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Futuristic Blood and Glory (Always Accepting)

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Cecil lowered her eyes as she clenched her fist. Was it because she was a ghost, or that she meant nothing. She wasn't part of the team, but if they were going to scout the outer walls together, then they needed to work together. Cecil hissed as the veins began to emit a yellow. "Always thinking about himself." If they had done it her way, they wouldn't have been altered. Quick ,stealth my ass. Him being leader was a terrible mistake. Cecil looked over toward Iris as she frowned. jumping in Cecil's eyes emitted a small neon green as she held in her breath.

Flipping on to one of the beast her knees slammed into its back as her hands were branched out like an eagle. Pulling from the array of syringes she had, she grabbed two, one with purple liquid and the other is green. Swiftly she twirled the syringes in her hand before jamming it down right in the middle of its spine. Before the monster could yell out to the others it fell limp on the floor, its toxic spill of gas began to spread . Smiling , some gas released from the tubes that covered her mouth. "It feels so good."

Cecil laughed a little as she stood up, the syringes falling to the floor as she hopped down. Just once her gaze met Roy's but her eyes were filled with disgust. He cared not for others, but wasn't that his personality to begin with. Cecil rushed forward as she jumped over the counter top, her left hand reaching over toward her right side to grab one syringe that had branched out into two tubes. Slamming it first into the beast eye, she pressed a red button to release one of the toxins, then sliding it through the other, Cecil ripped it out and stabbed it into the others. The monsters squealed slightly, but before it could roar, Cecil had landed a good punch underneath its mouth, knocking its head up against the roof of the ceiling. Flipping over the counter, she grabbed two plain needles, and flung it toward both of the beast right shoulder, making them fall over and back onto some shattered cups.

@Shura @Der Kojote @Darksoul90 @Rifleman @HelixCube @Tree
Lucille R. Chromatia


“Hang a unit of blood and monitor her vitals, you have my page if anything goes wrong”
Lucille ripped the bloodied gloves off her hand, carefully watching Katherine for the moment. To the best of her ability to predict so, the doctor felt she would recover. The removal of the glass had been predictably messy, but Dr. Yorke had certainly helped with the healing process with his natural abilities. Even Katherine’s movement to the medical tents had gone well, but the unit of blood would be necessary to her recovery.

Regardless, she was at least stable and on the mend, making it easier for Lucy to leave her with one of the interns. Luckily Professor Miles had taken over in her absence, understanding of the emergency situation she had in her hands. It had traveled word of mouth to her that he had allowed a group of champions to explore the surrounding areas. Only through her final rounds through the medical tent did she realize the champions missing.

A nurse had informed her that Roy had escaped concussion, but Charles had left with a displaced shoulder – as if he was intending to fight. The rest of the champion who had suffered grave enough injuries were recuperating, so after making sure her pager was on, she left the medical tent. For the first time since they had landed, Lucille took a good look at the ruins around her from the roof they had landed on. With gloves disposed, she quickly sanitized her hands, eyes searching for the ever familiar professor.

Kenan Miles was in the communications tent, boxed sound systems just set up on the table as the turned knobs and adjusted dials. The man he was standing behind was idly listening through one earphone as he made his adjustments. There was a woman in the tent running the cables while another was setting up the computer and screens aspect. Professor Miles was already wearing a headset, and handed her another when she walked in, allowing her to secured it on her frame.

“They’ve found five Lurchbilge” he updates her as she slides the headset on, hearing the tail-end of a plan in motion. “You have a cut” he points to his face in an effort to make her follow suit, she find the cut right away, blood caked and sticky, almost scabbed.

“You're staying here?” she wonders with a sigh, he nods, allowing her to leave the tent with medical wipe in hand, removing the bloodied scab from her cheek and applying a bandage immediately after.The headset she was wearing now broadcasted in Roy’s familiar voice, trying to be the hero yet again.

Lucille took a moment to look around again, finding the same figure perched on the guardrail on the side of the building. It was a champion, and upon getting closer she noticed he was also wearing a headset. “Excuse me? You’re wearing a headset but you don't seem to be on the mission?” she eyes him carefully, trying to place his name.

@HoneyBear-Kat @NPC @DamagedGlasses (mentioned #Tree and #Goddess)

Ruins 3 Floor

Splitting up the group was never a good idea, then again Iris never really had to deal with a group so large. She bit back her call to stop Cecy from going down to scout out the lower floor. It was a huge relief when the mess of green hair popped back into view. Five Lurchbilge, not too hard to take out especially with several champions. It was the stealth aspect that would be tricky. They didn't know what was on the lower level, what kind of danger could be drawn to them. She felt the urge to activate the line with in her gauntlet. There were very few times she chose to fight with out the drug in her system. Mostly because she wasn't nearly as fast or strong without it. Putting her at a bigger disadvantage. The redheads mind raced as she tried to figure out the best way to tackle the problem when Roy spoke up. She blinked at his statement

"Roy..." She muttered before he positioned himself near the hole "Roy, no wai-... G'damn it..." She hissed under her breath as Roy dived down, then caught Cecils glance. A sinking feeling started to twist in Iris's stomach which only worsened as she heard the howling cry of the creature below.

"So much for stealth..." Iris glanced back to the gunners of the group as she activated her gauntlets, "Shoot anything that comes up the stairs." She advised before jumping down the hole to join the other two. She growled as she saw two of the Lurchbilge attempting to take Roy on at once. Wasting no time she bolted forward and pounced on one of the creatures sinking her claws into the side of its neck, severing one of the major arteries. She didn't have enough strength to sever the spine but the electric shock which soon followed did the job just as well. The Lurchbilge spasmed as electricity was sent coursing through its nervous system frying it instantly.

Iris let the monster drop before quickly glancing around most of the pack had been dealt with but there were sounds from below, more Lurchbilge. Movement by the stairs meant they were on their way up, she just hoped the ranged Champions could pick them off fast enough.

@Tree @Goddess @HelixCube @Der Kojote @Rifleman @Darksoul90 @King Of Imagination
The Gunman

Top of the Stairs

Before Micah had an opportunity to react, some guy in an exo-suit of sorts dove into the hole, sword in hand. Micah grumbled, so much for the stealthy approach. Others quickly followed suit, with one of them, she was reminiscent of a feline, telling him and someone else to remain up here to pick off any that came up. Of course, that was the plan from the start, Micah wasn't as useful in close quarters as he could be from a distance. He could hear cries of dying Lurchbilge from below, before he was distracted by a small group of them making their way up the stairs.

Micah bowed his head and his hood fell over it, and when he looked up, there was a slight smirk on his face. He took a step back, tapped a small button on his armor, and suddenly his sight improved pretty drastically. He aimed and fired, 1, 2, 3 incendiaries from one gun, watching as the closest creature burst into flames and tumbled backwards, illuminating the stairs and catching one of the others on its way down. He then tapped that gun to his thigh while firing the new piercing rounds with the other.

He considered what to load. Explosive rounds were a no-go. There weren't enough piercing rounds left for him to waste them here. As he though, two Lurchbilge fell as he hit one clear between the eyes, sending it rolling down the stairs and causing a few others to stumble. The other took it in a similar manner to one eye, and fell off the stairs to the side. He finally decided on HEHI rounds, and the incendiary rounds cycled out in exchange for those. He began firing, his shots faster now, and three more fell. He took a step back, pausing for a moment to catch his breath as he waited for more.

