"That headset might be useful in the future you know... Besides, we can get in contact with someone who might know about the explosion and whether or not we are clones... Isn't that right, Mr. Rabbit?" Luffy asked.

"I'm Luffy by the way... The future King of the Pirates... Yet, I am still in pain but I'm the brightest person that you will ever meet..." He said to Rex.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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"Laddie...you were there!" Lucky strained, now trying to lift the thing, as opposed to simply pushing it. "I should have known that Toffee was trouble. Of course someone with ties to a mysterious organization would be untrustworthy! Yet I let meself think I'd be a war hero or something if I encouraged people to revolt against him. Yeah, some goddamn hero. Even if you manage to go home, I have fucked meself over irreparably. Going home would be suicide, I can't fight back against Toffee, I pushed away everyone who gave a shit about me, except you, somehow, and, until a few minutes ago, I couldn't even tell if you are who you say you are!" In his anger, he pounded on the object. "I was given one sodding job, and I made it worse for everyone! Because nobody wanted to tell me how shit I am at being a teammate until I learned the hard way!" Well, at least his frustration gave him more motivation to help with the object.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja @WarthogScrapGroup
"Mr. Rabbit does have a point... So I was right all along... I knew that you can trust me... I wonder what my crewmates are up to right now and I'm sure that they are worried about me... Food... Joy... The path of finding the ultimate treasure called One Piece... I just want to go home so I won't have to suffer like this... With a missing arm, of course..." Luffy said as tears are forming in his eyes as a representation of the pain that he is going through.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
"Sounds to me like one of you gets it..." Lucky huffed. "If not for me, you would've gone home sooner. Wait...crewmates?" There was an interesting point nobody had addressed before. What of their families and friends? What did they see? "Hey, Laddie! Maybe-Why the hell didn't I think of it before?" He slapped himself. "We don't know if we were really teleported onto that plane, right? All we know is that we simultaneously had a damn seizure. Suppose Toffee's goons came and kidnapped us while we were out, and that would give us witnesses. If they could all unite their forces, Toffee's ass could be grass, whether we're legally dead or not!" He cackled a little, but then realized, with his ears falling, what that meant for them. "And if that happened, well...I doomed us all for nothing..." Lucky resumed pushing, once more cursing at himself. Fucking hell, this could all be pointless!

GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja @WarthogScrapGroup
“Oh c’mon Lucky, you’re not that bad. Isn’t there a saying where good things come in small packages,remember the plan Sora had with the sneak attacks? You can be useful in ways like that. Look at it like this; in a way, maybe you were trying to stand up for everyone by talking back to Toffee. I told you before that you’re not the cause, and I can help you get through this. So we just had a short delay, no biggie. And even if YOU can’t go back home, there’s still some room over at Providence”

After Rex was (again) telling Lucky he had nothing to worry about Luffy introduces himself and decides to greet the young pirate back. “Never thought I’d meet pirates on a war fulled time travel journey. The name’s Rex. Agent of Providence. Good to meet you kid.”

Rex witness tears in Luffy’s eyes beginning to cry

“Hey cheer up Luffy. Losing your arm is one thing, but at least you’re alive. That’s gonna mean something right? I can see it now, Luffy, the pirate king who overcame his challenges all with one arm. What a legend!“Eh? Imagine how thrilled people will be if you keep pushing through no matter what you lose. (Man, here I am sounding like Sora. That goody-two-shoes attitude must of really rubbed off on me.)”

P PopcornPie GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
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"Short fuckin' delay?! SHORT FUCKIN' DELAY?!" Lucky yelled, facenubbing. "Yeah, all we need to do is find a bus station, and board the bus back to our own time! It's not like we could be wanted fugitives to whatever organization Toffee came from! Never mind the possibility of a bounty on me head!" So much for getting a job with Toffee, unless he would call this the beginning of a new, exciting career as a hunting target.

