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Jensen had found himself sitting in class A-2 for some time now, having multiple unique and ordinary faces blend together in a sea of students. These were all heroes, well, soon to be heroes just like him. These would be his classmates, his new batch of friends, and the people he would rely on until the end of his education.. maybe even after, in the world of Pro Heroes. The words of his father were always clearly on display in his head, and right now they rang truer than ever.

"Son! When the going gets tough and something's too big to clean up on your own, never be afraid to call on your friends and family for an extra plunger. We're both so proud of you, now make some friends you can bring to meet us!"

So this was it, the people he had yet to introduce himself to were all around: a sign of what was to come in this amazing and titanic year that sat in front of him! He turned to make his first introduction, getting his name out before the cruel epiphany hit him.

"Um.. Jensen.. Jensen...." The person seemed to be trying to remember his name. "I didn't see your name on the class registry, are you sure you're in the right place?" It was then that the surrounding students turned, all seeming to have no recollection of him or his name. Unanimously, they all shook their heads. "..Oh hey! Right here, Jensen Forbellow, right? You're over here on the directory, in A-1."

..They were right. Oh gosh how could he have forgotten! Right after breakfast and his stretches he had forgotten the reinforcement and encouragement from his mother that, "A-1 must be where you belong, Honey! You're number 1 in our books, after all."
Despite everyone letting him off with a laugh or two and a pat on the shoulder, the walk to and out the door felt pretty humiliating, much like last year's Practical Exam. And there he stood at the door to A-1; really hoping nobody saw him come out of the wrong door. With a deep breath, he walked in the door.

And inside was full of people, everyone unique to the point of standing out entirely. Some of them had already begun talking between themselves, his excitement rising at the mention of "PropellerHead" from another seemingly-average boy. Yet the only person he really recognized was Donavan from before, quietly making his way over.

"Hey, looks like we're classmates after all. I.. miiiight've made a mistake, definitely in the right bowl here."
Well, at least he looked a bit more relaxed around a familiar face, giving the same smile as before. But he would hold his breath before giving the same speech to himself as he did in the last class, just in case he was swapped again.

[ The Legend The Legend ]
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As Rowan pulled out another lollipop and continued to study, Vonne had walked over to the large person in armor. She raised a delicate fist and knocked on the metal softly. "Good morning! You must be Mary, right?" The teacher had a welcoming air about her, and she didn't seem to be fazed much by the deep voice. "Take a seat anywhere, we won't be long here."

Rowan checked the time. It was about five after- Vonne was getting a little too comfortable, in his opinion. He grumbled.

[ Idea Idea ]

  • Surprisingly, the person who answered the door actually understood that my quirk made me inhuman, rather than assuming it was just someone´s lost dog. I guess it made some sense, considering the person´s quirk made them look like an elephant. I wondered to what extent. The quirk certainly did an excellent job of transforming what would otherwise have been a human body into that of an anthropomorphic elephant, with everything blending together so perfectly. If he wore me, would he turn into a full blown elephant? Perhaps I would get to find out some other time. I noticed behind the elephant some girl staring at me, and made a mental note to go talk to her when I got the chance. Odds were she was actually just looking at Ghost, meaning she was either confused or she was a good old dog lover. Surely Ghost wouldn´t mind some cuddles... and I wouldn´t mind a chance to get closer to the girl´s two "pillows". I internalized my chuckle and manwill, facing the elephant again.

    "Unless I made a mistake and this is not class A-1, then indeed I am part of it. My name is Yurei, and this guy is Ghost. Thank you for your kindness with the door. Ghost wasn´t really trained to deal with doors of this size." I nudged Ghost to walk into the room, just in case someone else decided to walk in first and force us to repeat the whole barking for them to open the door for us again. Ghost went beneath the elephant man´s legs, then I made him sit back down on the other side. "Do excuse me. So, what is your name friend?"

    I quickly found that was timing was just right, though. Pratically as soon as I passed by, someone else entered, and seemingly tried to strike a conversation with the elephant, something about a mistake? I made Ghost a paw.

