
Slamacow and Vitan
“Come on! Please! Please! I just want to see it!”

I'm gonna lose it. I swear to everything that is blocky that I'm going to lose it. Even though I gave her obvious signs that I'm very uncomfortable and shook my head multiple times! She's still bugging me. She was repeatedly poking my cheek. It's like she's trying to make me lose my mind! Who asks strangers if they could see their private parts?! I haven't spent much time in with regular people but I know that asking that stupid question will make anyone uncomfortable. I couldn't rest because of her constant poking of my cheek. This will all blow over soon and she'll eventually lose interest. Just try your best to rest, Slamacow. Even though she's showing no signs of slowing down with her poking.

After a couple more pokes. I have had it.

I unbuckled my belt and walked away. Not going to take this assault anymore. I want to sit next to someone that isn't a crude and insensitive person.

She shrugged and stayed on her seat. Oh, thank goodness. I thought she was going to follow me.​
There was a slight pause, before Celty quickly began typing out a response. It was at times like these that she wished she was still connected to her head, so that she'll be able to respond faster without someone running out of patience. Hopefully he wouldn't be one to pry into her nonverbal response. Having to take off her helmet is something she'd love to put off for a long, long time—preferably never. A few seconds had passed, before she showed the screen of her PDA to the stranger.

"I do not know who you are." The first sentence was short, succinct. "I had been taken from my fiancé and woke up here. I'm sorry, but I am as clueless as you are."

RedLight RedLight
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Pearl Pygmy

The disgruntled squid stared off into space for a while, trying to remember exactly what led to this pile of horseshit. But the only thing that came to mind was a brain-rattling pain, and then blacking out. Oh, she remembered screaming for an explanation then too. Nobody seemed willing to help her to then, so she didn't expect any of these half-witted highschool dropouts to help her here either.

She unbuckled herself from her seat and hopped down, walking up and down the walkway, inspecting each of these insufferable morons. One of them caught her eye, for reasons we may never know, and she stopped in front of them. She gave Vitan a glare unlike any other and asked with gritted teeth, "What's your name, private?"

Chungchangching Chungchangching
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
Vitan Armerstrannie

"Oh, uh, Vitan. Vitan Armerstrannie."

I said my name instinctively, wondering what made this girl approach me all of a sudden. I couldn't tell if this girl was a child or a midget. She looks pretty in between. This girl's piercing stare is also making anxious since I get scared easily when people glare at me. I put my hands on my lap and stared back with a worried expression. I don't know why I'm getting intimidated by her. She looks completely harmless but I know from experience that cute people are the spawn of Satan. I once saw an innocent-looking Snowman pull out a gun and started shooting my comrades back in another dimension adventure I had. It would make less sense if I explain so let's leave it at that.

"Uh, how about you, ma'am?"
"Hey...HEY!..." Lucky was powerless against the green lizard man as he not only stole the seat next to the fox girl, but her attention as well. He was ready to explode, but that would also frighten the girl away, wouldn't it? Thus, he simply turned around with an audible "HMPH!"

Lucky decided to return to the cockpit, watching the world go by underneath them.
Pearl Pygmy

Almost to her surprise, the girl answered Pearl. Part of her wanted to scream, for the girl neglected any form of respect or acknowledgement of a higher-up, but another part told her this was a pure-bred civilian. Little more than a street kid, rounded up by whoever was responsible for this shit.

So, when she asked for a name, Pearl obliges in the nicest way possible, "I'm Officer Pygmy, Ammerstanny. And you will," she glanced around with a look of disgust or disdain, "refer to me as such. However, as I suspect this deranged training regiment will involve team exercises, a first-name basis may be in our best interests, Vitan." There certainly was no nicer way for her to say it, but that didn't mean there was no scowl to her words. Begrudgingly she spoke once more, "It may be Pearl to you, private Vitan."

Chungchangching Chungchangching

After attempting to have a 'serious' - thanks to Doc - interrogation by giving the helmeted being an arguably sensible offer of peace, the stranger didn't speak any word back to Ren, and instead just went on casually typing onto their keyboard, as it let out clicking sounds. He grew more and more impatient with each passing second. Such disrespect everyone is throwing at him, Ren begins to reconsider his offer to the helmeted being. "What do you think you're doi--" And as he attempted to 'bring back' his proposal, he was suddenly interrupted - which doesn't help with the situation, by the way - by the stranger, who pulled her unusual device, thus showing its screen face-to-face against his face. Ren slightly moves away from the sudden pull up of said device as a reflex, just in case if it had been an attack. Being a master of the arts of lightsaber combat, his defensive capabilities are equal to his offensive. After Ren had decided that the helmeted being's unusual gesture is of no harm, he placed himself back in a stalwart front.


