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Futuristic Blood and Glory

What Braxn said. Just make sure the song and/or music video are with in RpN Rules. Generally keep cursing to a minimum and over sexualized themes are a no-go.
@Shura , can you check my characters history and make sure that it's okay? I'm asking because I don't want to add anything to the RP that you didn't approve. (and it may or may not break that?) (Page. 8)
Sorry for the delay finally back from eating and what not Will go over CS now


Pix – I like your character but there are a a few thigns about your profile to kind of tune him down a bit. I don’t mind a little OP but some details are needed.

  • Limitations without line – Can produce light, can create a beam of light capable of causing 2nd degree burns. This mean he can slowly burn through things like wood or plastic but things like metal. (This state is supposed to be very weak)
  • Limitations Withline – Can only move at she speed of light in one direction. He would have to stop in order to switch directions. Can create a beam of light capable of burning through soft tissue and melting metal (This does take time though)
  • Drawback: The concept of line is that it is a drug there for it stays with in a persons system for a while causing effects. I will be putting up a lot of information about this substance. Your character might be able to get away with ½ of the normal dose but the effects of the drug will remain in the system and effect Sun as long as it does everyone else.
  • Armor: This suit would need to be a necessary thing he wears all the time. Without it he would essentially blind everyone and burn a lot of things. It protects the world from him and him from the world.
  • I really like what you did with the mental stability and putting it in block!
  • Usage of line: There is no time limit only dose. I would bump it down to 6 or 7
  • Side effect: Vision becomes blurred. It doesn’t have to be a heavy impairment but he moves so fast everything seems slow and has a blur to it.
  • History: I haven’t really been able to cover this but I did mention that Champions do go to an academy in order to becomes Champions. They would start around the age of 13 or so however he wouldn’t have been charge for having his powers act up in response to line. He would have been put under observation and kept in isolation until they created a way for him to interact with the normal world again though. He would have gone through the rest of the academy normally, adjusting to the changes of his body and the limited physical contact he was reduced to.

@Lucem Tenebris - Everyone has some sort of mutation. Most of the population have weak abilities unless they train their abilities for a very long time or have Line which is only available to champions
I was asking if i could use a character from a videogame called Borderlands: The pre-sequel. she is a gladiator named Athena, who fought along with 3 other vault hunters in the game. those 3 are Wilhelm, nisha, and Claptrap (the loveable hyperion robot turned warmachine.)
This is an original character RP where people make their own characters. If you wish to model your OC's personality and traits and such after said Character while sticking to the limitations set in the sheet you are more than welcome to.
Pick two limitations for your primary power when not using a drug (called 'the line') and when your character is using the drug. then add drawbacks to using the drug.
champions use the 'drug' to boost their powers and fight monsters better. the more the character uses the 'drug' or 'line', the crazier or mentally unstable they become due to their addiction to the drug.

using the drug has its limitations, and not using the drug has even more limitations.

limitations without use of the line should be even harsher than limitations with use of the line.

let's say it's fire;

limitations without line - can only shoot a fireball from his palms

limitations with line - can shoot a fire blast from his palm
i see. but my character will have a kinetic shield that absorbs any damage taken, but it will do double when thrown. so maybe........ hmmm....

Champion Profile

(this picture is used for general appearance)

(Name)Sally Magara

(Stage name/ Code name)Queen Bloodthirst

General Information

Age: (18 and up)20

Gender: (Male/ Female)female

D.O.B.: (Date of Birth. RP will start 4021)4001

Blood Type: 0+

Dominant Hand: Right(for swords and other things)


Height: 6’0”

Weight:175 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair Color/Style: Short, betty boop style

Body Build: (Include any physical mutations)

Skin:Peach colored

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Cuts all over her abdomen, a severe burn scar on her left cheek and eye, and a crossbones heart tattoo on her chest

Champion Record

Experience: (Rookie: 1 year, Up and coming: 1-3 years, Veteran: 4-6 years)3 years

Kill Count: (1-200 use some sense with this one based on experience.)150

Primary Power: (Genetic mutations only [refer to first post] Please describe how this power is used by your character)Enhanced reflexes and senses.

Limitations: (No line): (List 2 - Severely limiting if you have trouble contact me and I will help)can only dodge attacks from up close, and sense foes from 4 feet away.

Limitations: (With Line): (List 2 - These don't have to be as limiting.)can dodge any attack at any range (if quick enough)and sense foes from 6 feet away.

Drawbacks: (List 2 - The negative effects the power has on your body when using line)tends to be fidgety, since she gets shakey when she uses the drug, and also tends to taunt her foes when she normally would not.