    "Someone you know?" I inquired to the elephant. Then turned to the other guy. Maybe I could start establishing good relationships right away. "And what is this about a mistake? Is there something you require assistance with?"

    King Mediocrity King Mediocrity @ firefly The Legend The Legend
Donavan took a little suprise when the goggles on the dogs head had begun to talk but he tried to not let it show that did intrigue him was that his quirk? a transformitive quirk like his own huh, then that would make them friends!

"Its no problem" he said as the small white dog walked beneath his legs and into the class room, Donavan turned around to face him again "Oh Haha I guess I didn't introduce myself im Donavan its nice to meet you Yurei" He bent down a bit to look at the dog closer "And you too Ghost" he stood back up and as he did jensen from earlier came into the classroom.

'Were in the same class huh! wonderfull' he thru his arm over jensens shoulder pulling him in a bit he looked back to Yurei "Yurei this is my friend jensen and jensen this is my friend Yurei I hope that the Years we are here we can all grow togeather!" donavan chuckled merrily "Why dont you guys sit in the desks next to me?" he lets go of jensen to gesture at the empty desks with his arms.

Donavan was getting excited he was sure that most of the class had allmost shown up and allready it seemed everone was getting along lots of friends to be made and allies to grow alongside this class was looking to be just as amazing as he'd hoped.
Vonne raised a brow, but nodded in understanding. She knew well enough that names could go a long way for certain people. "Not a problem, Craft. Thank you." She looked over the envelope and thought about the description of the sender. Odd. Memos from the staff usually aren't sent like this. After staring at the letter for a few more moments, she left it at her desk and stood at the front of the room. Taking in a breath, she faced her class and clapped her hands.
At the sound of clapping, Rowan pushed his phone into his bag and crossed his arms. Here we go..
"Everyone! Please take your seats if you haven't already, and quiet down. You will all get to know each other better soon enough." She stopped clapping and hid her hands behind her back. "I am Vonne Avery, or more famously known as the hero Savage Locks. I will be guiding you all through your freshmen year here at Sierra Academy."

Ms. Avery begins homeroom, this event involves everyone in A-1.
"Uh yeah, definitely good to be back.. er, here. Just like he said, I'm Jensen. Real good to meet you, Yurei-" At that moment, the teacher had spoken up and practically cut his introduction to a pair of goggles- or was he introducing himself to the dog wearing the goggles -short. He sat down in the desk between Donavan and the other guy who was talking about PropellerHead, straightening up his posture and looking forward.

"Wait is that.." Once again his thought was interrupted as the teacher's introduction, but her hair was a dead giveaway before she could mention it. The Hair-Beast Hero, Savage Locks was their homeroom teacher! This was cool, cool enough that he didn't even feel nervous among all of these new faces, besides the tusked one he actually knew. He would definitely have to tell Mom about his teacher, she'd freak out!

  • I couldn´t contain a small chuckle when the elephant man, Donavan, greeted Ghost and the puppy "replied" with a small bark and a joyful wag of it´s tail.

    "I guess Ghost is pleased to be your acquaintance as well. Do you have any pets, Donavan?" I inquired. Did heteromorphic people even like the idea of pets in the first place? A lot of them appeared to be part animal, so I would assume they would be a bit sensitive about the subject, but seeing the friendly, very normal cutesy way Donavan talked to Ghost just then, maybe I was overthinking it. In the end of the day, animal people were still people, just like I was technically still a person. Probably... "I-I am not trying to be offensive or anything! It´s just, you just seemed to be good with them, from what saw. With Ghost´s reaction and all. Not that I´m an expert... "

    After that awkward moment, I was kind of really thankful for the interruption with the newcomer, or oldcomer, this Jensen. Unlike Donavan, his quirk wasn´t something that showed at glance, but not all of them had to be. In fact, even the ones that could be immediately aknowledged, rarely gave away everything that could be done with them in those first glances. Mine being one of them.

