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Fantasy Blood & Steel (Original - Contemporary Fantasy - Open)

BadJoke said:
he turns into the child his red eyes and smile still a promenade feature on his face which seemed to be the only thing that remained the same from last form. his rapier returned to his back and his 1811 to his shirt a pocket on the side hiding it well. he walks out of the curtain "an oldy but a goody" he said out loud "now your most holy where shall me and my friend rest for the night" he said is a very lackadaisical way.
"Ah ah, not so fast. No weapons. Trust me, you won't be needing them in here. Once you hand them over, your guards will escort you to your quarters for the night. Don't worry, they actually are pretty comfortable. If you need anything, talk only to your guards; I don't need your presence tainting any of my innocents." Theo was gone in swirl of a single feather.
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he frowned this was the first time since he arrived at this city that he frowned he quietly pulled out his rapier and 1911 and handed them to the guards. He hated being without a weapon granted he preferred breaking necks with his bear hands but the blade made him feel better and the gun well lets say it had a personal reason for always being with him. he waited quietly his smile still gone from his face as he waited to be escorted to his room.

BadJoke said:
he frowned this was the first time since he arrived at this city that he frowned he quietly pulled out his rapier and 1911 and handed them to the guards. He hated being without a weapon granted he preferred breaking necks with his bear hands but the blade made him feel better and the gun well lets say it had a personal reason for always being with him. he waited quietly his smile still gone from his face as he waited to be escorted to his room.
The guards nodded and disappeared with weapons in hand. Dadrel turn from the statue and headed East down a corridor.

"This way." He didn't wait to see if they'd followed.

After walking for 5 minutes, he stopped in front of a door and turned around.

"Everything you need is in there, including food and running hot water for a bath. The Lord Raven has granted your request to see the beast, Hunger. However, you must wait until tomorrow. You are not to leave this chamber. I believe that is everything." His jaw was twitching audibly as he forced himself to be civil; these two imbeciles had insulted his lord, and he wanted nothing more than to punish them.

@Azazel Hellborne
he tilted his head at the man not really know what to say to him he was in no mood for jokes yet jokes were kind of his only response to things. "do you think he got the joke about me changing into a little boy in the church". he sat down doubting the man liked jokes "no that will be all thank you" he said dismissively. so much to do so many people to kill and so little time and most of all he wondered about his weapons he had, had those things since around birth he had maintained them repaired them and adjusted their shape tell it fit him perfectly he was never self consciences with his body being a shape shifter what was there to worry about ,but without those weapons he felt naked.

BadJoke said:
he tilted his head at the man not really know what to say to him he was in no mood for jokes yet jokes were kind of his only response to things. "do you think he got the joke about me changing into a little boy in the church". he sat down doubting the man liked jokes "no that will be all thank you" he said dismissively. so much to do so many people to kill and so little time and most of all he wondered about his weapons he had, had those things since around birth he had maintained them repaired them and adjusted their shape tell it fit him perfectly he was never self consciences with his body being a shape shifter what was there to worry about ,but without those weapons he felt naked.
Dadrel nodded and walked away. How his lord had managed not to slay those two was beyond him. Truly Lord Raven was beyond the scope of a mortal man's mind. Before he had walked to far, Dadrel stopped and addressed the two one last time before disappearing in feathers.

"Stay in your room and cause no mischief. I tire of having to walk servants clean people off the walls."
(welp I'm off ) he laid down on the bed falling asleep quickly his normal energy gone after the removal of his weapons.

he was quiet for some time deep in thought about what he was learning it was painful more painful then becoming an abomination more painful then anything he had ever experienced he suffered in silence if allowed he would sit here it this pool of what felt like acid through out the night simply gazing into his own past. It was saddening watching his past a past filled with glory ,honor , and all the pleasures that came with it but that was not what truly saddening it was his child his own child and he had to watch her die. After the gods left the priest and priestess were burned they were blamed for the gods disappearance they were killed for it and his body was all to broken to stop them. but quickly that faded covered by a rage at the lack of solace he had traveled for hundreds of years looking for answers Why did he have to suffer? why did he consume all in sight yet still feel hungry? the answer was no reason the gods left him for dead the god of the bear who gave him strength beyond any human. the god of the spider who gave him the ability to wield weapons with four invisible limbs well they used to be invisible. the god of the reptile who gave him the ability to breath under water. the god of the ocean who made his skin harder than any metal. all had cursed him. now here he was below a temple to the raven and what had he been promised knowledge he had gained that he wondered if the punishment was already done or if this god would punish him more too. so he sat there filled with knowledge what was once been but blurred images and contorted sounds but now were the sounds of his suffering and images of all he loved being ripped away. he gained one thing he was Caedes he was carnage and he was a Maoris.

@Delacare (kind of a long one)
Azazel Hellborne]I see the charging abomination and the powerful fist coming towards me at inhuman speeds. I whip chains to the side of the ally walls throwing myself into the air and latching onto the side of the building. "That's some power you have there young lady." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35449-vy-canis-majoris/ said:
@VY Canis Majoris[/URL] @Eldritch Being
Pseudo-girly voice: Oh thank you! Hehehehe!

