although, the fact that she was so interested in showing it off made her a point of interest, and the general bouncy attitude meant that she was about to be used.

Celine approached her boulder, and looked it over carefully. From her pocket in her skirt, she pulled out a notebook and pen, and began jotting down notes. "Boulder... Mostly composed of sedimentary rock..." She ran her finger over the boulder and then stuck it on the tip of her tongue, giving it a thoughtful taste. "Calcium carbonate. That means this is limestone. That means this just got twice as easy." She smiled, snapping the notebook closed after a few more notes, exchanging it for a piece of chalk from her breast pocket. From there, she etched a few symbols on the boulder; a circle, inside of which was a triangle, and inside of that a square, and finally a circle inside the very square. It was drawn with extreme precision and was about six inches by six inches, drawn in white chalk. Celine the took three long steps back, examining the boulder one final time, before nodding confidently. "Alright, here goes!"

Her eyes immediately glossed over, only for a split second, and the mark on her chest glowed faintly. The crest drawn on the boulder glowed brilliantly, however, before highlighting the entire boulder in a brilliant golden glow. The boulder began to shift and change shape, finally forming upwards into a beautiful model structure of All Might, flexing with his face turned to the side. Celine smiled, stepped up to the statue, and flicked it, causing the entire thing to collapse into a pile of sand at her feet, about calf height. She then turned back to the instructor, and gave him a thumbs up. "Done!" She pulled on a warm smile, tilting her head to the side.
Kaito Madawa

The teacher stayed by the kid until it was comfirmed by the nurse that he will be fine. He sighed in relief, now he can get back to teaching the rest.

He morphed and jumped down from the window he had jumped in earlier. He landed with sand circling around him."Now that each of you has showed me your quirk, while most we're trying to get me impressed by your quirk, but let me tell you one thing. I don't care." He glared at some of the students. "The point of this test was to see how effectively you can use your quirk." He replied sternly.

"Now a reflex test, this will shkw how aware you are of things around you, even when blind." He added a dark tone to the last word. "I will demonstrate." He wrapped a blindfold around his eyes and walked up to the reflex line. On the other side was a pellet launching machine. The machine fired quick rounds of pellets, the teacher in grace dodged all of them. "Now, you try." He offered a blindfold to the nearest student by him.

Mina Ashido


"What kind of student hurts himself using his Quirk..." Mina sighed before her attention turned to the blushing teacher. "Ooh lala" She grinned to herself. "Also, did he just use the word Senpai...? That's creepy on so many levels..." Mina muttered under her breath before watching one of the other pupils cut their boulder clean in two. "Cool weapon" She complimented with an honest smile before turning to the ice-covered rubble of the one named Shouto. "T-that's pretty cool..." she mumbled, her face going a distinct red, different from her usual pink hue, she couldn't stop herself from blushing, to her, he was just so... Gorgeous. She quickly diverted her gaze from him to one of the students who appeared to be poking his boulder. "They're all gorgeous..." Mina sighed dreamily before looking at one of the ones with a large, purple, swollen and very clearly broken arm. She couldn't help herself from laughing despite it being so wrong. "D-did the boulder hit him you back cutie?" She asked while stifling a giggle. Her attention was then directed towards the skies where one one of the pupils seemed to be dropping from, he landed on his boulder with enough impact to break his own boulder. "Everyone here is so cool and flashy..." she mumbled, a little disheartened, her own boulder was completely gone, broken down by her quirk, the closest one to it was the one that was a mere pile of dust lying on the ground, the one that had broken the boy's arm. The last couple of pupils appeared to be finishing off, she decided to watch the one that smelled of gasoline and realised his quirk was the ability to control the liquid. "So cool..." She sighed dreamily once more, her face going pink once, "Wait... Is that a dinosaur? Or am I just seeing things?" she asked, wondering if she was hallucinating from blood loss. "Is my nose bleeding? That might explain it" she thought to herself, prodding her nose. She wacthed the girl that has been dazed a few moments before slice the boulder to pieces with a deck of cars. "That's awesome!" she laughed and stooped down, helping her gather all the cards the still nameless girl had thrown

@Thespian8719 @zacharychi @Maiza Avaro @ChickenMcNugget @MadArtist

Taira continued chewing her gum, blowing out a small bubble and nodded.