@Shura @Der Kojote @Goddess @HelixCube @Rifleman @Tree @Darksoul90
Redd Shotokhan

Crash Site

The large red man would have normally situated himself into the cargo bay of one of the planes, knowing that he would bust a chair or something should he travel with all of the smaller people. But he could not allow himself to be guided away from this smaller person called Heinrich. He had seen him awkwardly walk along to the chairs previously. He knew that by the silence that it was something that he was being troubled with but was also something that he would not wish to be made public. And so he left it be, guiding the little male along their way to their seats on a plane. One of the flight attendants tried to sway him into going elsewhere- (again, to the cargo bay)- but he merely stared down at her, waiting to see if the poor woman had the willpower to continue her train of thought whilst caught below his gaze. She... did not.

Redd had his eyes closed during the initial take-off and for some reason, the rattling of the chair during some of the turbulence calmed him. The chair beside Heinrich had been ripped out of its spot, bolts twisted and jagged from attempting to hold the seat down upon impact. The front of the plane, twisted and mangled as it is, seemed to be quite horrific. The pilots (or any robots that had been programmed to pilot) were lucky to still be... functioning. Very few of the people who were rescued from that jagged wreckage were in one piece.

As Heinrich was reunited with his father, a deep growl echoed from within the still fiery 'accordion' of metal. "TAI-HOOO!!!" The burning, oil-ridden, metal exploded outwards in chunks. A crimson blur raced out in an arch as Redd landed around fifteen feet away from the flames. His head rocked back and forth, making quite audible popping and cracking noises. "Guuaah~." He opened his eyes, looking over to Heinrich as he entered the tent. Redd would have left him alone after this but he too was being rushed over to the tent by one of the 'doctors' that were still scowling around for survivors.

@Mad Prince of Sanity



James Belmonte - Scouting Party - Ruin 3rd floor, heading to 2nd

This Roy character had certainly unleashed more than a fair share of the beasts and it seemed stealth was of little care to him at this point. As the combat began to unfold, James shirked off his bag with a shrug of his shoulder. There was little more he could do at this point but assist his comrades, so he quickly but quietly unzipped the pack. Eyes rifling through its contents before his hands actually did, noting that all of his tech was still safely perched in their assigned pockets. He was just thankful for that, as of late he'd grown much more unorganized than usual but thankfully he hadn't actually filled his own bag. More than likely if he had it would have been a cluttered mess that lay piled up at the bottom. Regardless, he examined the array of grenades before zipping it back up and tossing it over his shoulder. Hands instead reaching to the gloves that hung from his waist, silently equipping the steel monstrosities as he made his way through the hole.

Feet thudding against the floor as he knelt down, coming to a rise as the dust wafted around his lower body. The pressure slowly fading from his legs as he recovered from the jump, gaze shifting between the other champions. They had more than handled the creatures but his ears perked once more. Undoubtedly there were more downstairs, he couldn't quite tell how many but there was but one left to deal with on this floor. His assumption would go in favor of the other champions dealing with it swiftly, instead quickly making his way over to the stairs. They did not need his help for such an easy task, as many champions as there were. With a lean of his body, his head moved over the side of the steps. Keen eyes now settling on another rather vast floor filled with six more of the lurchbilges. Fangs snapping as they began to make their way towards the steps. Far...far too many for his taste...at least near impossible without using his dosage of line. Though, what he did have was champions, tech, and ingenuity. The last one brought a light smirk to James' face, even with the situation they were in he found he could make jokes unhindered.

Regardless of the joking nature of his thought, James found it not far from the truth as an idea quickly began to take shape in his mind. Pack sliding off his shoulder once more as he knelt down to scramble for some of its contents. Sharp steel claws snapping to the back of his fingers as not to disturb his search. Hopefully someone wouldn't interrupt this plan as well...no...James wouldn't give anyone the chance to. Not because someone wanted to show off...which ironically would have been him if the cameras were around. It brought a small furrow of his brow the more he thought about it but he quickly shook it off. He had little time for thinking on something like that now. The lurchbilges were no doubt already upon the steps, so with fingers wrapped around both a flash and electroshock grenade he moved his bag aside. Lips parting with a soft brush of air as he spoke out, going to address the group.

"Got around 6 more downstairs, perhaps this time we could stick to a bit more of a plan? We must hurry though. Everyone come over by the steps. I'll use what little time we have left to blind them, shortly after I should be able to immobilize them with a good shock. If we are smart about this, it shouldn't take more than a few seconds for everyone to pick a target and eliminate them. Let's all come out of this alive ok?" Even with the Lurchbilges coming closer and closer, James couldn't help but toss out the final words of encouragement. Going so far as to give them all a genuine smile. He wanted to see all of them come out of this with little more than a few scratches. Smart was the best way to do that, so at that point he knew his line dosage would be that much more of detriment. After the explanation was allowed to settle, he armed the first, banking the flash off the wall. Followed shortly by the electro-shock before they exploded in subsequent order. The effects were unseen to them so far but hopefully they had done their work, knowing they were probably piled up along the bottom of the stairs by now. With the second grenade, James lurched forward. Going to make his way around the corner in attempt to keep the element of surprise...oh how he hoped the others were coming. The last thing he'd wanted was to be announced as dead by the hand of a lurchbilge.



@Der Kojote




@King Of Imagination

Jekyll Wilson


Jekyll sighed as she looked around, his fingers still rubbing the rather intoxicating fabric of the bag. It wasn't that it literally had toxins on it, or atleast, he hoped it didn't, but the feeling of his fingers gliding above the slightly scratchy strap was a stimulus he couldn't put a fight against with just how little other business there was going on around him. He had been hoping he would see someone leave something valuable around him so that he could have an easy steall, but apparently people like to keep everything organized here. Well, as organized as a wreck can be, but the gernal gist of it all was the same.

Jekyll turned his head toward a sudden sound of movement and watched a slight brown headed lady comes toward him. She lacked the garbs and armored enhancements of a champion, so she was definitely a civilian among the scientists here. Looking at the name tag, he hummed as he listened to the now recognized Dr. Lucille speak. She kind of reminded him of his assistant's, Brown, hair color. It had the same shade and rich flavoring. Although, was caught his attention even more was the headset she had on, an exact replica of the one that he had on his head. From her nametag, Jekyll knew this was a high ranking agent, and he would do his best not to make her mad. He didn't want needles shoved into places that should never be peirced.

"Well, not everyone can go downstairs right? We have to keep connected and while I commend you on your efforts, if there is an attack or something goes wrong down there, who will be able to react the fastest? There's also the problem of the Scarla. Sure, they all got driven away, but should we chance the entire mission on one assumption?" That was good, that was good. Very simple and too the point. That was the thing with these logistic types. It was best to hit hard with logic and a bit of healthy arrogance. Not enough to irritate, usually, but enough to put someone on the spot and make them question themselves and their reasons for needing to ask in the first place. It had worked before, but each person was different, so it was only a test of time to see how this particular Dr. Lucille felt about his response.

Jekyll darted his eyes to where he heard the twisting of iron, and while at first he thought something maybe attacking, his hands tightening on the fabric of his strap, he loosened and resumed his position when he saw it was just an unlucky Champion who had gotten stuck under the downed aircraft. A strong Champion. A strong red Champion? Yeah, his skin was definitely red. Well, he couldn't really say anything. He may not look different, but Jekyll, himself, was basically the equivalent of a tire.

