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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley turned back to Soren. "I grund och botten, jag går ut knulla en annan demon för att fylla min synd kvot. Om jag inte gör det, kommer jag att skickas tillbaka till helvetet. Vill du gå med mig?" The demon decided to speak in Soren's native language because the subject matter was a little bit touchy.

Soren's expression changed to one of understanding, then weary. "Jag skulle inte-" He pursed his lips a little, seeming to think about it. "Inte om jag inte vet dem." The vampire shrugged.

Lyrev let out a low pained groan as he turned his body around,blood dripping from his broken nose. He grabbed it and set it back in place before laying with his back against the ground.

He felt a light magical spell touching him,although he wasn't really able to turn around to check where it came from.

He tried to speak,although that came out as gibberish because of the blood in his mouth. Spitting it out,he just waited for the pain to leave him.

"I can't see you but know that you're being nice anyway."

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I turn around "One day I might learn that language but today I'm creeped the fuck out" I start to back away slowly
"Oh yeah.. Im not sure if this will work but it may." Claudine says and kneels down. She simply holds her hands out. She focuses and her hands glow a light white light. She'd mentally recite the spell and watch as her hands continued to glow. She wasnt able to fully heal him but was able to temporarily take away the pain along with some minor healing. "Sorry I cant do more." The crimson haired girl says and stands back up.


Lyrev nodded weakly,actually feeling slightly better. He managed to turn around,and a loud cracking noise resonated as his bones were set back in place and he gasped a little.

Ouch..." He rose his head and frowned to the woman. "Most humans flee when they see a demon fall from the sky. And don't have healing powers. Are you actually human?"

He noticed he was probably being rude and made a greeting motion towards her.

"Thank you for this. I'm Lyrev,the demon of mischief,pranks,sex and bla bla bla. I'm also an idiot that flies through the sky when he is being hunted."

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Xan said:
Soren's expression changed to one of understanding, then weary. "Jag skulle inte-" He pursed his lips a little, seeming to think about it. "Inte om jag inte vet dem." The vampire shrugged.
Crowley smiled and gave his partner a kiss. "Du vet att heta killen som precis flyttat in i går? Den med två olikfärgade ögon? Han heter Lyrev. Tydligen är han en demon också." He mused, before he looked over at the door. "Han borde vara här snart."
Claudine chuckles a bit, "well ive alreadu had my fair share with the supernatural. Id rather help even if it gets me killed. Im honestly not sure what I am.. Im pretty sure im human and im a sorceress in training.. Well since today." She replies with a cheeky smile. "Im Claudine though most people call me Red. Im really just your average human girl currently." She says with a shrug.


Lyrev was about to answer when a new wave of pain hit him.

"Pour les sept profondeurs de l'enfer!" He breathed deeply and pushed himself to a sitting position. "Sorry,demon regeneration sucks."

He tilted his head lightly,both his eyes turning yellow for a second before they went back to the two different tones.

"Not sure what you are either. But you are pretty,so who cares? Nothing wrong about being the normal person in the middle of the freaks. Good luck with the sorceress training."

He pushed himself up and had to lean against the tree for support.

"I need to get back to the house or Sapphire will think that I died or got lost in some whore house. Can you help me on this?"

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley smiled and gave his partner a kiss. "Du vet att heta killen som precis flyttat in i går? Den med två olikfärgade ögon? Han heter Lyrev. Tydligen är han en demon också." He mused, before he looked over at the door. "Han borde vara här snart."

Soren hummed, looking at AJ a bit sharply, knowing fully well it's rude to have a conversation in front of someone else in a foreign language. Oh well, it wasn't his fault.

"Jag har inte sett mycket av något. Jag har varit på taket." He said pointing up at the ceiling before peering at AJ. "I think I'll leave you to it today then. There are some things I need to see to. Maybe I'll figure out how to imbue paper with curses and send them homeward."
"Oh I can try.." Claudine says though she doubted she would be any help considering her size.. She was only 4'9 feet and wasnt the most coordinated person on earth. But she'd try for sure.

Lyrev smirked at the nervous expression in the girl's face.

"Don't worry,I don't need you to carry me. I just need your energy,but I will give it back to you after I'm done."

