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Fandom Boku No Hero Academia

Izuku "Deku" Midoriya

Deku looked around, internally fanboying over the fact he was attending the same school. The All Might himself had gone to. He got the weird sense of someone behind him and turned to see an extremely pretty girl pausing as she seemed to have stopped herself from touching his hair. His face grew pink at her closeness to him. When he tried to speak, no words came. Instead he made a series of small humming sounds and runaway towards the classroom.

Deku had never talked to a girl. Let alone had one nearly touch him. Though the girl had been pretty.... Which was the main reason for his weird and sudden running away. His face was still pink as he tried to calm his racing heart. The experience had been slightly too much for an anti-social introverted boy. Taking a seat towards the back of the classroom. He took note of the weird teacher who was explaining the wolf teacher's S.H.I.T's comment from earlier.

Deku looked around the classroom at the others. There was a cute pink girl, the pretty girl that had nearly touched his hair, some person yelled about wifi and played a game... and the rest he didn't really know what they were doing. He looked down and tried to make himself as small as he could so he hopefully wouldn't be noticed. Deku didn't want a repeat of his being bullied.

She'd woken up late, she'd spent thirty minutes in the shower trying to wash off pen ink that had gotten on her (she'd fallen asleep with a pen in her bed. It broke), and she'd spent even longer trying to find something to wear under her uniform's skirt. Naomi's first day had not started off great. But at least she'd gotten out of her apartment alive. Now that she was going to be late, why not complain to herself and feel bad for herself?

She hated skirts. Why did it have to be a skirt? It wouldn't have been so bad if it was a little longer, but this was just ridiculous. "Is this a school or a strip club?" She muttered as she walked down the cracked sidewalk towards her destination, occasionally tugging at her skirt as she went. She'd eventually managed to dig a pair of black tights out of her crowded closet, so at least she wasn't showing off bare legs. It was still bad though.

Naomi didn't even have time to worry about her hair or the fact that half of her neck looked bruised (thanks to the damn pen), because as soon as the academy entered her sight she noticed a group of students already entering the building. Oh no. Was she really that late? No no no no no no no! Breaking into a full-on dash, Naomi sprinted forwards. She nearly tripped twice, and ended up stubbing her toe on a large crack in the sidewalk.

It took another seven minutes before she skidded to a halt in the field and landed on her tailbone, just as she heard someone tell something about strength. Naomi sniffed disdainfully as she surveyed the students in front of her, who were all looking at... Something. She couldn't see from the ground. But it was hard to stand, since her legs were trembling from what could only be embarrassment. But hey, maybe nobody had noticed her late arrival.

She peered over her shoulder to see if anyone was behind her before subtly dusting grass off the butt of her skirt. Nobody wanted to be running around with a "grass ass". Anyways, now she could see what was going on as she peered around an oddly pink girl at a werewolf of sorts. She'd never seen a quirk like that before. It probably came in handy. It wasn't long before the brunette forgot about cool quirks and started to fret though.
What are they doing? It wasn't like she could ask, that would be embarrassing.
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Kaito Madawa

When Akashi kicked him, he didn't feel nothing. He sent a cold stare at Akashi before getting the student's attention."Now, if you didn't know, we will be conducting a series tests, to evaluate on your power." He looked at every student individually with his golden stare. "The first test will be strength!" He shouted. He raced quickly to the other side of the field and punched a giant boulder, the boulder landed right in front of the students. The teacher came back," Now, you will use your quirk and try to smash this rock. Mr.Kurogane, please show them a example" He smirk appeared on his face has Illyasviel appeared." And that is also one of our teachers, and my future wife." He smiled as best as he can. He didn't have to say that last part, but he was just like that.
With the lack of a response, "Mirai" clicked her tongue. It wasn't like she wasn't use to people giving her a lack of a response. All she knew was that the boy right now was having a nice time being disrespectful towards those around him, as well as at least to the people that were driving that bus. Who knows? Maybe this was the way that heroes always acted. Gritting her teeth as she averted her gaze back up towards the sky, she squinted as the bright sunlight dented her vision, leaving red spots speckled throughout. It seemed like it would be a good day, unfortunately, and while the cheerfulness of many seemed to be evident as they enterred the school, it was an emotion that Mirai couldn't seem to understand. What did he venerate in these... heroes? There's nothing here to admire, except potentially the idiosyncratic fatuousness reaking in the aura of everyone here.

