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BnB Nightmares

Kharam slips inside the effective range of the goblin king's ridiculously oversized weapon. With a low slide, he slashes across his backside, shadowing the very spot Tybalt had hammered before.

Now he expected retaliation. The occular sigils surrounding him vibrate excitedly, turning their gaze to the king, the tormentor, every minute motion causing a flare in the eye that witnesses it. Kharam's sword hovers delicately in his grip as one foot slides behind the other, prepared to slide out of harm's way at a moment's notice.
Rangel quickly gets a litte something from her belt: a small, broken crown, handed on her left hand, she shows it to the so called "king" before moving it from one side to another one and then stab him, making him stumble just a moment
Aramis quickly attempts an attack against bugbear A, which he misses, before running over to the goblin king and smacking him, partially missing but still managing to grace him (5 slashing damage)
Feeling the battle, hearing the weapons clash against flesh and Armor. The screams of their foes, the spirit of her allies, Camilla smiles from ear to ear.
"Ah. True music can only be born from this atmosphere!"
Noticing an opening she moves behind the Goblin King. Flanking him together with Tybalt, her Halberd hits the ground making a weird harmony with the sounds of the battlefield. A symphony of strength and Valor.
She gives a smile to Rangel and takes advantage of her attack to jump to the air. Her weapon cladded in a golden fire as she Twirled in the air, only to come down with a devastating blow.
"GROAR!" She screams as the blade of her halberd takes out a chunk of flesh of the Goblin King!
(51 Damage!!! A devastating blow)
The Bugbear tormentor attempts a double feint. Deagan is off guard and it deals 4 sneak attack damage. The bugbear deals 10 damage to deagan. It misses twice more.

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