Pearl Pygmy

The girl swiveled to the snappy rabbit, staring him down. She then burst into laughter, "Hell itself, you say! Well then, Helletts Elf, you'd know not to talk back to your superiors, wouldn't you?" Her cheery demeanor vanished in an instant with her next sentence, "Keep that tongue in check or I'll make you wish you were back in hell, civvy."

Her tone lightened as soon as it appeared the rabbit had dropped Pearl from his memory. She continued stalking towards the cockpit with Vitan and Myrtle in tow. Pushing past whatever door separated the pilot up front from the soldiers out back, she surveyed the situation. The outsides, the controls, and whatever hopeless fucks also wanted to know where they were headed. If Ceph isn't mistaken, Pearl would be walking in on Benedict and Doc playing... charades, of all things. What a bunch of clowns.
P PopcornPie Chungchangching Chungchangching Veradana Veradana thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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"Fuck. Yes." He was charming her! A strange feeling bubbled in his stomach, and his conscience started to nag him. "Hey, stupid! You've been kidnapped and you're probably gonna die in a stupid ass war, remember?!"

The conscience did see a result, but not the result it expected. Lucky's ears drooped, and his eyes widened. Lana looked so innocent, so peppy, so accepting of her situation...and she was being roped into hell with him. By this war's end, she would be sent home with PTSD at best. A new rage started to build up. Perhaps Lucky deserved to get reduced to a pile of Swiss cheese in a trench, but not her!

"Hey, Doc!" The rabbit snorted. "I'm not risking me neck just to have sand kicked over me when I buy the barn! You better at least give us dignified funerals. And, as for you-" He whirled around to face Pearl. "Likewise."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
When Pearl had walked in on Doc and Benedict playing charades, Doc smiled under his helmet and turned to face her.

"Oh, hi! Did you wanna join us?" He asked. When Lucky had said something about a funeral, Doc merely shrugged in response. "Sorry... it's kinda out of my jurisdiction to plan the funerals around here. But I bet your's will be amazing regardless!" He said, maintaining his air of childlike happiness despite the morbid topic.

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind P PopcornPie Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Veradana Veradana thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Vitan Armerstrannie
Vitan again.png

I stayed silent for the most part, seeing no good reason to talk as I followed my two new acquaintances. I listened to the tune and bopped my head. Damn, this shit slaps! I started twirling my finger too. Who's the artist who made this? I need to know! Maybe the person who made it only exists in this dimension. That sucks but oh well, it's good but it's not better than "No cock like horse cock" by Pepper Coyote. . . Yeah, I listen to that shit. It's a fucking bop and you cannot change my mind! I watched the two play charades like little children and shook my head. Grow up, you two.

"Look at these two, guys. Pfft."
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Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict tapped his noggin with a finger before pointing up to the sky, "Ah....correct! Everyone gets that one correct!" Benedict then turned to Michael before slamming another table down on top of him.
"AH! Michael! You're......a table."
All the while Josh was excitedly keeping score of the game using a clipboard and pencil
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Yay! I knew that was the answer!" Doc cheered in response to Benedict, not really noticing the very people who were staring at them, silently judging. Michael began to scream in pain as Benedict slammed a table down on him, however, thus interrupting the conversation he was having with Travis.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?" Michael shouted towards Benedict as he felt this table slam down on his foot (because he was already sitting upright so Benedict couldn't have possibly caused any pain to the rest of his body, but it still hurt like hell nonetheless. With a growl, Michael swung his leg up and collided it with the center of the table, sending it flying right up towards Benedict. "Can't you go find someone else to mess with, ya psychotic fuck!?" Michael shouted, wincing in pain from the aforementioned table slam. Whatever the case, he soon turned back to Travis, continuing to wince and hiss out in pain.

"Anyways.... about that autograph?"

Jeremiah Jeremiah Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
5382a7413095dc35c49e444918014d3c.jpgAmy was in the living room with Chris, Tails, and Cream while Chris's grandfather was reading a letter they had gotten from the President inviting Sonic to a Black Tie charity ball along with any friends he wanted to bring. Amy extremely excited to go couldn't but think of all of the food they would have there but then suddenly right out of nowhere a terrible sharp pain shot through her body. "Ah!" She bent over trying to fight against the pain. Everyone in the room turned to her and rushed over. "Amy what's wrong??" Chris asked in a panic. "I...I don't know but my whole body is in pain...I don't think I take much more." She finally collapsed to the ground but she hadn't passed out yet. Her vision started to get blurry and she couldn't understand the words coming out of everyone's mouth. Her body was in so much pain it was hard to think straight. Suddenly she noticed Sonic. He was saying something but she was started to blackout. "Sonic?" Finally, she passed out.