Mirai didn't really take a lot into the account of making friends, that was far out of the question. Why try and associate yourself on a team you're completely not a part of? While the students here bore the aura of those who, were passionate about what they wanted. Hopefully she seemed to "display" that enough, if she really had anything to display. The whole idea of becoming a hero was far out of anything that she would ever want to do, and yet, she found herself here. It was going to be a long year.

Numerous of other students seemed to race by her energetically, or worriedly driven by their own anxieties. It would have been a good idea for her to pick up her pace, though her sluggish nature didn't seem to provide her any motivation here. Maybe later in the morning. Hopefully there wasn't going to be a whole sappy story on why everyone wanted to become a hero. After all, it wasn't gradeschool.

Not seeming to aid her in her appearance at all, with her rather bulky-looking body mass and a tall frame, she strictly refused to wear the female uniform. While they could easily find a size that would fit her, not like she wasn't human or anything, though she already felt self conscious enough wearing anything that would reveal too much skin. She wore hand-me-downs from her deceased friend ever since she was a child, so why start now to take a change? She did wear the uniform, though it was the males uniform that she decided to wear. It was easier to move around in, and hey, at least it followed dress code?

As the class seemed to be taking set, she came a fair bit late than everyone else, only there to find a teacher making a sly pass towards one of the other teachers. A boulder was in front of said collected students, which sparked Mirai's lazy interest.

A boulder, huh... it seems to tower a fair bit over him, and he looks to be about, high 5 feet lower 6? I can't tell from afar. Either way, this is a massive boulder.



Gudung smirked at the boulder, shrugging his shoulders. "I'll have a go at it," he said. He approached the boulder, and lifted a few inches off the ground, suit glowing under his shirt and hoodie. He spun in midair, in a "T" pose, and he started to make a small twister. He kept spinning, waiting for his answer, so he could go faster, and shatter the big rock.​
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"Do I have to? Sounds so troublesome..." Although he constantly mumbled with obvious insatisfaction, Akashi still approached the boulder with a annoyed look, taking off his earphones for a second, his right index finger being pressed against his sharp canine teeth for just a second, generating a light bleeding, made that Akashi pointed his index finger against the rock, forming a "finger gun", his blood immediately flowed to the front of his finger, forming a large red bullet from the overdense blood and shooting it against the bolder in the span of a second. The contact of the bullet against the rock wasn't special at all, as the sharp crimson projectile traversed the rock making a simple hole, that extended all the way to the other side of the rock and finnally stoping when hitting the wall of the academy. "Is that enough, mister bruteforce? Or do you want me to use my hands?" He said sarcastically before putting his earphones back.

Ryota Sigahasi

The teen gulped nervously at the size of the boulder that had been presented to each of the students, how could he possibly even break that with his power? He did bring a signature red container of gasoline in case none was around when trouble occurred, he still believed he would fail this test though.

At least the students were nice, he saw a few friendly faces here and there in the crowd, he'd be sure to greet them later on when he got the chance. He was certainly intimidated by a few. Ryota was somewhat shy when it came to meeting others, after he had got to known someone for a week or two he'd begin to become attached. The male student cleared his throat, taking a step forward and anxiously raising his hand."Could I try? Sir?" Ryota choked, it was pathetic how he couldn't even speak to his own instructors.

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Taira inspected the big boulder for quite a while, planning out several scenario examples in her mind as to what the easiest way would be to shatter the large rock into pieces.

Hmm, i could just try and run into it myself in full speed into the rock. But i feel like it'll hurt me a bit....

Then... what if i held another boulder while running into it...?

Nah, they're too heavy for me to carry.

....Gah, this is gonna hurt me no matter what, isn't it...?

She unknowingly scratched the small piece of bandage plastered on her right cheek, while being lost in her thoughts.

...Okay, i've been standing here for quite a while now.

It's time for me to get moving... I can do this.

