Ky played with the quarter in his hand, looking around for something to entertain him before he had to go back to the manor. The wedding cake had been gotten there twenty minutes ahead of schedule and the happy couple to be had tipped him three dollars. And the baker had given him seven to deliver it. 'Ten dollars for bringing a cake somewhere is good money,' he thought and scanned the small main street again. If he kept the money he knew he would just end up buying something stupidly expensive later on so he was looking for something small he could buy. A rumble from his stomach reminded him that he still hadn't eaten anything. Crossing the street, he pushed open the door to the bar thing Esme ran and pocked his head in. She wasn't anywhere he could see, so he walked in and sat down at the bar. Ky smiled at Sheena and placed his three dollars on the counter. "Can I have a sandwich or whatever food is cheap enough to buy with this?"
As advanced as it is, Christian's reminding her of her age has never impressed Rikarah. She might be nearly 600 years older than him, but she has always felt herself to be considerably older than any human age or restraints that could be placed upon her. She has always tried to view herself and others as exactly as they are, or at least how she interprets them to be, with no regard for such exteriors as age or appearance...though she has to admit that Christian's appearance can at times be distracting to her from who he is. Or perhaps he is one of the few whom she judges in part because of his appearance. It takes a remarkable person to attract her approval on this trait alone, and she supposes that to her, at least, Christian meets the criteria.

"I heard you say that you did not want to dance, but I believe you will change your mind when I show you what you would be missing if you refused," she says coyly in response to his comment, but her thoughts are still resting with his explanation of herself as his sanctuary. She considers this for a few moments more before responding to it. "You feel I am your sanctuary, which is another word for salvation, as if you somehow need redemption...because I make you feel like a mortal man. A man without your particular powers as a you mean to tell me then, Christian, that you do not wish to have what you have been born to be? That is interesting that you would seek then to make another like you in me. I sought what you owned from birth, and you feel you need to create another like you to feel as if you are not whom you are at all?"

As Christian speaks to the younger of the Lycans, those that are often termed "pups," Rikarah nods acknowledgment to them, considering his words. She supposes she herself is considered a "pup" due to her new status as a Lycan, but it is impossible for her, with her rather high opinion of herself and her abilities, to think of herself as such a way. Still, a pup who is not currently present comes to her mind, and she turns towards Christian as she addresses her thought to him.

"What of the Sadovsky girl? She appears to come and go as she pleases, and she does not even have a legal place of employment yet. It could be something of a liability for us, but you have seen her stubbornness yourself, she brushes off anything I tell her simply because it's from me."

The two do not get along well, Rikarah because she sees Sheena as an impulsive, overly emotional and frankly "puppy-ish" child without much education or intellect, whether or not this is a fair assessment, Sheena because she sees Rikarah as an arrogant, cold b*tch. It has not been without its confrontations so far even in the short time they have lived together.
Andrea was used to getting up early, so she was already awake by the time Esme left that morning and had honked the horn of her jeep to tell everyone goodbye. She ate a quick breakfast and kept to herself, she still wasn't used to being in a place where she was accepted, and she wasn't used to being around so many people if she didn't have to be. She hadn't really accepted them as family yet, she didn't know them well enough, but at least she hadn't run away from the manor, which would be stupid of her since she asked to join the pack so she wouldn't have to be alone.

She went back to her room and dressed quickly, though as she dressed she noticed the scar on her shoulder, it was something that she had started to get used to seeing after three years. She had also started to get used to being a lycan in general, she had found that being a wolf was an amazing feeling and not a curse as she had originally thought it was. She knew that she was still young, but after three years of being a lycan she was at least getting used to it, she knew that she didn't have the pride that the born lycans had, but she was glad to be one, or she was once she got used to it. She still missed her human family sometimes, but had realized that staying with them would have been a mistake, so she could move on, and live her life.