Now only half of his energy went to pushing, and the other half went to dwelling on his fuckup. "Standin' up to Toffee...Yeah, I guess. Just had to go and show off me balls. Now look..." He stared miserably down at his boxers, remembering that the embarrassing nickname was his own damn fault. Then again, this was the future, so maybe they'd invented hair growth tonic by now? Anything to cover up any memories he would retain of this humiliating defeat.

He would never get to find out if this damn thing didn't move, though.
"Can I get a hand over here, or what?" He hollered to Grif and Simmons.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja @WarthogScrapGroup
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captain price.jpg
Blue Team
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @CabooseBabysitters​

The walk was, as the path suggested it would be, very calm. Well, as calm as you could get with the backdrop of that city, with no idea what could happen as you walk forward. Though Price's leg hurt as he walked, it wasn't anything he could deal with. What hurt much more was his wrist. His makeshift cast was just that, makeshift. He had no morphine to help the pain, and no proper equipment to help the bone set in the correct position. Price was left to power through it. He found himself, by instinct, using his injured arm for balance, but finding only pain in that endeavor. Caboose's incessant singing doesn't help. Sure, if they were chanting one the old boot camp rhythms, this would be much more bearable. But since it's just Caboose yelling the lyrics to On the Road Again over and over, no relief comes.

The walk continued like this until they were stopped by someone in white armor, looking quite like the Reds, Blues, Tex, and just about every other person that's from this universe. Other than that Vicc fellow. Price put his good arm to his pistol, unlocking the holster, and getting ready to take it out. He greeted them, speaking in a thick British accent. Well, at least someone here isn't American. "Yeah, nice to meet you too, mate. Who exactly are you, then?" he responded in his MUCH COOLER British accent.
Rex was taken back by Lucky's outburst and doesn't take it kindly to it "Well excuse me for being Mr. Positive, blabberbutt. (How does the kid make this look so easy?) And speaking of balls, what's up with the boxers? Rex commented on Lucky's lack of fur

P PopcornPie

  • Gods be praised, Kassandra actually got her target taken down with one fell swoop! Locus was popped with a series of explosions from the grenade belt before he could get the contraption off, the various blasts reverberating throughout the general vicinity as the malaka dropped, hopefully dead for good even if she suspected it wasn’t likely. Kassandra had killed her fair share of misthioses pursuing her, so she wasn't unfamiliar with the bloodshed that lay before her. In fact, she figured it wouldn't be enough to just leave Locus there; she knew that some of the strongest people could easily come right back from the brink of death, like she did at times. She had to confirm the kill.

    "Well, I guess you're not going to be fulfilling your contract any time soon, now, are you?" The brunette smirked to herself as she slung the 1/4ths-empty sniper rifle back to its original resting position, pulling out one of her throwing knives before sauntering over to Locus' body with her mind made up. She'd make sure Locus stayed dead so he couldn't chase any of them for drachmae or whatever currency existed here. That said, she couldn't help but immediately snatch the opportunity to brag to the Red team when they cheered. Normally, Kassandra was one who was humble and diverted her accomplishments to the gods, but this was something she just couldn't miss. A ragtag group of people from different times and worlds banding up to beat a pair of wannabe mercenaries who happened to have far-superior technology and weapons?

    "You're damn right that was badass. We're just way better than you Reds, I suppose, because we actually have brains over what nonexistent brawn you Reds have." The Spartan taunted, stopping in her tracks to turn to the Red Team, though was interrupted by a Blue teammate- Tucker- who was apparently just as stupid as all the other Reds. He sprayed the futuristic bullets all over the place, even hitting that Lopez person who was kidnapped earlier, before finally being calmed down by Church. She could only facepalm the whole time out of frustration, completely forgetting about Locus as Tucker rambled on about "clones" and Church defused the situation. Gods, these people are hopeless.

    ...But what was more hopeless was being told you had moments to go before being blown up by an oversized bomb made specifically for a moment that probably never would have happened. She didn't know what "ten megatons" were but she certainly knew that if the bomb was big enough to obliterate a base, she had no time to possibly get out of the way. So she was going to die here, of all places. Not with her mater, Myrrine. Not with her step-pater Nikolaos, nor her step-brother Stentor. Not even with her brother Alexios or close friend Barnabas. Nope, she had to be killed by a bunch of incompetent malakes who called themselves “soldiers”. Sure, she couldn’t help but feel better because there were other people who were just as sane as she was, but they were going to share the exact same fate as she did. It was like one last laugh from the gods- if they had any say in what went on here.