He missed, and the awareness of the one with chains became crystal clear. However, the large one charged at him again. He would simply do the same. Leaping onto the roof behind him. The space of the two buildings exasperated him and the other. The monster below.

"Why are you after me? What exactly do you think you'll gain?" Perplexed, Kasseb was still unsure why he was arbitrarily attacked, but he hoped the intelligent one could give some answers. even while he spoke, the new markings on his arms tingled still. His eyes feeling the urge to dart back down. Kill him. You can do it. A voice spoke in his mind. Not of his own.

@Eldritch Being @Azazel Hellborne
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Chris woke up, after hearing their voices and said "Oh, hell no. I'd rather die than do anything with that gu-" and then stopped, clenching his fist around his jaw, then he also let go. Clearly his face was more than just hurt from the punch he received. Chris tried to get up, but couldn't. His legs, were fortunately the only thing that was NOT injured in his whole body, but the pain was just too big. "Well... fuck... I'd make a demon deal, if I could.

A voice echo'ed through, that said "Long time, no see, Chrissy~!" with a seductive voice. "Howzabout... WE MAKE A DEAL?" it asked. The voice didn't seem either male, or female, but it was high-pitched and childish. Chris muttered "Not this shit again..." with a voice, as if something bad was about to happen. The voice seemed amused, and it said "Oho- look at yourself! You made... FRIENDS?!?! How rare is this? The last time you had friends of your age was when you were in high-school!"


The voice turned it's attention towards all of Chris' friends "Greeeetings, pals! My name's Kefka~! And I am the November family demon! Available to make deals with other people 24\7, as long as you marry this guy. That's right, his name's Christopher November, and his name is written on the back of my rotting skull! No really! It is. Want to see?" the voice paused for a second, then sighed and continued "I usually don't do this, because it costs precious energy, but I'll do it for this special occassion!" then the voice materialized itself into a weird monster. It gained more masculinity, as well as becoming slightly lower-pitched. The size of the creature was about that of a large golf ball.

@Gabriel97 @FireMaiden @Paint The Wind @Safety Hammer
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"OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS THAT FUCK OFF!" She yelled in surprise and disgust. Looking at the little creature, the only thing she could do is cringe. "You're ugly as a fucking cringe-worthy Leaf-gnome." She muttered, holding her stomach. It didn't hurt much, neither did much damage.

Gabriel97 said:
"OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS THAT FUCK OFF!" She yelled in surprise and disgust. Looking at the little creature, the only thing she could do is cringe. "You're ugly as a fucking cringe-worthy Leaf-gnome." She muttered, holding her stomach. It didn't hurt much, neither did much damage.
FireMaiden said:
Her dark green eyes lit up, "Oh my god! You're adorable!" August said happily.
All that the demon could do is laugh back at her, and saying "And you look like you like shrimps. If Chris gives me his toes, then I'll give you shrimps." turning to Chris. "What do you say, Chrissy? Toes for a feast? Good deal, right?" it turned to August and heard her praise of him. "Ooo-ho-ho-ho, thank you. I'll give you a photo of me, if Chris gives me his eyeballs. THEY CAN SEE... And I want a human body one day. Your left eye is deffective, Chris." it said, at the end the Demon sounded rather dissapointed. Chris responded "Yeah, I know. And what do you want from me?" with a rather angry tone. The Demon said "I'm sticking with YOU guys until Red Curfew is over. Your dad, Chris, just sacrificed his eyeballs in exchange for me keeping you guys alive! We're going to party! And as a free gift, I'll offer you guys some of this." the Demon aimed it's finger at the ground, then shot out a laser beam. After a few seconds, Kefka stopped firing and where previously the laser hit the ground, there was a whole, and easy to use pack of medicine, that contained painkillers, bandages and other stuff. The Demon added "Guess it's the part of 'Keeping you alive'. So it's fine that I do."

Chris sighed deeply, hearing that Kefka will stay with them. "And you revealed my name to them, how good is that? Ha-ha..." Kefka turned to Chris unamusedly, nearing his face. The Demon's face turned blank, and devoid of all emotion. His voice just got very serious, and slow-paced. The pitch of Kefka's voice was much lower, human-like and serious. "The deal. Did not. Mention that: I have to keep your identity hidden. Did it, Christopher?" then turned away and smiled again. Kefka's voice just got happy, cheerful and joyful again. And it's pitch became higher. "Well, if you guys feel like you're about to die, just ask Chris to yell my name out loud. I'll come and save your asses, but remember..." Kefka's voice got serious once again. "only for the period of the red curfew..." as Kefka got all cheerful again, he said "LATER, SUCKAS!" and flew away into the sky, dissapearing into the fog.

Chris said "Well, at least he helped for free. Knowing Kefka, normally he'd request my genitals, or... bones, or my brain." and slowly, painfully got up, using his hands to help himself... only to sit down again, as standing was way too painful to bear. "Damn it..." he muttered and took a deep breath, preparing to try it again.