Andrea had also found that being here was good, she had been nervous about it at first since she normally avoided all people, but being around those that knew her secret and accepted her was helping her to get over that fear of others. She finished dressing, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt with the logo of the diner she worked at, which passed as her uniform. She went outside and grabbed her bike, she couldn't drive, and couldn't afford to get a car even if she could, while she could have walked to the diner she was running a little late so she would have to ride her bike instead. She was glad to be going to work, at least that would help her get some more money to save back in case she needed something.

*Christian took another sip of coffee, most of his pack even the young ones he doesn't expect much trouble out of them but he still feels the need to lay down some guidelines.* By the way as you all know there is a full moon Sunday and even though you will all feel like you're supercharged and indestructible in the days leading up to them, just remember any actions you do while you're outside this manor reflects on me and can put us all in danger. Also we will run as a pack on the full moon so don't make any plans, we hunt on our grounds, that's why Conner I need you to make sure those hunters are long gone before Sunday. For those of you that don't know if you cross out of our grounds under the full moon, I will come after you and drag you back and the next full moon you will be locked away. Now I'm done with my lecture so it's time for some fun, how about we go to the pool after breakfast and relax? If you don't have to work that is.
Esme smiled at Conner as he slipped into the bar, nodding a greeting at him. Her eyes followed him for a moment as he headed into the back before realizing that her cousin had asked her something. "Huh? Oh right....doing stuff, you have a job"

Chewing down on her lower lip, she looked around the place, her nostrils twitching. She caught the faint, fading scents of her parents and for a moment, Esme really wished that they were here. Running a Pack, yes, she knew she could do that. But this place too? It still confused the hell out of her even though she had spent a lot of time here since it's opening. "Um..." her eyes landed on a bundle of clean napkins on one table, someone must have brought the laundry order in without her seeing. "Those, " she pointed at the stack of dark blue. "You can fold those, make sure every table has what it needs according to each setting and put the rest of the shelf behind the bar...." As she finished saying this, one of the guys from the kitchen came out with Riidian's plate, the smells from the steak causing her stomach to growl loudly. Blushing, she ducked her head and grabbed Sheena gently by the arm and led her to where the napkins were. "Here, I'll show you..." she took a napkin from the pile after ripping into the plastic, and laid it out flat on the table.

"So," she started as she folded it in half, making sure Sheena was paying attention. "How's the whole adjusting thing going? Anyone in the Manor giving you any problems? Anything you think I should be aware of?" It was weak, but she wasn't all knowing like her folks had seemed to be, she wasn't sure how to know what all took place at the Manor unless she everyone...
"You know I have work in a couple of hours," Rikarah said in response to Christian's suggestion, and she is not shy about letting her irritation with him show as she raises both eyebrows over her own cup of coffee, giving a sip before continuing. "Christian, for a man who says I have selective hearing, you certainly do not seem to have heard anything I just said to you. I asked you if you view your birth as a lycan to be undesirable, given what you have said, and why it is then that you would choose to make me like you if that were so. I also mentioned my concern of the Sadovsky child. You speak of the young ones staying close to the pack unless given permission otherwise, and she comes and goes as she pleases when she is not only new, but also only Lycan by half."

This is a concern to her, but more strongly than any actual concern is her general dislike and irritation of the girl, as well as what she sees as Esme's unwarranted, unearned regard for her. Whereas she herself, she suspects, will never be seen as more than simply the chosen mate of Christian by many.


Folding the napkins the way Esme is indicating, Sheena grins when she hears her cousin's stomach growl. "Excuse YOU, while at the table and everything," she teases, nudging her again with her elbow.

As she continues to fold, it crosses her mind that it's very likely that her help isn't needed at all, that Esme has given her the job out of duty or pity. The uneducated little cousin, letting her think she's helping, giving her a meaningless bothers her, and Sheena tries to push the thoughts away. She has no proof that it's true, whatever that Rikarah might occasionally seem to imply.