She took off her funky colored headphones and put them down into her bag. She placed the bag on a closeby bench somewhere, and then jogged a great big distance away from the targeted boulder.

She stretched her limbs and muscles, getting ready before finally bolting towards the targeted rock.

Crashing into the boulder while shattering it during the process, and eventually hit the ground.

Taira immediately jolted herself up.

Feeling a little dizzy from the crash, as she stood and held her head.

Wasn't so bad....Didn't see any stars this time...i think i'm good...

....Now where did i leave that bag..?
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Zachary watched as the "Elusive Beast" threw a rock in front of the students, a teacher put a small hole in the rock, and another slam into it and break it. 'Well that was quick.' he thought as he looked around again, the lack of anybody clapping catching his attention. 'They're not clapping, must mean that they're either not paying attention or they're confident they can do a better job. Should I clap? It may make this girl feel a bit better, but then again she might confront me on it, and I don't want to have to talk to her. Eh, fuck it.' He thought as he clapped for about five seconds, then stopped. @MadArtist
Cynthia heart hammered against her rib cage when the curly haired boy, who introduced himself as Warren, came over to her. So he had seen her after all. That made her feel a little better. She was not invincible to people.

"Hello," she chocked out, having been unprepared for a sudden chat. She was acutely aware that he had called her 'pretty cool' which made her head spin. The way she was feeling now and her prolonged silence did not help her carry out that image that he had of her.

"I am Cynt-" Before she could finish pronouncing her name, The Elusive Beast had smashed many rocks and deposited them in front of each student and one for Professor Akashi. She eyed the rocks, unsure to what she was to do with it and turned back to Warren, hoping to continue where she left off, only to see he had gone to his own rock. Cynthia's shoulders dropped, feeling defeated at losing the boy's attention. No girl, you got to focus on school! The world needs you as a superhero. You're right inner voice. Boys are second priority. Even though they are all over the campus, funny and cute and oh my Rah, that boy clapped for the girl! I ship it. Oh brother.

Her thoughts were up in cloud nine and had no sign of coming down. She had even slumped on her rock, eyes transfixed at nothing and a goofy grin plastered on her face as she fantasized what the two people she put together lives would turn out to be. Cynthia was blissfully unaware of the test that was going on at the time.
"Oh, sorry, lemme do this real quick and we can catch up later."

Warren quickly ran over to his rock, he didn't want to make his instructor mad. He can turn into a ware wolf God god's sake!

"I'm not sure if this counts, buuuut..."

Warren used his quirk to make the area the boulder was in have no gravity at all, Warren took a deep breath kicked it up, and waited a couple minutes, then brought gravity back to normal


Before Warren was even done kicking the Boulder, Warren had pulled out his 3DS.


Warren made some progress in "Zero Time Delema"

Moments before the Boulder fell, Warren took a pose, involving his sideways Fanned out hand positioned over his face, and the other fanned out over his side.

"Here we go baybeeee!"

Illyasviel Von Einzbern

"Hmm? Oh yeah, that's me." Illyasviel hummed to herself as she tilted her head to the side by a fraction, a bit confused about Kaito's words. However, like usual, she simply let it slide, smiling up brightly at the slightly older man. She felt all warm and fuzzy inside whenever he called her that anyway, though why she felt like that, she wasn't entirely sure. Her childhood wasn't what you would call normal, anyway. "Well, at least that's what I think I am." She said unsurely as she crossed her arms, staring up at the sky as though it held the answer to her questions, her eyebrows furrowed together and her lips formed into a pout.

That was when Kaito's previous words suddenly came to mind, and almost immediately, Illyasviel's honey colored eyes brightened in surprise and delight. She had nearly forgotten that the evaluations were on the first day! Turning around swiftly, she was just in time to see Akashi shooting a bullet of his condensed blood towards a boulder that Kaito had provided, creating a small hole that extended all the way to the other side of the rock. Bounding towards the boulder, she peeked an eye into the hole and noticed that it was a perfectly clean cut, which was rather impressive in her opinion. "Wow, Akashi! That was really impressive!" She praised the younger man, giving him a small round of applause in appreciation, grinning brightly up at him. "Even I wouldn't be able to do that so easily!"