@Kagura @Morridan

Connor Friesland


So much for subtlety. Connor watched as Roy boldly lept into hole, and immediately began squaring off with the lurchbilges. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. Hmm team name stealth strike. Very not stealthy...unless new definition for stealthy means go off into battle like car with sirens blazing...Ehh never used to it anyway. He grabbed his collapsible ax in his right hand and with a motion of his wrist, it was ready to go. he then grabbed his hook in his left. He smiled as he backed up a bit from the hole. Other members of the team were taking their marks, shooting slicing, stabbing and bombing. He waited till it seemed that most of them were done, till he spotted on last monster seeming like it was going to face off against Roy. Connor Charged from his position quickly launched himself through the hole. Letting out a roar as he jumped and began falling. Target? the creatures back.

The landing was not glamorous nor was it meant to be. However, the fact that a Champion with a running start falling from the floor above, was quite a shock. Also the fact Connor had landed on its spine was also a bit of a problem. It tried to respond with a strike from it's tail towards the main center of mass. However...that was armored. Connor Responded in two steps. One He rammed the hook through the tail of the lurchblige and yanked the chain hard, There was a bit of a crack that probably signaled that it's skeletal structure in there wasn't looking too good. Then Connor Brought down his ax again, and again and again into the back of the Lurchbilges head. The whole process seemed like a rodeo from hell and produced quite a mess to say the least.

When the lurchbilge had stopped moving Connor Breathed a little winded. His endurance wasn't what it could be with line. He looked over at Roy and gave a thumbs up. "Is 38! Still behind. also already breathing heavy. Probably should not go to crazy. Is bad idea. Also why no stealth? Is not complaint just question. Favor this tactic. Is like training with Boris. Minus great pain. and Vodka." With that he turned to Iris, "Is that what ambush goes like? Was fun! not like team vodka. Find thing. punch thing. Repeat till 2 hours passed. Not much strategy. Also many kills go Boris way. He maintain control...I hit thing with tree. This different, Strategy is fun! Though not much follow through with strat...more like go in opposite direction of plan. Hmm wait...is not different... either way. Find more yes?"






@King Of Imagination




Removing the Katana from the scrambled mess that once was the Lurchbilge's head, Roy flicked the blood and other various bodily matter off of his blade after hopping off the large frame of the rather weak monster. This particular Lurchbilge was not like the ones that Roy had encountered at home, much to what he had previously assumed. No, it was much weaker. Roy's advantage, however, still lied within the fact that he usually did not use line during his hunts. As far as killing monsters went, it was just another day at work for the leader of Stealth Strike. When Roy had heard someone mention the fact that there were six Lurchbilges on the floor below, he was sure to make a mental note. While everyone was finishing up on the current floor they were on, Roy was going to be sure to take advantage of the monsters' stunned state and knock a couple off of the block while he could do so with relative ease.

Sprinting past anyone who still lingered about, Roy leaped from the broken platform down to the floor below. Upon landing, one of his feet broke a piece of the platform in which he had landed on. The other had created a small crack in the cement below it. Without missing a beat, Roy wasted little time in approaching the Lurchbilge closest to him. It extended its neck out to greet Roy's approaching figure, with it's large teeth showing as its mouth grew larger in size. In an attempt to not be bitten or eaten whole, the young man lifted his sword up as quickly as possible to greet the monster's teeth. As Roy's posture lowered and his legs extended in a somewhat-crouched position, he was forced to use both hands to keep the blade steady. It had been lodged in between the middle most front teeth of the monster, submerged within the muscle and bone. Despite its large size, Roy was able to keep steady due to his stance.

The monster was pushing back heavily, however. When Roy realized it was too unintelligent to provoke any extraneous type of strategy, he decided to use its own momentum against it. Releasing the sword and taking a calculated step back, he waited the half-of-a-second it took for the Lurchbilge's body to push forward and thus, lose balance due to the unexpected freedom of movement. Roy would swiftly lift his foot up, using the exoskeleton surrounding his feet to connect with the blade of the Katana as he kicked the monster in the face. This, in turn, caused the Katana to be thrust further into the bottom-half of its face. The blade was horizontal with the length of the monster's visage, with the hilt of the weapon sticking out of it's snout. When it cocked it's large head back and let out a roar of anguish, Roy would hop up onto it's head - twisting gracefully mid-air and grabbing the hilt of the sword as he propelled himself forward. He would drag it with him, cutting vertically through the monster's head until its body collapsed on the floor, dead.

SHLINKT. When Roy removed his blade from the monster's head, he turned to be greeted with the sight of five more advancing Lurchbilges. The one that was closest had been sneaking up on him gradually, as he dealt with the first monster. His gaze narrowed slightly as it attempted to ram it's head into his torso. Obviously, Roy would be killed if he were to be pierced with one of its massive horns. This type of attack from the Lurchbilge was best to dodge in his case, rather than try to parry. The young man hopped into the air, allowing his feet to clear close to ten feet above the monster's head. It's neck was completely stretched out. Manipulating his airtime, Roy would allow his upper torso to fold forward in mid-air. This was followed by single horizontal slash to the neck of the Lurchbilge, which would disconnect the head of the monster from it's shoulders just in time for Roy's legs to close and his feet to land upon the body of the deceased beast.

@Shura @Der Kojote @King Of Imagination @Goddess @Rifleman @HelixCube @Darksoul90
Kyle Chandlers/Sabrina Prince

Kyle felt his head shake in negativity as he watched Roy rush in, he took a deep breath in the onset of his intoxicity, as he let out a slight whistle tune as he vaulted over the break in the stairs, grunting as he landed as he turned the corner with a slight step and saw a Lurchbilge approach very slowly, cautiously as it got into position to attack, Kyle quickly motioned his hand and pulled out his un-extended quarter staff, before watching as a flash of speed as Glory came racing off Kyle's shoulder, diving straight towards the Lurchbilge causing it to get startled and then hop back, before hopping forward at Kyle, Kyle raised his staff and rammed it straight into the Lurchbilge's chest, watching the Lurchbilge fall backwards as he motioned his hand into his pocket and pulled out three playing cards, charging them all simultaneously, slowly feeling the potential energy channel through his hands into kinetic energy in the cards, as he whipped them towards the Lurchbilge, causing three small explosions causing the Lurchbilge to fall backwards onto the ground as Kyle approached and channeled the potential energy into the staff, causing it to melt and scatter mercury all over the floor, melting into the Lurchbilge. He slowly grimaced as he watched another Lurchbilge hop at his flank, Kyle slowly watched as he tried to vault to the side, allowing the Lurchbilge to land a swipe from it's claws at the side of his lower chest, feeling the pain slowly encroach upon him he slowly lowered his hand to the wound, which wasn't much of a scratch but was beginning to bleed profusely. He raised his head as the Lurchbilge as it began to motion in between Roy and Connor as he felt his anger settle in as he spoke softly. " You will pay for that. " Kyle slowly smiled as he began to motion his hand to the cards, watching the Lurchbilge snarl towards him as it was about to attack again.