    “Well... if this is it, then I guess I’ll see most of you in the afterlife. Hopefully we go to Elysium-“ she glanced to Aloy, Corvo, Price, and even Myrtle- “And if I’m honest, some of you idiots-“ a hard glare at the original Reds and Blues- “belong in Hades. But I guess those decisions are in the hands of the-“ She was cut off from finishing with “gods”, enveloped in the blast with a foreign sound warning her a split-second before her apparent demise.
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Okay, that's it. Lucky was ready to go. Even with people he tolerated, even in his current emotional state, nobody sassed him back. He almost made the entire pile collapse by bursting out of it. "I can tolerate positivity. My PROBLEM is that you are refusin' to wake up and see that I'M NO GOOD, you-" Then, he felt a big tug on his boxers, and became stiff. They must've gotten snagged on the thing as he pressed up against it. "Oh, FUCK me." And, to make matters worse, he had forgotten all about the inscription on his forehead. Now everyone could call him "Blabberbutt".

"This is what happens when you expose Toffee." Lucky muttered, tipping his head forward. "I woke up in a fuckin' pet carrier with this on me forehead. And..." Ugh, did he really have to say it? Maybe he could just free himself, and say it's a fashion choice.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @WarthogScrapGroup
Corvo Attano | Blue Team | CS | Previous Post

"Well, old friend, what will you do now?" Even when face-to-face with the mask that terrified Dunwall and brought an end to many, the Outsider found himself smirking. "After your peculiar ordeal in Blood Gulch, you've come to meet in Sidewinder an explosion of a magnitude your world has never seen before. However, this is not yet the end for you, Corvo. Neither is it over for anyone else you've allied and fought with. I will release you from the Void, now, but know that I will be watching with great interest."

With that, Corvo's vision darkened, followed by dark, orange skies of smog. In only seconds, the Outsider sent him back to... wherever he was. With a groan, he rose to his feet and removed his mask, believing it to be reason it felt oddly suffocating. Turns out, it was just this desolate place that he was now in. Looking around, Corvo noticed the rest of his group already converged elsewhere. Just how long was the Outsider holding him up?

Eventually, Corvo laid eyes on a few of the only competent heads he had been brought along with. The Lord Protector broke into a sprint to catch up with them, plus the man in a white verson of the odd armor this world's inhabitants wore. "Sorry I was late. Someone held me up. I imagine all of you are as clueless as I?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore jigglesworth jigglesworth PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Megumin | Red Team | CS | Previous Post

Even after the massive explosion, Megumin was blissful. It felt as if heaven embraced her with warm, open arms. By the time she came to, everyone had gone off into different groups. Megumin's amiable self evaporated instantly upon seeing the eerily quietness of the town. With an orange tinge replacing the blue that made up the once calm sky, Megumin felt as if she was in the Demon Lord's chamber itself, and she didn't even know what it looked like!

Had everyone already left her alone? By herself? Quickly scanning her surroundings, relief quashed the inner turmoil that built insider her as she found a group with at least two recognizable people: Rex and... "Chomisuke!" Using the burst of energy from seeing the little munchkin, Megumin ran and lunged at the rabbit, arms out to try and bring him into a hug. After everything that's happened, she really needed to hug something soft...

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
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"Fuuuuck! I had a good minute to meself, and I didn't think to replace me headgear!?" Lucky struggled to cover his forehead. "And why didn't I actually figure out which one of these fucks did it?! Who could possibly have...BENEDIIIIICTTTT!..." He screamed internally. "I gotta ask him the next time I see him...and he BETTER fucking be HONEST..." Hurmph...well, first, he would have to untangle himself. Easier said than done in the dark...


Instantly, the rabbit recognized that incoming voice. "Oh, DOUBLE fuck me..."