Her head jerks up slightly when Esme asks her about problems, not expecting this, and she shrugs automatically, then considers her response. "Uh...good. I mean I like the whole Lycan part of it, it's pretty cool. And no one's really giving me issues, they're pretty cool..."

She hesitates, then adds in a mutter, "I don't like that girl of Christian's much though. She thinks she's better than everyone or something, the way she talks and looks at me and stuff. She's not that much older, she's like your age or something. What did he go and turn HER for, I don't know what he sees in her..."

She lets a few moments pass, then says while staring fixedly at her napkins, in a deceptively casual tone, "Do you want me to get a different job?, go to school, or something?"
"Rika?" Esme frowned slightly, chewing on her lower lip, holding back a soft growl. "Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to Chris about her. I know a few people feel the same way. I mean, I don't really know her well enough myself to make any sort of judgement calls or anything...but just keep it in mind that she is an Alpha's mate...that title kinda gives anyone the power to be like how she is..." she shrugged sheepishly and went back to folding. At least Chris had a mate. The thought that she didn't yet sometimes bothered and worried her at the same time.

She made a mental note that when she got back to the Manor, she'd try to find and do some catch up with Rikarah. See for herself what Chris's mate was really like.

Sheena's question broke her from her thoughts of mates and the pack, taking her a little off guard. "What? No why?" Esme frowned, dropping the napkin that she had been folding. "Why would you think that?"
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean she's Alpha on her own," Sheena muttered, giving a one-shouldered shrug as she continued to concentrate on the napkins. "She wouldn't be if it weren't for Christian. She couldn't be, she wasn't even a real Lycan until him."

She continued to avoid Esme's eyes as she replied somewhat vaguely, shrugging again. "You know. Some people...might have sort of mentioned something like that. Or, well, not really mentioned, but...I got the message. You know?"

Changing the subject before Esme could get angry or question her too intently, she looked up, flipping her hair behind her shoulder with some impatience for its tangled presence as she turns the questions to Esme. "So who do you like then? In the pack? Or outside it? I guess you could turn someone ala Chris if you wanted...I never see you screwing around with guys much." She grinned, her tone mischievous as she added, "Is that 'cause you're after the fairer sex instead?"

She gestured to herself as if in example, and then burst out laughing, knowing full well that she would not be the example most would provide as a typical example of a feminine young woman.
*Christian shrugs at Rika and grins.* What can I say I'm a complicated man, a puzzle wrapped in a riddle shrouded in an enigma. Or in the the words of that sage of wisdom Popeye. "I yam what I yam" as for you working if you really rather go to work instead of hanging around the pool with me and drinking fruity drinks, that is on you, as I've said many times over, you're the woman of an alpha, you don't need to work, in my centuries of living I've avast more then enough for us to live on but do what you feel you need to do to fulfill yourself. And the Sheena girl, just because you don't see the leash doesn't mean it's not there.
Patrick Mor was laying on the ground in his box on the streets of Queens, NY. Unable to get a steady job, he has been lounging around and daydreaming about nothing in particular. Getting bored of laziness, he decided to walk around the city. He ended up walking until he stopped at a bus stop where a bus was loading people on. Realizing that he had no money, Patrick stealthily jumped onto the bus when the driver wasn't looking. "This seems a nice place to stay warm for a bit. Rest my eyes."

Sensing something was wrong, Patrick looked around the bus and noticed almost everyone was looking at him and only him. Trying to be nonchalant about him being the filthiest man on board, he asked the nearest person where the bus was headed. "Up in the Catskills'," a woman said scooting away to another seat on the bus. Patrick smiled at her and thanked her for being so polite. This was actually perfect for Patrick. With the full moon coming around this Sunday the mountains should be a perfect place to just let loose and run.

"Oh, miss. How long is the ride from Queens to the Catskills?"

She sighed and looked at her phone, checking the time. "About two and a half hours."

