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Fantasy Blood & Steel (Original - Contemporary Fantasy - Open)

Grizzlot said:
He soon acted surprised, "That's quite the greeting my friend!" He said tilting his head, "This is quite the setup you have in this area, hey hopefully you didn't mind me stealing that ring from you" He said tipping his hat,"I am quite surprised you knew I was coming,that's a lie, but tell me, do I really entertain you with my chatter, but that's not the question I wanted to say, to you know the random commute of the MP squads roaming the streets and building all of the sudden" He asked with great interest, tiling his head a bit
"Oh it's you. I was wondering when you'd show up. It seems that you have the nasty little habit of taking what doesn't belong to you, and giving to those who are not deserving. I find your chatter... stimulating in a way. To answer your real question, the MP have recently enforced a more martial martial law, if that was even possible. They're beginning earlier curfews and surprise home invasions, I mean inspections, to quote "keep the people safe from malicious rebels". You shouldn't worry about them if you are planning to hide in my Atrium for the night; they know better than to cross me. Mortals are strangely attached to their hearts and sanity." He beckoned for Plague to follow, as he opened a door to one of his private gardens and sat on a bench, beneath the trees.
Birdsie said:
Chris heard his words, raising an eyebrow he spoke "Goodness gracious. Quite the expectations that you have there." with a sarcastic, joking tone. Then he smiled and added " You have got yourself a deal. One. I'm in no intention to have my gun explode in my hand, so you have it assured. Two. Sure thing. Three. She's too short for me anyway. Last. You got it. By the way, I forgot to mention how the curfew is about to start. If you guys plan to tag along, hurry."
Jacob chose to ignore Arthur. "Let's leave them be Nova."


(I can now see Arthur and Jacob being at each others throats.)
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Delacare said:
"Oh it's you. I was wondering when you'd show up. It seems that you have the nasty little habit of taking what doesn't belong to you, and giving to those who are not deserving. I find your chatter... stimulating in a way. To answer your real question, the MP have recently enforced a more martial martial law, if that was even possible. They're beginning earlier curfews and surprise home invasions, I mean inspections, to quote "keep the people safe from malicious rebels". You shouldn't worry about them if you are planning to hide in my Atrium for the night; they know better than to cross me. Mortals are strangely attached to their hearts and sanity." He beckoned for Plague to follow, as he opened a door to one of his private gardens and sat on a bench, beneath the trees.
He started to skip in to the garden, clearly still in pain but he simple ignored them,"A curfew, these rebels must be quite rebellious, yet they never form in squads, they become clear targets for a bomb or large area of affects!" He said spinning around,"These people are surely dangerous, willing to over throw the government, I faced one and only used a little of what I could of used and he managed to "scare" me off, you must wonder my reason for me giving the ring to him, I mostly want to see his actions and consequences playing off" He said before tapping his shoes on the ground rapidly,"Oh this city has so much to offer, the rebels, the government, this cult, and most importantly, the people!" He said so excitedly,"People would kill to be able to have a major role, and if I play my cards right I might even be able myself,what about you my good friend!" he said dancing around
FireMaiden said:
Baku said:
Jacob chose to ignore Arthur. "Let's leave them be Nova."
(I can now see Arthur and Jacob being at each others throats.)
Her extreme reaction surprised him, but then he realized. He snickered and said "Oh, I get it! You're a bit sensitive about your height!" as if he was talking to a puppy, cat or a baby, or something else that's small, cute, harmless and adorable. His tone changed to a normal one, as he said "Well..." he stopped, then looked at her and said "I think you need to..." he paused, grinned and continued "Get over it!" he said, and laughed, for a bit. "Get it?" he asked, and continued laughing.

Then he heard Jacob, and stopped laughing and said "Oh, riiiight~!" with a voice of realization, but also happiness. "I forgot to introduce myself. Won't tell any of you my real name, at least for now. But you can call me Nova. And the guy with me is Disruptor."

