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Blood Ties: A BL story

Jess smiles trailing his fingertips along dara's back noticing his bruises on his hips "where did you get these?" Jess asks in the kiss pressing his forehead against his with there noses touching. Looking into dara's eyes then back down at his hips then up at him again "I love you" Jess spoke softly going back to kiss dara. Dara's body felt ice cold compared to his it sends shivers down his back running hands through dara's hair pulling him closer.
Dara blushed when he asked the question. "He did those too." He said kissing him back. Dara began to unbutton Jess's pants. "I love you to0." Dara said in a low and sexy tone. He smirked and flipped them so Dara was laying on his back and Jess was on top of him.
Jess eyes widen and a smile appears across his face he lays a hand over it to cover it "wow you have a very sexy voice" he says leaning down kissing along his jaw line then down his neck running his hands down his sides then makes his way to his pants unbuckling his belt. "i've missed you so much you don't even know" Jess murmurs glancing down at him with a sincere facial expression crossed his face then smiles covering his mouth with his hand once more then begins to kiss him again.
Dara was complete lust. Kissing back and his body began to role up to Jess's body begging for more. He felt Jess's hand taking off his belt off. He lifted his hips up, helping him take it off and meets his "Ohh? I think I have an idea. He wrapped his arms around his neck and soon felt his pants getting tugged off.