Brushing his hair back, Patrick thanked her once more and decided to sleep for about an hour to pass the time. "Hopefully this place will be opportune," he muttered to himself.
*Finishing his coffee, Christian squares himself infront of Rika, with a sly grin he leans in and kisses her neck.* I'll drive you if you insist on going to work today, I want to go and check it my brandy was delivered to the club, I need to stash it away before it gets put into the bar stock. *This is true but he also wants to check on Esme and Sheena.* Anyone else want a ride into town? I'm leaving in 20 minutes so speak up now. *Never breaking eye contact with Rika as he's speaking and continues grinning at her, truly if not for the fact that everyone was in the kitchen things would get much more steamy right now but he's trying to behave himself in front of the pack.* Are you positive you have to go? wouldn't you rather spend the day with me..Reading?
Tempted, Rikarah nevertheless shakes her head. What Christian has implied about her being "fulfilled" with her job, however sarcastically intended, is actually true in her case. She does enjoy her time at the art gallery, having a quiet space to be to herself and to lose herself in her own creations, when she is not busy with other duties. It is true that Rikarah has always had a desire to feel a part of a group, and she enjoys her time with others, but it is also true that she is an introvert at heart who needs time to herself to energize as well.

"I will have to decline for now, but I am sure you will have plenty of time in my absence to think of how best to greet me when I return." She turns to kiss him, one hand gently cupping his face, before pulling back, still making eye contact even as she addresses the others. "Do not even think of taking shotgun, I have that when he is driving even if I have to scratch my name into the seat surface."

She smiles to take some of the harshness out of the words before following Christian out.
Esme's eyes narrowed and this time, she didn't hold in her growl, a tiny one passing through her lips, her whole body vibrating with it.

"What do you mean Sheena? Why wouldn't I want you here?" She frowned. "Have I given you that idea? Cuz if I have, I'm sorry....I'm not a very good boss...I mean, I'm still adjusting to..." she sighed and motioned to the bar with one hand. "-ya know, all of's...well...difficult..." She kept her voice low, but knew that
Riidian was listening, the way he was slowly chewing away at his food. She had a feeling that her mother had asked him to keep a close eye on her. Not that she minded much, she just didn't want him to report back to her folks that she was having a difficult time adjusting to all these responsibilities...
Please don't make her scratch her name into my leather seats. *He frowns at her but then quickly smiles* To bad but you're right, when you return you will know that you've been missed. But don't work yourself to hard because we're still going out tonight. In fact I expect to see all of you at the club tonight, legal age or not we will have some fun tonight and don't worry if you get caught I'll just blame it all on Conner. *smirks at him* What do you say Conner you're be the fall guy right? *Suddenly stops as a gunshot goes off in the distance again just on the edge of the Manor's property.* Damn hunters have no respect! I'm slowly losing my patience with them! I want them gone by the time we return from town! *Placing his cup in the dishwasher, then grabbing his keys and his mate's hand* Lets get going everyone...Conner don't forget...Hunters gone..By the time I return!
Looking up at Esme's growl, Sheena tenses, unsure how to take it. She's not yet entirely used to her cousin's display of emotions, though she herself tends to show hers rather strongly at times too, and isn't sure whether Esme is angry at her or just at the thought of Sheena's implication

."Not you...I know you do. Want me around, I mean. I mean you're the one that brought me in, right, you and Izzy? You're not the one...just...certain alpha mates whose names may or may not rhyme with Pikarah," she mutters, looking pointedly over her shoulder before turning back to Esme again, curious.

"This is hard for you? Why? It seems like you know what you're doing...seems like you don't even have to think about it."

Changing the subject again, then glancing back at Ky, who is still present in the bar, she says to Esme, "Anyway, it doesn't matter, if you think I'm fine then I guess I"m all right."