Slowly Amy started to wake up and noticed she was on a....air craft. "What the....." She looked around and noticed others there too. People she did not recognize. She wasn't really stunned by the way they looked. Heck, she a walking talking pink hedgehog. Heck, how did she even get here? She in pain then passed out did someone kidnap her....."Eggman" It had to be him who else would it be....though she had to admit this look nothing like Eddman's ship....looked to normal, to be honest. Ok, maybe it wasn't Eggman. As she was sitting there trying to figure all this out she finally well sort of got some answers though she was more confused than anything. She didn't sign up for the military. What the heck was going on?! Soon enough everyone on the ship was getting mad trying to find a way out and from the looks of it, nobody's powers were working. "Wait..." She tried to summon her Piko Piko Hammer.....nothing. Many times Amy's temper started to flare but amazingly enough, she controlled it. Though she probably wouldn't be able to do it for much longer. She didn't understand why everyone kept trying to get answers from Doc. The man clearly knew nothing so coming at him was honestly pointless. Though when she heard about there being not controls or pilot she was exactly almost felt her hammer in her hand but it soon faded. "What the heck is happening?!" She had to get back home but how...wait that's right she didn't have to worry Sonic would save her....well hopefully she couldn't help but get the feeling she was on her own here. Amy finally stood up and looked around. Well, all she could do now was wait until they landed. "Hey Doc how much longer until we get to uh...wherever we are going?" She called out.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"So...we are all going to die, right?" Lucky grumbled. Of course, he didn't have any close friends or family, but that didn't make him any less pissed. If he managed to survive, he would expose every second he spent here. Or die trying, whichever. "I swear to God, when I die, I will haunt you. Possess you, even."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

My eyes widened a bit and I quickly got up from my chair and ran over to Lucky. I had a clear sense of wonder in my eyes as I over heard what he said.

“Wow! You can haunt people! That’s cool! Scary... but cool! Also we are all gonna die...? Hm... I doubt it. You’re just thinking negatively is all.”
I giggled a bit and patted his head with my paw gently.

P PopcornPie
"You probably will be able to as well, Lass, if you die." Lucky replied somberly. "HARD if. I will aid you to Hell itself." He was helpless against Lana's affection, not that he minded. Well, he did, but he was used to it. He was a cute rabbit, people liked to pet cute rabbits. It's what they do. "I appreciate the optimism, but we're going to war. War brings death. They must be desperate for numbers if they're willing to kidnap people off the street. Never mind how their FRIENDS AND FAMILY will feel upon hearing that their friend or family was KILLED in a battle they wanted no part in!" He glared daggers at Doc once more. Poor, naïve Lana...whoever picked her to be here had fallen straight into irredeemable.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

I looked a little confused as I looked at Lucky. I tilted my head to the side which made my ears droop over to the side too.
“War...? I don’t know much about what a war is exactly... then again I don’t know much of anything hehe! I’m sure we will be okay though! Things usually turn out okay for the good guys anyway! Hehehe!”
I quickly enveloped him in a tight hug trying to make him not think so negatively. I was certain nothing super bad would happen. Hopefully I was right.

P PopcornPie
"Probably a few more hours. Honestly, I don't really know how long we've even been flying for." Doc said with yet another shrug. Yeah, it seemed like he really didn't know anything. He then redirected his attention back to Lucky, who had gone back to more threats. He didn't mind it anymore, though, as the rabbit had already pretty much proven its inability to fight. Though, Doc simply waved off his concerns with a laugh. "Haha! Don't worry about dying! With me here, you guys will be fine! I'm always trying new methods of care. One time, I rubbed aloe vera on a guy's neck, and it healed the bullet wound in his foot!" Doc explained, hoping to lighten the mood a bit.

animegirl20 animegirl20 P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Screen Shot 2020-02-04 at 17.53.33.png
Biggie Cheese, who had been asleep in his chair the whole time, awoke with a startled jolt. His head twitched as his eyes darted about the aircraft, and he became more and more visibly distraught until he abruptly leapt out his chair. "Oh HELL no I ain't going back to the joint!" Big Cheddar exclaimed in his deep, velvety, African American voice as he booked it to the nearest exit. As he hit the switch to open the aircraft door, however, Large Dairy found himself getting flung across the floor by an unknown force. There was no escape.

This was bad, Biggie Cheese hadn't been trapped on an airplane since Jeffrey Epstein's private jet in 2005, and he'd since developed a unshakable fear of flying. There was only one explanation for the events happening to him right now, and that was the FBI had drugged him and were flying him out to Florida to be put on death row for triple homicide.