Looking around, Illyasviel caught sight of the students giving it a go, and decided to observe them up close. Skipping over to them, she smiled amiably as she contented herself to look over the students on how they would break such a monstrous boulder, which compared to her short stature of 4' 8", completely dwarfed her figure, though she simply shook that thought away from her mind, even though she found it extremely unfair to her. Needless to say, she was interested in their individual ways of proving their strength, either with brute force alone or with the conventional use of their powers. Humming underneath her breath, she felt that this batch of students were going to be something special.

@Naloth @Spanner @Everyone I Didn't Mention

Mina Ashido


"D-Did he just dropkick him??" Mina laughed out loud noisily, drawing a fair bit of attention to herself. "G-good morning... Ms. Illyasviel?" She chuckled, still trying unsuccessfully to get the picture of the giant of a werewolf getting kicked, while a little confused by the small size of her teacher. "You, you don't judge the teachers, I heard they can kick you out if they wanted too, it's happened before" she whispered to the one talking about the Teachers' introductions. She then noticed another pupil arriving late and waved over to her, hoping to make a friend early on. She wasn't exactly hard to see, everyone around seemed to just look like average humans but her and the werewolf teacher. "I guess we drew the short straw..." She thought to herself, remembering all the bullying she had been through in her previous schools. "Shows them though! I made into U-A! HAha suckers!". She smiled at the thought of it before noticing one of the students running away, almost as pink as Mina was. "What's his problem?" She asked the girl next to her before noticing her face was also just as pink. She grinned when she heard the teacher's test. "Easy, I can just melt the boulder, no problem. I guess I'll see how the pros would do it though" she thought to herself before watching the teacher shoot what appeared to be his own blood straight through it. "I find that strangely disgusting yet amazing at the same time..." She giggled before the boulder seemed to explode out of nowhere and a girl was stumbling not too far from it, along woth a single student clapping on his own. A moment later a boulder was placed in front of each and everyone one of the students and were all told to destroy it with their quirks. She noticed a girl not too far away in some sort of dazed state and walked over to her. "Hey, back to the land of the living, I don't want any of my to-be friends to be kicked out on theor first day" she smiled as she nudged the girl before walking back to her own rock. She held her hands out and fired a large stream of acid onto the rock, taking at most a minute to break down the entire boulder. "That's about as acidic as I can make the stuff" she said aloud, signifying that she could control it's acidity

@Thespian8719 @zacharychi @Maiza Avaro @ChickenMcNugget @MadArtist
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Gudung, not getting his answer, grew impatient, and thinking 'screw it,' speeds up the rotations, his hoodie flying off of him (And slamming into a wall, the force knocking a single brick out). He turned midair to a more horizontal position, his feet pointing to the boulder. A tornado soon forms around him, glowing blue like his hero suit (Actually, it's glowing because of it).

He eventually got the tornado half-complete, and jumped out of it, floating above it now. He called on more wind to spin it faster. He spun it, and spun it, and spun it faster, and faster, and even faster, and then... WHOOSH! Gudung calls more wind out to blast the twister forward, and BAM! The boulder gets shattered to pebbles. "Don't screw with the wind," he says, before collapsing. "Small twisters don't take that long. I just decided to... Impress ya. G'night." And... He promptly faints.​
Akashi heard Illyasviel praise, temporary forgeting about the class and all the students around him, the still young teacher immediately blushed, his gloomy attitude changing in a instant when he started to push his a finger push with just his index fingers, a clear example of figeting, his speech changed from the normally apathetic tone to a shy sounding mutter. "S-senpai, you shouldn't say something like that. You know it's my power thing I'm sure you could do better with your weapons and everything and you wouldn't even feel bad after..." the muttering was made in an absurdly fast tone, making it all sound like a single word.

The sight of the fragile looking teacher like this making him look even more like a flustered teenager.

