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Kain listened to his teacher reply calmly. Taking note that she looked over her paper, likely a list before she replied, told Kain that she was unaware of who they all were. That paper likely has their name, quirk title, et cetra. Listening to the other students speaking as well, many seemed interested in the activity, but more so in each other. It was certainly a good thing to know he was going to be a part of a somewhat social crowd, even if there would be one or two who prefer to remain silent. So, we're going to the dome to show off our quirks, he thought to himself. He hoped it wasn't anything like the practical exam, he barely scraped by there through luck. He doesn't know how often lady luck will favor him if he has to keep going through things like that again. "I see. Thank you, miss Avery." He said, lowering his hand and looking around. It seemed most people noticed the question, but not so much him. He wondered how he could use this to his advantage, but if he was looking to get into a leadership position, isn't not being recognized a bad thing? Well, perhaps he shouldn't rush things. After all, they had just started. Right now, he should be gathering and obtaining as much information as he can. Anything that will be able to help him in the long term.

It was at this moment, Kain had realized that the paper likely had his last name, too. An obvious thing, but that would mean she may know his father. He wondered what side she'd be on. Would she be a fan of his, or would she be on the other end and berate him for almost causing as much destruction as the villains he fights? Kain Salen, son of Jurias Salen, also known as the Dragon Warrior, Fronur. His mother's name was Eleanor, but she wasn't the hero type. She was certainly happy that Kain wanted to be one, though. Even happier that one of his goals is to cause no collateral damage. He looked at his excited teacher, wondering if she knew his fathers real name. He spoke highly of her, but while he likely referred to her by her real name with his wife at some point, Kain can't remember it. Would this mean that Vonne would also only know his father by his hero name? He sort of hoped she would. After all, he didn't want any favors, and he didn't want to have any additional pressure this early into the school year, at least not until he had his feet firmly planted on the ground, and he was able to push himself forward instead of taking advantage of being left under the radar thus far.

With that thought in his head, he wondered how his classmates would react to his quirk. He wouldn't remove his mask, he'd only have to turn the nozzles on the end and do it despite not exactly needing his mask anymore. Regardless, such a dangerous quirk is sure to be met with some kind of ire. He was sure there were a lot of quirks that would be able to nullify his, so that would leave him with notable weaknesses in regards to a standing of power. At least he'd be able to fall back on his strength, but against students of such a school of such prestige, with quirks that he was sure would truly be wonderful, he couldn't help but feel a slight bit of worry, but that was him simply thinking too much. Due to incidents early on in his life he's had a bad habit of focusing on the worst case scenarios, and that still effects his thought process today.

Listening in on the bunny girl, oddly enough named Bunny Carstaires, leading him to wonder if her parents knew she'd have the quirk she got, or if it developed at birth instead of about age four. Well, with a physical quirk like that he believed it could be either, so it would likely be birth for her if her name was literally Bunny. Her actions and words only solidified to Kain that she was certainly an eccentric, perhaps even an airhead, but he has heard from his father that some heroes put on acts to gain more popularity with people. Kain thought that would be a very bad thing for him to do because it wouldn't be the actions of a "true hero," but since growing up he found out how the government payment truly works and since a lot of it is based off of popularity, he can see why some heroes would resort to this to pay their bills and sustain their families while they do what they love to do...or perhaps pushed into? This lead him to wonder briefly on how many heroes were forced into hero work because of the quirk they were born with? Did they accept it? Did they rebel? Did they give up? Or did they become villains? There are many possibilities revolving that, but he stopped himself there, deciding to leave it as a subject of meditation later. For now, he needed to focus on the present.

Having snapped out of his thoughts, it was unfortunate that he had forgotten to look away from Bunny before he had zoned out and delved into thought. If she noticed, he'd simply give her a not and return his attention back to the teacher. He felt he'd gain a lot of attention by being around her, and he wasn't sure if that was something he exactly wanted. Knowing Yurei was not the dog but in fact he is the goggles surprised just about everyone, so he wouldn't fault anyone for that reaction. However, he didn't want people to inquire too deeply about his mask just yet. While he could control his quirk, he didn't want anyone to ask to see it. He could breath it back in, but that could be hard to do sometimes, especially if there's a gust of wind, or if it's a hot day the gas will rise up much quicker. If the air is humid its effect on skin can be much more visible, too. He doesn't want to use his power out of annoyance or fear, but it is caution that motivates him to avoid talking about, or thinking about his quirk if he can. With that in mind, he is here to become a hero, and how to use his quirk to and pull out its potential, and use it for good. That said, if he is forced to duel, he likely wont hesitate to use his power if they are in an enclosed area. That way, there won't be any risk of anyone else being hurt by his power. He looks towards his teacher, Savage Locks, waiting for the cue and getting up with the students when it is time to go, unless he is asked a question first.

  • A...cute nickname? Honestly, I kinda thought it was a bit weird, but hey if the gal liked it, I could roll with it for a bit. She seemed like the type to pay off in the end. I soon came to realize she actually thought that it was a joke, and the nickname was in fact meant for the dog, to point where she questioned whether "the googles" (read, me) were actually sentient. Was it really that hard to believe? We had elephant people here. Our teacher´s quirk was a hair monster!

    "Yes, I am quite sentient." I simply retorted. I went on the introduce myself, and the girl went on a tangent, asking me about my current state, to confirm that I was alright with Ghost being cuddled by her, and about my capacity to change (was she mocking me? At some point, it kinda started feeling like she was... or maybe that feeling was right there from the beggining. But the smile and giggles, and two melons, they were still so encouraging. There was a warmness to those cold spikes of mockery. Indeed, I Couldn´t resist a cute girl at all!

    With a would-be nose in a would-be bleeding, I began my reply:

    "The one with the quirk to put me in this state is myself. Unfortunately, my quirk is a bit of a one-way ticket. Once triggered, I can´t shut down my shapeshifting and I can´t just shapeshif back into a human either. I´m "trapped" in the googles, so much as I AM the googles. Effectively, they are my body. I eat and drink through them. And talk from them. I don´t breathe though." I explained. "I can shapeshifting into pratically anything the person wearing me can think of. Or I can just stay in whatever form I am. Now..."

    "...Feel free to pamper Ghost here. Pet him, pick him up, hug him, cuddle with him, snuggle with him... So long as you don´t hurt him, the worst that happens is that you´ll have to wash off the drool from the licking." I assured her.

    Noble Scion Noble Scion

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