Dara laid on the bed naked and out of breath. His body was in complete pleasure and feeling Jess in him just made it complete. His face hit the pillows after the event and was panting. He felt arms wrapped around his waist. He closed his eyes to steady his breath.
Jess was out breath wrapping his arms around dara's waist and resting his head on his back closing his eyes shut trying to catch his breath. Jess scanned Dara's body looking at his gorgeous figure a smile appears across Jess lips he then covers his smile by pressing his face down into dara's back.
Soon when he caught his breath he placed his hands on his arm and turned her head and kissed his head. A smile came across his face and stayed there. Dara's body was thin but that was his mortal form. He didn't eat much as a human and now his body wont change but it was more fit. "I love you..." He said closing his eyes again feeling tiered.
Jess closed his eyes as he felt this embrace he soon wraps his arms around his torso and lays his head on his chest "I love you too..." he whispers softly breathing into dara's chest. "you mean the world to me you know that right?" he asks looking up meeting his blue eyes.
Jess kissed him back moving their lips in sync "do you want to go somewhere?" he asks pulling away slightly pressing his forehead against his touching each others noses their lips only an inch away from each others.
Dara looked at him confused. "Why do you ask that?" He said as his hands began to play with the others hair. His back agent the bed and keeps his forehead close to his.
Jess smiles covering his mouth he never really like to show expression when he was smiling or never really liked his smile. Jess looks up at him "i want to take you somewhere..." he spoke as his eyes light up from happiness. Jess leans in and kisses him again wrapping his arms around his waist kissing along his neck. "please?" he whispers in a soft tone meeting Dara's pretty blue eyes.
Dara blushed and kissed back blushing. "Well I always wanted to go to Rome, Italy or Rio. Any of those three, but there all expensive you don't have to. Anywhere with you will be fine." He smiled and rubbed his hand on his chest.
Jess whispers running a hand through his hair then meeting his eyes "a place you have been before". Jess stands up walking over to his dresser and getting dressed he usually did this in front of dara so he wasn't ashamed Jess usually likes to show off to dara anyways. Jess looks at dara's naked body and just smiles and looks away. Jess walks over back to Dara "you want to burrow some of my clothes?" he spoke leaning down in front of him running his hand up his arm.
Dara blushed realizing that he was naked. He sat up and covered his genitals. He nods and rubbed his black hair. He got up and went to look through his clothes to see what would fit him. He found shorts and a black tank top that showed his sides. He felt that he was reviling a lot but that's all he can find.
Jess smiled for the first time actually showing his teeth "wow you look hot" he winks walking over to his mirror playing with his hair and face outlining his facial features checking himself out making dumb face expressions. Jess leans over the table reaching for a comb then runs it through his hair making it have more texture then looking up noticing Dara standing watching him in the mirror a smile appears across Jess's lips.
Dara smiled and wrapped his arms around his chest. "No you look hot. He chuckled and looked at him and rand his hand under his shirt tracing over the trail hair.
Jess smiles softly "im alright i guess...but you, you are hot as hell" he spoke looking to the side of his eyes then shifting his body to face him leaning up against the table. Looking in his eyes he kisses his lips softly then pulls back slightly "are you ready?" he asks pulling his arm roughly tugging him out into the dark rainy night.
He blushed and followed "Wait we are actually going?" He asked with his eyes widen. He walked faster keeping up with him and tripped a bit. "Dammit" He mumbled and stood up. "Jess you don't have to you know I don't like money spent on me."
Jess smiles pulling him along harder a laugh escapes his mouth as his speed begins to speed up "we are going somewhere" he smiles gripping his hand harder. They soon run into an area where they had first met a long time ago when Dara was mortal it brings back memories Jess's face saddens yet he was happy to see this place again he turns to dara. "remember this place?" he says looking around the scenery "where we first met" he spoke. "this place is the one of the most precious places in the world to me but yet you are my only world" he spoke as tears of joy began to stream down his cheeks. "i thought you were gone for good so i moved on and everyday i would come here just to make myself sane because it always felt like you were beside me" he cries as tears soak his shirt.
Dara's eyes widen seeing the place they arrive at. He blushed and looked at him biting his lip. He watched as he pore his heart out to him. His eyes started to water he pulled him down and kissed him passionately. "Jess im sorry i never mean to leave you. I should have let you walk me home, I should of left earlier." He stood there saying everything he was sorry for everything he pushed him into to tree and kissed him again. "Im sorry for everything. You can beat me, chain me, do everything you need to make me stay." he said shoving his face in his chest.
Jess took a deep breath looking into dara's eyes then wiping his eyes with his hands sniffling. Jess was suprised when he got pushed up against the wall but he kissed back. "ill try my best to make you stay...but i can't for long" Jess's face saddens "i'll be dead before you, you get to live forever and im going to be dirt when your still wondering this earth...You will eventually forget me forever and go off to find someone else to love" he cries dropping down onto the ground. "if i could've of just not listented to you and followed you home you would've been safe" he murmers putting his head in his lap wrapping his arms around his knees crying.
He teared up and holds his head tearing up. "No! Don't say that Jess! Don't ever say that Ill find some one else. That is a long time away!" the rain flatten his hair and hid his tears making his clothes getting soaked. "We will have to make our years together the best god dam years ever!" He said growling. Him taking in charge a bit was making him a bit turned on but he healed it in.
Jess looks up at Dara as the rain pours from out of the sky and onto the earths bed as tears flood down his cheeks "well when it does happen i want you to find someone...perfect" he says running a hand through his hair gritting his teeth. Jess stumbles to his feet as the rain splashes around him whenever he made a step. " i wish sometimes i could live forever like you so i could be with you..but i guess we have to make it last from this moment and further on we will make every second last i agree" he spoke walking over to him looking him in the eyes. "ive guess we've both changed since you were gone...you became stronger and i became weaker..." Jess says looking down at the ground wiping his tears from his cheeks. "i love you so much!" he cries hugging him tightly laying his head in his chest.
Dara looked at him and hugged him back. "I love you too..." He said pulling himself up onto Jess wrapping his legs around his torso. He never wants to leave him. He wanted him, to be by his side no matter what."Jess its raining and this is an emotional moment and a meaningful place. He smiled and moved his hair back looking at him.
Jess hugged him tighter laying his head on his shoulder "this is my favorite place to be honestly" he spoke softly looking up at him wiping his tears with his hands. "im sorry for crying i just sound like a fking baby" Jess says running hands through his hair looking at dara.

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