"I'm begging you man," Biggie Cheese had crawled over to and had now wrapped his arms around the leg of the guy in purple armor. "I'll do anything yo just please don't take me to Florida!" His words became an incomprehensible babble of choked sobs and NWA lyrics.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Is that weird lady gone? Oh thank goodness, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and sat back on my seat. I can finally rest before the hard part starts since people are just waiting around for us to land, including me. I know I always need my sleep when going on a big adventure! Though I wonder how Bart and Dave are doing currently without me, they must be worried sick and thought I was kidnapped by spiders again. They must be looking everywhere for me and hopefully, I can get home soon because this place is too weird for me. Everything isn't made of blocks which is just alien for my Minecraftian mind.​
She didn't even know what a war is?! What the fuck were the qualifications for being here?! Lucky released a deep sigh from his nostrils, hoping that Doc would explain it for her. But, no. The one time he wanted the asshole to flap his jaw, he wouldn't.

"A war is what happens when two teams get very, very angry with each other. So they end each other's lives with various weapons until one side wins." His tone was as blunt, but cutting, as a standard bullet. "Even if the 'good guys' win, surviving members of both sides usually end up with trauma, missing limbs, blindness...trauma..." Of course, Lana would time the hug perfectly to the second mention of trauma. As he helplessly dropped his head on her shoulder, he could feel the cold gaze of his conscience freezing the hairs on his back. He didn't listen to his gut, and he had the girl being friendly towards him...and now he was gonna have to deal with watching her innocence be shattered. Great. For once, his glance at Doc wasn't hardened at all, but screamed "Forget the aloe. Shoot me. Just, please, shoot me. Now."

Goro Majima slowly opens his eye to find himself sitting on, what seems to be at first, an aeroplane seat. After poking his head over the seat, he notices the number of strange characters which contained both the human and the non-human variety that made Majima raise an eyebrow. He decides to just sit down and relax, however his attention is shortly taken away by a strange man with purple armour Introducing himself, which left Majima shocked in joy because he's reminded of a "space martial arts film" he watched. however, once the projector started to go over details about the situation, he lost interest until the part "All you gotta do is kill the enemy!” was said. While Majima was not one to kill, he wouldn't turn down a promising fight.

"Sweet..." he says before relaxing on his chair waiting for the flight to end.

[Open for Interaction]​

I continued to hug Lucky tight and pat his head gently. I felt bad for him. He seemed to be really worried about this. I wanted him to see things the same way I did, but I wasn’t sure what to do.

“Come on... it’ll be alright. We will all be fine! I’m sure of it!”
I kept hugging him and didn’t let go for a while wanting to make sure he felt better before I let go.

P PopcornPie
Lealan looks down as the song in the cockpit plays on loop. "Who would make ssssssssuch a horrid noise? That's it. Just for making us listen to this, I'm going to track down and kill whoever this 'Church' is. No matter how far I have to travel across the universe. Just to hurt the songwriter. Sssssss.A.I.L, take a note." Lealan tries to send a message to her ships A.I.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
How would Lucky answer? When he first laid eyes on Lana, she looked coolheaded, the type who would let a fight happen to her, while also working her way to victory. Not necessarily his type, but not a type he wouldn't like. He figured that they could at least be a gunslinging duo. But now that he knew who Lana really was, could he really bring himself to put her in a special place in his heart, knowing what Hell on Earth awaited them? What's more, could he even stand to be someone's knight in shining armor? If he taught her how to use a gun, could he even sleep the night after. And suppose he screwed up...

Lucky began to tense, began to shake. "A girl like this isn't a field soldier! She could be one of those ASPCA workers, a baker, a guard...fucking ANYWHERE but the front lines!" That just about cinched it. Fuck the Reds. Fuck the Blues. Fuck Doc for making light of this. Fuck whoever started this war. Fuck whoever put them on their draft list. He was going to make this war collapse in on itself, and make sure everyone responsible went down with it.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

I felt him begin to tense and shake as I continued to hug him. I frowned as my attempt to help him failed. Well if a hug doesn’t work maybe something else will... I let go of the hug as my brow furrowed. I lifted my paw in the air and swung it towards his cheek slapping it as hard as I could.

“SNAP OUT OF IT! I said everything is going to be fine, so everything is gonna be fine!”
I stared at him a bit more angrily before I realized what I just did. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my paws.
“I-I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t mean to do that!”