Kyle took a deep breath as he watched the Lurchbilge vault towards him as he slowly motioned his hands to his side in preparation to dodge the attack, sucking up the pain from the flesh wound on his lower chest. He felt everything slow down, as he lowered his head and watched Sabrina charge into the Lurchbilge and sliced it in half using a organic blade, she quickly jumped back as Sabrina spoke quickly to Kyle, trying to get assurance that he was alright. " I don't want to be saving your ass now, cleaning up after your mess Kyle. " Kyle slowly chuckled softly as the other Lurchbilges began to approach the four with distinct caution as four Lurchbilges were killed, with relative ease for that matter, he responded slowly to her as his adrenaline began to kick in feeling his vein's tighten around his neck. " Who said I need saving, there's plenty of people here to do it.... " The last thing he needed was her to be pinning the situation were in just to give him a hard time and bust his balls. Kyle grimaced as his right hand began to clutch the wound to cover it. Looking over at the mangled Lurchbilge corpse that lay half decayed to Sabrina's ability, glimpsing at the staff handle that lay on the ground as he slowly lowered himself to grab it, feeling the magnets kick in as the silvery liquid began to form again into the shape of the staff as he picked it up in his blood soaked right hand.
Closing in Cecil has flung herself into the lower room using the edge of the cliff as her leverage. Flying in she stuck her feet together , the soles of her feet slamming into one of the five beast face. Laughing a little, Cecil had kicked the beast in the middle all the way back toward the wall. The kick was strong enough to make her crouch while on the beast face. Cecil had pulled out two syringes before stabbing one of the beast right in between its eyes. Pushing off with her right foot she flipped backwards on to her left knee, her hand down supporting her flip. Quickly her eyes reacted toward the beast on the right side of her. Quickly turning her heel she lunged forward, pulling out a small needle at the same time. The beast had turned its head toward her, howling as it dug at the ground. Smiling Cecil used the silver needle to slice through its leg, creating a deep wound on its three legs. The beast howled as it stood up on its two legs , giving Cecil the oppurtunity to roll under its body.

"One." Cecil began to count down as she rolled under its massive body. "Two." Cecil tumbled back on to her knees, with the other syringes ready to go. Three was the last as she ran toward the right side of it, her feet skidding against the floor as the kneel was stabbed into its back thigh. Plunging it deep she ran back toward the front, creating a deep slit from its thigh to its upper right shoulder. "Die." Cecil whispered as she remained in a low position, her eyes staring up toward the beast as it stared down at her. Before it could turn, Cecil released the toxins into its body, the toxins spreading quickly through its wounds.

"Good boy, go down quietly." The Lurchbilge slowly let out a whimper before it fell limp on the floor. "What does that make...three, four." Cecil took the syringe and placed it back in the slot. Slowly it began to refill thanks to the container she had made before she had left. Sighing she had stretched out her arms before turning toward the next one. Cecil had used her nectar once, and that was all she would use for the day...so she determined. "Come here boy!" Cecil hollered out toward the one that was approaching Roy during the time he was fighting the first. The Lurchbilge turned around as it howled. "Come."

@Tree @Shura @Der Kojote @King Of Imagination @Rifleman @HelixCube @Darksoul90
The Gunman

Shooting things

Micah wasn't entirely sure how many more there would be. With three more coming up the stairs, and a dwindling number of HEHI rounds at his disposal, he decided to conserve them. He put one gun away, favoring accuracy over speed in this case, and cycled out the HEHI rounds for two explosive rounds. He knew using these was a risk, but if he hit the creatures correctly, the explosion would be dampened and cause no damage to the actual building itself. If he missed, well... as long as me missed any supportive structures, and any of his group, everything would be fine.

Two bullets for three targets. He had only brough five explosive rounds, and only one magazine worth of the other types. He didn't see a need to waste any excess rounds on lurchbilges, so he took aim carefully. *Bang* One took a bullet clear to its face, which burst. The other two, more cautious now, were spread apart. However, Micah had anticipated this, and as they came up onto the level ground, he pressed the button on his armor again, another small portion of his dose of line being shot through his blood-stream. He swung his foot, hard, and kicked one into the other, then regained his footing and shot the second explosive round, clearing through the first one and exploding in the head of the second one.

By now he was breathing heavy. He holstered his pistol and drew his sword, carefully walking down the stairs, his eyes switching to a night-vision-like mode, so he could see. He looked around, noticing a large number of dead lurchbilge, as well as the group moving toward another room. His night vision began to flicker, and then cut off, and he was left to adjust to the dark on his own. He sighed, he only had half of the dose he had brough with him left, and even that wasn't very much to begin with. He found somewhere to duck until the fighting ended as his eyes adjusted to the dim light.

@HelixCube @Shura @Rifleman @Darksoul90 @Tree @Goddess @Der Kojote

Second Floor

They were lucky to be such a large group. Any less and there might have been a much bigger issue trying to clear out the lower levels. With each champion taking down one or two of the creatures at time the job was done fairly quickly. Still that didn't mean it wasn't dangerous. Iris lingered on the top floor as the other dropped down a level watching from above for any stray creatures that decided to be sneaky. It was a dynamic she knew well from working with Roy. While one rushed in there always had to be someone watching the sidelines for strays. It was a safe way of handling groups of monsters.

Her sharp eyes picked up on one stray who had managed to avoid the initial slaughter. It started to approach Roy until Cecil called for its attention. Iris had no doubt that she could handle herself against the monster but figured it would be safer to kill the creature before it knew what was happening. As the creatures talked forward Iris once again jumped from the upper floor and pounced down on the creatures back. The initial impact was enough to cause a bone crunching snap as the creature collapsed. She may not weight as much as Roy but with enough height any weight could be debilitating. Wasting no time Iris brought both of her claws down into the creatures neck effective severing most of the muscle, tissue and bone. The writhing creature drop dead before it even knew what attacked it.

Iris lifted her gaze to Cecy and the other glad to see everyone had made it out more or less intact. However there was still the ground floor to cover. Her crimson ears were perked up and on high alert for any more growls or inhuman sounds. Unfortunately there were, much more then there had been before. The sound of all the fighting must have drawn curious survivors from the mas exodus of monsters from the sound blast earlier. Iris quickly moved over to one of the holes in the ground spying not only Lurchbilge but Xedox as well.

Fortunately for the champions it didn't look as if nature was as willing to work together as the Champions. From above though it looked as if the reptilian creature was trying to reclaim its territory. Growling and snapping at the Lurchbilge. One of the Xedox charged the other creatures engaging it in a fight. Which prompted the other three to tackle the remaining two Lurchbilge. The skirmish between monsters gave the Champions a time to breath. Iris watched closely waiting for the time to pick off the survivors of the fight which looked to be the Xedox so far.

@Tree @Rifleman @Der Kojote @Darksoul90 @HelixCube @Goddess @King Of Imagination

Click for listing of monsters

Around him, champions about hustled to deal with the remaining Lurchbilges. Roy did not move in on anyone's territory. On the contrary, he waited until everyone was finished. It was best to take a small break before continuing their descent, and Roy was aware of this. Though, he was also sure that some champions had also taken a healthy dose of line... If not most. That would certainly be plenty to keep their stamina up. Roy did not worry about tiring easy; his training revolved around heavy intervals of stamina and endurance, along with strength. It seemed that despite the fact that he was unsure of some of the faces around him, that everyone knew of himself. How fitting that was. Within his reflection, the young man came to the conclusion that it was possible that he had met some of these people before, but simply was not courteous enough to make mental notes of their existence.

Removing a pack of cigarettes from his bag, he observed the cardboard package's misshapen appearance. This was undoubtedly the result of the crash, but all of the cigarettes seemed to be intact. The exoskeleton was simply due to the fact that it was made out of material that was able to withstand much more force than a crash landing which resulted in near-to-no deaths. Using the lighter which was withdrawn from the same pocket, he brought flame to the end of his cigarette and took a lengthy drag. The air that Roy inhaled from those slightly-parted lips became intertwined with the smoke as it entered his lungs. With the use of the index and thumb fingers belonging to his left hand, he removed the cigarette from his mouth. He licked his lips before closing them at the same time that smoke began to be exhaled through both of his nostrils.