After he had read what apparently is a message for him, written in the device as response from the stranger, he glared back at the helmeted being, as he attempted to figure out the reason for such an unusual way of speaking. Are they deaf? Mute? Or worse, but nevertheless passed Ren's thoughts, this stranger is making a joke out of him, and is delighting in it silently. With no one to trust, it is a plausible reasoning. However, instead of speaking, which apparently might not be worthwhile due to his situation, he pulls away an arm, before performing a swift backhand hit for the helmeted being's device. Does Ren land the hit?

Ineptitude Ineptitude
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

My ears twitched again as I saw someone else approach from the corner of my eye before getting blocked off by someone else. They seemed a little upset and began to walk off.
“H-Hey Wait! You don’t have to go!”
They were already pretty far off by the time I got those words out so I doubted if they even heard me or not. If they didn’t hear me then I’d at least try to make an effort to say hi later.
P PopcornPie
While Lana might have been able to tell that Double Trouble's smile was faked, Akechi certainly couldn't. And seeing as they were nearby, and was talking to Lana, surely they wouldn't mind if Akechi talked to them, too?

"Hi!" she said, sticking a hand out towards Double Trouble. "I'm Akechi Tomoko! You can call me Akechi, Tomoko, Tomo-chan, but not Akechan, because I hate that nickname and would definitely punch you if you used it!" She beamed all throughout this introduction, not seeming to realize how threatening such words were coming across. "You're interesting! Did you know that you're green? Because you are! No offense, of course, I love green! Such a pretty color!"

Saiki shook his head in vague amusement. "Hi," he said coolly from next to Akechi, though he didn't move to shake Double Trouble's hand, nor did he offer a wave. "I'm Saiki Kusuo. Only Akechi gets to call me Kusuo - it's Saiki to you."

"Well, he got the wanting a sword part handled" says the operater, while Umbra gave it's face a flat meetup with the palm of it's hand. "We tried, that's really all we can say", to which the frame had already walked off to observe as it nods to itself.

As said before, there was certainly a strange amount of different characters. The massive humanoid with red eyes and blueish skin, a peculiar character that seemed to be designed around blocks, another tall human with a blue jumpsuit, it just kept on going.

Umbra had walked to the back and made a turn around to the cockpit, walking to the front as it proceeds to investigate the lack of a pilot, lack of a control mechanism, anything really that involved movement. It shakes it's head in disbelief as it just feels around the desk.

"Yeah, I know buddy, this just gets weirder and weirder by the second.'
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
Vitan Armerstrannie
I nodded, listening to every word she says. Is she a drill sergeant like in those movies I used to watch? Probably, because she sure as hell acts like one. She even called me a private. She better not start yelling at me and barking orders. She will not boss me around if she tried. I am a free woman, I will not let anything chain me down other than my insecurities, lack of self-confidence and many, many personal demons but those aren't much. I've had them since my childhood and I grew up just fine with only "Mild" stress issues. I forced an awkward smile into my face in an attempt to get to her good side. Lord knows that I'm going to need a friend with me in this war!

"Yes, ma'am Pearl. I guess."
Celty leaned back, dodging the would-be blow by a hair's breadth. That... was sudden, and also a close call. If her PDA broke, she had no idea how she'd be able to communicate at all. Sign language existed, yes, but there was no guarantee that everyone knew it—especially with how varied they all were. As for the reason behind the other's sudden act of violence, she couldn't be sure. Still, while clutching the device close to her chest, she tried gesturing towards her throat to say that she couldn't speak.

RedLight RedLight
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Pearl Pygmy

The inkling smirked at Vitan's sheer timidness, not letting the mistake bother her all that much, "Close enough." Extremely quickly, the squid moved on from the subject of names, "On the matter of... whatever the hell is going on here, a good view of our destination is in order! And an explanation, but I'll pummel the sad fuck responsible soon enough. The best views come from the pilot's seat, and it seems I'm not the first to try that."

She glanced back to Vitan, "Coming with, or hanging back?"

Chungchangching Chungchangching
"Uhhh... that would be Blood Gulch! The place we're going, I mean," Doc explained as best as he could, somehow not tired of repeating himself multiple times. Though, at the next question, Doc only let out a laugh. "I'm no puppet, silly! I know it may not seem like it, but I'm human under all this thick armor!" Doc exclaimed, smiling underneath that helmet of his. He clearly had no idea what Corvus was talking about, so it appeared that he was safe after all. Well, as safe as one could be after waking up on a plane full of people who possibly want to murder him. "Oh, and Blood Gulch isn't really an island... more of just a boxed canyon in the middle of nowhere."