Rikarah stills at the gunshot, eyes darkening as she follows Christian's gaze in its direction. She says nothing, simply taking his hand, but as she heads out the door with him she is looking about them, prepared to shift and attack if needed. It would be an interesting night to be able to bring one of those pesky and frankly dangerous beings down with Christian.
(Conner was at the bar, sorry for the confusion, lack of sleep makes me forget things, so if it's not to much trouble disregard anything said to Conner by Christian...Sorry again.)
Giving a nod at Esme's greeting Conner kept his attention to the work before him whilst his blue tooth was giving him demands. Okay the blue tooth was an innocent, a mere messenger, it was Christian. Not that Conner minded, he would protect the pack and it was as simple as that. “Got it” was his response once he was done hearing from Christian. Hunters on their land, no problem. He could go take care of them during his break. Looking down to the looming clipboard with inventory he knew it would be a good two hours before he got out of here, he decided inventory could wait, after all having hunters around just screamed danger.

It was two miles to the grounds where the hunters have been seen and heard about. It was times like these that Conner pondered the importance of a vehicle, but he always found a way to get things done and then forgot the problem until it came up again. Well at least he would get a good run in.

His first tell of the hunters were two trucks. A jeep and a pickup. Two minimum, six maximum. And that was with gear guns and a tight fit. They smelled of human and alcohol, and Conner was liking his odds. The men were far from professional. They left a trail a mile wide between their trash and tracks. If that wasn't enough tell then the stench of gun powder or even the booze would have led Conner in the right direction. Once he was on their trail he was careful though, last thing he needed to be doing was pulling out bullets of his own pelt.

There were three men. All armed with hunting rifles. One was overweight in a way that was asking for a heart attack, and he was short on top of that. His buddies were much better off, the one having a thick build that might have a bit of extra meat on him and the third was a thin wire of a man. All wore jeans and sloppy wear, only the larger of them wearing anything camouflage, none of them the right reflective wear that was more than advised for hunters and the like. Chubby didn't seem all that steady on his feet, most likely intoxicated. Conner began to wonder about his odds again.

Walking up behind them he calls out before they can hear his footsteps, not wanting them to get the wrong idea and think he was something they could shoot at. “Morning fellas” His demeanor was casual, he wanted to settle things peacefully if he could. The three men turn and it's the built one that speaks up. “Hey boy what you doing out here?” Conner cringed. Sure he looked young and that wasn't going to change anytime soon, but he was a man, and by the looks of this guys face he was most likely older than him. He wanted to tell the guy to show respect but knew that wouldn't work out too well. “I should be asking the same for you. This place is private property, and hunting isn't permitted here” he puts his hands in his pockets as if it were no big deal, hoping the men would see it that way.

Hey I'm sorry ma-” chubby starts to apologize before the supposed leader of the group interrupts him. “We ain't doing nothing wrong here boy.” Again with the boy. Conner didn't take the bait. “Rules are rules, there's plenty of places you can go-” Apparently this guy didn't like friendly advice, he shoved his rifle into chubby's arms and approached Conner to get into his face. “Listen here boy, I'm not gonna have a kid go about telling me what I'm gonna do or where I'm gonna do it. You best get outta here before I gots to show you a lesson” The boy didn't phase Conner any longer, the man in his face was irritating especially since the guy couldn't keep his spit to himself, it was the threat that was the man's undoing. Without thought Conner reacted. His fist went for the guy's gut, it was more firm than he had been let to believe, but still the surprise of it and the impact made the guy bend over some. Taking full advantage of this Conner grabbed the guy by the hair and brought his face down to meet with his knee. Letting go the guy fell back with a busted nose, blood already pouring out.

Now you listen here. This is private property and get the hell off our land” Conner's voice held both authority and threat. The guy would either wise up or get himself messed up, either way Conner was done playing the nice game. “Come on Duke let's get the hell out of here” skinny finally spoke up, going for his friend and trying to help him up. Pissy shoved his arm away with his free hand, the other pressed to his nose to stop the bleeding. But still he got up and went to leave, his small posse right behind him. Conner turned to watch him go, hoping the guy wasn't gonna hold some sort of grudge that would make him trouble. But if he was Conner was ready. He didn't stand down for no one.

