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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

( i was thinking about a fight club like thing we could have anybody who wanted to join in participate like between vampires or any supernatural being in the rp if its ok with you and we could be on teams) @Libra259

A scream could be heard through the city as a man desperately ran away from a tavern,completely naked. The guards soon intercepted the man and arrested him.

He had quite a surprise when the sweet girl he was trying to take to bed turned into a demon. Such is life.


Lyrev stood in his demonic form,stretching a bit and enjoying the freedom that always came with allowing his body to be free. But he would soon have to shift again,as the sight and power of this form wasn't for human eyes.
Dragasis said:
( i was thinking about a fight club like thing we could have anybody who wanted to join in participate like between vampires or any supernatural being in the rp if its ok with you and we could be on teams) @Libra259
(Well id say yes but that would mess with the plot. I didnt make this rp to be a fighting rp xD good idea but just not for this rp. Or at least not yet)
[Q"Libra259, post: 5851357, member: 43319"](Well id say yes but that would mess with the plot. I didnt make this rp to be a fighting rp xD good idea but just not for this rp. Or at least not yet)

( that's fine I could add a villain to the plot if you would like) @Libra259
Dragasis said:
(Well id say yes but that would mess with the plot. I didnt make this rp to be a fighting rp xD good idea but just not for this rp. Or at least not yet)
( that's fine I could add a villain to the plot if you would like) @Libra259

(Well lets further discuss this in pm.)
"Just family things," he mutters, his irritation deflating once he had something else to look at, namely Crowley.

"Annoying family things."

Lyrev laughed gleefully as his wings swapped through the sky,cutting clouds and scaring birds out of his way. He took the care to become invisible before the flight so no humans would see him. But now he was high enough in the blue that such care wasn't necessary.

He rolled around,feeling the wind tingle against his face. The beating of his heart accelerated at every motion of his body,and the demon was just happy to be away from the world for the time being.
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The young girl stood in the middle of her village once she tended to what needed to be done. She just stared at the sky and sighs. Claudine had grown up fast and she wished she hadnt. With her mother and father gone there was no one to help with the village and the villagers so sixteen year old Claudine comes around and begins to lend a hand. She had to pacify disputes and help when there village got attacked. She just wanted a break. Ah life.. Its one hell of a ride..
Xan said:
"Just family things," he mutters, his irritation deflating once he had something else to look at, namely Crowley.

"Annoying family things."
"I'm sorry, baby." Crowley said as he gave Soren a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, I'll be in my room working. And by working, I mean lusting. Such is the life of a demon."

I look at the chained up man, i go upstairs. I see a man walking through the hall, 'hey, i dont think we have properly met"

@Safety Hammer (He doesn't care about gay, NOW demons he might care)
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"I'm sorry, baby." Crowley said as he gave Soren a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, I'll be in my room working. And by working, I mean lusting. Such is the life of a demon."

Soren merely hummed before giving him a odd look. "Lusting? What on earth does that mean?" He said, honestly not able to decipher whatever Crowley was telling him was doing.
Yappi said:
I look at the chained up man, i go upstairs. I see a man walking through the hall, 'hey, i dont think we have properly met"

@Safety Hammer (He doesn't care about gay, NOW demons he might care)
Crowley turned towards the vicar and stuck out his hand. "Alistair Mephistopheles Crowley, Great Duke of Hell, at your service."

"If I was still a pastor I would dunk you with holy water in the name of Jesus but I'm not soooo.... AJ" I shake his hand
Claudine wondered what time it was as she headed into the woods. She needed time to think and clear her head.
Soren isn't exactly equipped to handle this sudden intrusion, so he goes silent, eyes flicking between the two.
Xan said:
Soren merely hummed before giving him a odd look. "Lusting? What on earth does that mean?" He said, honestly not able to decipher whatever Crowley was telling him was doing.
Crowley turned back to Soren. "I grund och botten, jag går ut knulla en annan demon för att fylla min synd kvot. Om jag inte gör det, kommer jag att skickas tillbaka till helvetet. Vill du gå med mig?" The demon decided to speak in Soren's native language because the subject matter was a little bit touchy.


Lyrev kept flying until he heard a rushing sound near him. His wings went up by reflex, covering his body within them. The bullets hit the wings and covered the dark feathers. The demon screamed out in pain and felt himself falling from the sky. He hit a tree before he crashed against the ground,nearly falling on top of a human. He automatically changed back to his mortal appearance.

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(BTW, Should I put down Crowley's different forms in his character sheet? I think it would be helpful.)
Claudine sensed something flying towards her and she jumps out of the way. She wasnt sure if it was actually going to hit her but it could of. When she turned around she saw a supernatural on the ground, well what looked to be a demon? Maybe? She wasnt positive since she had only read about them. The girl was surprisingly calm as she analyzed the situation. She assumed it had to do with his wings since he fell and appeared to be flying at one point. Once she got a closer look, by like a few inches, she saw that they had been shot. Claudine had no idea what to do at all. Well other than try a healing spell that may not work since she is inexperienced.

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[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](BTW, Should I put down Crowley's different forms in his character sheet? I think it would be helpful.)


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