    "Back here?" I inquired. It was an odd thing to say, but before I had a chance to ask more about it, I was interrupted by the teacher, Savage Locks. It was a weird name, given her quirk, but that was none of my business. I wondered how it would affect her, though, if she wore me. But there were other priorities for now, I supposed, that had to be taken care of. And while I would much have preferred to ask one of the girls, establishing a foothold of good relationships wasn´t an especially bad idea either. I turned to my new companions. "Donavan, Jensen, would either of you mind giving me and Ghost a ride?"

    The Legend The Legend King Mediocrity King Mediocrity Princept Princept

Ian sighed. A wave of relief washed over him as class finally started. Nobody had attempted to make conversation with him. Ian shuddered at the thought of his classmates already knowing about his record. Sitting up straight, he prepared himself for class. Honestly, Ian had no idea what to expect from a course on being a hero. Was it some kind of law class?

Glancing around at his classmates, he began to notice things he hadn't initially picked up on. Ian was more far gone than he thought, he hadn't even noticed the dog in the classroom. Eh, there was probably a good reason for it being here. Ian hoped to be able to make some sort of friendship with the people around him. Hell, some of the girls in here were even pretty cute. Ian shook his head.

I am here for a specific reason, he told himself. I gotta keep my head on straight.
Bunny Carstaires
"I'm late.. I'm late! For a very important date!" Bunny quoted to herself as she hurried through the empty corridors in an attempt to find the correct class room. She's been practically every but the A corridor, and she had finally found it. "Maybe.. They're late too! Maybe I'm not the only one! Maybe." She smiled to herself positively, wand in-hand as she skipped along the floor before sliding open the door with the sign 'A - 1' sign just outside. "Oh.. Ah.. Guess I am the only one then.." Bun mumbled to herself as she stepped inside to the mostly-full class room. "It's.. You! Ohmygosh it's her!" Bunny laughed after a brief moment of silence as she realised just who her teacher was exactly, this was further displayed as she gave a large amount of very fast bunny hops in a circle, her wand gripped tightly in-hand. "Oh yeah, late.. Uh.. Yeah, right, listen, sorry!" Bunny said quickly and scuttled to her empty seat with a nervous but bright smile, lighting up her side of the room, as her ears twitched slightly after all the travelling she had done find the room.
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Oh, the faces they all made! It made her wish she could just repeat this day over and over. The Beast had moved forward a bit, giving a toothy smile to the class. "Settle down.." She pushed it back and gave it another meat cube. "Sorry about that. It's eager to meet you all as well! Now.." She pulled out a list for attendance right when a rabbit-like girl came rushing in. "It's alright. Just don't be late tomorrow." She pulled out a pen and began to mark off students that were present. Some were missing- she assumed that they were late as well.
Rowan watched as the restless girl sat in front of him. Annoyed that his view of the front was blocked by some weirdo, he crushed the lollipop under his teeth. "That seat is taken." It wasn't, but he was just being stubborn.

[ Noble Scion Noble Scion ]
Looking down at the little dog-gles while still trying to pay attention to the teacher, he kind of picks up on what it's trying to say. "Huh? Oh yeah, here." Picking up the animal, he leans over and sets it on the desktop to the other side of Donavan. Being so small must've been a problem for something like seating, especially being surrounded by people like elephants and large.. bug.. robot people? Well, everyone has their specialties.

"Can you believe our teacher is Savage Locks? Remember that newspaper clipping from a few weeks ago where she ate her way into a villain hideout? And that breathing regulator she wears looks pretty cool.. awesome!" After reading through so many editions of the newspaper his father got him into, the hero-by-night archetype was something he knew well-enough about. Especially when it involved rescue missions; even though that wasn't his teacher's forte.

[ The Legend The Legend Idea Idea oxygon oxygon ]
Bunny Carstaire
"Oh.. I don't want to get into Miss Savage Locks' bad books so... Tell you what, I'll make it up to you later! How does that sound? Oh, I'm Bunny by the way." Bunny grinned, twisting around in her seat to take a look at the rather annoyed person behind her, delivering her most disarming smile his way, her chest sill rising and falling slightly as she still tried to catch her breath while her long, pale blonde hair seemed to develop a golden sheen from the sunlight. "What's your name? You must be very strong if you made it into this place! I think I just got lucky, what about you? Everyone here seems so coo- THAT'S A PUPPY!" Bun said quickly, barely giving a chance for Rowan to speak as her mind hyperactively gave her things to say in excitement before noticing the little ball of fur sitting not too far away. "Look at it! It has wee goggles and all! That's sooo adorable!" Bun giggled as her mind was overloaded by the cuteness of it, her mouth becoming endlessly wider as she giggled all the more. This truly was one of the best days of her life.

