Blue Mountain High School

I smile shyly as we finish picking up my stuff. "thank you" i slowly extend my hand. "im Rosie but you can call me Rose.Im new around here and i still feel so bad for not looking and running into you."
Flower sighed and looked at rose. "Y-yeah me too..." she looked up slightly and then looked down her white hair going in front of her face. She backed up and then held her hands. "It's ok."
smiles shyly then turns to leave knowing im not wanted again. I wander around and finally find my locker. I start to put my stuff into it as i try to think about my schedule.
Lexi sped to school with Ari in the passenger side. When she got there she slipped into a spot right before someone took it she turned the car off getting out and walking towards the school. She pulled out her schedule that had her locker number on it and she found hers with ease. Right next to her was a girl who looked shy so she smiled at her. "Hi. I'm Alexis, but everyone calls me Lexi." She opened her lock and pushed her books into a neat mess grabbing only her first period book, a notebook, a pen, and a pencil putting them in her bag.

Ari snickered as Lexi ran off and he slouched to his locker already knowing where it was then her slammed his books in grabbing the one he needed then headed to chorus,
Flower sighed and walked to chorus. SHe looked stright down however and kept her hair in front of her face. SHe rubbed her arm frightened.
After finally playing it through fully, Teddy laughed lightly. "See...? I'm g-getting there..." The teacher nodded, before looking at the clock, "You might want to wrap it up, I have a feeling it's time for kids to start showing up." Teddy nodded, before standing, putting his chair back where it was, and going to put the guitar back in it's proper case.
Flower didn't look up and just looked down at her hands. She didn't speak even though people pointed at her and then started talking and laughing. Flower bite her lip trying not to hear them.
Name: Zachary ? Matthews

Nickname: Zack or Matthews


Gender: Male

Crush/bf/gf: None; now..

Sexual Orientation(if you want people to find out later just put no): Straight

Extra: He is the new kid that nobody knows.. He just moved to a nice house with his rich dad, his dad is a famous business man and talks to Zack only when he runs into him accidently - which is very rare and awkward for them both. He is a street-fighter that has a good heart but often gets into trouble because of his temper. His mother was killed in front of him years ago when he was only 10 by a man his father had just fired, the man had come to Zack's house drunk and was looking for his father but found his loving mother instead and killed her as Zack watched hiding under the kitchen table, for this reason he hates his father and blames him, although, they were never close even when he was first born his father only cared for his business.
Kayin grabs her books for math and starts heading down a hallway toward the math department keeping my face down. I brush against a boy who has a shaved head and i look up and blush. "sorry i wasnt paying attention."

Lexi shrugged at her non responsiveness and grabbed her choir book and skipped to class moving Ari's backpack when she spotted him next to a girl with blindingly white hair stark in contrast to Ari's jet black hair with blue moon in it. She sat next to him and held his hand entertwining their fingers as she smiled at the girl. "Who might you be?" She raised a possesive eyebrow.

Ari just shrugged and looked to his side at the girl then back at his goregeous girlfriend. "I have no idea," he looked back again. "Who are you?"
Flower looked at them and then looked down. "Flower..." She said in a soft shy voice. She looked the other way messing with her fingers. She glanced at the two.
Flower looked at him and then looked down again. "Um...I guess so..." She said and then looked at some people staring. "Um am I really that strange?" SHe looked down again.
Name:: Liam Rylen Claimsworth

Nickname:: Lia, Li, Ry, Rylen

Gender:: Female



Crush/Bf/Gf:: Nah

Sexual Orientation:: Straight

Extra:: Nopers

Flower looked at him and then looked down again. "Um...I guess so..." She said and then looked at some people staring. "Um am I really that strange?" SHe looked down again.
Name: Katsura Eveens ~ Nickname: Kat or Sura ~ Appearance: She has long, dark hair that falls slightly below her shoulders in gentle waves. Her eyes are very blue and round and she has just a few freckles on her nose. She isn't all that tall but she is thin and usually pretty graceful. She usually wears jeans and a t shirt and thin boots. ~ Gender: Female ~ Crush/ bf/gf: no one yet ~ Sexual orientation: no ~ Extra: She is twins with Aspen. ~~~ Name: Aspen Eveens ~ Nickname: Asp ~ Appearance: he is almost nothing like his twin sister. He is tall and thin, has locky blonde hair that always falls a little into his eyes. He does, however, share his sisters big, blue eyes. He usually wears jeans, a simple t shirt, and black tennis shoes. ~ Gender: Male ~ Crush/bf/gf: Not yet ~ Sexual orientation: straight ~ Extra: Kats twin brother. ~~~~ Is that ok? And where should they start? Going to the school principle? Or entering the class? Thanks!~~~ Edit: sorry it's all squished together! My iPod won't let me fix it so I've put ~ in between questions. Hope that's alright. :)
Name: Juliet Rose Valentine

Nickname: Jules or Rosey


Gender: Female

Crush/bf/gf: None yet

Sexual Orientation(if you want people to find out later just put no): Bi

Extra:Simular to her everyday outfit

(all three accepted.)

Ari raised his eyebrow and asked. "What are you talking about? You seem perfectly normal to me."

Lexi snickered and fluffed her hair with he manicured nails.
Flower looked at them. "Not with this hair." She quietly and looked at them. "...." She looked up and then down. Nervously she messed with her hair.
Lexi looked at her with kind eyes. She knew what it felt like to have horrid hair she used to in second grade. "I could help with that. I do my own hair but your's could be however you wanted it."

Ari smirked. Lex was trying to make another clone. "It's true she'd pretty good."
Flower looked at her. "'s fine..." She looked down and then looked as another person sat beside her. She tried to hide her face even more.
Lexi sighed. "Your hair looks fine. I was offering since you dont seem to like it. Really i envy it. You get attention without trying while the rest of us have to struggle."
Flower looks at her. "...I don't want attention." She said and looked down very shyly. "It just gets me teased..." She said and then grabbed her arm.

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