She turned her head towards her teacher Illyasviel, wearing a tiny grin on her face.

''It did however add a few extra scratches to this already bruised face of mine, though."

She pointed at her face, emphasizing what she meant.

Taira had been distracted talking but looked over to see the group of students, who seemed to have begun on a new test.

This time, having to dodge pellets...while wearing a blindfold.

She saw a brown-haired boy with eyeglasses, who certainly had the very appearance of being a sophisticated and no-nonsense type of guy.

He was one of the first students to begin on the test.

She observed him tying his blindhold, as the machine began shooting pellets at him.

He was surprisingly...very agile and flexible, to say the least. Dodging almost every single pellet if not all, without really much of a sweat. Like a real pro.

Holy cheesecake.

She blew her bubble gum out, popping it as it got stuck around her mouth, while staring in awe.

Compared to that...i'll be screwed.
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"Okay. This one is pretty easy." Warren set up a zero gravity field right in front of him. With a smile, Warren waited for all the pebbles to get stuck in the field, he then, as they were shot into the field, grabbed them with his teeth. After all of them ware resting in his mouth, he showed everyone a toothy grin, revealing he "caught" the pebbles. In his mouth.

He then put his fingers into little pistols, pointing at the ladies.

"He then turned around and spat them all out.


Warren didn't think this one through, but hopefully he impressed someone.


As the rock-smashing challenge ended, Gudung woke up. It was as if the nurse had a healing quirk (Which she likely did). He thanked the nurse, and flew back down, in time to hear Kaito mention something about blind reflexes. He put a blindfold on each student, and they took turns dodging. One kid had amazing reflexes. The other... caught the pebbles in his mouth? The hell was wrong with him?

He pulled his Hero Suit's hood up, and walked over to the group. He walked up to the guy who ate the rocks. "Hey, dude. What the heck was with the rock eating?" he asked, chuckling a little bit. "I know you spit them out, but I heard it was reflexes when I got back from the infirmary. Impressive quirk, though. Gravity? Anyways, I'll talk to you later." He walked away, but thought he forgot something. Oh, right. "Oh, yeah. The name is Gudung!"

He walked over to his peashooter, and put a weak wall of wind in from of it. This way, when he felt his power breach, he knew where the pellet was coming from, so it was still, tehnically, reflexes. He accepted his blindfold, and waited. 'There! Breach in the center!' he thought, and dodged, Sans-style, by having the wind blow him over, and then back to the center, as he felt another breach from where he dodged. He ducked and dived, his glowing hood half-off, half-on, as the blindfold kept it from fully falling. He dodged another pellet, having to fly a bit, as the last round destroyed the entirety of the bottom of his wall.

He hit the ground, and removed the blindfold. The hood fell down, and he bowed, and walked away. He wasn't gonna pass out from a weak wall of wind. Since he had time, he decided to go give the bus guy the money for paying for the window he had broken. He went to Kaito, and asked if he could leave, to pay the bus driver back.

@Scrubnoppon @Naloth
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Izuku "Deku" Midoriya

Slightly disappointed, but determined. -> shy, embarrassed and tongue-tied.
Nurse office -> field
With Who?
@Thespian8719 @zacharychi @Maiza Avaro @ChickenMcNugget @MadArtist

Deku's eyes opened just as Kaito, the teacher, left. He waited for the nure to heal him and put his arm in a cast before he was released. Wandering back outside, he arrived in time to see a certain girl's show-like performance at breaking her boulder. His cheeks tinted but unnoticeably so. He couldn't help but clap at the girl, who he now realized was the one who had nearly touched his hair earlier. She looked so cool..

