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Fantasy Blood & Steel (Original - Contemporary Fantasy - Open)

It had taken a great while but he had managed to get the door open... Well it was a wall but same thing. As he walked out of the ally way he saw a officer in a steel has mask running his way."that was quick" he said surprised to see a officer so quick. He raised his hands it's was a fake surrender he would wait tell the man got close then slice his throat.

@Lord regiant
Grizzlot said:
The Plague tilted his head at the sight of them, he knew the only outcome was going to fail, he took a deep sigh and started to look at his time watch again,"So this is Overwatch force?" He whispered to him self, he soon started to stand up again and took out a bottle, he took a drink before he started to run in a safe destination,he knew no one could be able to win in a battle with them,he soon started to release a small chuckle, what would happen next, he wondered, one thing he knew, everything is about to go down to hell, he need to know more for his plan to work, but for now, he needed to stay under the radar
Delacare said:
"Overwatch? For me? Oh you shouldn't have. I was just about to have that kind gentleman over there escort me home. @Lord regiant I was busy disciplining those hoodlums and lost track of time. I cannot believe it is Yellow Curfew already. Everyone in the temple must be very worried." Theo was perfectly calm int he face of sure doom. His voice was genuinely friendly.
He snapped his fingers and dispelled the last traces of conjured shadow and obsidian feathers. The moon glowed bright once again, and illuminated his face regally.

"Just encase you forgot who you were addressing, I am Lord Raven of the Nightfall Atrium. I demand an armed escort back to my sleeping quarters."
He folded his arms across his chest and waited.
Lord regiant]"your religion is dumb and you feathers make you look like a prostitute" he shouted over his shoulder as he turned a corner. he wasn't normally this unprofessional but he had witnessed this man harm some great men and that made him absolutely livid. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32629-delacare/ said:
@Delacare[/URL] @Grizzlot
Delacare said:
"Did I say 'gentleman'? I meant imbecile. At least mortals know to desire me, they look at you, and run screaming in terror." If he wasnt surounded by Ovewatch, the Sergeant would be headless right now.
"Can one of you robotic nutcrackers take me back to my temple already? The filth here is beginning to stink." @Birdsie
All of the Overwatch Soldiers spotted The Plague already, but they didn't care. He was wanted, but it was not in their interest to arrest him. He was simply too weak for them. In short: They were too arrogant to even approach him.

The Overwatch Officer gave a short, firmly friendly chuckle at Theo's response. "I'd love to hear you say that into the Fuhrer-President's face. And yeah, yeah - Enjoy your Diplomatic Immunity while it lasts. The President might not give a fuck about his troops, but trust me.... as soon as you do something noteworthy by his authority: I'll personally put one in your head." He said, then heard the exchange of insults between Theo and Sergeant Monty.

The Officer said "Great words. They will be remembered by history, and studied by philosophers for ages." then heard his complaint and demand to be escorted to his temple. He responded with "If the filth is beginning to stink, then why did you come here to make it worse? These two'll escort you." and teleported away. After him, 12 other Soldiers teleported away, with two remaining.

They looked at Theo and said "Come on, lead the way..." with a sarcastic, disrespectful "sir..." afterwards. They floated up into the air, and waited for him to lead the way, knowing he can fly. They floated by using telekinesis, so if someone interrupted the magic they'd probably fall to their death mid-flight.
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he stopped and grabbed his radio "this is 622 I have a civilian forced out side by the conflict permission evac him to point nomad for protection"

he put the radio down. " its monty come on jester lets go overwatch is here and they tend to get a little" he paused looking for the right words "destructive" he said holding out his hand.

@BadJoke @Birdsie
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He took the mans hand without hesitation "you need to stop that whole looking out for me thing you will get fired." And you need to be careful or some one might just kill you without knowing you he thought.

@Lord regiant
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Birdsie said:
All of the Overwatch Soldiers spotted The Plague already, but they didn't care. He was wanted, but it was not in their interest to arrest him. He was simply too weak for them. In short: They were too arrogant to even approach him.
The Overwatch Officer gave a short, firmly friendly chuckle at Theo's response. "I'd love to hear you say that into the Fuhrer-President's face. And yeah, yeah - Enjoy your Diplomatic Immunity while it lasts. The President might not give a fuck about his troops, but trust me.... as soon as you do something noteworthy by his authority: I'll personally put one in your head." He said, then heard the exchange of insults between Theo and Sergeant Monty.

The Officer said "Great words. They will be remembered by history, and studied by philosophers for ages." then heard his complaint and demand to be escorted to his temple. He responded with "If the filth is beginning to stink, then why did you come here to make it worse? These two'll escort you." and teleported away. After him, 12 other Soldiers teleported away, with two remaining.

