BnB Nightmares

Tybalt eyed the smear of caca and stepped to the side to continue walking. His sword and shield were at the ready. His heavy armor clanked around. “I am not fitted for sneaking right now. We have size to our advantage, so let’s exterminate the pests.” He spoke confidently, sliding on his iron helmet in preparation for battle.
Deagan arrives behind everyone "well if it's goblins I'm sure we could just talk to them, I could see them as pests but they are hardly monsters"
Deagan arrives behind everyone "well if it's goblins I'm sure we could just talk to them, I could see them as pests but they are hardly monsters"
"Word or sword, but they must be evicted all the same," Kharam says as his eyes scan the area for further signs or goblin activity.
Deagan regards Aramis "I'm no negotiator or warrior, I'll stay here in the back, it's just like my memaw used to say "everything looks like a cake when you gotta cakefork""
As you step out into the hall, you notice there are three directions you can go, north, east, and west. It looks like the path north widens out ahead.
At the front of the pack, Tybalt looks around the three possible paths. He kept look out for the most commonly used path a goblin might take.

“Which way, do you think?” He asked the others.
"well we are going to need to check them all anyway. If we stick to a wall we can avoid getting lost"
"Ok Cami, you've done this before a thousand times. Let us hunt" She gets down to the ground holding her Halberd with her right hand, nose working at max speed and licking the air. Not really caring about the smell.
(Rolled a 22 yey)
"This way" *She commands without further explanation... yeah, better explanning* "Dont think yall can catch this, but there I smell something this way. I think we should check it"
Tybalt took one footstep to the right before seeing everyone else going straight. He turned and followed the one sniffling around on the floor.

“I should’ve brought my guard sow for this.” He said offhandedly. Though the idea of bringing Tammy into danger made him nervous, the pig could handle stressful situations. Tybalt was much like a worried parent.

“Amazing. You have scent trackers like a wildcat,” He marveled at Camille sniffing the floor.
Camilla and Rangel's noses lead them both north. The room is dark like most of the mansion. However, you feel a sense of its opulence and grandeur. You feel as if this room is important somehow. there is a spiral staircase leading up and a path to the north.
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A wave of force flows from Kharam as danger becomes more apparent. He becomes enveloped in thin, spectral tendrils of alien cyan color that stream from him like steam caught in the wind. The heady fume causes ripples in the air like a mirage, slightly distorting the space around him. The effect is minor, and yet that slightest bend of space-time could be the difference between a lethal blow and a passing glance.

[Kharam casts Mystic Armor on himself, gaining a +1 to AC for 8 hours for a total of 18.]
Tybalt follows the sniffing kitsune feeling like he ought to be helping more. He had a shield but not much in way of magic talent aside from his ability to see in low light.

“Does anyone need a light? My shield fits a torch on it,” he said. “Any luck Cam?”
The room becomes more clear as the torch lights up the room, albeit unsteady light. There is a marble spiral staircase; the handrails are polished porcelain. The walls around them are a muted tone or beige and gold stripes. Paintings hang in abundence. There are noble-looking figures (one of who you presume to be Lady Scarlet herself. She has black hair, an ivory complexion, and is dressed in all red. One painting in particular that draws your attention is that of a red tree standing over a field of flowers and you feel an inexplicable draw to that place.

Beyond the staircase, the path north seems similarely decorated.
Kharam's inquisitiveness gets the better of him as he grazes his fingers over the frames of the paintings. Of note, he focuses on Lady Scarlet's.
Kharam's inquisitiveness gets the better of him as he grazes his fingers over the frames of the paintings. Of note, he focuses on Lady Scarlet's.
You attempt to read the psychic resonance on Lady Scarlet's Painting. You pick up the greed of the painter and the love of a husband giving it to his wife. Lady Scarlet should have touched it at some point, but you are getting nothing else.

You notice nothiung from the other paintings except for a flash from the painting of the tree and the flowers so brief you cannot identify what you saw/felt.
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Kharam's hands pull away as he silently turns back to join the group. He makes no mention of what he did or why. Often, explaining himself came with a rebuke and accusation of senility or infantile imagination.
Tybalt took the torch and fixed it to his shield. He looked at the painting of a tree and felt a sense of home. He spent his youth climbing trees and this one in particular seemed to call out to him, resurrecting old, fond memories of home.

The search for goblins was beginning to wear on his patience. He would go past the staircase to continue exploring north. “Come out come out, little goblins!”

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