( Princept Princept Idea Idea )
"Please don't. It would be only through dumb luck that you got into Sierra." Rowan took the lollipop stick out of his mouth and thought of what to do with it. He could flick it at her face, or at the flea bag she was ogling over. Maybe that's a little too rude. He thought, placing it into a tissue. "Same with that mutt. Are they letting just anyone in here?" He raised a brow at the dog. "I'm not a dog person. Cats suck, too."

Vonne finished attendance and looked over the class once more. "What do you say we all pay a visit to the Dome, hm?" Her eyes had a challenging glint in them.
Kain watched as the people around him acquainted themselves with one another. Deciding to remain a quiet observer, he made note of everything said around him, as he was sure that any information would be helpful to him in the years to come. Still, certainly some unique quirks to be seen for sure, some he didn't even think possible, such as this Yurei fellow. Still, he allowed himself the moment to relax as he thought a bit back. If he hadn't accidentally obtained rescue points, he would have been guaranteed to lose the practical exam, and he would not have been accepted. He was curious as to how others made it past the practical, again looking over to Yurei. Perhaps he was just not simply thinking hard enough? Perhaps there was a way he could have used his quirks against those automated villains? How would he be able to, though? His poison has no acidic properties that he was aware of, and during the quirk counseling he got back in elementary school he was urged pretty hard to avoid using his quirk as a solution to a problem. Though he didn't let that bother him, he still needed to find a way to use his quirk to help people, and many times that will have to involve defeating a threatening villain. However, if their quirk somehow makes them immune to his toxin like those robots, he'd be useless save for only the slightest of physical boosts he has from his father's side.

As he was lost in thought, trying to think further to attain a more sure solution to the problem faced towards him by his quirk, he noticed a familiar woman walked into the room. Could it be the hair-beast hero? He had heard a lot about Savage Locks in his youth, but he had no idea she would be here. Sitting up straight and professionally, he determined now would be a good time to make a good impression. So her real name is Vonne Avery. He had no idea of that, and had always known of her as Savage Locks. His father spoke highly of her, but he doesn't remember any of the finer details. He smirked widely under his mask, allowing himself this much due to the obscurity brought by his mask. This was going to get fun, he told himself. Finally, things were beginning, he could stop thinking about the subject that has been looming over him, despite already having something of a solution. Noting the sigh of the boy with shoulder length brown hair and an intriguing necklace, looking to be made of silver. It seems Kain wasn't the only one left alone, generally speaking. Still, unlike the other boy Kain didn't mind. It allowed him an opportunity to observe without having to put in the effort of obtaining information himself, as well as it left him to his thoughts.

It was just as he settled in that another student came in. Ah, so even here there were those who would be late to the party. It would appear this girl had rabbit like qualities. Perhaps she had a quirk where her legs were extremely powerful? He can see that being a valuable asset, with few things out of her reach, but he can't just assume from the word go. As it was, his first impression of her was that of eccentricity. He watched her take a seat, to be immediately greeted by another student in a rather rude manner. He was a bit surprised, but perhaps this person could be having a bad day. Kain shifted in his seat a bit as he watched the two interact. Second row from the window at the back, Kain listened to the other student make rude remarks about both the new girl and Yurei, but after the practical, Kain felt that he was the one who barely got in. Ignoring it and choosing to focus on the positive attitude emitted by the boy, Jensen. He silently agreed with him, it was certainly exciting to have such a well renowned hero as their teacher.

