Blood Is The Best Revenge **wolf rp**

Exile smelled a fresh kill and slowly got up. She walked over to the kill sight of an elk and then looked at ryo and the fae. She approached the elk but waited to see if they'd mind. She looked around and then back at the two her stomach growling for food.
Ryo smiled and stepped back from the kill so Exile could eat, then he slowly started to walk away, hes tail swaying side to side slowly his head a little low
Exile looks at Ryo and then shouts to him. "I will join by the way." She said and then tore into the kill starving. She looked at Scarkill who took a chunk and walked away with it. He lays down silently alone eating. Exile continued to eat and then stood back once she finished. She bowed to the fae and then turned slowly walking away.
Exile looks around and then slowly walks around. She sniffs around just getting to know the land. Scarkill was sleeping already, Exile never did get much sleep. She kept walking being creeped her out.
Unknown male watches Exile from the bushes he growls loud enough for her to hear him then begins to run towrds the location of Ryo

Ryo sits looking out towards the lake unknowing of the danger approaching he lets lout a lonely howl
Exile suddenly heard a growl and then catches the unknow male's scent. She bolts and then growls loudly chasing after the male quickly. She lunges at the male planning on pinning him quickly.
Unknown male he whips around grabs exiled by her throat and threw her onto her side quickly not wanting to her the Fae and begins to run faster "This has to be done." the familiar bark rings out to Exile

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Brb i have 2 give my dog a bath
Exile shakes it off and then growls loudly. She chases after him still. She was swift on her feet and kept close behind him snapping at his tail. She ignored his eariler comment. She sees her claws glowly red but then powers them down not wanting to use that power ever again.
The unknown male turns around and slams his paws against her chest a move only her pack knows he pins her down, he was stronger then she was. "Stop." he licked the Fae's cheek showing her he loved her the darkness of the night swirled around him dizzying the fae he got off of her and continued running he got to where Ryo was, Ryo turned around and a happy smiled spread across his face, the wolf ran at him, Ryo's expression changed to fear and astonishment his brown pelt shone in the moonlight as he jumped for his pack leader, he bit onto Ryo's throat he twisted breaking Ryo's wind pipe, he released Ryo and watched as blood dripped from his nose and mouth. the unbeaten hunter was hunted. Ryo bared his teeth as his eyes slowly clouded with fear and pain. The male slammed his paws Against Ryo's chest sending him falling off the edge of the cliff, he hit the side of the cliff as he went down, killing him instantly. Ryo fell to the bottom of the cliff, he landed in the shallow end, half of his body was under water half of it was exposed the lakes waves clouded with blood as the watter gently lapped at the lifeless body.
Exile slowly got up and then shook herself off. She smelled blood, and her claws flashed at the death of a wolf. She sighed and then sat down her ears pinning back to her head. She was unsure of who the wolf was and why. She looks around and then looks down feeling like she failed.
the unknown wolf frowned as he watched his pack leader die, he felt proud though, he walked over to exile and looked into her eyes, he let her see who he was, Daichi sat down in front of her "dont worry." he cooed softly nuzzling her cheek gently "every things going to be fine now." he smiled at her

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A pup skidded down a steep hill and got the Ryo, he whimpered and nuzzled the males fur "get up." he whimpered "yo are Ryo, You dont die!!" he cried Ryo remained lifeless, the pup whimpered then bared his tiny teeth "Ill get you for this." he growled then ran off towards the woods, leaving his fathers body
Exile gave him a quick bite on his muzzle and got up. She wacked his head with her tail as she turned and walked away. She didn't know Ryo long....and she was confused but angry. She raised her head high as she walked away. She turned to head to the dens. She sighed deeply suddenly getting an awful feeling in her stomach. She closed her eyes and then ignored Scarkill who was confused like she was.
Omg lol we heard tapping on the side of our house and i got so scared...... (ima girl im supoosed to get scared at weird things sometimes) and we took my great dane out side and it was just the gutter....... am i an idiot???

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