He did wait though until he heard the faint sound of cars pulling away. After all the guy was an idiot with a gun, he didn't need to give him any reasons to put the two together.
Riddian listened casually to Esme and Sheena's conversation without even having to try, his senses attuned to the level where he could listen to their entire conversation and maybe even watch a game on TV and eat all at the same time. He took a bite of the steak and nearly died from the sheer flavor of it, it might have just been worker mans hunger mixed with being a lycan, but that steak was suddenly his favorite food ever, and that is saying a lot. He savored the thick savory sauce and the chewy yet firm meat that seemed to both melt in your mouth and require moderate chewing at the same time. He finished it in slow measured bites and then drained his drink from the glass to wash it all down. Alcohol fazes him near nil as he has had many many years to become a serious heavy weight drinker, so much so that he would bet that there was probably no human alive able to outmatch him in a drinking contest and probably not a lycan who could either. Riddian swore that humans got better and better at making food every decade, they had become quite adept at the culinary arts. He stood and was ready to take the dishes back and place them in the sink when one of the human workers did it instead. "Thank you young man.", Riddian said to the twenty something looking redhead cook. He turned and walked over to Esme and Sheena and said one statement and one only about the whole conversation. "You know the only way in life you gain the experience to do something well is by not knowing how to do it and being willing to try and fail in order to get good at it. Trust me on that. Have a nice day girls, hope the business goes well."

Riddian left the bar and was on his way back to the construction site when he heard something that made him a bit aggravated. Down an alley way he found four human adolescents beating another one up. What weakness it was for them to go four on one when any one of them was near twice the width of the one on the ground. He stepped into the alleyway and grunted in an attention getting way. One of the four looked up at him, "What do you want old man, got a death wish? If not get out of here now and pretend you never saw this." The sleazy, greasy faced teenager went back to what he was doing apparently feeling that his threat would work without further words. Riddian was at the man's throat before he could register that Riddian had still been in the alleyway. He grabbed him by the ankle and lifted him up into the air, standing at his full height of six foot six inches instead of his normally five inch less slouch. The teenager looked up into his eyes with pure terror and disbelief in his eyes, never before would he have believed a man that could easily be someones casually fit grandpa by looks would be able to lift him so high off the ground one handed by the ankle. He was used to his friends and him being the toughest and largest guys around. As his friends started to reach out for RIddian and try attacking him to get their friend down Riddian said only, "Never again.", while he gestured towards the unconscious man on the ground and the three other teens with his free hand. After saying this a teen flipped out a butterfly knife and took a swipe at Riddian that he dodged with casual grace, then he stretched and flexed the arm holding the sleazy teen up my his ankle and started swinging him around using him as a weapon to beat the other teens with. After satisfactory condition of the teens was made Riddian got the man they had attacked to consciousness and got him on his way. Then Riddian headed back to finish working on the building on Main Street, hopefully all of the workers had come back sober this time. Eh no matter, nail gun wounds were easy fixes and the building would get done no matter what.
(Gonna go ahead and drop Rika off so we can move forward)

*After dropping Rika at work, Christian drove pass the construction site, seeing Riddian walking towards it, he smiles at the site of him and pulls over and gets out of the dark blue SUV, stepping in his path.* Hey old man. *extending his hand to Riddian* I see you're still slumming, you look like those morons gave you a little trouble, is age starting to slow you down? *he grins at him, not being disrespectful in his tone, Christian is the Alpha but Riddian is one of the few Lycans older then him so despite the rank difference there is still a tone and element of respect there.* Can you please explain to me why someone like you, one of the few with centuries over myself, would lower himself to doing manual labor? Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with a good days work, but you sit on a fortune that is larger them a small country's entire budget, fools like Bill Gates and Donald Trumps put together couldn't afford to scratch the balls of your accountant..My brother why lower yourself by doing this? And don't give me there is a such thing as pride in doing work like this..You're a king among pawns here, you could own a dozen companies like this, hell you could have your name on skyscapers..*Christian sighs, his face is showing confusion but then he smiles again.* Forgive my rant old friend, I don't mean to offend your lifestyle, I actually came to remind you that we run Sunday night and I could used another old dog like yourself to help keep the pups in line, you know we don't want any incidents with the humans...So what do you say, will you run with us, I'll buy you another one of those steaks you seem so fond of.