He didn't wait for a confirmation of consent before he stepped forward and held the girl's hand. A sudden flash of light involved them both and they disappeared.

Lyrev reappeared with the girl inside the house,dropping into the nearest couch and giving her the energy of her powers back.

"Thank you again,Red." He groaned lightly against the sofa. "The next person who bothers me better have a good reason to do it."

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The library in this place was huge... Well i am immortal now so considering i have the rest of immortality to read this, its not that big of a library. I look for a book on demons, i have a hard time finding it but i do. ( are y'all speaking swedish... , im not good with languages xD )
Xan said:
Soren hummed, looking at AJ a bit sharply, knowing fully well it's rude to have a conversation in front of someone else in a foreign language. Oh well, it wasn't his fault.
"Jag har inte sett mycket av något. Jag har varit på taket." He said pointing up at the ceiling before peering at AJ. "I think I'll leave you to it today then. There are some things I need to see to. Maybe I'll figure out how to imbue paper with curses and send them homeward."

Crowley smiled, before kissing him on the forehead. "Have fun."
Claudine nods and looks around. "Oh no problem." She says and sighs again. Could she just not avoide this mansion? The girl still couldn't navigate her way around the place very well so she kinda just took off towards the direction she thought the door would be.

@Rukia @anybodyy else that is near
Rukia said:
Lyrev smirked at the nervous expression in the girl's face.
"Don't worry,I don't need you to carry me. I just need your energy,but I will give it back to you after I'm done."

He didn't wait for a confirmation of consent before he stepped forward and held the girl's hand. A sudden flash of light involved them both and they disappeared.

Lyrev reappeared with the girl inside the house,dropping into the nearest couch and giving her the energy of her powers back.

"Thank you again,Red." He groaned lightly against the sofa. "The next person who bothers me better have a good reason to do it."

Crowley walked back over to the demon and flung his robe onto Lyrev's head. "Is that a good enough reason, hotshot?"
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Soren sort of smiled grimly at Crowley, waving at him. He wasn't sure what to make of Crowley's business, only that it didn't really concern him, though he knew it should. The vampire had other worries, one of them being if he really could put a curse in an envelope and send it to Sweden.

Probably not, he'd never dabbled in any sort of magicks, if such a thing existed, and he'd be likely to curse himself. He went into the library, ignoring AJ for now, and shifted through a pile of books, seeming to be searching for something.
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"Ok this is bullshit I've been i here for half the day yesterday and all day today"-he started pulling and wiggling and clawing attempting to get out but all he managed to do was get one arm free breaking via breaking even the vampire proof chain it made a loud sound this let the whole house hear him as If they couldn't hear his grunting-"Fuck that was loud! Jacks gonna k- ... maybe not. .. maybe, just maybe he'll be impressed" @the whole rp
Claudine heard the clatter of chains and raised her eyebrow. What has happened in the short time she was gone. The girl continues to wander the mansion for the third time in total.

@anybodyy near
(Soren's in the library if you'd like to try and have a conversation.)

Regrettably, being 5'5, the number of shelves in the library he could reach were indeed limited. So naturally, his search for a book on curses (might as well try) led him to stand on a stool and peer at the higher shelves. Some vampires had the ability of flight, one he was not privy to and now it irritated him. Pulling out a few books, he dropped them on a nearby end table, forming a steadily growing pile.
Libra259 said:
Claudine nods and looks around. "Oh no problem." She says and sighs again. Could she just not avoide this mansion? The girl still couldn't navigate her way around the place very well so she kinda just took off towards the direction she thought the door would be.
@Rukia @anybodyy else that is near
Jack would hear Reds distinct heartbeat in the house. He would come out of his room, and see Red. "Red! What are you doing here?" he said, quickly coming over too her
"Oh I helped this guy named Lyrev since he got shot multiple times. And Ive kind of gotten lost since this place is so big." Claudine says sheepishly while turning to look at him.

@Dalamus Ulom
Libra259 said:
"Oh I helped this guy named Lyrev since he got shot multiple times. And Ive kind of gotten lost since this place is so big." Claudine says sheepishly while turning to look at him.
@Dalamus Ulom
Jack would smile at her. "I'll take you to the door, then," Jack would say, offering his arm for her to take.

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