The sudden crisis of shyness stoped in a span of time as short as the time a student took to start trying to shatter the rock, moment that he immediately noticed the suddenly fainting of the wind guy, moment that he immediately assumed a serious bearing, running to the fainted kid, inspecting his body to identify the extent of the damage, releasing a loud sigh of relief when he noticed that he just fainted. "Kaito, there's a canditact for first injury treatment on the enfermary here!" He yelled to the other teacher, the joking way he used to say that letting the other teacher know that nothing really serious happened.
Ino was going crazy with the amount of bizarre activity occurring around her, and frankly didn't know where to look. She'd not spent a lot of time around other people, and found this whole scene overwhelming. Large wolf creatures, random objects and people floating in the air, and eyes ogling each other up. Eww... she thought to herself.

Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a rock came rushing through the air toward her. She felt a familiar rush surge through her body, and without thought her right arm shot behind her back to grab her lance, and she powerfully slashed the projectile into two halves within a milisecond, eyes burning red.

No...hold it together...

She was hyperventilating with rage...

It'll wear off...It'll wear off...

And thankfully it did...she felt calm for the first time today, wiping the sweat from her brow.

Phew...that was close...
Taira heard the sounds of someone clapping their hands from behind. She turned around to see a dark haired boy around her age, clapping for her.

Is he applauding for me...?

..Oh well..I suppose i should return the gesture then.

She gave him a polite smile and small bow, before heading to towards the bench to retrieve her bag.

She pulled out a small piece of packaged bubblegum, opened it and began chewing on it, as she took a seat on the bench.

She looked around curiously.

Simply admiring how the many students, each using their own unique techniques and abilities, tried to break their boulder to pieces.

One particular boy used his power to manipulate the wind around him, surrounding himself with a tornado up in air, before knocking himself into the large rock, similar as to how she did. The damage to his head however was so bad, that he successfully managed to knock his poor self, unconscious.

He afterwards got carried up to the school's infirmary, which was the end of that.

Boy, oh boy...
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Rolling his eyes, Shouto listened to everyone and let out a loud sigh. "Break a rock? I'm sorry sir, but I don't see how that is going to help train us. However, if you say so." Ignoring everyone else mumbling and talking among themselves, Shouto walked forward, no fear or look of trying to show off on his face. Blinking, he brought his right arm up and slowly placed it onto the rock. Nothing for a few seconds. It just looked like he was feeling it.

However, what no one noticed, except from maybe more skilled and experienced people, is that the temperature was slowly dropping until it suddenly plummeted, freezing the boulder in place. Stepping back with an emotionless look on his face, he knocked the boulder and it shattered into many pieces. "May we move on now?" He asked, looking back to the teacher.


Illyasviel Von Einzbern

"Only the first day and we already have to send someone to the infirmary." Illyasviel muttered to herself sadly as she watched the boy who had passed out being carried off into the school and to the infirmary. Heaving a sigh, she wiped the small frown off of her lips and switched it with her usual bubbly smile, though this time, it was a tad bit solemn due to the incident she had just witnessed. "I can only hope that such events will be few and far in between this school year." She stated as she whispered a small prayer underneath her breath, in a hopeful attempt to keep them all safe.

Going over to Kaito, Illyasviel stood on her toes in order to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention, and, giving him a small smile, she asked inquiringly,
"I'm just going to interact with the students, alright Kaito?" And with those words alone, she went off into the crowd of students that were right before her.

Looking around, the German caught sight of a student sitting at the bench, chewing a piece of gum as she simply observed the other students. Having nothing else to do at the time being, Illyasviel skipped over to the girl and sat down on the bench next to her. Turning to face the taller, yet younger woman, she flashed a bright, genuine smile. "I'm guessing that you must have demolished you're boulder by now, right?" She asked rhetorically, attempting to make a conversation with her student

@Naloth @MadArtist

When she was waved at, Naomi hesitantly waved back with a sheepish smile. So people had noticed her. Well, at least they weren't drawing attention to her lateness. That improved her mood, at least a little bit. She hadn't noticed the kid who ran off until her strangely pink companion pointed him out. "Him? Oh, I don't know." She replied in an absent tone. He was probably nervous or flustered or something. Maybe even just excited about school. She had been slightly taken aback when she snapped back to reality, only to see a line of boulders in front of her and all the other students. What on Earth?