By the way, you just came from Blue Moon, I know you go there everyday to watch over Esme, I'm grateful for that and I hate to ask you for back to back favors but the Half-Blood, Sheena there aren't many of her kind around in fact they're rare breed, a lycan born of a human and lycan. Just keep an eye on her also.
"It's just...I don't know..." Esme sighed and stopped folding the napkin in her hand, letting it fall on to the bar and leaned back against the wall. Her eyes narrowed slightly and the young Lycan ran a hand through her blonde hair, tugging at the ends. ""There's just so much pressure do things, to make sure everything runs alright, and smoothly. I feel like everyone is keeping tabs on me...the Elders judge my every move..." her eyes ticked towards Riddian before sighing again and looking back at her cousin. "I just don't want things to get out of control you know? It's hard sometimes weighing out which members of the Pack are truely behind me and which are just smiling in my face because of whose daughter I am..."

Esme grew quiet when the older wolf came up to them and gave them his quick advice before leaving. She suddenly felt foolish, knowing it had probably seemed like she was whining about being Alpha. She hoped he didn't go and tell her mother this, or Christian. That was the last thing she needed.

"Look," Esme decided to change the subject. "If Rikarah continues t give you any trouble, just let me know...don't go to Chris, I mean she's his mate and all...I don't know how he'd feel about..." she paused hating to use this word, "-about a half-breed questioning his woman..." she flinched slightly looking over Sheena. "And just don't let her get to you...okay?" she offered her a soft smile and went back behind the bar, fishing around for a few moments before returning later with a black shirt and matching apron. Both bore the bar's logo and she held them out towards Sheena grinning.

"Here, now you got the uniform to prove you belong here...if you want we can work on getting you an official time schedule for here starting next week, get you on pay roll..." She hoped this would make her cousin feel a little better. She really wanted her to feel like she belonged, especially after the life she and her mother had pulled her out of those few months ago.

A few more customers were piling in and Esme excused herself to go take care of them and a few things. It only took a few minutes and after checking in on the kicthen and barking a few orders at the wait-staff she headed back to her cousin's side. " your eye on anyone yet?" she teased gently. She knew there were a few males in the house who would easily howl for her cousin and she figured maybe something like that would be a good distraction for her.
Sheena watches her cousin thoughtfully, listening to her concerns, and absently played with the ends of her sleeves as she thought about what Esme was telling her. She hadn't thought that Esme's role of the pack was one of considerable pressure until now; she had always thought Esme seemed very confident and sure of herself, considerably more so than Sheena often secretly felt herself to be. It reminds her of herself, and when she was the head of her former girl gang, Foxfire, how she had always wanted to put up appearances of being totally tough and self-reliant, of needing nothing and no one, and always, always knowing what she was doing, however untrue it was. Now that she's sort of low girl on the hierarchy/totem pole of the back, due to her youth, newness, and half breed status, she no longer has those high expectations of others, and as irritating as that can be, it's also somewhat freeing.

"You're doing a good job though, Ez," she tells her sincerely. "I mean I didn't know you felt like that. You're doing fine."

She nods a greeting to Riddian and smiles at him as she leaves, turning back to listen to Esme's last advice about Rikarah and shrugging slightly as she took the t-shirt and apron, giving her a thankful smile. "Cool...yeah I'll do that, if it's okay. And Riki?" She says with a deliberate smirk, knowing that the older woman hates that nickname considerably and would not tolerate being called it to her face, at least, not from a "pup" like Sheena. "I'll deal with her. She's just...I don't know. Girls like her, they have to fall some time, right? Maybe one day I can give her a little shove, help speed that along...kidding," she adds, but she's only halfway being serious with the final word.

