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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

(Power gaming is your character going into godmode and not getting hit by any attacks -.-)
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(Well,I don't see the point of fighting two characters that are invulnerable. See y'all,call me when the bullshit is over.)
KaalysBR said:
(Power gaming is your character going into godmode and not getting hit by any attacks -.-)
(Nope. Powergame is make someone's character do something. In this case, is by making my character get grabbed and stuff like that. My character has the ability to counter the action. Everyone's characters has)
(orious doesn't know him sooo yeah...also the pain tolerance thing for orious is both good and bad,he can still fight and be little fazed but that bad side to it is he can take a lot of damage and it effects his body.

anyway your character needs to actually take damage...he shouldn't be able to dodge everything....its very godmod)




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(No need both of you. I wont make this rp go to waist because you just cant find a way to hit a target that controls and transforms into bats. Ill just say Vlad flies away so you all can rp. I dont want the rp to go down because of that.) Vlad sighs and points at the human. He growls at her and transforms into a group of bats and flies away @Libra259 @KaalysBR @FireMaiden (it is not @mewbot5408 . You just cant fight always with strength.ç Sometimes it's good to use the head)
Claudine just sighs. Her clothes were covered in her own blood and she was done with this place. She just looks at Valeria and frowns. "Im leaving now." She says bluntly and heads towards the door.

@FireMaiden @KaalysBR @mewbot5408 (idk if there was others xD )
JPTheWarrior said:
(No need both of you. I wont make this rp go to waist because you just cant find a way to hit a target that controls and transforms into bats. Ill just say Vlad flies away so you all can rp. I dont want the rp to go down because of that.) Vlad sighs and points at the human. He growls at her and transforms into a group of bats and flies away @Libra259 @KaalysBR @FireMaiden (it is not @mewbot5408 . You just cant fight always with strength.ç Sometimes it's good to use the head)
(yeah.. if you character doesn't take any damage it's god mod. I've been doing this for years so I know what I'm talking about. -_- also,you didn't even try to hit orious back. I would've loved it if you hit him or something because I like seeing my characters hurt themselves or suffer. in a physically fight I'd rather things get physical and the characters beat the tar out of one another......I don't know why you're insistant on running away beat up orious damn it!!)
mewbot5408 said:
(yeah.. if you character doesn't take any damage it's god mod. I've been doing this for years so I know what I'm talking about. -_- also,you didn't even try to hit orious back. I would've loved it if you hit him or something because I like seeing my characters hurt themselves or suffer. in a physically fight I'd rather things get physical and the characters beat the tar out of one another......I don't know why you're insistant on running away beat up orious damn it!!)
(BecauseI want the others to rp and not just me. Also I dont want this rp to go down because people just dont like to think. So yes my character is running away. And he doesnt get hit because you guys dont find a way to do it. Physical attacks dont work)
Libra259 said:
Claudine just sighs. Her clothes were covered in her own blood and she was done with this place. She just looks at Valeria and frowns. "Im leaving now." She says bluntly and heads towards the door.
@FireMaiden @KaalysBR @mewbot5408 (idk if there was others xD )
"Wait a little while we get you patched up, then we'll take you back to town," Val said, walking to the kitchen, "Come on, we keep like everything in the kitchen."
"I'm sorry that it's taken so long to get you home," she said while getting a first aid kit. "But me, Ori, and Lucian, maybe cas, are taking you home today. I promise." @Libra259
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Val poured some rubbing alcohol on a cloth and began to clean the blood off of Red's skin. "Those two are always like that. But don't worry you won't turn, the bracelet has a spell on it and will protect you from it, just try to not get bit again."
"Hello? I was in the forest and I noticed that this place was here and I need a place to stay...it started raining and I can't camp. Hello?" Iama pushed open the front door, her deep blue eyes flashing. "Uh...hello?!"
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"Right I'll just get soaked outside." She grumbled and stalked back outside, storming past the windows as the wind began to howl. "Because obviously a vampire shouldn't try to get help from a strange place, obviously, what was I thinking?"
Val sighed, her eyes flashed red for a split second. She quickly shook her head, and got a bandage to quickly cover the wound, and stop herself from doing something weird.

"And...ha! Someone is inside! I'm just going to...tap on the window and hope that they'll let me in. Right? Right." She stepped forward quickly, and began tapping on the window to the interior, and yelled, "hello? A little help in this storm?!"

@Libra259 @FireMaiden @mewbot5408
Blinking away any remnants of sleep, Oceane groaned and sat up as she tried to recollect her memories from the previous night. She had hitched a ride from a traveller, but it seemed to her that this traveller got tired of the extra weight and dumped her off in the middle of nowhere. Wonderful, she thought to herself. The small girl cased her surroundings for any traces of life, knowing that if she could find someone, she could get herself situated and come up with a plan. Directly in front of her stood the largest, most ornate building she'd ever lay eyes on. She smiled, This is it! I could live here if I can convince whoever stays here that I'm sweet and naive. This should be a cakewalk. Oceane stood and went to dust off her dress and shoes, but decided to leave the dirt; It gave her a more neglected appearance. She walked to the door and raised her small fist and rapped her knuckles against the wood. "Hello?" Her voice called, "Is anyone here? I'm cold and I don't know where I am.." At least that part was true. After all, she wasn't a total liar. She noticed a few other people in her similar situation, and drummed up some fake tears to help make her seem believable. "Are you guys lost too..?" She sniffled.
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Claudine frowns assuming they both were vampires but maybe one of them werent? She just wants to see another human..

@everyone there

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