Hearing their teacher ask them to pay a visit to the dome, he froze for a moment. Dome...sounded friendly, but what he wasn't sure of was the look she gave them. Raising his hand, Kain spoke up. "Excuse me, miss Avery. Should we introduce ourselves, or is that part of why we're going to this dome?" He asks, his voice again rasped by his mask, but he made sure to speak loud enough so that their teacher may hear him. Wasn't introductions what people usually did at the beginning of school? While he's been trying to get all the information he could out of the conversations he's been hearing, it would be far simpler and easier to just introduce themselves, he told himself. However he had to remind himself that this was, in fact, a school unlike any other he has been to. Perhaps they skipped introductions, but how would interactions with students go if they had to work together as a team? Or perhaps her plan was to put them in an activity where they'd have to learn about each other and work together to progress? His father refused to tell him about what Sierra was like, other than saying that Kain should be prepared for the bizarre. He tried to keep himself professional, and he would have rather stayed quiet, but with such an eccentric crowd he was almost a little confused as to what they'll be doing, even if his father warned him to expect the bizarre.

Princept Princept

  • "Thank you." I told Jensen after he picked up Ghost and brought him to the seat. Already though, the boy´s eyes didn´t seem focused on the task at hand, but rather on our teacher. The admiration in his eyes and in his little comment was obvious, something to which I would have nodded if I had a head to nod with.

    "I have read such news indeed. A most impressive hero. With her quirk, varying range or enemy number shouldn´t be a problem, I think. It may be possible to hurt her nerves directly, since her hair is alive unlike normal hair, but then again, the monster could be a fully separate entity." The image of Savage Locks as a bald woman crossed my mind in that moment, making me shake, and Ghost gave a turn in confusion. "Oh, sit boy. Anyway, I wonder what her quirk would become if she wore me. With my experience, there is probably not much I can really do favor a top hero, but still..."

    A sudden sound to our side made me realize someone was fawning over Ghost. If I had a nose, it would be bleeding. The girl was a nice, BIG smile to her, and she most certainly seemed like the type to hug Ghost without thinking twice. Hehe... I should probably not let the hype just die like this then, should I?

    "The Dome, huh? Sounds cool! Can´t wait to see what everyone´s capable of." I smirked internally. Would these be individual or group fights though? I did have a special request with the school to not be forced into individual combat, only group combat. I would never have gotten in, in fact, without the special recommendation. I could not beat robots myself after all. Of course, I would still be taking a lot of individual exams, using Ghost or with some teacher as a stand-in to measure how much I improved their power. So, the question was, would I be giving myself away right away?

    The Legend The Legend King Mediocrity King Mediocrity Noble Scion Noble Scion Princept Princept
Bunny Carstaires
"Awh, don't be such a sour-pus!" Elise laughed playfully to the rather grumpy person sitting next to her "I'm sure the little fluffy bundle over there had an excellent way of getting in there, maybe he's someone's quirk, like they can summon animals or something. Whatever it is, it's absolutely adorable! Also, how can you not like animals! They're so cute! Sure, dogs don't seem to like me all too much and chase me around a bit.. but they're just playing! I think.. Whatever, anyway, you won't get anything grouching around on your own 'bad boy', how 'bout you come with me and we chat with the others? And maybe pet the dog." Elise gleamed, her sincere smile making it almost impossible for anyone to say no.

The bunny-girl skittered out of her seat and crept over to the other small group. "Hiii~ I'm Elise! The cotton cavalier!" She smiled, her ears giving an ecstatic twitch as she spoke the words. "Uhm.. Does he bite? He looks fluffy and I just want to snuggle him to death! Who's the owner? You?" She asked Jensen politely, her hand slightly out-stretched towards the small dog, bending forward before hearing her teacher's words. "Dome? Sure! What better way to spend our first class than by doing a small outing!" Elise grinned enthusiastically, her hand returning to her side before listening to one of the other pupils. "I'd like to know that too.. I'd assume it's for both." Bun commented, looking expectantly at the famous Savage Locks
"Owner? Oh you've totally got it wrong.. maybe I have it wrong. This is Yurei, he's a pair of goggles.. or he's a dog.. or he's both, Doggles is what I'd call it." This new girl was so bubbly and upfront, and really seemed to speak the first thing that popped into her head exactly when it did. But at least she was talkative, and talkative meant that she was open to being friends. "I'm Jensen, if you asked he'd probably let you.".