"How the fuck do you know my name, asshole!?" Michael, which was apparently the man's name, shouted as he stood back up, not even shaking the man's hand. All of this was getting to him. Waking up on some strange plane full of freaks (some of which weren't even human), getting shocked, having a table slammed down on his gut, and now some random asshole who looked like he came straight outta Vinewood, who apparently knew his name!? Wait... Vinewood. Oh...

Oh, that actually made a lot of sense. He was a famous movie producer now, after all.

"Oh... shit fuck..." Michael said, shaking his head as he sat back down with a loud sigh, rubbing his face in his hands. "Shit... I'm fuckin' sorry, I didn't realize that you were a fan." Michael said, sighing again as he shook his head within the palm of his hands. "It's just... wakin' up on this fuckin' dump of a ship with all these freakshows is just... it's really fuckin' surreal, ya know?" He asked as he breathed in a sharp inhale through his nose, and then turned to meet eyes with Travis. "Anyways, you want an autograph or somethin'? I don't exactly have a pen on me, but I'm sure we can find somethin'..."

"Oh, yeah, you'll get weapons when we get to Blood Gulch, I'm sure!" Doc exclaimed in response to Llen and the teen who had threatened him earlier. Though, it appeared that the purple-armored man was already over it. "I mean, being a pacifist and all, I've never even set foot in an armory, but I'd be willing to wager a few of my lucky nickels on there being one!" Right after saying this, though, he was approached by yet another person who wanted to threaten him. However, unlike before, Doc didn't get scared. Probably because the man didn't really seem intimidating to him. His armor kinda looked like what he was used to seeing, anyways.


"Oh, charades? I LOVE charades!!" Doc exclaimed in response to Kylo Ren, seeming to outright disregard his threatening words entirely. "But... no offense, but you're kinda bad at it. You're not supposed to talk during charades." He said, almost condescendingly.

Meanwhile, those in the empty cockpit would still hear the song from earlier playing.

I'm your best friend,
That's what I am to you!
And we'll be together 'til the part when it's oooooover!
Because we are brothers in not red!
Brothers in not red!"

Jeremiah Jeremiah RedLight RedLight Riven Riven StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 FactionParadox FactionParadox
Myrtle dropped the salute. This man seemed far too jovial for a decent soldier, medic or not. She clicked her teeth and clamped down on a hiss that threatened to leave her throat. Thieves, thieves and brigands, that’s what these people were. Myrtle took her leave of the so-called medic.

They were certainly not a choosy press-gang. Although her fellow captives mostly numbered among Humans, there were a few other Peoples, but the Animal-People only vaguely resembled as such that she was accustomed to. One small woman whose head resembled tentacles was barking at a scruffy looking Human child. If child soldiers weren’t out of the question for these people, then they’d better hope that they were far away from Myrtle once she got her sabre back. Despite her size, the Tentacled woman seemed to be a soldier as well. It wouldn’t be prudent to stay on the fringes like this. If they could be allied together against the pressgang, then they’d have a better chance at escaping to home. She followed after the duo as they headed away, and cleared her throat.

“Excuse me!” she said, standing before them. She saluted the Tentacled, having overheard her introduction as an officer, “If you would permit it, Officer, I would request permission to join you.” Myrtle then repeated the same introduction of name and military status that she’d given ‘Doc’.

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
Chungchangching Chungchangching

My ears twitched again as I saw someone else approach from the corner of my eye before getting blocked off by someone else. They seemed a little upset and began to walk off.
“H-Hey Wait! You don’t have to go!”
They were already pretty far off by the time I got those words out so I doubted if they even heard me or not. If they didn’t hear me then I’d at least try to make an effort to say hi later.
P PopcornPie
Lucky gasped. "The fox girl wants me around!?" He couldn't even think about what he would say, this was his moment! He tried to make himself dapper, and stroke his own ears back with a big grin, but that gigantic jaw of his could only be frightening.

The song playing in the cockpit seemed to cheer him on. "'Your best friend'? Hah! I'll be much more than that!"

On his way back to the fuselage, his ears picked up Doc's voice. "Oh, yeah. Are we there yet, or what?"

Somehow, surprisingly, the helmeted being leaned backwards, dodging, thus avoiding their device from getting bashed into pieces — an excellent feat, dodging a combat expert such as Kylo Ren. Caught off guard by this, he remained still, as if petrified yet again. An unexpected outcome, even for a single attack. Ren must've underestimated this simple-looking stranger. If this managed to surprise him, who knows what the others around them could possibly perform. They were a crowd consisting of the most unusual beings, hailing from who knows what galaxies. And if they were truly Ren's enemies, he thought that he wouldn't stand a chance, considering the facts that he suddenly couldn't use the force anymore, and his lightsaber, his only weapon, is M.I.A.. A few seconds after this little mess, he looks back at the helmeted being, who is now gesturing towards their throat that they're a mute. Ren had already thought of it, of course. As much as he believes that there's a high chance that everyone's an enemy here, there's still a small theoretical possibility that some, or a few, of them aren't. Pondering for a short while that this stranger could be one of the harmless ones, more or less a mute. The lightside, still present within Ren, struggles against his darkside. Tempered, yet conflicted, he just decides that it's time for him to leave the helmeted being's presence. Donning his helmet, once again, concealing his identity completely. Ren strides away from the stranger, leaving, just like when he had joined their company.