They looked at Theo and said "Come on, lead the way..." with a sarcastic, disrespectful "sir..." afterwards. They floated up into the air, and waited for him to lead the way, knowing he can fly. They floated by using telekinesis, so if someone interrupted the magic they'd probably fall to their death mid-flight.
((Damn you. I can't interfere with another's magic, yet. Also no true flight yet. Gliding and gaining altitude? yes. Swooping and sweeping and loop-de-loops? No))

"They train Watchdogs to be so rude nowadays. If your little toy soldiers had learned to respect my rank and recognize a Lord simply going on a stroll through his district, they wouldn't be down there dying." Pushing off the roof and aiming for the temple, Theo cheerfully waved at the street full of moaning and agonizing soldiers as he left. His shadow seemed to pulse as it slid over every beating heart. It wasn't magic; those hearts belonged to him now.

'Even in supposed defeat, my power grows...'
Delacare said:
((Damn you. I can't interfere with another's magic, yet. Also no true flight yet. Gliding and gaining altitude? yes. Swooping and sweeping and loop-de-loops? No))
"They train Watchdogs to be so rude nowadays. If your little toy soldiers had learned to respect my rank and recognize a Lord simply going on a stroll through his district, they wouldn't be down there dying." Pushing off the roof and aiming for the temple, Theo cheerfully waved at the street full of moaning and agonizing soldiers as he left. His shadow seemed to pulse as it slid over every beating heart. It wasn't magic; those hearts belonged to him now.

'Even in supposed defeat, my power grows...'
((Same goes for their flight))

They flought after him, then they looked at each other. They were looking at each other for a few seconds, then they nodded.. One of them chuckled and the other one said "Hey, Raven." at the same time, as if they were the exact one being performing two actions at once. Then they both in unison said "Why did the bird get a ticket?" then one of them continued after several seconds "It broke the law of gravity~!"
"ha as long as a shape shifter remains a legend I doubt any one will think about it" he says taking the 'child' to point nomad most mp didn't bother him he was a somewhat high rank. But what would they do with the child? well who knows lately they just throw them back on the street but Jester knew what he was doing and monty wasn't worried.

Birdsie said:
((Same goes for their flight))
They flought after him, then they looked at each other. They were looking at each other for a few seconds, then they nodded.. One of them chuckled and the other one said "Hey, Raven." at the same time, as if they were the exact one being performing two actions at once. Then they both in unison said "Why did the bird get a ticket?" then one of them continued after several seconds "It broke the law of gravity~!"
Theo groaned internally. That Watchdog captain had a sick sense of humor lending him the comedians as escorts.

'There IS a hell, and once I find my way out of it, every MP officer I fancy will be vacationing there PERMANENTLY!' Theo laughed out loud at his own inner monologue.

The thought of one day having these magic police writhing in agony beneath his claws was quite heartening.

"There is my temple, just up ahead. Is it not beautiful?"

Delacare said:
Theo groaned internally. That Watchdog captain had a sick sense of humor lending him the comedians as escorts.
'There IS a hell, and once I find my way out of it, every MP officer I fancy will be vacationing there PERMANENTLY!' Theo laughed out loud at his own inner monologue.

The thought of one day having these magic police writhing in agony beneath his claws was quite heartening.

"There is my temple, just up ahead. Is it not beautiful?"

The two saw Theo's temple and said "Yeah, it's great." in unison. Then when they were closer, one of them said "Welp. That should do it." and they both stopped. Then they teleported away, not wanting to escort Theo any further.
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Birdsie said:
The two saw Theo's temple and said "Yeah, it's great." in unison. Then when they were closer, one of them said "Well. That should do it." and they both stopped. Then they teleported away, not wanting to escort Theo any further.

After waiting a few more moment to be sure they were actually gone, and he wasn't being watched, Theo closed his wings and dove headfirst towards the street. The moment his head met his shadow, they both imploded into feathers. Half a second later, Theo rose regally out of Zach and Chaz's double converging shadows. They greeted him with a deep bow and a large silver bowl. Waving a wing over the bowl, he deposited a baker's dozen of still hearts. Of all the hearts he had managed to tap on the aftermath of the battle, 13 of the soldier's injuries had been too severe, and he simply took the hearts to be devoured at later date. Between the tapped hearts of the soldiers being treated of their wounds, and the 13 hearts he was going to be having a a midnight snack, he should be able to gather enough power to enchant his feathers with Shadow bolts.

