Amadeus Kharam, The Pale Painter
Kharam slips inside the effective range of the goblin king's ridiculously oversized weapon. With a low slide, he slashes across his backside, shadowing the very spot Tybalt had hammered before.
Now he expected retaliation. The occular sigils surrounding him vibrate excitedly, turning their gaze to the king, the tormentor, every minute motion causing a flare in the eye that witnesses it. Kharam's sword hovers delicately in his grip as one foot slides behind the other, prepared to slide out of harm's way at a moment's notice.
Now he expected retaliation. The occular sigils surrounding him vibrate excitedly, turning their gaze to the king, the tormentor, every minute motion causing a flare in the eye that witnesses it. Kharam's sword hovers delicately in his grip as one foot slides behind the other, prepared to slide out of harm's way at a moment's notice.