The bar becomes busier and Sheena starts to wait on customers, finally slowing down in a brief lull when Esme approaches her. Her cheeks flush at her cousin's question, and she ducks her head, saying deliberately, "There's so many people in one place how could I help but see someone when I've got two eyes to look with?"

She has not yet voiced to Esme that there are females as well as males in the house whose forms she finds attractive. There hasn't yet been a moment where it seemed the right timing for her to share something like that about herself, even with her cousin. It's not that she's afraid too or ashamed of who she is, it is just something that for now, she is taking her time in stating aloud.
Conner waited a few minutes before heading back into town. He was ashamed of the so called men that had left their trash about as if the landscape was a garbage can. Quietly he picked up what he saw and tossed it in the trash can by the dirt road. Feeling better and accomplished by doing what he was told to do he now made his way back into town. Looking to his cellphone, he wasn't one for wearing a watch or anything that could be lost in a change, he noted he had only been gone about an hour. Having a bit of time before required to go back he decided to stop in and check in on one off the newest arrivals to the pack.

Stepping into Pat's Diner he looked about for Andrea. It was easy to spot the girl as she stumbled about the diner taking orders and doing her duties. She was a cute pup, all young and innocent like most the others, and Conner was glad that some of them could keep their naive innocence at least for now. A girl came up to him and thoroughly inspected him before offering to seat him. Shaking his head at her over-eagerness he said he already had a waitress and went to sit at one of Andrea's tables. When she would come to him he smiled and asked for a water and burger on the raw side. “How you doing?” he checked in with her.
Andrea was actually having a pretty good day at the diner, the people weren't too rude with her, though some of them had been in the past, it was something she had learned to just smile at and move on. She had gotten used to how people sometimes acted toward waitresses in small town diners, having worked at a few in the past as she moved from place to place. She noticed as Conner came into the diner and sat down in her area, she had been in the process of refilling someone's drink when he sat down so she walked to his table once she finished what she had been doing.

Before she could even ask the usual question of 'What can I get for you today?' he was already telling her what he wanted, she quickly wrote it down and smiled some at him, it was nice of him to come check on her, though she was going to be alright. "I'm fine. I'm already getting used to the new place, what will be strange is going to be staying here, and getting used to actually being around others when not working." she said, she had a smile on her face, since that was what she was used to doing when at work, but it was a bit more sincere since he had actually asked how she was.

She walked away to give his order to the cook and came back after a little while with his food, she cleaned a few tables after giving him his food, then walked back to the table, the diner was starting to slow down again, so she could take a break. "Is it alright if I sit with you?" she asked quietly.

Conner gave a nod as she explained how she was doing well but still adjusting to some things. Sounded typical for new ones, even he had an adjustment period when he first joined the pack, but that was a decade ago, practically forgotten times now. Back then he was more like a pup like the ones now. He liked to think of himself beyond the pups now with his few years of wisdom over them. Still to the elders he guessed he was still one of the young ones. Just another reason to prove himself.

As his hot food came to him he quickly thanked her and began to dig in. To Conner food was food. Sometimes it tasted like crap and sometimes it tasted good. This food was decent enough but then it was a burger, if they got a burger wrong then they shouldn't very well have a restaurant. Thrown off when she asked to sit with him Conner gave her a nod, not about to talk with food in his mouth. Chewing his food up he took a drink of his water and turned to study the girl. She was slim, he'd wonder if she was perhaps underweight but he had no idea what was healthy or not for the female body, besides it was different for every person. She seemed like a kind face, but he never really got to know her to see what was beyond that, hey no better time than the present. “No one's giving you trouble back at the manor are they?” He asks, his role as an enforcer well known, he wasn't beyond stopping any bickering between pack mates, after all if untreated it sometimes got worse and could hurt the pack as a whole.

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