With the mentioning of the Dome and introductions nearly simultaneously, he nodded somewhat enthusiastically. If he had to guess, the Dome would be somewhere they did something like a "show and tell" about who they were and what they did. And hey, if everyone was a bit more upfront than he could probably get along with them a bit better by knowing a thing or two about each of his classmates.

"Man.. this whole 'rite of entry' thing is just like in Issue 35 of Jetstream: the High-Pressure Hero. This is gonna be great!" But then he came to a realization: "what if they ask me about my Quirk?" His energy tapered off at the end of his sentence, thinking about how he might be ridiculed about the name of his ability. He would just have to think of a cover-up name by then!

[ Idea Idea Noble Scion Noble Scion oxygon oxygon ]
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From her initial reaction, Jacob feared he might have managed to get himself in trouble on his first day of school. It wasn't exactly unusual for him, but he was hoping this time would be a bit different. However, Iris stern look quickly became a beautiful smile, and he found himself blushing again ever so slightly. I hope I'm in one of her classes. That was one class he'd definitely pay attention in. In fact, he could really use the boost in grades. He wanted to ace his way through the academy if he could. That was a surefire way to make his parents proud.

Iris rather loud outburst caught him by surprise. Now he found himself blushing slightly again for another reason. For a teacher, she seemed surprisingly child like. Not that he thought was a bad thing. Those kind of teachers were always the most fun, but he didn't exactly want too much attention drawn to himself until he had a moment to tidy himself up. His clothes weren't exactly designed for high speeds. Not sure how far they were from class; he figured he might as well make some small talk. "So Ms Iris you're a teacher, right? So what do you teach?" He asked curiously.
Ineptitude Ineptitude
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"Languages, of course!" Iris answered with little to no thought, humming underneath her breath in delight. "I'll be teaching the basics of some of the easiest ones I know." She beamed brightly, mind already whirring with the ideas she had planned the day prior before a thought suddenly struck her. "Though, I probably won't be teaching here for long." Her smile turned sheepish as she said this, rubbing the back of her neck. "Maybe a year or two at most before I go back to my old job." She clarified after pausing for a brief moment.

CactusJuice CactusJuice
Jacob thought for a moment. "Do you know german?" He wondered. Not many knew but Jacob was bilingual due to the German heritage on his father's side. Trilingual if you can't British English. The thought made him chuckle. His mother was from Britain, so people could often hear her accent through him. He had the tendency to use words such as mum, bin, mate, lift, etc. The accent had actually made him quite popular with the ladies, so he wasn't one to complain.

A look of confusion passed over his face when Iris mentioned she'd probably only be teaching for a year or two. She's probably a hero. He was pretty bad about keeping track of even the more famous ones. His father, Conrad Blum, was one of the more famous ones himself, and he liked to have extravagant "Hero Balls", so he'd met many a hero by extension. What do they call him again? Isn't it like the "Walking Tank" or something like that? His father's quirk pretty much made him one. "Why? If you don't mind me saying, I think you could make a great teacher, Ms Iris." He couldn't understand why she'd only teach for such a short period. His confusion turned to excitement when he saw his class in the distance. He was late, but at least he'd made it. I'll probably be reprimanded. Jacob sighed. If they called his parents, he'd never hear the end of it.
Ineptitude Ineptitude
"If my name hadn't made it obvious already," Iris said in mock irritation judging by how her smile took on a joking edge. "Yes, I do know German. I won't be teaching it, though. At least, not this year." She clarified, taking note of the fact that they were quickly approaching their destination, Class A-1, which was just at the end of the hallway.

Iris was just about to hurry their pace, since Jacob was already late for first period, when his next question made her pause. "You flatter me, but," She wavered slightly, ruby red eyes averting to the floor as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "This teaching gig is just on a whim of mine." She looked back up at him with a grin before giving him a light push towards the classroom doors. "Blow them away, lady killer." She gave him an impish smile, taking a few steps back before turning heel and walking off.