(If this was CinemaSins, then right now there would be: Kefka Ex Machina +1 Sin

From the other side though, we didn't have to see Chris and Remington... Well... uhm... Y'know. -3 Sins.)
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Birdsie said:
All that the demon could do is laugh back at her, and saying "And you look like you like shrimps. If Chris gives me his toes, then I'll give you shrimps." turning to Chris. "What do you say, Chrissy? Toes for a feast? Good deal, right?" it turned to August and heard her praise of him. "Ooo-ho-ho-ho, thank you. I'll give you a photo of me, if Chris gives me his eyeballs. THEY CAN SEE... And I want a human body one day. Your left eye is deffective, Chris." it said, at the end the Demon sounded rather dissapointed. Chris responded "Yeah, I know. And what do you want from me?" with a rather angry tone. The Demon said "I'm sticking with YOU guys until Red Curfew is over. Your dad, Chris, just sacrificed his eyeballs in exchange for me keeping you guys alive! We're going to party! And as a free gift, I'll offer you guys some of this." the Demon aimed it's finger at the ground, then shot out a laser beam. After a few seconds, Kefka stopped firing and where previously the laser hit the ground, there was a whole, and easy to use pack of medicine, that contained painkillers, bandages and other stuff. The Demon added "Guess it's the part of 'Keeping you alive'. So it's fine that I do."
Chris sighed deeply, hearing that Kefka will stay with them. "And you revealed my name to them, how good is that? Ha-ha..." Kefka turned to Chris unamusedly, nearing his face. The Demon's face turned blank, and devoid of all emotion. His voice just got very serious, and slow-paced. The pitch of Kefka's voice was much lower, human-like and serious. "The deal. Did not. Mention that: I have to keep your identity hidden. Did it, Christopher?" then turned away and smiled again. Kefka's voice just got happy, cheerful and joyful again. And it's pitch became higher. "Well, if you guys feel like you're about to die, just ask Chris to yell my name out loud. I'll come and save your asses, but remember..." Kefka's voice got serious once again. "only for the period of the red curfew..." as Kefka got all cheerful again, he said "LATER, SUCKAS!" and flew away into the sky, dissapearing into the fog.

Chris said "Well, at least he helped for free. Knowing Kefka, normally he'd request my genitals, or... bones, or my brain." and slowly, painfully got up, using his hands to help himself... only to sit down again, as standing was way too painful to bear. "Damn it..." he muttered and took a deep breath, preparing to try it again.

(If this was CinemaSins, then right now there would be: Kefka Ex Machina +1 Sin

From the other side though, we didn't have to see Chris and Remington... Well... uhm... Y'know. -3 Sins.)
"That was... strange."
Birdsie said:
Chris responded "Strange?" and a slightly amused tone. Then he continued explaining "When I was little that asshole talked to me when I tried to sleep, same with my brother." Chris sighed and said "Hey. Thanks for not leaving me out there, people." to everyone. "And thanks for saving my ass." he turned to August. "Anyway, can someone... hand me the medicine? I'll patch myself up, and I'm guessing that I will not be doing any calisthenics in the near future." he added to everyone, and dropped his box of cigarettes to the ground and crushed them under his heel. The last thing he needed right now was for his addictions to turn his poor physical health even worse.
@Baku @Paint The Wind
"Yeah, whatever," August said, waving of the thanks, before handing him the medicine. "There."
Jacob wanted to know why Chris had a family demon. Though Jacob was amused by the creature. "Hey like I'm leaving a friend behind. Now get up we have a district to visit."

FireMaiden said:
"Yeah, whatever," August said, waving of the thanks, before handing him the medicine. "There."
Baku said:
Jacob wanted to know why Chris had a family demon. Though Jacob was amused by the creature. "Hey like I'm leaving a friend behind. Now get up we have a district to visit."
Chris took out bandages, painkillers and a health potion and started patching himself up. "Thank you." he stated afterwards. He looked at his right hand worriedly and said "Thank God, it's still there." upon seeing the ring on one of his fingers, and he took a deep, relieved breath. Chris took a pill of painkillers and got up immidieately afterwards, he could stand up, but he was not going to be able to take much more punishment if they were going to fight someone. "Alright." he said, and loaded up 6 bullets into his revolver. I things like this keep repeating, I'm going to need a bigger, better gun. he thought to himself. There were the rifles of the Overwatch Soldiers still lying around, but Chris wasn't sure about taking those. Maybe they were cursed, or something.
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Birdsie said:
Chris took out bandages, painkillers and a health potion and started patching himself up. "Thank you." he stated afterwards. He looked at his right hand worriedly and said "Thank God, it's still there." upon seeing the ring on one of his fingers, and he took a deep, relieved breath. Chris took a pill of painkillers and got up immidieately afterwards, he could stand up, but he was not going to be able to take much more punishment if they were going to fight someone. "Alright." he said, and loaded up 6 bullets into his revolver. I things like this keep repeating, I'm going to need a bigger, better gun. he thought to himself. There were the rifles of the Overwatch Soldiers still lying around, but Chris wasn't sure about taking those. Maybe they were cursed, or something.
"Let's get back to the station and rest."

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