Blood Is The Best Revenge **wolf rp**

Ryo nods and walks behind her "you may join this pack if you want, but if you dont want to you do not have to." he said the trotted off towards the edge of the clearing
Mai ran into the clearing and saw Ryo at the edge. She bowed at him and whispered in his ear. " Ryo, i am sorry. Punish me how u like, i deserve it. I shouldnt have over-reacted to that mutt being killed. I should never have doubted your ways" Of course, she was acting, but this was somthing she was used to doing, and could do it well. She looked into Ryos eyes with passion
Exile looks at her and then chuckles. "I will think about it...if you don't mind I need some rest." She said and then continued heading for the lake. as the moon hit her more, her large scar showed and a few fresh injuries. She dropped by the waters edge. She hated to admit it but she was to tired to do much. She lapped up some water and then moved her head to rest on her paws.
Ryo looked back at the Fae, he smirked and continued walking "i hope you know, if you act up again hes going to treat you like he did that rouge." kite growled from behind Mia
Mai looked back at kite and barked and growled loudly. " get away you fool.. ' SHe barked and jumped on kite, biting her.
Scarkill looks at the two faes and then slowly walks around checking things out for Exile. She went through one tough beating. He looks at Exile and then sighs deeply. She had been suffering for weeks now and she was on her last legs. He smiled glad she was resting though. He continued to walk.

Exile looks at the water and then slowly enters it cleaning off her fur. When she was finished she looked a lot better. She went back to laying by the water resting.
"Get off me..." She said harshly, squirming uo and walking off with Ryo. " Im begging you.. forgive me.. I WILL do ANYTHING... no matter what it is... "
Ryo looked at her with anger in his eyes "You told those cowards what happened, you are not loyal" he growled baring his teeth at her "if your on those cowards side, you wont survive for much more longer." he snapped and turned away from his Fae and continued to walk.
" Alright.. " She bowed, and swiftly ran back to the den. It was cool inside but she quickly got used to it and fell asleep.
Ryo went to a cliff side and sat for a while the moon rose high above the sky and he smiled a breez blew through his fur "i dont know exactly what to do anymore" he howled to the great wolves above the breeze got stronger then nothing
Mai awoke, hearing Ryo howl.. She was worried about him, but didnt get up, obeying his orders, not wanting to anger him again.
"bless your soul and your pack. do not hate for my thoughtless actions, why wont you just send something strong enough to take my life?" he howled then laid down his head on his paws
Mai couldnt sleep she was so worried. She trecked up to the hill. It was silent, exept for the crickets chirping. She nudged Ryo on his shoulder wither her nose and layed beside him.
Ryo dtood up and stretched, he was willing to give his mate a meal. he walked into the foods and looked across a field, a large elk stood their eating grass. Ryo swiftly and agilely got close to the un aware elk, he jumped up and the Elk took off, he chased it nipping its heels till it fell, then he latched his jaws onto its throat severing its wind pipe.
Mai watched Ryo attack the elk from the tree line. This, she could deal with. Once the large animal was dead, she trotted over to Ryo. " Thank you " She said, letting him eat some before herself.

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