Theo smiled as he grabbed a heart and made his way to his bedroom. As he bit into the heart and felt its strength being incorporated into his own, he became extremely happy that he had met that Sergeant and the Overwatch.

"I've found a few hearts worth having..."
Delacare said:
After waiting a few more moment to be sure they were actually gone, and he wasn't being watched, Theo closed his wings and dove headfirst towards the street. The moment his head met his shadow, they both imploded into feathers. Half a second later, Theo rose regally out of Zach and Chaz's double converging shadows. They greeted him with a deep bow and a large silver bowl. Waving a wing over the bowl, he deposited a baker's dozen of still hearts. Of all the hearts he had managed to tap on the aftermath of the battle, 13 of the soldier's injuries had been too severe, and he simply took the hearts to be devoured at later date. Between the tapped hearts of the soldiers being treated of their wounds, and the 13 hearts he was going to be having a a midnight snack, he should be able to gather enough power to enchant his feathers with Shadow bolts.

Theo smiled as he grabbed a heart and made his way to his bedroom. As he bit into the heart and felt its strength being incorporated into his own, he became extremely happy that he had met that Sergeant and the Overwatch.

"I've found a few hearts worth having..."
The Leader slowly took steps towards the palace, then looked around for any of Theo's servants.
Birdsie said:
The Leader slowly took steps towards the palace, then looked around for any of Theo's servants.
"Have you come seeking a miracle, grandfather?" Out of the shadows cast by the figures n the stairs, stepped a tall young man.

"If you have, I suggest you look elsewhere. There is nothing for you here but sadness."

Delacare said:
"Have you come seeking a miracle, grandfather?" Out of the shadows cast by the figures n the stairs, stepped a tall young man.
"If you have, I suggest you look elsewhere. There is nothing for you here but sadness."

The Leader moved his hand dismissively, then said "Do not worry... my child..." with an old man's tone. "I know not a feeling, but sadness." he added afterwards, slightly raising his hood. You could see old, white hair coming from under his hood, then he added "I would like to speak to the Lord of Ravens. I have a certain..." he paused.

He didn't continue for several seconds "Proposition." he continued. "Yes..." he exclaimed instantly afterwards and waited again, then took a few steps forward to the young man. "A proposition." he said, rising his head a little bit more. You could see he had a huge, nearly endless grin, but besides that grin you could see nothing else. It was just a smile, with the rest of his face covered by darkness. His teeth had poor hygeny, and were dirty. "I am... Frank... November." he said, then took a step back, hiding his face once again, including the white hair.
when he reached nomad he let jester go the clown always came and went he was just happy he had gotten him out of the way before he had gotten hurt. Or mentally scared that could make the weaker of minds go crazy as for him he would be going back to the station a lot of paper work to file after this firefight and also about plague who he had let get away it would be a long night.

(I'm getting off but if any of you mention me bad joke will text me or something)

Birdsie said:
The Leader moved his hand dismissively, then said "Do not worry... my child..." with an old man's tone. "I know not a feeling, but sadness." he added afterwards, slightly raising his hood. You could see old, white hair coming from under his hood, then he added "I would like to speak to the Lord of Ravens. I have a certain..." he paused.
He didn't continue for several seconds "Proposition." he continued. "Yes..." he exclaimed instantly afterwards and waited again, then took a few steps forward to the young man. "A proposition." he said, rising his head a little bit more. You could see he had a huge, nearly endless grin, but besides that grin you could see nothing else. It was just a smile, with the rest of his face covered by darkness. His teeth had poor hygeny, and were dirty. "I am... Frank... November." he said, then took a step back, hiding his face once again, including the white hair.
The young man nodded his head in defeat..

"I am the Nightmaster. All that happens within the Atrium under the stars and moon is my business. The Lord Raven will meet you in the western gardens, Frank November. Follow me." He turned opened a door that was built into the side of one of the figures, it was a shortcut to the gardens.

Nightmaster walked slowly for the old man's sake. He also hoped that given enough time, Frank would change his mind a leave.
Delacare said:
The young man nodded his head in defeat..
"I am the Nightmaster. All that happens within the Atrium under the stars and moon is my business. The Lord Raven will meet you in the western gardens, Frank November. Follow me." He turned opened a door that was built into the side of one of the figures, it was a shortcut to the gardens.