Only ONE person would have called him that...

And she had come rushing to hug him each time...

Sure enough, when she appeared in his sight, her arms were wide open...

"GAH! LASSIE! NONONONONO! NOT NOW! DON'T-" Too late, Megumin snatched him into a bear-er, rabbit hug.


"Eep!" Oh, now she'd done it. Unintentionally or not, she had just put Lucky's bare, Blabberbutt-branded, burned-a-bit bunny buttocks on full display. It was the most Lucky had ever blushed in his lifetime. If rabbits could sweat, he'd be sweating buckets. "Lassie...I-I'm going to bite you..." He whimpered timidly, before attempting to make himself lose consciousness by way of holding his breath. "Put me back in the donkey dream...put me back in the donkey dream...I wanna be a donkey again..."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts StaidFoal StaidFoal GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja @WarthogScrapGroup
" "You" What? What were you gonna call me? Whoa!" Before Rex could protest more, Megumin came out of nowhere and was shocked to see her come back after having not seen her for so long. "Well. Didn't expect to see you here. I hope you didn't blow anyone up while you were gone. And as for you. " He pointed to Lucky "Look, I'm sorry to bring your little hug fest to a close so soon, but can I speak to Lucky in private?"

P PopcornPie StaidFoal StaidFoal
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

(Low effort post because of College)
"Oh, uh, Felix is one of those assholes who tried to kill us, you know? That person Block Dude threw me towards??"

I nodded at Raven and Lilith when they asked if we could go to one of the pathways. A better idea than staying in here until we rot. The blue team boys split up on the two pathways I think and the right seemed to be the safest but you'll never know, maybe it's some kind of sick trap to lure us in so they'll get the drop on us when we get too comfy but the left path was blocked by rubble so going inside there is out of the picture. Sucks to whoever decided to go to the left path. With nowhere else to go, I went to the right path, beckoning my two pals to follow me. I decided to keep my guard up, looking at every corner to make sure we stay safe. If there's one thing I learned throughout my unlucky adventures, it's to never let your guard down. The last time I relaxed because of a unicorn I tried to pet: He used his teeth to grab me by the hair and dragged me around.

Don't ask. I hate recalling that memory.​
Lucky wasn't willing to give up his progress. He was turning blue, he could feel it! Unfortunately, the shock of the scrap nearly falling over caused him to breathe in. "Oh, god damn, as if I'm ever gonna..." He muttered. "Kinda held up over here!" He called, twitching his head up at Megumin. "I was thinking it would help if I pushed instead of pulling, but whatever this damn thing is, it's stuck really fuckin' tight!...You know, like me." Unlike the past hugs, he wasn't even gonna try to escape this one. Megumin was too happy to see him. Somehow.

StaidFoal StaidFoal @WarthogScrapGroup
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Aaaaand there it was. Megumin had the prestigious honor of being the first one to discover Lucky's butt. The ink had gotten quite a bit smudged due to all that running around in the wet snow, but the nickname was still perfectly legible. The rabbit huffed. "You probably know." He growled. "I guess the cat's out of the bag...Or, in this case, the embarrassment's out of the boxers." He wiggled his little pink stump of a tail. "Somehow, between us returnin' from Caboose's head and the rest of you being herded off to death or rescue or whatever, somebody did this to me. That somebody was probably the first to understand the consequences of me fuckup..." His ears worked against Rex, picking up his comment about it being funny. "It's only gonna be funny when I do the same the same to whoever violated me ass, laddie!" He snapped, wrinkling his nose. "But whatever, you all still got your revenge on me! Har har! How about we just forget about me, and get back to work, so we can build whatever the fuck we're buildin', so you can go home or whatever, and won't ever have to see me again, eh?" He stomped back towards the mystery object, muttering up a storm. The new tactic was to try digging under it, then lifting up the portion that had already been uncovered.