Secondary Power: (This is a more passive power meant to assist/ compensate slightly for the primary power. This power can be repeated among players)Faster running and reloading of firearms.

Limitations: (No line): (List 2)takes 2 seconds to load a firearm and run and run as fast as a runner on a 4 minute mile.

Limitations: (With Line): (List 2)takes one second to load a firearm, and run as fast as a sprinter.

Drawbacks: (This can be very minimal in relation to the above Drawback only 1 needed)She can get tired very quickly after running.

Armor/Suit: (Have fun but make sure there is some logic to it. Remember everything has a weakness)(IN PICTURE) her armor is light and durable, but it is not as strong as chain mail armor, since it is somewhat weak to fire and corrosion.

Support Tech: (Tech which compliment your powers and assist when fighting)Kinetic Aspis shield (for throwing when enough damage is absorbed

Weapons: (Have fun but make sure there is some logic to it. Remember everything has a weakness)An Shotgun that can fire Cryo shots and freeze her foes, but sometimes it is not enough when the foes break free of the freezing grip. and an energy sword she has named Xiphos.

Misc. Items: (grenades, stun darts, little gadgets)

Team: (Optional, Plan ahead of time with other players)

Theme Song:[media]

Psychological Profile

* For this section please refer to this link:

Attitudes: (List 5 Include positive and negative traits)Loyal, fearless, stubborn,Honorable, arrogant

Attributes: (List 5 Include positive and negative traits)Quick thinking, Strong, Light, fragile, Dextrous

Social Traits: (List 3 )Seductive in some cases, Kind and caring, cruel.

Skills: (List 4)She is excellent with a sword or other melee weapon, she can sense if there is someone in her vicinity or not, she is good with guns, and she can trek through any terrain.

Hobbies: (Have fun)She tends to skin and collect pelts and hides from dead animals.

Personality - (TBA)

* This will be a slider system which I'm working out

Mental Stability

Sanity: (scale of 1-10, Sane -> Insane)1

Usage of Line: (How much does you rely on Line for fighting. Scale of 1-10, None-Near Overdose)2

Preexisting Conditions: (Optional: Issues your character had before taking Line, family history included) she is a very lonely person and very quiet, she had a very horrible childhood, since her parents were drug addicts and abused her. now she is releasing her rage onto some poor sods who cross her. She also has trust issues, and tends to be violent when angered. her mother had a history of anxiety, while her father had anger issues.

Line Side Effects: (Effects which occur while under the effects of Line)She is an extrovert, and very cocky. she is also somewhat trusting of others, but she needs a lot of convincing. she also tends to be extremely volatile.

Current Symptoms: (Lasting effects outside of use. Mental and Physical)Social anxiety, Severe scarring from burns and cuts, and untrusting of anyone, unless they promise her on never to deceive her with a hug (for assurance).

Severity: (Describe the severity in which these issues affect your characters life)She became desperate for some companions as soon as the loneliness became unbearable at age 16, and has had conflicts internally of trust and mistrust of others.

*You can leave this blank or go off of what's in the first post. I will put up a detailed list as to what Line does and what side effects is has. Line is an addictive substance.

History: (2-3 Paragraphs)

I will add a bio later. right now i am tired.)

Name :
Xerxes Turan

Code name :

General Information


Gender: Male

D.O.B.: 3994

Blood Type: A+

Dominant Hand:


Height: 6'2"


Eyes: Yellow-Green

Hair Color/Style: Crimson coloured hair that is shaved on the sides and tied back, however when let down goes below his shoulder-blades in length.

Body Build: Xerxes has a slim muscular build that's extremely toned and he knows how to use every inch of it extremely well. His feet and fingers are clawed due to mutations though they prove useful in some situations they're rather sharp utensils if it be for a fight or for shoving food down his throat.

Skin: Tanned light brown

Tattoos/Marks/Scars: Xerxes is riddled with scars across his chest and back from bad beast encounters the largest one would be across the bridge of his nose going from cheek bone to cheek bone. He has a tribal depiction of a snake coming from his bicep to his chest with teeth lunging, while in between his shoulder blades is another black tribal tattoo however this one is of a phoenix starting to spread it's wings.


Champion Record

He's been a Hunter for five in a half years of experience with his brother following not too far behind.

Kill Count: His kill count is currently ninety-eight monsters, being a perfectionist he's mindset on getting at least one hundred and he's close.

Primary Power: Radiation Manipulation: He possesses the ability to control and redirect heat radiation or project it himself in waves, however he must do this through contact. He may drain the Radiation from the sky when the sun is out but when night strikes his supply is lower, unless there is a fire nearby and he may draw his energy and powers from that.