The two Lurchbilge that were battling the three Xedox were killed, though not without one of the Xedox finding the same fate before the end of the tussle. Cocking his neck to the side, Roy watched as both of the Xedox began growling at the champions which surrounded them, bloody fangs and all. The blade of his weapon would find its hilt, strapped along the small of his back. When it was finished placing the weapon where it was normally held, that very same hand would find itself in Roy's left. The man cracked his knuckles and whistled to draw the attention of the monsters, both of which kept their eyes fixated on the champion. He was preparing on dealing with the threat if it came down to it, but was waiting on Iris to make her move. Eyes momentarily found her figure. Roy had no problem playing the red cape for his partner, the matador. Ole!

"You two are the ugliest fucking things that have ever graced the presence of my sight. I'm just saying, if I had to wake up in the morning and look at the mirror at that, I would be pretty upset. But hey! On the bright side, you make me feel good about my own face. I appreciate that." Yes, Roy was speaking to the pair of Xedox. He flicked his half-smoked cigarette toward the head of the one on his right. It snapped at the air as the cigarette neared, and ate it. Roy's eye twitched as monster let out a roar, with the entirety of the smoke remaining in the cigarette rising from the agape jaw of the beast. The same two fingers which were used to hold the filter of the very same smoking apparatus would find the upper-bridge of his nose and apply pressure. All monsters existed on instinct, while those more advanced lived life based on conscious choice. Even with the understanding of such an ideology, Roy found the action to be disturbing nonetheless. He gagged at the thought.

@Shura @Der Kojote @Goddess @HelixCube @Rifleman @King Of Imagination
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James Belmonte - Scouting Group - First Floor

He was pleased...more than pleased actually. The champions had little marks to show for their encounter except for perhaps some spent energy. It had been an effective little set up, especially with the champion to monster ratio. More than manageable for champions of their caliber. James was quiet once more, bending down to one of already deceased Lurchbilges. The others already making their way over to deal with the floor below. Roy had even decided to take a smoke, which in hindsight was definitely helpful when it came to relieving yourself. Whether it be stress or just thoughts in general. He himself would never do another substance, mainly due to his experience with line and its addiction. The aftereffects were always worse than what the user received and usually these detriments were permanent. He knew that as long as he lived, he'd never regain what brain cells he'd lost or even the conditions he had gained. Regardless he understood the purpose behind such an activity, with the small break in combat it was an acceptable action in his mind.

However, he himself could not help but feel a slight itch on the back of his neck. Hairs rising along it, slowly gliding their way up onto his ears. He hadn't killed anything yet...and the fresh blood...was making him anxious. The sound of a feral roar breaking his thought, only solidifying his urges. It was the sound of a predator, one James had become quite familiar with. The other champions had taken what kills they could to keep the group safe...but he had stayed at 123. It was shameful to know that his feral side had kept record of every kill, wanting to know just how many he'd slain. He needed the count to go up, he needed fresh blood to be spilled. No...James shook his head quickly, trying to relinquish the thoughts from his mind. That was the wolf talking...not him. His eye lids slowly shut out what little light streamed through the gaps and holes in the building, trying his best to discard the ravenous ideals and primal thoughts.

When he felt his feelings were controlled but a second later, he opened his eyes to realize that he was already running forward. Feet carrying him along, dust picking up behind him as he jumped. Body curling into a small ball as he almost 'cannon balled' his way through a small gap that lay in the second floor wall. Decently sized form clearing the hole before extending his limbs once more. The ground but a few feet away, along with two decently sized Xenon, scythe like tails swishing behind them as they looked in the same direction. Something had gotten their attention, probably the champions. Distinctly, his sharpened ears could pick up a piece of what seemed to be Roy's voice. Now bellowing out to the two creatures. As he made his way through the air, the wind brushed past his face. Rigid ears almost succumbing to the gusts as he came to a land, maneuvering his body into a swift roll.

There was little more he could do at this point, he had to let instinct take over. Of course he had his formal training but it was never as practical as his instinct. You could go through a million different scenarios successfully in any session but you wouldn't always have the time to remember them. Instinct was quick, it had the advantage of both speed and a subconscious sense of your surroundings. His animal physiology had given him more than the strength and power but it had also partially altered his mind. In the back of his head, he would always be a predator...and with line he couldn't even so much as think properly. That was both the worst and the best part. He could subtly will himself to do things but he could never fully control himself. It was like watching his own body with something else's mind. Not to say...it hadn't saved his life millions of times.

At the end of his roll, he moved forward. Hands extending as his large steel claws snapped back into place, gloves confronting both the shoulder and snout of the semi large Xenon. Claws digging into its snarling features, the collision sending it sliding but a foot only before it braced. Now holding its ground against Maw's force, the two stuck in a backwards tug of war. It took only a second for the other to notice it's companions new playmate, letting out a roar as its tail rose. James' left eye snapped over to the beast, already noting the tail with a wolffish grin. Partially releasing the pressure on his arms as he began to slide backward across the dirt, allowing the Beast to gain the ground he was once standing in. The Xenon that had been battling him for position suddenly went limp, a hiss and then a whimper escaping it as it slumped to the ground. James had gotten the second to strike the first with its tail, large scythe like appendage protruding from the others body.

Perhaps there was little strategy after all, unbeknownst to the canine that resided inside him...or it was just instinct. Either way, he took the advantage that had been given to him, all five of the armored talons slashing downward. Completely rending the now only Xenon from its tail, toothy grin still spread across his face as the creature recoiled. Almost writhing in pain as it took a few careful steps backward, blood spouting from its newly opened wound. The most dangerous part in James' opinion had been removed. With the reach the creatures tail brought it made it that much more difficult to deal with. Now, he had a tail and the creature did not. His now enlarged hands (thanks to his gloves) digging into the end of the Xenon's severed tail, unhinging it from its kin with a grotesque squelch. Several bones cracking with the upward motion as blood began to seep out of the corpse. James looked to the tail a moment as he let it thud into the grass beside him, both hands still clenched around its bottom as he made his way forward in a swift motion. Body twisting slightly as he whipped the tail off the ground, swinging it as though it were a baseball bat.

The blade-like ending made contact with its previous owner, slamming into the Xenon's side before it made a long, unceremonious slide along the dirt. Several times its mangled body rolled, only pushing the tail further into the flesh before finally settling in a heap. With a long exhale...James looked about. There would probably be something more coming at one point or another.... For now however, the urges he'd been experiencing quickly passed. Replaced by a small sense of thought and a slightly larger sense of fatigue. James had trained well but the adrenaline that fueled his breaths further also quickened his heartbeat. Now calming himself as he looked back to the group, he didn't say much more than examining those who were probably already heading their way down.

They were all well so far...hopefully it continued. After that little exercise though, the line in his pocket felt a bit heavier. As if notifying him of its presence that much more. Even when he didn't want to use it, it always had a way of reminding him it was there.



@Der Kojote



@King Of Imagination

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Charles A. Fisher

Ruins, first floor.

After Charles tried to decipher what the creatures below them sounded like, Iris quickly came up and corrected him. They sounded like a few Lurchbilge, she said. Soon enough, the woman named Cecil, who seemed very attached to Iris, proposed that she will go down there and see how many there were. Charles wasn't paying too much attention, since he was trying his best to see anything useful among the trash around them. Well, more like something he could try and smuggle for himself. Much to his dismay, he was shit out of luck.