@Safety Hammer
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Birdsie said:
Her extreme reaction surprised him, but then he realized. He snickered and said "Oh, I get it! You're sensitive about your height!" as if he was talking to a puppy, cat or a baby, or something else that's small, cute, harmless and adorable. His tone changed to a normal one, as he said "Well..." he stopped, then looked at her and said "I think you need to..." he paused, grinned and continued "Get over it!" he said, and laughed, for a bit. "Get it?" he asked, and continued laughing.
Then he heard Jacob, and stopped laughing and said "Oh, riiiight~!" with a voice of realization, but also happiness. "I forgot to introduce myself. Won't tell any of you my real name, at least for now. But you can call me Nova. And the guy with me is Disruptor."

@Safety Hammer
"I hope you like eating through a straw, buddy. She's gonna kill you."
Birdsie said:
Her extreme reaction surprised him, but then he realized. He snickered and said "Oh, I get it! You're a bit sensitive about your height!" as if he was talking to a puppy, cat or a baby, or something else that's small, cute, harmless and adorable. His tone changed to a normal one, as he said "Well..." he stopped, then looked at her and said "I think you need to..." he paused, grinned and continued "Get over it!" he said, and laughed, for a bit. "Get it?" he asked, and continued laughing.
Then he heard Jacob, and stopped laughing and said "Oh, riiiight~!" with a voice of realization, but also happiness. "I forgot to introduce myself. Won't tell any of you my real name, at least for now. But you can call me Nova. And the guy with me is Disruptor."

@Safety Hammer
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"I hope you like eating through a straw, buddy. She's gonna kill you."

Arthur was right, as she threw a punch at his jaw. With her metal arm.
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Birdsie said:
Her extreme reaction surprised him, but then he realized. He snickered and said "Oh, I get it! You're a bit sensitive about your height!" as if he was talking to a puppy, cat or a baby, or something else that's small, cute, harmless and adorable. His tone changed to a normal one, as he said "Well..." he stopped, then looked at her and said "I think you need to..." he paused, grinned and continued "Get over it!" he said, and laughed, for a bit. "Get it?" he asked, and continued laughing.
Then he heard Jacob, and stopped laughing and said "Oh, riiiight~!" with a voice of realization, but also happiness. "I forgot to introduce myself. Won't tell any of you my real name, at least for now. But you can call me Nova. And the guy with me is Disruptor."

@Safety Hammer
"Ooh, codenames. Why not do knights of the round table?"
@Safety Hammer[/URL]
Chris looked at him, a bit unamused and even slightly surprised. It was just a joke, no reason to push themselves to violence. and said "Come on. I was just joking, besides: What could she possibly do to-" he stopped when he was warned of the impending danger by the Farseer. "Wait, don't push yourself to violence, it was just a jok-" he stopped when she started nearing him. He sighed, and decided to take it on like a man. He did dig this grave for himself, after all. But then... he noticed what arm she was to use for her punch. He blocked her attack with his right arm, to avoid his jaw being broken to little pieces, however that resulted in incredible pain.

He took a step back and growled in pain. "Aw..." he muttered, then heard Arthur's words. "Yeah, well. If you knew my real name you could rat out on me. Tough luck, buddy. You can use a code name yourself, or have the increased chances of an angry group of MP's that really want to meet you, appearing."

He looked at August again, and said "Calm down, I was just joking!" in a calm, soothing tone.

Then he heard Jacob's statement and said "No need to fight, gentlemen. We're meant to cooperate with each other for the greater good, so we don't have to like each other - But we shouldn't annoy each other. Is that clear?"
Grizzlot said:
He started to skip in to the garden, clearly still in pain but he simple ignored them,"A curfew, these rebels must be quite rebellious, yet they never form in squads, they become clear targets for a bomb or large area of affects!" He said spinning around,"These people are surely dangerous, willing to over throw the government, I faced one and only used a little of what I could of used and he managed to "scare" me off, you must wonder my reason for me giving the ring to him, I mostly want to see his actions and consequences playing off" He said before tapping his shoes on the ground rapidly,"Oh this city has so much to offer, the rebels, the government, this cult, and most importantly, the people!" He said so excitedly,"People would kill to be able to have a major role, and if I play my cards right I might even be able myself,what about you my good friend!" he said dancing around
"If that man and his idiotic notion of justice end up causing me trouble because you saved his life, I won't be pleased. Magic with true power over life and death always comes with a price, and since you gave him that ring, you will be paying it. You are quite right about all this city has to offer, and I will be partaking of its fruit. For now, though, I am content with watching the fall out; is there no end to the amount of trouble you can stir up?" Theo's voice had become less frozen, more chilled. With a slight flap of his wings, he rose to the highest branches of the nearest tree, and grabbed two golden apples. He handed one to plague as he sat down, breaking his open, and scattering the contents on the ground for the birds to enjoy.
Baku said:
Jacob shot a look at Arthur that said "Shut up you are really pushing my patience."
@Safety Hammer
"What the fuck is that for? I think it's a kickass idea. The Forseer can be codenamed Merlin. Nova's definitely Lancelot. Disruption can be Hector. I'll be Galahad. August is Bedivere. Vanessa will be Kay. Rosemary is Percival. Our leader'll be King. It's perfect."
FireMaiden said:
"I don't care," She returned with a glare. "You don't pick on short people."
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"What the fuck is that for? I think it's a kickass idea. The Forseer can be codenamed Merlin. Nova's definitely Lancelot. Disruption can be Hector. I'll be Galahad. August is Bedivere. Vanessa will be Kay. Rosemary is Percival. Our leader'll be King. It's perfect."