Limitations: (No line): He's only able to absorb radiation to increase his own energy unable to deal it back out to others.

Limitations: (With Line): With line he may use his body as an outlet for the radiation he has gathered from himself or others, however he must come in contact with someone or be near them. If he concentrates well enough he can project a stream of radiation waves to melt the things, small opponents or even cooking things from the inside out. He is able to fire off large area of effect blasts but aside from that he's completely CQC orientated.

Drawbacks: The first negative effect to his radiation manipulation is that he may become prone to radiation sickness much like someone would standing from an overdose of it all being held in his body, which is why he must use line to expel it if he draws it in. The second draw back to this power is that his body is always extremely warm and he dehydrates at a much faster rate due to his higher body temperature.

Secondary Power: His secondary power is increased regeneration which is always active and it's passive. It helps him in order so he doesn't develop any sort of cancer from all the radiation as to well if he expels radiation improperly it may burn him severely or cause internal tissue damage this only helps speed up the process without line.

Limitations: (No line): (List 2)

Limitations: (With Line): (List 2)

Drawbacks: (This can be very minimal in relation to the above Drawback only 1 needed)

Armor/Suit: He has a full black body combat suit with slight armour on it in order to protect him from small arms. The downfall of this suit is that it has close to no protection to things above simple gunfire, anything above a .47 caliber bullet would shred the armour without a problem.

Support Tech: The suit allows him to channel the heat energy into his gloves, when he does this his hands begin to glow a red colour showing they're charged and are strong enough to leave third degree burns upon impact. It also allows him to super-heat his dual tomahawks (If he does this the bullets will fire out automatically) but this is the only extension the suit allows.

Weapons: He wields two tomahawks that double as two short-barreled .45 revolvers that allow him to fight close-to-mid range rather efficiently, they only hold five shots each however and if are super-heated by his suit they'd fire automatically. If more than one is left in the chamber they all fire out at once and explode which would destroy his tomahawks.

Misc. Items: He tends to always carry been jerky on himself and a stun-baton. Aside from this it may be anything he finds.

Team: Only known Ally is his brother Sephtis, but this may change as others may join or vice versa.

Theme Song: [media]
Psychological Profile

Perfects, rebellious, rude, persistent, social independence, callous, malice, no faith in others, determined, ambitous

Attributes: Clean, creative, destructive, disorganized, chit-chatting.

Social Traits: Sarcastic, Points out flaws, Open to Approach anyone

Skills: (List 4)

Hobbies: Whittling, skinning, and wearing animal bones as decoration.

Personality - (TBA)

* This will be a slider system which I'm working out

Mental Stability


Usage of Line: 5

Preexisting Conditions: Xerxes suffers from OCD with things, more specifically how things are done not with how many times he does it. He HAS to collect the heads of the creatures he kills, or a piece of their head at least.

Line Side Effects: Sadistic/Volatile Behaviors, laughter.

Current Symptoms: Insomnia, Restless Leg Syndrome, ADHD, Minor Depression.

Severity: (Describe the severity in which these issues effect your characters life)

History: (2-3 Paragraphs)

Current WIP will progress later, @Sly Cooper is joining as well. If able.
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@Steel Zinogre: Um, Nice try but I cannot accept this sheet. There are a lot of things wrong with this profile. For future CS you can delete what is in the (). Overall it is very vague especially when it comes to the powers. The drawbacks aren't really draw backs for one. They are supposed to harm the character. the limitations such as "can dodge any attack from any where" is impossible even in this RP. The weapon is not possible and the armor is very weak and would break very easily.

Overall this RP will be an Advance level RP which will require an extremely level of detailed RP. Even though I am allowing for some liberties when fighting I do expect there to be a level of logic and believably to the battles that will take place. Also this RP is mean to focus around the Champions and their struggle against the use of Line and their duty to fight.

@Phantom King I like the sheet so far, only thing is fire has already been taken. Sorry for not putting up a reserved powers list. I've been tied up writing the TP information.
Final Character Sheet is Completed!

All thanks to the hard work of @The Kaosophile we have a program so all you have to do is plug in the information and the code will be generated for the site. The only thing you will have to input manually would be the Pictures, History and Theme song. All will be clearly marked with in the coding for input. We are currently testing it to see who can and can not run it.

The program is a simple pop up window that has areas to put in the data and takes very little to run it. For those who cannot because they are on a tablet or their computer doesn't like it than I will work with you on getting the profile done.

All Character Sheet Drafts must be posted and accepted before using the BBCode generator!

This is to make the CS. This is simply so you only have to put the Data in once.​


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