Cecil had completed her little scout mission to the floor below them, and gave the team a detailed layout of the Lurchbilges' whereabouts. Charles just watched and listened as the team spoke among themselves, devising a plan as to how to go about it with confronting these beasts. Much to his surprise, Royce manned up and jumped right into the action.

So much for Stealth Strike.

Charles sighed a bit as most of the more capable close-combat Champions followed Royce as Iris ordered for the gunners of the team to shoot anything that comes up the stairs. Charles would have definitely joined them though, if it wasn't for his messed up arm. Cursing under his breath, Charles kneeled down and aimed his pistol towards the stairs. The Gunman was able to get a good amount of kills at first, and Charles followed up with snagging a couple more kills for them. The noise downstairs sure was stirring up the nest.

After some more of the damned beasts were downed by the Gunman, Charles took his chance to help the guy finish off any remaining Lurchbilges that come up. The man seemed worn out if anything, and the idea of lending him some of Charles' prototype Line came up. Sure, half of him wanted to give some to him to mark him as his first "test subject" for his new drug, but the other half didn't want to deal with any major casualties while on this mission. At his current state, he had to rely on the other Champions for the next three days.

Man, what luck.

As Charles followed the Gunman downstairs, he struggled to reload his weapon. After doing so, he quickly turned on his night vision goggles. Thankfully, the only problem he had with his goggles was that it was "twitching" a bit, but it wasn't bad to the point where he can't use them.
"Hey, just in case, since I won't be needing them too much, I can lend you some Line if you really need them." Charles told the man, and quickly looked back over his shoulder for a moment. As they made it downstairs, Charles can see clearly the brutal scenery of Lurchbilge corpses all around them, and soon enough some Xenons. This reminded Charles how capable these Champions were as a team, and how completely wrong his first impressions were of them. He figured most of these people were just feeble-minded fools who are in this business for the fame. Fools can't down these monsters skillfully like they did, that's for damned sure. He was actually impressed for once.

As the group finished off the monsters in the second floor and proceeded downwards to the first floor, Charles decided with checking in with the camp at the roof of the building. Maybe they already knew how things are going by listening in, but he figured that someone should at least tell them their okay. As he followed the group, Charles tapped onto the headset to transmit his voice over the microphone.

"This is Charles Fisher, we have cleared the second and third floors, everyone seems all right. We are now moving down to the first floor. Once we are done, we will begin salvaging whatever is left in this building, while also setting up defenses here and there. I will report back when everything is clear down there."

@Shura @Der Kojote @Goddess @King Of Imagination @HelixCube @sorryifImissedanyone


Second Floor Going Down

She couldn't help but tense as Roy approached the hole in the ground. After the stunt he had pulled a few minutes prior Iris wasn't sure if he would do the same once more. Thankfully he simply taunted the beasts from above. Iris looked down to the two monsters as they hissed and growled up at them. One tried to jump up to catch Roy but Xenon weren't particularly known for their agility and grace. If they had been smarter the two would have found a route up to the second floor but their prey was in sight so why risk loosing it. Iris glanced over to the others. "Just two left." She called over before hearing some kind of war cry and noticing Maw rushing the two distracted creatures.

Iris worried a moment seeing that he had rushed the two on his own, mostly because it was unknown if there were more around. For all they knew there could be more Xenon just outside. Fortunately that wasn't the case. The two monsters were dealt with fairly quickly leaving the ruins to fall into an eerie silence. Crimson ears perked up trying to find any other warning sounds but non came. In the distance there was the sound of movement but it could be monsters or the other ships. After a few second gun fire broke out a good distance away followed by the sound of more fighting. They weren't the only ones having issues with stranglers. Iris wasn't sure if they could ever clear out the ruins 100% however they seemed to be safe for now.

"Looks like we're all clear.." She sighed. "We should probably secure this section off so nothing can get in. Have some kind of safe zone." She suggested standing up from her couched position. A tentative sense of relief and joy surfaced from the tension as she saw that everyone was okay and for the most part uninjured. That in it's self was a huge win in her book. Things could have gone much worse if everyone had just looked out for themselves and did what they wanted but the group managed to work together with some coordination. She was also fairly proud of herself that she had managed to get through the ordeal without line. The temptation had been strong but even if she had taken it the effects would last far too long and take effect by the time the fight was over. Overall it was a promising start and if they could keep it up for the next two days hopefully everyone would make it out alive and relatively intact. She heard Charles radio in on their success so left the communication to the rest of the team up top to him.

"I'll help down stairs." She said before hopping down the hole landing beside the corpses of the monsters. Iris glanced over to Maw with a slight smirk. "Looks like were done for now." Emerald eyes shifted to the monsters and she frowned slightly. "What should we do with these?" She muttered not sure what to do with the corpses. During normal hunts she would kill and leave the bodies for other monsters to find. Here that was the exact opposite of what they wanted. She glanced over to the sealed vaults which lined the walls. Storage rooms filled with who knows what. It could be empty, full of treasure or, like the one on the 4th floor, filled with some kind of possible deadly bacteria or growth.

Her eyes shifted to the rest of the rubble which lined the walls and perked up with slight interest and wandered towards a pile there seemed to be something other than rubble which caught her attention. She pushed a side some of the chunks of old rocks and ceiling being careful with anything sharp Sitting there beneath a broken up old table, dented up but mostly intact was a metal box. It looked like a much larger version of a computer. "I think I found something..." Iris said pulling it from under the table causing it to collapse fully into a heap kicking up some dust along the way.

Woot! First fight and everyone's alright. I must try harder next time ;P Anyway there are a few things to do.

1) Help secure the area and block off any doors.

2) Figure out what to do with the bodies

3) Figure out what Iris found.

Not everything needs to get done at one and you're free to do what you want. Those on the roof would have heard the commotion and the all clear So you can make your way down if you want.

Jekyll Wilson

Top of building->First Floor->Loot->Third Floor

Jekyll's ears perked up as heard the broadcasted message go over his headset's connection, loud and clear with the meaning and what opportunities it had opened up for him. Putting his hand on it, he tried to listen for more, but gave up as it seemed to just tune back into random speech from the people who had went down beforehand. He had heard a lot of noises from the lower sections, having been so close to the edge and had even saw some hint of debris fall out of the building. He hoped those guys weren't going to to tear up this entire building trying to flush all the monsters out.

The attendants had just gotten most of the tech and stuff situated and he was sure that none of them would survive if they feel from a building this high up. It just wasn't something that his rubber skin was built for. While he could withstand getting slung into the side of a cliff with ease if he was hyped up on nectar, he could not hold the same confidence for getting smushed by tons upon tons of debris and metal, and the drop was also quite disheartening. Not really paying attention to what the other champions were going to do, Jekyll began to walk towards the door that would bring him to the entrance to below. He did notice a few officials with head sets on get the message as well, reacting to it with quiet apprehensiveness before moving towards their ignorant comrades.

Reaching the first floor that he was sure the others had also been at, he looked around at all the broken monitors and casually browsed what had just become an open market for any random buyer, especially one with an eye for things he could fit into his pocket. Unfortunately, it seemed there wasn't much he could see that his bag could hold. Looking around the floor, he began to mumble, "Now if I were a peice of something I want, where would I lie?" He looked at the corners of the rooms and saw that some tables had been flipped over with some vases splayed across the floor. Most of them look chipped on the edges, but he saw one that looked to be in strange pristine condition.