P PopcornPie
"Florida?" Doc asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion as Biggie Cheese began to beg and plead for him not to send him there. "Florida's been destroyed for years. After the greenhouse effect went rampant and melted the polar ice caps, the water rose up from the oceans and completely flooded it. Why would we be sending you there?" He asked further, clearly... perplexed by the oversized rat's begging. It was then, however, that Doc had noticed that the rabbit known as Lucky had begun to violently shake over the war. Doc quickly made his way over to him, for once clear concern evident in his movement and voice.

"Hey, hey! There's no need to worry!" Doc exclaimed as he placed his hands on Lucky's shoulders, hoping this would relax him. "You're gonna be fine! The Reds and Blues aren't monsters, I'm sure! You'll be alright!"

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
Karma Drakon

Karma codename Hunter had been silently watching the shenagins for a while, silently judging, and most of all silently going over her situation. They had been sent over to fight in a war, this Doc pèrson was all too chipper about it. There were two teams, with basic codenames, Red and Blue. And apparently the objective was to kill each other. That was all well and good, not a single day goes by when she wasn´t threatened by some lackey or something or the other, but being drafted into a warzone, by what looked like a fool, surrounded by even horrendous monstrosties that looked as if they had come from a convention- luckily she had high adaptive potential, and was already settling in on this new reality. Her one power had been stripped from her but that was fine. She can function well without it. Speaking of which....

"Yo doc, what if we don´t manage to kill these enemies?"

Her tone was cool and collected, no emotions whatsoever. She gave off the impression of utmost casualness.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Lucky was now up to his neck in the churning whirlpool of anger. "Who do these monsters think they are? Making us out to be expendable. Who's expendable? Me? Hah! I did NOT go through Hell, LITERALLY, just to be marked as expendable! Nor did I go through physical Hell just to be put through mental Hell! I'll teach these people to pluck at MY heartstrings! I'll teach them ALL! I don't care how I end up doing it, but I WILL escape with their blood on my bandages! I will leave this whole land a smouldering ru-"


A great force knocked Lucky out of the whirlpool, just as its wild churning began to chip at his dam of patience. The force came with a burning sensation rapidly spreading across his cheek. It stunned him, and his eyes remained frozen wide before readjusting to the light. "Which one of you...?" He wondered aloud, looking from Doc, to Biggie Cheese, to Pearl, to everyone else.

"I'm so sorry!"

Lucky had now fallen into the Lake of Disbelief. No way did sweet, innocent Lana pull off a smack of that caliber! But her expression, the post-slap position of her arm, her exclamation...the writing was on the wall. "It's alright, Lass. I needed that..." "What am I saying!? I should be smacking her right back!"

Oh. Now Doc wanted to interject. "You kidnapped us. You're putting us in a war with no prior training." Lucky reminded bluntly.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara


"I don't know. I'm just the medic." Doc said plainly. That seemed to be his answer for a lot of these questions, huh.

Anyways, he then faced Lucky once more, his brows furrowing behind his helmet in response. "For the last time, I'm JUST the Medic! I-I... I don’t know WHY you were chosen, I don’t even know who you people are!” Doc paused after that, breathing in a large inhale so he could regain his composure.

“Sorry... sorry. Was that too mean? I feel like that was too mean.” He apologized, going back to his usual pacifist self almost as soon as he left that box.

P PopcornPie PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara



Greeting the Unknown

A search around tested and yet failed, Red Riding Hood also found herself alone in that same period of time. As she had thought before, staying by her lonesome and knowing nobody in this world is probably an awful idea. So, after rising to her feet post-search, she glanced around the room for anyone at all she would be OK with perhaps greeting. It took a while, but eventually, she saw he who she thinks is a pretty good candidate - over in one part of the area, there stood a man in blue, yellow and some red as well - some kind of suit and helmet combo. Whatever this man was supposed to be, Red Riding Hood had no idea, but she composed herself and made an attempt to talk to the possibly unsuspecting man in question. It did not take long for her to reach his side with a smile on her face. "Greetings!" She said enthusiastically, yet trying not to aptly startle him, despite the fact she probably had done just that. She would then proceed to back off a little before continuing her 'conversation starter', so to speak - with the same energy. "What a mess this is, eh? Nobody seems to know what's going on - what do you make of all this?" She asks curiously.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #c93648
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine
Powers: Magical abilities and species abilities
Items: Blood Weapon Scissors
Skills/Abilities: Adaptable fighter, versatile (weapon-wise), best in none
Course of action: Conversing!
RP Information
Interactions: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Mentions: None
Nearby/In Group: Everyone, at the moment(?)
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