Nightmaster walked slowly for the old man's sake. He also hoped that given enough time, Frank would change his mind a leave.
Frank didn't need much time to keep up, he straightened up from his old man pose and walked after him, but his hood was still shrouded in darkness. He followed the Nightmaster, with his staff and ball still in his hands. He took in as much of the environment as he could.
as soon as he was let go he was gone he disappeared into a dark ally way making his way quickly to the plague doctors home , but first he picked up a couple of items a leather supported clown pants and a machete along with some basic tools he would use to serrate the machete. he let him self in closing the wall behind him with great effort he would wait for the good doctor here as he worked on serrating the machete.

Birdsie said:
Frank didn't need much time to keep up, he straightened up from his old man pose and walked after him, but his hood was still shrouded in darkness. He followed the Nightmaster, with his staff and ball still in his hands. He took in as much of the environment as he could.
Nightmaster led Frank down an underground corridor until they reached a doorway marked with a violet branched tree. Pushing the door open, he led him up the stairs to the west gardens. Just as the door aluded, every tree and plant here was a shade of purple, the purple glowed in the moonlight.

Sitting on a large branch from the central tree, looking more like a goddess than a god, sat Theo.

"Milord, allow me to introduce Fra-"

"I know who he is. Thank you, Night. You may go." Nightmaster bowed stiffly, as if it caused him great pain to do so, and left the same way he entered.

"Frank November. I've hear stories about you. You've aged quite a bit since then, I see. What have you come here for? It is quite late."
Delacare said:
Nightmaster led Frank down an underground corridor until they reached a doorway marked with a violet branched tree. Pushing the door open, he led him up the stairs to the west gardens. Just as the door aluded, every tree and plant here was a shade of purple, the purple glowed in the moonlight.
Sitting on a large branch from the central tree, looking more like a goddess than a god, sat Theo.

"Milord, allow me to introduce Fra-"

"I know who he is. Thank you, Night. You may go." Nightmaster bowed stiffly, as if it caused him great pain to do so, and left the same way he entered.

"Frank November. I've hear stories about you. You've aged quite a bit since then, I see. What have you come here for? It is quite late."
The Leader didn't rise his head to look at Theo, for some weird reason. "Aged? Not quite, I-dare-say." he responded. The Leader walked around the garden for a bit, then turned back to Theo and still not looking up responded "I have come here to make a deal. As you are aware, I can see into the future. I use this power each day, for my own interests." with a stiff, calm tone.

The Leader rose his head just slightly, revealing some of his white hair, then added "You see... you will have more visitors, quite soon." as he took out a big hourglass. "As I said, I plan to make a deal. I will help you with something, if you help me with something else. As you know, I can see into the future. So here is what will happen if you were to refuse, or accept my deal. If you refuse? Your life will continue as it is, you'll die one day, you'll do lots of things. All according to your own will, obviously. If you accept, however?" he stopped.

The Leader bended down, and set the hourglass on the floor, as the sand inside started moving through, very slowly, however. "Then when this hourglass' sand is all down, you will have all power you ever wanted. You will rule this country, and you will have the physical power of a God... are you interested?"
Birdsie said:
The Leader didn't rise his head to look at Theo, for some weird reason. "Aged? Not quite, I-dare-say." he responded. The Leader walked around the garden for a bit, then turned back to Theo and still not looking up responded "I have come here to make a deal. As you are aware, I can see into the future. I use this power each day, for my own interests." with a stiff, calm tone.
The Leader rose his head just slightly, revealing some of his white hair, then added "You see... you will have more visitors, quite soon." as he took out a big hourglass. "As I said, I plan to make a deal. I will help you with something, if you help me with something else. As you know, I can see into the future. So here is what will happen if you were to refuse, or accept my deal. If you refuse? Your life will continue as it is, you'll die one day, you'll do lots of things. All according to your own will, obviously. If you accept, however?" he stopped.

The Leader bended down, and set the hourglass on the floor, as the sand inside started moving through, very slowly, however. "Then when this hourglass' sand is all down, you will have all power you ever wanted. You will rule this country, and you will have the physical power of a God... are you interested?"
"The physical power of a god? How could you ever promise something like that? If such thing were possible and so easily, couldn't you bestow that power upon yourself?" Theo leaned back idly and waited; there was more to this, much more.
Delacare said:
"The physical power of a god? How could you ever promise something like that? If such thing were possible and so easily, couldn't you bestow that power upon yourself?" Theo leaned back idly and waited; there was more to this, much more.
The Leader moved up his hand to cover his mouth, as he giggled. To all surprise, his staff stood still. The Leader said "Oh, but I will. When I am done? I will be as good as Omnipotent, and those that follow me will become Gods... - no. Gods? Please, when I'm done - Gods will be like ants to my followers. And my followers will be like ants to me. But I assure you, I am not interested in crushing insects. All I need you to do is perform several errands for me. Quite a small cost for powers above god-level, don't you think? Besides; Just like you said. This thing is not so easy to achieve. I just see that it's possible in the future, and all I need is to play all my cards in the right time. Thing is: I need you as one of my cards. And when I'm done? All of my cards will become the best poker hand ever created, and I myself will become the best poker player out there."
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this doctor was being rather rude leaving a guest alone for so long he thought as he finished serrating his machete o well I guess Ill do the change with no one watching. he changed into the clown pants and put on his new mask as he grew bigger he started to work the magic runes into his head it lit fire burning his hair and causing no small amount of pain but pain didn't matter. "Only watching them bleed matters" he said out loud to him self his new body would instate fear and appealed to his blood thirsty ways he always was one for a good costume.