His eyes wide, he moved forward as his hands began to unravel from the tight grip he had set them in, ready to take care of the vase. However, he was stopped as he heard the sounds of cracks behind him and without panicking, Jekyll turned quickly, fluidly reaching into his backsatchel and picking out one of his less dangerous grenades. He was only a floor below the ship and he really didn't need to spook the doctors. However, he found nothing, but broken TVs, their cracked visages mocking him for falling for their joke. Frowning at them and calming his heart, Jekyll turned around. He was about to start wondering about whether or not the group before had actually done their job when he saw his little sister messing with the vase he had been so interested in.

She seemed to have survived the ship's crash with no problem at all, and her curiosity was up to eleven from the way her eyes sparkled. She took after him more than he realized. Grimacing, Jekyll walked up and shoved his sister back, her face puffing up as she shied away from his hand with fluid ease, angrily saying, "Jay-Jay, I was looking at that! You big meanie! Why can't I have this one!?" Jekyll ignored the annoying apparation, and tried to remember that this little girl was nothing more than a hallucination.

It was rather unnerving to see his sister out like this, her prescense usually only making a presence when he was felt strongly about something. Sure, he had been rather spooked by the noise, but it hadn't been as extreme as it should have been to bring up the image of this monstrosity. He almost scolded it for its words, but he knew not to encourage it, and the only real way to deal with it was not paying it any attention. The woes of using Line, he guessed.

Taking the vase in hand, he took the bag off his back and zipped it open, pushing the vase into the flimsy feeling, but tough fabric. Getting it in there well, he zipped it back up and put it back over his shoulder. Rubbing his neck, Jekyll began to walk around, picking up babbles and thingamagigs as he went on his way. Among the things he found was that he found was a stray rust necklace, which was rather interesting if not kind of worthless otherwise, a small coin, something that looked like a pin, which read "Hello, I'm hungry" after he had dusted it off, and some other bits and peices.

It would have been great if he hadn't been followed by his sister the entire way there, her unwanted commentary being exactly what he didn't need. Jekyll found the stairs to the third floor and walked down it, talking out loud as tried to see if anyone was there, "Hellooo, hellooo, yoohoooo?" He stopped as he realized what he was doing, before pressing the button on his headset's speaker, saying it once more, "I just got on the floor with you guys. Its Jekyll.....over?"

@Shura @Der Kojote @Darksoul90 @Tree @Rifleman @King Of Imagination @HelixCube @Goddess

The champion didn't have a cool walkie-talkie that connected him to every other person ever. Or, did he? Light hues narrowed as he heard the annoying hollering come through, albeit consumed with static. "Who the fuck is that?" A genuine question. Of course, it had nothing to do with the current problems at hand, but Roy never followed the rules anyway. Iris made a claim before that, about finding something - but Roy was not on the same floor as they were. "What the hell is this, dungeons and dragons? Stop being enigmatic and tell us what you found so we can get on with our lives, please." Oh, snippy, salty Roy. Dropping through the hole he was staring down through, his feet landed firmly on the ground below, resulting in the ascension of some dust and rubble. Crossing his arms over his chest, Roy took a moment to observe his scenery.

Dark, damp, and ugly as hell. It was like Roy's life personified into an actual place. Huehue. There was one thing that was for certain, though. The more Roy looked around and observed where it was he was located, the more he realized that he had no idea where the hell he was. Like, where was his apartment in relation to the shitty cave-esque location which they had come across? How would he get home if the need be? Letting out an exaggerated sigh, eyes fell the multiple bodies which lied in the wake of their skirmish. There were more on the levels above. Iris was worried about just the bodies on their floor, or on all of them? That was a clean up job that Roy didn't sign up for. If the group was to take up stronghold in the cave, they would have to clear it out either way. So who was it that they were trying to hide bodies from? Outsiders or insiders?

Was there a decent reason for Roy to worry either way? All signs pointed to hell naw.

On top of that, he didn't give a shit. Roy certainly wasn't feeling threatened, though he was longing for the comfort of his computer chair. Running a raid with his friends sounded infinitely more enjoyable than standing around and wondering what to do with a bunch of bloody Lurchbilge carcasses and body parts - all of which seemed to be scattered about haphazardly. If Iris wanted to go the safe route, it was better off getting out of where they were at than trying to hide bodies. Burning them was out of the question - that would attract more attention than just leaving them there, honestly. Roy's refusal to use line wouldn't help in the process of their removal, either.

The exoskeleton was a genius addition which was necessary, but even that piece of glorious technology could not handle that type of weight. While it added to the limits of Roy's strength and stamina, it only could perform so well. Perhaps one day he would be able to add to it, but that was certainly not at the present moment. He was lucky that it went unscathed in the crash landing that the group had endured earlier, though he honestly would not expect any less.

@Shura @Der Kojote @Darksoul90 @DamagedGlasses @HelixCube @Goddess @King Of Imagination @Rifleman
Cecil, "Just what a woman needs."

Cecil allowed the others to take care of the monsters below, while she stayed on the second floor. Sitting in a crossed legged position she began to tinker with the Lurchbilge. With a little dose of toxins that she kept well hidden among her vast selection, she began to douse the needles as she stabbed them in the bodies of the Lurchbilge. Moving the in an odd fashion as if she was sewing, the poison began to work its magic. Like all dead things, they decompose and goes back into the earth. Their creation make up similar ingredients to that of the earth. Cecil found that they provide necessary ingredients that make up her deadly toxins. With that being discovered you could hear small cackles of laughter above as Cecil began to move the toxins in the way she wanted them. All the tubes that had been used began to slowly refill one after another. Cecil though wasn't that dumb, and made sure to put up a sign made out of smashed card board to not enter the second floor until everything was clear. When she heard people come down ,she made sure to move the rest of the bodies behind the counter, and toward the back where the broken down fridge was.

Like the good ol saying, "out of sight, out of mind." The bodies slowly began to decompose, but instead the ingredients went into tubes that were neatly and perfectly aligned to where they couldn't be knocked over. The steam from her mask shot out as she gathered up small materials that would come in hand , if she ever ran out of needles to throw. Perched up like a babe she had her foot on the wall and her back against the counter. With her knife she began to saw away at the fine metal that was broken and scattered across the mess hall floor. Humming a slight tune that would put a baby to sleep, she rocked her head to and fro as the metallic shavings fell off and onto the floor.

"Hey look what I found."

Was the only thing Cecil could hear other than a man yelling if anyone was there, and Royce potty mouth. Packing up her materials, the mixing was done, and her fresh new toxins were created. Cecil was able to make eight more needled ,while resharpening her knife. Jumping over the counter, she started her walk back down on to the third floor, her hand pressing slightly against the male that was yelling.

"Sir...you shouldn't yell. They'll hear you." Was her first response, but to the female behind him ,was far more different. It only took a glare and steam coming from her mask to make the girl quiet. With a satisfied glare, Cecil walked over toward the male's side, her green mashed hair, titling upwards so Cecil could make eye contact.

"You are...your name? Jekyll...right." Cecil had remember seeing his name on the list of passengers. "Their further in ,some have already branched off to start securing the area. You must have been one of the ones that stood watch outside. I bet its better up here then down there." Cecil had lost herself in her rambles, and almost nearly forgot to report back about the beast on the second floor. If it was bodies that needed to be rid of, Cecil was the one for the job.