CactusJuice CactusJuice

Fiddling in his seat, Anan was not sure what to do with himself. Sure, he really was excited to finally be fulfilling his long dream to be a hero but he didn't want to embarrass himself on the first day for being in the wrong class. That would just ruin his reputation to become the best hero in the world. Glancing around the room, everyone seemed to have some sort of quirk - as well as being a friendly bunch - especially the student that resembled an elephant ( The Legend The Legend ). The guy seemed like someone who would have a quirk with that amazing body structure which reassured Anan that he was in the right class. Letting out a sigh of relief after holding his breath for a while, Anan felt more relaxed and turned his head towards the window hearing a chirp nagging him for attention. Seeing a little blue bird standing proudly on a branch, Anan waved his hand in a way to shoo the creature from disturbing his class. Anan wasn't sure if it was because of his quirk or not, but somehow he gained some kind of ability to attract birds. He couldn't understand them nor control them in any way but they seemed to like his presence whenever he was around.

Anan frowned when he saw the bird not making a move to leave and was about to get up to use some kind of body language gesturing that he did not want the bird to stay any longer until a gruff, masculine voice spoke up behind him. Not noticing earlier the person approaching him, Anan turned around only to come face to face with some kind of humanoid bug. His face suddenly paled in color at the sight of bug-like creature before him and his throat felt like it was clogged with his own saliva, "OH MY BAT EATING MAN, IT'S A GIANT BUG!" Swallowing the lump blocking his throat, Anan tried to calm himself down feeling the prickle feeling of his crystal crawling up his arm. Luckily, his jacket covered most of his already hardened arm as Anan hid his hand quickly behind his back hoping they didn't noticed. Giving the guy - or he assumed was a male - a lopsided smile, or tried to, Anan fought against his sympathetic nerves to run straight out of this room. Willing himself to be strong, Anan gathered the courage to at least respond to his fellow classmate since they were being friendly and it would be rude for Anan to just judge a person based on their appearance even if it may be one of his worst nightmares, "Uh. H-h-hi! I'm uhh.... Anan?" Anan didn't mean to make it sound like a question but his heart was clawing at his rib cage as if saying it would run for Anan if he would not. His mind was in a blur with only the thought that a giant bug was talking to him. He didn't even notice the fact it was only a suit of armor with his fear blinding him. Not sure how to continue with the conversation, Anan was going to return the same question back when the sound of clapping caught his attention making him instantly plop back into his seat.

Looking towards the front of the class, Anan was struck in awe seeing one of his all time favorite super hero ( Princept Princept ), "Savage Locks", in the flesh and to top the icing, she was his homeroom teacher! If not for all these people, Anan would be foaming in his mouth by now from the sudden shock. Before he could even shout his love for Savage Locks, a girl with rabbit ears ( Noble Scion Noble Scion ) popped in declaring her tardiness in such quick manner that Anan thought she was speaking in another language.

Shaking his head, Anan tried to clear his head after everything that had happened in such a short time. The idea of going to the dome was very interesting and Anan was all for it if it meant he didn't have to think anymore. Side glancing to the bug armor, Anan gave a small smile remembering that he had yet to learn the guy's name, "Sorry about earlier, I'm not good with umm.... insects. I hope you don't mind and I forgot to ask, but may I know your name?"

... Idea Idea
Rowan decided to entertain the rabbit head's idea, wondering if he could get some information on other's quirks. If they were going to the Dome to fight, he would gladly pummel the mutt. He wasn't too sure about the elephant guy, though. Keeping his distance so that the dog wouldn't get any fur on his sweater, he learned some new names.
He looked at the pair of goggles. What a stupid quirk. He scrunched his nose when the thing started talking about his aunt.
"It's a symbiotic relationship. You know, one relies on the other to live. It has certain spots that connect to her nerves, but you lot wouldn't be able to see them before she takes a bite out of you."
Perhaps he shouldn't have spoken- he regretted it now. Some answers warrant more questions.. And he didn't want to look like the nerd that was muttering about some comic book character.