Naomi furrowed her thin eyebrows as she watched one of the other students shatter his boulder with a tornado of sorts. She had to admit, it was a pretty interesting quirk. It would be hard to compete with most of these kids. She had gathered that they had to break the rocks that had been placed in front of them, but how was she supposed to break it? She'd need at least 10 billion watts of electricity to completely shatter it, and that wasn't happening. Besides, the only electronic device she had with her was a fully charged phone.

There was no way that would break the rock, but she couldn't just stand idly by while everyone else broke theirs. Naomi reached a shaky hand into a pocket of her backpack to pull her phone out before dropping the bag on the floor. She would have to charge the phone again when she was finished. Nervously eyeing everyone around her, strange teachers and students alike (she actually couldn't tell if one girl was a teacher or a student due to her height), and touched the charger port of the phone.

A familiar tingling and buzzing sensation courses down her fingers and lingered in the palm of her hand. She moved her finger away from the charger port and moved her hand to place it on the rock instead. A tiny 'zap' could be heard, similar to what one would hear if they gave someone a static shock.
The moment of truth? She moved her hand away and narrowed her eyes. Nothing. Not even a tiny crack.
Izuku "Deku" Midoriya

Deku looked around, watching how the other kids broke their boulders. He took notes of their quirks even the few who had failed to break their rocks. After realizing he too had to break the rock, Deku panicked. Could he really do this? All Might had only said that he wouldn't be able to control One-For-All easily. As the power was technically the power from the previous holders peak condition.

watched the assistant teach fire compressed blood like a bullet, making a perfect small hole through the boulder. Then he saw the girl with a speed quirk ram herself into the boulder, failing to break it. And another kid did sort of the same thing... but with wind. A third student fainted after using their quirk on the boulder. Staring at his own hand, Deku's resolve to be here hardened.

The others were trying their best. Even if some of them failed, they had still tried. It wouldn't be right nor did he have the option of backing down... not if he wanted to be a hero All Might would be proud of.
okay, you can do this! don't. let. the egg. break. focus! focus!

Pulling back his hand as he prepared to smash the boulder.
Deku could feel One-For-All activating and coursing through his being. It was a weird but pleasant feeling. The power started to concentrate into his arm. DON'T. LET. THE EGG. BREAK!! HE mentally yelled as his fist fired towards the boulder. "SMASH!!!" Deku yelled out, the famous phase of All Might as his fist made contact. Not only was the boulder shattered, it was pulverized into sand. That was how finely obliterated the boulder was.

But that wasn't the end of it, the sand grains from the
destroyed boulder ended up hitting the UA high building and filling the walls and sides with small unseeable holes. His entire arm was broken and twisted. "AAAHHH!" Deku yelled, clutching his arm. He hadn't realized this was the drawback to only just being able to hold One-For-All. Sad thought was... that wasn't even the full power of this quirk, handed down to him by All Might.

Kaito Madawa

Kaito was review each student on a piece of paper when Illyasviel told him she was gonna go look at the students. Oh my god! She's touching me! He squealed excitedly in his mind, as a result he got a nose bleed. But it was barely noticeable."All right." Sounding muffled as he put a hand over his nose.

A kid asked what the point of doing this was."I want to see how effective you can use your quirk to break a object." He quickly scrolled through his list for Shouto."How come you haven't used your fire power?" He asked curiously.

He stood there waiting for a answer until he turned to see a kid disintegrate a rock into sand, he was about to clap until he saw the twisted, broken arm. He shouted over at Akashi."Finish the tests with them, I have to get this student to the infirmary immediatly!" He picked up Deku in his arms and quickly jumped through a window to the infirmary.

Ryota Sigahashi

Ryota yelped at the sight of a student slicing their boulder in half with surprising speed, the student clasping a hand over his mouth at the sound it made."Oh my-" He was quickly interrupted by the sound of a body smacking into a boulder, Ryota whipping around and letting out a quiet shriek."A-Are you okay?" He blurted out, turning to see a brunette attempting to break her rock with her quirk, which looked to be electricity based. She looked a bit disappointed.