Chris nodded and said "Alright, I apologize." with a calm tone. "But that just means you've confirmed my earlier statement. You just confirmed that you're short." he said, hoping to make her realize what she said.

He liked the idea, and giggled. "You do realize that the Leader, the Farseer and my Father are all the same, right?" he asked Arthur, unsure if he realized. "And I like the idea."
Birdsie said:
Chris nodded and said "Alright, I apologize." with a calm tone. "But that just means you've confirmed my earlier statement. You just confirmed that you're short." he said, hoping to make her realize what she said.
He liked the idea, and giggled. "You do realize that the Leader, the Farseer and my Father are all the same, right?" he asked Arthur, unsure if he realized. "And I like the idea."
"I know I'm short, I just don't like people pointing it out," August said, crossing her arms. "I'm not gonna talk to you anymore."
FireMaiden said:
"I know I'm short, I just don't like people pointing it out," August said, crossing her arms. "I'm not gonna talk to you anymore."
Chris looked at her momentarily, only to look at the exit again, preparing to leave. He opened it up and tilting his head to her again, he said "Hey, I did say I'm sorry. You don't have to make a fuss about it, besides it's not like I punch people when they point out that I'm a virgin, a smoker, or a 10-91MV. I just shrug it off, call them an asshole and try to convince them not to mention it again. And you did that very well. The attempt to shatter my jaw was a very effective way of persuading me." then left through it. The curfew was about to be up, so he needed to get to HQ as fast as possible.

FireMaiden said:
(Please stop rating that post Aww. I'm 5'3 irl, it's a very serious post.)
(Is that better?)
Birdsie said:
Chris looked at her momentarily, only to look at the exit again, preparing to leave. He opened it up and tilting his head to her again, he said "Hey, I did say I'm sorry. You don't have to make a fuss about it, besides it's not like I punch people when they point out that I'm a virgin, a smoker, or a 10-91MV. I just shrug it off, call them an asshole and try to convince them not to mention it again. And you did that very well. The attempt to shatter my jaw was a very effective way of persuading me." then left through it. The curfew was about to be up, so he needed to get to HQ as fast as possible.
(Is that better?)
(Yes. Also, last post, going to bed)

August didn't respond, acting like a child who was trying to ignore someone they just said wasn't their friend anymore. "Hmph."
FireMaiden said:
(Please stop rating that post Aww. I'm 5'3 irl, it's a very serious post.)
(of my 3 closest friends, sisters really (actually my daughter and her two daughters: long story), one of them is 5'1 and she doesnt like being short either. hell, my older sister is 4'9 and she's 24. I'm 6'2. I think short people are adorable and I'm heavily biased. i wont apologize for that.))
Delacare said:
(of my 3 closest friends, sisters really (actually my daughter and her two daughters: long story), one of them is 5'1 and she doesnt like being short either. hell, my older sister is 4'9 and she's 24. I'm 6'2. I think short people are adorable and I'm heavily biased. i wont apologize for that.))
Delacare said:
(of my 3 closest friends, sisters really (actually my daughter and her two daughters: long story), one of them is 5'1 and she doesnt like being short either. hell, my older sister is 4'9 and she's 24. I'm 6'2. I think short people are adorable and I'm heavily biased. i wont apologize for that.))

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