Vonne was packing her things while the rest buzzed over what was waiting for them in the Dome. She looked up from her attendance sheet and smiled at- her finger trailed down the paper- Kain. "Good question. If we introduce ourselves without introducing our powers, I feel that we could say anything. We could lie about who we are, or what we've been through. One of the biggest parts of being yourself is your quirk-" The Beast purred after being fed another meat cube. "And nothing really shows off your personality like the gifts you were born with! Also, we can only use them in the Dome. Wouldn't want a demerit on the first day, right?"

[ King Mediocrity King Mediocrity Noble Scion Noble Scion Idea Idea The Legend The Legend ] [ Zaharad Zaharad ]

  • I could barely hold myself from some sweet sweet heavy breathing as the girl approached Ghost without a care in the world. Would my plans become reality soon? I mean, aside from the fact that her suggestion to snuggle him to death somehow came off as if she might actually do it, the girl was cute, adorable, and with...well-rounded features. It was just a matter of getting her to pick him up, something which didn´t seem all that far fetched with the pace at which we were going. So, after the girl asked who Ghost´s owner was and Jensen promptly saying it wasn´t him, instead mentioning that I was "the dogles" I took the opportunity to open negotiations.

    "Good morning there. My name is Yurei, as my friend here mentioned, and this is Ghost. I´m the closest thing to his owner here, though their real owners are the ones who trained him to assist me. That said, I don´t think he would mind nice comfy snuggle, so long as you don´t actually kill him that is. That would be pretty inconvenient, for both of us. I can´t really move around on my own, you see?" I explained "Oh, and Jensen, I´m just the googles. Though, depending on who wears me, I can be a lot of things. Perks of my quirk. I suppose you´ll see that in the dome though. I do apologize, however, you were saying something about this "issue 35"? What was that all about?"

    My conclusions about the teacher´s quirk and it´s potential exploitable weaknesses were disproven by this other student who had been accompanied by the rabbit girl up until a moment ago. I paused to ponder on his words, sort of nodding internally. It was useful to learn such new things about other quirks. And the symbiotic relationship thing was something I could somewhat relate to myself. After all, my own quirk´s true potential and ability was based on me being worn by someone and strengthening them in the process, while they enabled my complete shapeshifting.

    I was about to reply, when the teacher mentioned some rather confusing things about the dome and introductions, but more importantly, she mentioned that we couldn´t use our quirks outside of the dome. I didn´t have a hand to raise, so I just spoke up.

    "What if we use them, but not for combat purposes? Say, what if a levitation quirk was used to help pick up the table, or a hardening quirk was triggered as someone fell?" I inquired.

    Princept Princept King Mediocrity King Mediocrity Noble Scion Noble Scion
Bunny Carstaires
"Pair of goggles..? Oh, doggles! What a cute nickname!" Bunny giggled, taking a closer look at the goggles and enjoying the jokey nature of the name. "But.. Goggles aren't sentient.. Are they?" She asked. "Oh, hello Jensen, I am Bunny Carstaires, but you can call me Bun if you want." The blonde bunny-woman smiled before noticing the grumpy guy from before had followed her. "Symbiot-y what-y? Ah." She began before Rowan's explanation quickly followed, and then, the goggles began to talk. "Wha..? Are you trapped in there..? Does someone have the quirk to do that? I don't know if I'd like being a pair of goggles.." she pondered over, mumbling slightly to herself as she lost track of the conversation. "Oh, uhmm.. Well then, why hello there Yurei! And are you sure you'd be alright with it? I just love animals, they're so cool! I mean., I know I'm kinda one, but I'm not really, you know? Sorry, I'm strange and SO excited to be here!" She laughed maniacally as her mind buzzed, her anticipation for what might come next being quite obvious in her body language as she seemed quite unable to sit still. "So you change? What would you be on me? What would you be on Savage Locks?! Wow.. The possibilities! That's cool mr. Doggles." Bunny smiled jokingly, leaning down and giving one of the lenses a gentle poke.
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