Now he watched the gravily dude reattempt his boulder via a more flashy way. Sad thing was, Deku hadn't intentionally tried to make his boulder break in such an attention grabbing way. The dude shouting rather stupidly as the boulder broke... or at least, Deku thought it was stupid.. stupidly embarrassing. But then he himself had yelled smash like All Might did. So he couldn't really judge.

Then he saw a guy freeze his boulder to break it. An ice quirk but Deku had the odd feeling that wasn't all there was to the kid. Plus Mina was blushing while staring at the other boy, so it wasn't had to notice. Deku pulled out his hero notebook and wrote down some quick notes about the other kids quirks. HE closed the noteboolk after a few moments.

Now Deku returned his attention to the instructor who was having them do some kind of jedi-type training thing. Oddly enough the training seemed like it had been ripped right out of another game/movie.
We have quirks... not the force... actually, now that i think about it. the instructor seems to act weird when the other female teach is around. strange... or its another crush.

Deku somehow ended up next to the girl who'd done the performance-like boulder break/ nearly touched his hair. He blushed faintly as he half-studied her while trying not to be obvious. Deku also kept a distance too but he kinda wanted to be closer with her... so he attempted to speak. "u- u- hi..." Softer sounds of random type noises followed as his shyness prevented him from speaking to the girl.
oh god, now she thinks your weird.... and so does everyone else.
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Ino's calm didn't last long. The pellet machine had been chattering like a machine-gun as other students struggled against a swarm of projectiles. Her success with the boulder had been no more than a lucky accident, and that worried her something fierce. What chance did she stand? She was little more than human whenever she wasn't enraged, and how could even that help her here?

She gingerly stepped forward, feeling adrenaline shudder through her like a cold wave.

The empty space between her and the machine was daunting, and it glared at her with metallic cruelty before darkness walled up her eyes.

A moment of silence deafened her, before the monstrous machine fired into a roar. She heard the hiss of pellets home in on her, and was painfully struck by harsh daggers of agony, riddled by them one after the other.

And like sparks showering on oil, she burst into a flame of rage. Her arm snapped the lance in her grasp, and span it before her like a burning rotor blade. The bright red energy blurred into a circle, humming loudly with vibration. Pellets disintegrated into dust as they passed the spinning storm, but her control was waning...an implosion of hatred boomed within her. She instinctively launched the lance furiously at the machine, and it smashed into fragments with a deafening crash!

Her power was directly linked to the lance...if she put distance between it and herself, it neutralized the rage... but she couldn't survive long without it close to her. It was a burden she was forced to forever carry, and she despised it.

She felt the calm...followed by dizziness, as she stumbled and fell to the ground.
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Illyasviel Von Einzbern

"Oh..." Illyasviel murmered as she stared in concern at the girl's face, which was indeed covered in bruises and scratches. Worried, she pulled out bandages from seemingly out of nowhere and then began applying them to her face at a surprising speed, until eventually, every injury she sustained was covered by the bandages she provided. "There! All better!" She chirped happily, looking quite proud of herself for helping a wounded student, even though she did a rather terrible job at it.

Looking over, Illyasviel then saw Kaito introduce the next task to the students, and applauded cheerfully at his demonstration, finding his speed and agility incredibly impressive.
"Wow! That was really amazing, Kaito!" She praised him, shouting as she did so in order to be heard above the noise. "I'm sure that i wouldn't be able to dodge all of that." She said a bit softer, smiling softly as the words poured out of her mouth.

Illyasviel then continued to watch as the students dodged the pebbles in their own unique way, finding herself awed at some of the more impressive displays, but happily applauded for each of their attempts. However, when she saw one of the students, a female one at that, being hit by the pellets, she stood up in shock and worry just as she burst into a flame of rage. The student then grasped her lance, before spinning it in front of her, disintigrating the pebbles just as they touched the weapon before throwing the lance at the machine, effectively destroying it into mere fragment. However, despite all the energy the girl had a while ago, she had fallen to the ground in a faint.