Would the two of them meet in the foreseeable future?

Ineptitude Ineptitude
Pearl Pygmy

Pearl halted and looked the reptilian girl up and down. She smiled, enjoying the self-respect coming from the scaly thing. She stood as tall as she could, though still dwarfed by the 5-and-a-half foot tall lizard-woman.

"At ease, soldier! It is a pleasure to have some semblance of professionalism in this ship. Perhaps a band of trained professionals might be able to wipe the floor with the painfully-civilian people here. Permission to accompany granted."

Veradana Veradana Chungchangching Chungchangching

I was pleased to see that he was able to hear me and was making his way back over. I would have felt pretty bad if he kept walking away, but I clearly didn’t have to worry about that. I put on a simple as he approached.

“Hello there! My name is Lana. What’s yours?”
P PopcornPie
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Veradana Veradana
Vitan Armerstrannie

"Hold your horses. I'll be with you in a sec." I said, trying to unbuckle my belt. It took quite a while of fumbling around until I finally managed to escape the belts grasp. I rubbed my butt and spotted a Lizard woman doing a salute for Pearl and politely asked if she could join them. They greeted each other and I smiled at their instant comradery. Not every day she sees people get along with each other this easy. I didn't want to butt into their moment so I didn't speak. All I had was a smile on my face even if it was just a little.​
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict sat there, void of emotion as a strange fat man flipped over his table, cursing him and asking why there was a Penguin.
"Ah...don't get mad at me fat man, you should've thought of your current position before you decided to be my prop-"
the man walked away as Benedict was now being lectured on how to pull things out of thin air.
"Ah ah ah! I know my way around town! I've been pulling things out of thin air since I was 46467773773667736766367773637366366366255! Ah...and why is the fat man mad....I put my table on him and he's my property....he should be grateful! Ah ah ah come back here fatty we're not done yet!" Benedict would then march toward the fatty before....the sacred word was said...Charades.
"AH! I LOVE CHARADES!" Benedict would yell as he was now being held in Doc's arms. "Ah...let me guess soldier." He would say before scanning Doc with a magnifying glass.
"'re a grape."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
SheaFlower SheaFlower
"'Painfully civilian'!" It was Pearl's turn to be lashed at. "Lassie, I'll have you know that I have seen Hell itself, and escaped by the tufts of me ears!" He flashed a proud smirk at Lana, hoping she would be impressed, then continued. "And I ain't just tryin' to justify my bein' here! I have the paw to prove it!...Do I?" It was then Lucky realized that he didn't exactly have the chance to grab his souvenir from his time in Hell. He typically kept that mechanical paw on his nightstand.

The rabbit swiftly turned his attention back to Lana. "I say, that day the Devil himself learned not to double-cross Lucky O'Chopper!"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
"Oh!! How did you know!? You're good at this game!" Doc exclaimed in response to Benedict, not even questioning how the man suddenly appeared in his arms. After putting Benedict down, the purple armored soldier cupped his index finger and thumb over his chin (or where his chin would be if he didn't have a helmet on) in thought. "Uhhh.... okay okay... let's see... you're..." Doc paused, squinting his eyes behind the helmet as he looked over Benedict in deep, hard thought. After a few moments of various hum noises in thought, he snapped his fingers when he got his answer.

"Oh! You're the Monopoly Man!"

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

“Lucky? That’s a nice name, but you sound like you’ve gone on some cool adventures! I’ve been on a few with a friend of mine, but nothing like that!”
I was pretty impressed with the rabbit. He was pretty cool! He seemed like he was trying a little hard to impress someone but I couldn’t tell who it was exactly. I just looked at him with a smile though.

P PopcornPie
Myrtle nodded at the Officer, but she had no intention on ‘wiping the floor’ with the civilians, as she said. For now, the two or maybe three of them were allies, but if Pearl’s intentions were to cooperate with the gang, then there may come a time when objectives came to a head. The protection of civilians was a knight’s duty as much as the subjugation of their enemies. Myrtle tasted the air again, taking special attention for the Tentacled.

“Then it’s agreed.” Myrtle flicked her tail towards the area Pearl described as the Pilot’s Seat, “The medic may not tell us much of use, but you seem to have an understanding the technology at use here. I will follow your lead, for now.”

Chungchangching Chungchangching
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

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