Blue Mountain High School

Flower looked at her and then down. "U-under your wing?!" She blinked wondering what was so interesting with her. She didn't deserve it.
Flower nodded and then smiled brightly pushing her hair back. A few guys stared at her and she rubbed her arm nervous again.
Flower looked at her and then smiled alittle. Having her hair out of her face showed her real beauty. She looked down and covered it up again. She didn't really like attention and hiding her face helpped.
Lexi sighed when Flower hid her face and turned to her and got out her make up and hairstuff rearranging her hair and doing her make up subtly.


Flower blushed as suddenly a few boys stared at her again. She looked at Lexi and then looked down. "Um...." She sighed deeply. "I don't know...they stare..."
"Flower everyone is going to stare sometimes and sometimes everyone is going to get stared at. But when you get stared at it will be because of your true beauty not just your hair colour."
(It's spelled color why do people put an u in it lol?)

Flower looks at her and sighed. "I don't like being stared or not." She looked around and sighed.

Katsura: Kat entered the school building shyly. She had never enjoyed that first day, when no one knew you and everything you did was judged. She twisted her fingers in her hair, her lip tucked into her teeth and her head tipped downward. She glanced over at her brother but he was already shuffling off. She felt her stomach drop as he left. She watched the kids from behind her cloak of hair and tried to stay out of the way. She fumbled with the slip of paper, trying to figure out where she was supposed to go.

Aspen: Aspen could tell Kat was freaking out, she always did on the first day. It almost annoyed him that she even cared what anyone thought anymore. That was her problem though. The best thing to do for her, he had learned, was leave her to figure it out herself. He shrugged his navy blue bag higher on his shoulder and rushed off down the halls, at the same time pulling his crumbled paper from his pocket to figure where exactly he was supposed to be heading.

(I'm not sure where they're supposed to start, is that ok?)
Lex sighed and looked at Ari. "Do i look okay babe?"

Ari smiled and kissed Lex's cheek softly and murmered in her ear. "Gorgeous,"
Flower looked at them two and then looked down getting up and walking out into the hall. She looked down her white slowly getting in front of her face again.
Flower sighed and sat alone this time looking out. She saw Ari and Lexi again and sighed deeply. "Lucky." She mumbled to herself and looked outside.
Lexi rolled her eyes and sat on the stool next to him and made eye contact with her friend Jessica telling her to sit by Flower and be nice. She obeyed since Lex's usually kind blue eyes went ice cold.

Jessica smiled and tapped the girls shoulder. "Hi, my names Jessica but, you can call me Jess. Whats your name?"

Lexi smiled to herself and started drawling Ari with a shadowed background.

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