@Grizzlot (ANY ONE PLAY TWISTED METAL?)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-4_17-58-48.png.62e3ff2ca6f68e06a9d16418a9c2ad77.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-4_17-58-48.png.62e3ff2ca6f68e06a9d16418a9c2ad77.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-4_18-0-40.png.3388fae686c324b6e6c5f3df86e439dd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-4_18-0-40.png.3388fae686c324b6e6c5f3df86e439dd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Birdsie said:
The Leader moved up his hand to cover his mouth, as he giggled. To all surprise, his staff stood still. The Leader said "Oh, but I will. When I am done? I will be as good as Omnipotent, and those that follow me will become Gods... - no. Gods? Please, when I'm done - Gods will be like ants to my followers. And my followers will be like ants to me. But I assure you, I am not interested in crushing insects. All I need you to do is perform several errands for me. Quite a small cost for powers above god-level, don't you think? Besides; Just like you said. This thing is not so easy to achieve. I just see that it's possible in the future, and all I need is to play all my cards in the right time. Thing is: I need you as one of my cards. And when I'm done? All of my cards will become the best poker hand ever created, and I myself will become the best poker player out there."
"You are quite insane aren't you? If you can see the future, then I'm sure you can guess what my answer will be. What I would like to know before I give my answer can be summed up in 4 questions.

  1. If I say no, could you still achieve that omnipotence?
  2. Can you guarantee that you will not fail?
  3. Could I ever achieve power on par with a god's by myself?
  4. If I chose to rip your heart out of your chest right now, could you stop me?

Answer truthfully, Farseer."
Delacare said:
"You are quite insane aren't you? If you can see the future, then I'm sure you can guess what my answer will be. What I would like to know before I give my answer can be summed up in 4 questions.
  1. If I say no, could you still achieve that omnipotence?
  2. Can you guarantee that you will not fail?
  3. Could I ever achieve power on par with a god's by myself?
  4. If I chose to rip your heart out of your chest right now, could you stop me?

Answer truthfully, Farseer."
The Leader laughed, responding "Well, I suppose I'll answer truthfully.

  1. Quite yes. I would be able to, but it would be much harder. I would have to find a suitable replacement for you, and I have already went quite a bit out of my way to choose you. In other words: Yes, but it would be a pain in the ass.
  2. Hmmm... hard to answer. Yes, no, maybe? Technically: No. Theoretically: I have to think about it. Really: I don't know myself, but I will discover.
  3. In theory: Yes, you could achieve that power. Really: You can't, because you don't know how. You don't know what to do, in what moment, at what time to succeed with that task. I do.
  4. I don't need to stop you. It would not work all by itself. You can't have the heart of a heartless creature, after all, is that not true?

Now, answer truthfully, Lord of Ravens. Shall I explain something else?" he asked, with a weirdly sarcastic tone.
BadJoke said:
this doctor was being rather rude leaving a guest alone for so long he thought as he finished serrating his machete o well I guess Ill do the change with no one watching. he changed into the clown pants and put on his new mask as he grew bigger he started to work the magic runes into his head it lit fire burning his hair and causing no small amount of pain but pain didn't matter. "Only watching them bleed matters" he said out loud to him self his new body would instate fear and appealed to his blood thirsty ways he always was one for a good costume.
He started to come back in his base to the surprise of the jester,"What kind of clown are you?" He asked, taking a look at the machete in his hand, "I don't think I would like to you" He said as he started to move and grabbed his journal, his base was mostly filled with nothing but journals and books,all with different taste and fashion,"I suppose you would want to sleep in a peaceful area" He said as he tapped a wall, a secret door opened up, it was nothing but a simple guest room,"Don't make to many noises or else the MP will hear" He said as he started to grab his tea and started to lift his mask up by a little to take a sip of the tea,"It's rather cold..."

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