Rushing over to the student, Illyasviel easily picked the larger girl up bridal style, giving a rare show of her strength in the process. Going over to the machine, she also managed to pick up the girl's lance, which her mind immediately analyzed and stored in her mental arsenal. That was when the German immediately knew everything there was to know about the weapon. The exact structure, it's components, the properties, how to wield it, and in extension, all to know about the wielder, Ino Itsuko. She then went off into the school with the intent of going to the infirmary to drop Ino off to rest, all the while worrying about the girl she carried in her arms.

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Zachary transformed back into a human after breaking his boulder. Thankfully the way his quirk worked, he still had his clothes on after the transformation. He looked around and saw that everybody else had broken their rock, and moved on to a dodging activity with a pellet shooting machine. He saw somebody dodge around like they had Evasion +3, another do the same with some wind, and the next one broke the machine with a lance and fainted. 'What are we going to do now?' He thought as he looked at the broken machine.

Ryota Sigahashi

"Um," The student blankly murmured as the lesson quickly shifted to dodging pellets of some sort. They reminded him a bit of the pellets meant to be used as shooting targets. He honestly was never good at speed, the male glancing over at the female who's quirk was based on speed itself with a hint of jealousy.

Ryota didn't bother to step up to the line, he didn't really want to do this challenge out of fear of embarrassing himself. Being hit with pellets while screaming like a little girl was not an ideal scene to him."Haha, after you guys!" Ryota nervously laughed, taking a huge step back from the line.

Cynthia laughed out at seeing the one who approached her, make pistols out of his hands and drop the pebble projectiles out of his mouth. It should have been a disgusting sight but she had lived with four brothers so she could endure the sight of saliva. And putting anything in someone's mouth did not bother her since the "Accident of '06". When she, 8 at that time, tried to put a coin up her nose and make it appear out of her mouth but actually turned to a trip to the clinic. Lets just say, lesson learned on her part. @Scrubnoppon

The next few in the reflex challenge were awe inspiring and Cynthia fretted her capability. She was not good with blindfolds but if it was to prove her worth in the school. She would do anything. That is when the short boy with green hair came up to her. He had said something but it passed through her, not registering it.

"I'm sorry. Say again?" Her answer came with indecipherable sounds. Cynthia watched the boy. Did he have some condition she did not know about? Is that what he was telling her? She started freaking out, from the inside to her physical being.

"I'm sorry! How can I help?!" She placed hands on his shoulders, then his head and shook him. Cynthia looked for any sign on how she could help.

"I can't help if you no tell me what wrong!!!" Her words were choppy and foreign and her eyes darted from eye to eye. The boy in her arms had become limp now and the sounds were coming out faster. Before she could call on a teacher, she heard a distinct start of a fire and a loud clank sound. She looked to her side just to see a girl stumble to the ground.

"Was in dem Wort geschieht?!" Cynthia questioned "what was happening" in her natural dialect: Russian. Too many things were happening at once and no order was in place. Was this what she was shipped off for? Because if it was, she wanted off. @Shiro kurogane

Naomi hadn't even had much time to register what was going on before the girl with the lance had destroyed the pellet machine- and before anyone else could try. She wasn't sure if that irritated her or relieved her- her quirk wouldn't help her dodge a bunch of pellets, and speed wasn't something she was exactly good at. The fact that she was so late that morning was just backing the fact up. But maybe that whole fiasco would distract from the fact that she hadn't been able to break her boulder? She would rather not dwell on that, it was embarrassing enough without her blowing it out of proportion. If she'd had enough electricity to manipulate then she would have been able to put on a show like everybody else.

Naomi simply heaved out little sigh of disappointment and stepped back from the line with the gasoline boy, her arms folded over her chest. "You didn't want to do it either?" She asked absently while watching the small teacher run off with the girl who had broken the machine. A small twinge of jealousy snapped through her, but she pushed it aside. There would be plenty more chances to display her quirk successfully. Her gaze traveled to the girl who had broken her boulder in a very flashy way, and frowned. Her quirk really was cool. Why did she look so confused and upset though? Was she okay?
I'll just let a teacher handle that.

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