He angled his body a bit more to find a female instructor speaking with two other students, Ryota speaking out and attempting to get their attention. Another had smashed their rock with levitation of sorts, another using himself as a projectile, a female using an acidic liquid to melt her boulder, one had even punched theirs to dust! It was very overwhelming for the student. Even teachers' demonstrations almost made him piss himself!

Ryota quickly pulled the container of gasoline out of his book bag, circling around his boulder and running his hand along it to find cracks. After finding a decent amount he popped the lid off of the container, slowly pouring it onto the smooth pavement, making a quick prayer to the god he worshipped that no one would turn on a lighter. The student set the container aside, reaching his hands out and making a squeezing motion with them. The liquid bubbled and began to ease forward, after a second or two of building itself up he gently made a pushing motion with both of his hands. The gasoline swiftly encased the rock, Ryota pushing his hands closer and increasing the pressure the liquid was putting on the rock as it seeped through the cracks. His face began to redden as his hands were merely inches away from the rock, the rock suddenly cracked into several sections and crumbled, the ball of black oil dropping to the ground and splattering.

Ryota flinched in surprise, relieved that the task was completed. It did place a massive strain on himself though.

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Zachary smiled a bit when the girl smiled and bowed. 'She seems friendly, might as well try and talk to her after... What the?' He thought as more boulders were tossed to the students. 'How will this work? My quirk is combat oriented, I don't think I can break a boulder. might as well try.' He thought as he sighed, got up, and walked away from the students until he had enough room for transformation. 'What can I transform into that can break a boulder? Oh yeah, a Pachycephalosaurus!' He thought as he let the transformation take place. Zachary's body changed rapidly. his legs got longer, stronger, bulkier, and his toenails became claws. His arms shortened and his fingernails became claws. He grew a tail that was the length of his human body. His torso changed to the shape of a Pachycephalosaurus's. And his head became a Pachycephalosaurus's, with a skull that was ridiculously thick. His thoughts simplified to 'Break the boulder.' as he walked backwards away from the boulder until his tail hit the wall of the school. He then roared, put his head down, and charged at the boulder. Right when he started to slow down a little bit, he slammed directly into the boulder he was running at, shattering it and making his head bleed a little.
Cynthia was surprised at being taken out of her reverie by the pink lady herself. She had even said they would be friends. That had Cynthia refocus on the task at hand. It appeared to be that the students had to destroy the boulder, for what reason? She did not know but it had to be done.

Now she could just project her energy and be done with the boulder but where was the fun in that? She dropped to her knees and slung off her pink backpack. She pulled out things that she had not wanted; a rubber chicken, fake bouquet of flowers, her magician wand, pencils, papers, hypnoray gun; she debated her flimsy saw but decided against it, throwing it to her right. Finally she felt the tiny box and pulled it out. It was a deck of cards, freshly bought from the joke shop down the block.

Cynthia has had an obsession with magic tricks ever since she was little and moved to New York City and saw a street perform vanish from his podium. Later finding out when she was older that he had just hid inside the box. Magic tricks were the things that helped her channel her Quirk into what it was today. Out of her flashback and into the present, Cynthia pulled out her deck of cards out of the box and began to shuffle them with flourish. She enjoyed the noise the cards made as the slipped from one hand to another. Her whole being getting lost in the rhythm and Cynthia danced around the boulder to that tune.

The cards in her hands, at the exact time of her routine began to glow with her essence; a vibrant scarlet color. Some floated out of her hands and she took the cue to stop moving. She was ready! She imagined she was in front of a dazzling crowd, waiting in anticipation for her main trick. She turned up a corner of her mouth, readied her stance and shot three cards like throwing stars. The cards skimmed past the boulder before disappearing, making tiny gashes.

That was only a warm up for her. Cynthia jumped up into the air and threw down a storm of her charged playing cards. When she had touched down, her hands were empty and the boulder seemed to still be intact. That is when a tiny piece broke off, then another giants piece and finally, the whole boulder went towering down.

Cynthia took a second to blink away the small debris before bowing down to her invincible crowd.

"Thank you. You've been a wonderful crowd!" Cynthia spoke and blew air kisses, lost in the moment.
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