Blood Is The Best Revenge **wolf rp**

"Ryo, i dont mean to question your authority, please dont get angry with me, but why did you kill that poor hunter boy?"
Ryo looked back at her, softness and affection clouded his eyes, "i was going to question him of his being on my territory, but he charged me. i had no choice but to defend my pack and territory, its all i have right now, and i will give my last breath to defend it." he spoke softly and sweetly, and breeze blew through his fur and he looked up at the star filled sky.
Mai looked away, knowing he was all lies. "No Ryo, you lie.. I see it in you... I heard what you said to him... I even watched you.. He simply wandered onto our terriotory, accidental im sure... Violence has never done good for anyone, no matter what syou think" She said with an edge to her voice. Quietly, so Ryo couldnt hear, she whispered "Bless you, and your pack young wolf.. Be free, be happy.." She blinked to stare at Ryo and sighed.
Exile perked as she heard fighting. She was a loner traveling with Scarkill for the time being. She ran over and hid in the bushes as her dark sapphire eyes peered out. Her black fur was purfect for the night to keep her hidden. She watched carefully at Ryo and a fae. She looked at Scarkill and then back out.
Rio smirked and turned to face Mia he went nose to nose with her, "if you were there, you would have seen him run at me first." he growled at her, he stared into her eyes in a threatening manned and a show of Dominance.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Arachi smelt a new scent but a familiar one...rouge.... he thought to himself a Fae? and a Brute? he walked towards the scent in a non- threatening manner once he thought he was close enough they could hear him he spoke "come out of there." he said softly so Ryo wouldn't hear him.
" I.. I dont care ryo... he was innocent, i could tell." She teared up again, and before Ryo could react, She got up and ran, quick as the wind, out of sight.
Daichi bared his teeth and was about to ran after her and kill her, Ryo stepped in front of him "let her go." he growled "she is obviously to weak to run in with pack, let her crawl to those cowards and make he feel accepted." he smirked
Exile slowly walked out. Her dark sapphire eyes staring at him with a mixture of calmness but had a hint of a fire to fight. She slowly walked with each step careful not to make a sound. Soon he could see her full form, larger then a normal fae but still slinder and with long pure black fur. However on her left side was a large scar that stretched across her entire side. Her tail was down even though she stood in a dominant type manor.

Scarkill soon came out behind Exile and stood beside her, however by his stance and the distance between them it was clear they weren't together. He wasn't protective of her nor claiming her in any way. However he gave off more of a brother vibe then anything. Really him and Exile were close friends. He looked at Exile, she was clearly the leader to him. He looks back at Arachi.
Mai ran, all through the night, by dawn making it to the Kato pack. She stood, right outside, watching them rise, and play around, and laze. She took a deep breath and whispered to herslef. " I am not weak.. I am the strongest member of our pack. I resemble truth, and no one can stand up to that. If Ryo knew what was best for him, he would stop this." Mai stepped ou onto the rocks, gazing out at the wolves. She was sure she would be noticed quickly, so she bowed, put down her ears and tail and let out a cry, meaning she was not meaning to be a threat.
Kyo look up at the beautiful Fae and smiled then a pungent foul scent come to him Saskia's pack, he bared his teeth and let his fur rise , Yumi trotted over to Kyo "rouge?" she asked looking up at the Fae. "No, Saskia pack." he growled baring his teeth.

Arashi sat down showing no sign of aggression "why are you here?" he questioned the Fae and Brute.
" Please, I come with peace, and bring no one. Trust me. I have urgent news, please, im begging you " She whimpered, stanging in the same position, slightly afraid.
Kyo looked at Yumi, if she is a threat i'll deal with it, Yumi nodded shifting uncomfortably at the thought of her ex-mates pack on her territory waiting. "come here." Kyo barked up at her
Exile looks at him and then looks around. "None of your business." She said and rised her head high. She looks at Scarkill who sat down looking calmly and kept quiet. She looked behind her, she was running away....away from someone. However she didn't care to explain that to this new brute. "I smelled a pack....and followed that." She said and looked back at him.
Arashi tipped his head back and howled for his pack leader, he stopped and looked at the Fae and brute with an innocent smirk

Ryo pricked his ears and ran towards Arashi his fur raised slightly at the thought of fight more rouges
Exile sees a wolve coming and stands tall. She tenced under her fur ready to pounce at any moment. She looks at Scarkill who stood up and she nodded to him. She looked at Arashi and then back at at running Ryo. She was ready for anything.
Ryo stopped beside Arashi and he know knows why he called him over this Fae was beautiful he smiled at her "and bowed slightly Arashi did the same, Kite who stood next to Ryo now looked deep into Scarkill's eyes she smiled and affection clouded her beautiful eyes. Daichi bowed slightly and looked up at the Fae and Brute examining them.
" Your hunter wolf, yellow fur.." She sighed " He has left this world entirly." She braced herself, incase he may blame it on her. " Do not blame me. Believe what you chose, but I was out.. When i came my... Mate... " She hesitated at the word and cringed. " Killed him. He was innocennt, i know. But he is happier now, with his family. I have blessed him, and your back.."
Exile looks at them and continues to stand tall. She looks at them and then sways her tail behind her just being calm for the moment. She looks at the brutes and then the fae. She raised her head in a commanding way. "Hello." She said her voice soft compared to her stance.

Scarkill looked at the fae staring at him and then looks away. He shook off his fur and then looks at all of them and bowed his head slightly in greeting. He looks at Exile and then at the other wolves. What did they want? He wondered to himself.
Shame clouded Yumi's eyes she looked at Sayomi she sad tears rolling down her cheeks "no." she whimpered. Lyo looked up at the Fae devastation clouded his eyes. "you were mates with such a foul beast?" Yumi snapped to attention suprised this Fae was still alive "Do you know what he did in his past!" she barked in the Fae's face baring her teeth her pelt bristling with rage.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Ryo stood tall, "i am the Alpha male of this pack." he said with a smirk "may i ask why you have come onto my territory?" he said sitting down
"No..." She cried.. " I do not love him, but otherwise he would kill me.." She said, whimpering.. " You dont understand... I cannot do anything but come here. I do not want violence between us. I understand your Rage Yumi..." She whispered.
Exile looks at Ryo and kept her commanding stance. "I followed the pack scent....that's all." She said and then looked at the wolves around them. She perked her ears forward and then twiched her left ear as a small cricket near by began its song.
Ryo nodded and shifted so they had a look at the lake "are you interested in this territory?" he said looking over at the beautiful lake.

Yumi snarled and let out a low growl "i do understand. i was his mate. he killed my pups." she said and sadness washed over her beautiful face.
" Yumi... I.. I am so sorry..." She bowed. " I must go now.Good luck with your pack." She ran off once more, quick, like a spirit.
Exile nods and then slowlys walks past him looking over the lake. "Yes I am." She said and then slowly continued to walk. She looks around, her fur shining in the moonlight. Her eyes look at Ryo. "That does not mean I will stay of course." She said and kept moving towards the lake needing some water.

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