StaidFoal StaidFoal Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @WarthogScrapGroup
Rex just stood there with a smug on his face, not wanting to go back on his word. In some ways, he enjoyed teasing the little rabbit, but only as a means to help him in a way he'll appreciate later on. "No can do potty-mouth. There's no revenge to be had, I plan on keeping my end of the promise so I'm not going anywhere until you get a happy ending yourself." Rex said, not wanting to let Lucky's life go to waste, thinking his life's still worth living for

P PopcornPie
"What promise?" Lucky groaned. "All I remember is meeting you, with Lealan, and...Lana..." The rabbit paused, looking out to the horizon. He hadn't actually seen Lana since she was reunited with Eric, whose name left a slightly worse taste in his mouth. He tried to stop the war for her, let himself get soft for her. "Then I remember meeting Luffy, then we got so, so close to forming a revolt against that fucking lizard, even got that robot thing from the Blue team on me side. Then all that shit with O'Malley happened, you know the rest. I don't recall promising you shit. You know why? Because promises are for people who know how to handle friendship." He growled, his ears limp. "I should've known I was better off without any 'friends'. The one time I felt like bein' nice, and I fucked it all up beyond repair. Admit it, you're all only talking to me because we're stuck here together. Just let me help you fix that." Then he continued to struggle with the discovery, trying all sorts of lifting positions.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @WarthogScrapGroup
“Lucky. If I really hated you, I wouldn’t be talking to you right now. I could be helping the other guys find the parts they need to speed the process of us getting home, but I don’t. Because you’re my friend. And.. some times friends can help you in a sticky situation or cheer you up when you’re feeling sad, or in my case right now, help you remember.” Rex continued “The promise I was talking about earlier was me saying I’d help you with any kind of similar situation I was in. That being finding your feet. Now I got something to add to that, getting us back home! So try all you want, but you’re not getting rid of me that easily until you’re satisfied, happy, not constantly blaming yourself, and found what you were looking for.” Said Rex, really wanting to help Lucky find peace even if it means he’d be annoyed with him. Rex wasn’t going to betray his new friend that’s clearly in need.

P PopcornPie
Lucky tried to give himself tunnel vision for the thing, but Rex's voice was overpowering. Through all that isolation he did, all that preparation for being physically annihilated, he didn't account for his emotional vulnerability. How hard did he have to snap? He was brutal back in Caboose's head, tried to shoot them all in Sidewinder...Did he have to hack off Luffy's other arm? Lucky had no idea.

In other words, for the first time in his whole life, anger wouldn't get him anywhere. This was pure helplessness.

"Listen, you..." Lucky grumbled. "You're a likeable kid, I'll give you that. You've probably got a lot of friends back where you came from. But that's the difference between us two. You have something to go back to. I don't. All of you clowns have shown me just how lonely me life was. Nobody misses me, I barely had a place in society. You realize we'll all be going our separate ways regardless, right? What is even the point of us bein' friends? We only like each other because we were forced to be together." It was actually a little funny, watching this tiny rabbit trying to lift a big object. Spoiler alert, he was getting nowhere. "Just give it a couple months after we part, laddie. You'll have forgotten all about me. Or wondered why you ever wasted your kindness on me. Such is life. At the end of the day, I'm unremarkable to you. Just one of many faces you happened to meet in your lifetime." Meanwhile, the entire bunch would never leave Lucky's heart, whether he wanted it or not. Even if you lived to be three hundred, you couldn't exactly forget meeting a group of people who put everything you knew into question.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @WarthogScrapGroup
“You do realize that’s hardly an excuse when I can find you a home right? If not with me I got a group of friends that you’d fit in with pretty well.” Rex wasn’t gonna let Lucky shun himself from everyone due to his fear of being alone. “Look. I know you’re upset of what happened in the past, but that was then this is now, maybe there were people who didn’t care about you then, but you have genuine people
here that do care. And I know you don’t want to be alone, you don’t have to be. Just let me help you, let anyone help you.
Said Rex as he helped Lucky get the large object he tried to lift off of him. “You won’t know what to expect in life, but all you can do is just prepare for the worst. And no matter how bad it is, the best you can do is move on and try your best the next time.”

P PopcornPie

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