@Tree @Shura @DamagedGlasses @Der Kojote @HelixCube @Rifleman @King Of Imagination @Darksoul90

Connor Friesland

Ruins - Scouting/ clean up

The Chaos had finally subsided, Connor could hear the rest of the champions make short work of the rest of the Monsters on the lower floors. All in all, it was a fairly swift operation, He wasn't hearing anyone screaming out that they were dying no one was screaming for a medic. Connor nodded at all this. He was content that mission had taken a bit of turn to the positive side, rather than where they had been. I.E. Upside down in a damaged air ship. He figured that deeper in the zone, they were going to run into much more...potent and angry monsters. However, for one moment, they would be able to Take a breather, and fortify their location.

Connor Began walking the hallways. Time surely hadn't been kind to the structure. Holes everywhere, nature begining it's reclamation process. Every vault he passed, part of him wanted to rip into them, and find out what they had. However, when what was growing near them...caution tempered curiosity. How many years had passed since the safety protocols were last enforced? How long ago had it all been. Everytime that he passed a computer he sighed, many looked like they had suffered irrevocable damage, probably from the native wild life or storms? Or their cases had been cracked by thick roots. He continued on, heading down the stairs to the first floor.

His original intent was to try and see if he could erect barriers near the windows and doors, or at least check and see what points could easily be blocked. However his attention was directed when he heard a familiar voice sound off in the distance. "I think I found something..." Connor was sure that was Iris as he walked in the direction that he heard her from. It was a short walk before he found her in a room, "Hey Iris, what you find?" There was seemingly nothing too important at first No mechanical equipment, no prototype weapons...nothing too intersting. Then he saw what she was referring to. Connor's eyes lit up with a sudden interest as he approached. The casing wasn't cracked...there was seemingly to sign of major damage. For once Connor was speechless, a rare sight to see. He slowly walked up beside Iris and gently crouched down. He placed his had on the box, looking over it he grinned. "Iris," He said finally breaking silence he was not known for. "Is great find...Is wonderful find. Is Computer."

Jekyll Wilson

Third floor

Jekyll looked down at the armored girl before him. With how dim it was, he really couldn't see the full intenseness of her hair color, but he could get a pretty good green sheen from it. He was a good foot taller than her, and with how face held a much more youthful look above his own, he could guess that age between them was more than he was willing to guess. However, if he were to chance it, he would say about 3 years, her height giving her a look remeniscent of Ray and his cat friend.

She was mighty respectful to him, though it might have been the height difference, but id didn't stop Jekyll from missing the admonishment she had given him. Looking around, he tried to hear any kind of activity, and while he couldn't put anything substantial together, he was almost sure that everything was cleared out around these levels. Besides, they had asked most of the people upstairs to come down and if they thought that was going to be noiseless, well they should have picked better people to come down. Ones that didn't give the ok and then give reference as to how it wasn't safe. Of course, they really wasn't a safe place, so as he turned to back to look at the girl, he forgave them.

Hearing her remarks towards what was going on up above, he shrugged, "Well, its better, but I really didn't do anything. I probably would have went with you guys if there had been less of them when I had had first seen. Most of the aerial monsters were driven away, but if one were to attack, well, ones all it takes. Kind of boring though." Jekyll tilted his head in consideration, scratchying at his itchy scalp. A lot of dust and bits of rock had gotten stuck in his hair and had been giving him a time. Thinking over the branching off and securing, he eventually asked, "So, I'm ready and willing to go out and help, but I'm really not to keen on going out alone. Most of my weapons I brought were support and the only ones that do any damage could potentially bring this building down on us. You can see why I'd want to avoid that. So, mind if I help you out with whatever you had planned?" She seemed like she was capable enough, definitely had the look down. Though, that gas mask was definitely not just for show. He had seen a few like her, having to use some for one reason or another, usually to escape the bigger drawbacks of their power. Toxin user? He couldn't really make a big break down of her appearance with how dim it was, but it was what he guessed.

Either way, she was definitely someone who he would probably get along with. She was making a nice first impression at least, so he wouldn't mind testing it out for long. Besides, she might have some shinies on her. He had seen some awesome stuff so far, a lot that he would have to go back for when he had the time, but they could not sate him completely!


"Boy did I snag me a good one."

"I would have done the same thing, but at the time getting to Iris became top priority. Whether I made it down or not, leaving her was a no go." Cecil chuckled a little as she grabbed part of his sleeve. "If you don't mind, people can loose me pretty easily. My complexion would be what some call transparent. Since where in the dark, loosing me can be easy, if your eyes aren't fully directed on me." Cecil chuckled more to the thought of her doing a disappearing act on Royce. She'd probably have some food for him at the read then vanish leaving him to starve alone. That was only a though for Cecil, a dark one , but funny. Pulling him slightly along, hoping he would take the lead, if not help with moving by himself, Cecil made her way deeper into the third floor. "Going alone? Being alone can be a fright, wouldn't want it ever..well at least not in the job."

Before seeing the others Cecil found two bodies to the left. "You have good memory right. Remind me to come back to the third floor, a few meters away from the stairs, on the right side are two bodies that needs to be taken care of." Cecil began to break down the usage of toxins she would need in the upcoming battles that were soon to aspire latter down the road , as they continued to scout. The chances of her being able to run back here and make quick douses would be unrealistic, and dangerous. Tapping her shoes, she thought of calling off what she had said, but then again it wasn't that much of a bad idea. Cecil was stumped, so letting go of his hand she turned around to look at him. If she recalled he said he was more of a supporter when it came to helping. Cecil was the offensive side. Tapping her metallic suit she hummed a little trying to figure out what to do. It didn't take her long before she started groping his biceps, and checking out his kneecaps.

"Mind holding some things for me." Cecil stated as she pointed over toward the dead monsters. "I use toxins to fight, but I only have a certain amount of douses I can carry. Iris gave out the command to dispose of the bodies, so I'll take that as my job. Since you work better as support, you can help me carry more douses than I originally can. I'm sure we can find some things we can put the toxins in, that way you can transport them , and when I need them I can come to you instead of running all the way back to point A."
Cecil said smiling as she gave him a thumbs up, but in an animated way. Cecil wasn't sure how he would respond, but hopefully this meant they could team up for a little, be the little clean up crew, while the other guys fight their way down. If they happen to miss one ,or leave one behind to go ahead, they would take them out .Seemed ideal to her, now how about the lad?


James Belmonte - Scouting Group - On the Ground

It was that time once more and as the high that James knew all too well as adrenaline slowly faded away, he distanced himself from the two mangled messes that were once the savage Xenon aggressors. Feet already taking him over to the other corpses, looking to the three Lurchbilge carcasses that lined the ground. They were riddled with bite marks, slices, and other unneeded extremities.This sight was not uncommon for the well worn champion, even after only a few years of exposure this display meant little more than safety to him. Though he himself was a predator by nature, the calm that came after such battles was more pleasing to his mind than any act of carnage he could perform. It was not always evident that was the case in his other state, but looking in to himself he found it was the only reasonable conclusion. He wanted to be happy, that much was true but he knew what form it came in would always be a mix of safety...and risk.

To keep his mind away from the subject, he set to taking up the nearest corpse. Hind legs in Maw's hands as he dragged it over to the other two Xenon. Eyes scanning over the three corpses before heading back over to slide the rest along through the rubble, nodding quietly to himself. He surely had a plan for these, one that would help him and perhaps everyone else tremendously. Whether or not it would work...was a different story entirely. Either way his gaze slowly wandered to the headset that hung from his waist, having replaced his gloves during the fighting. The device was useful for communication...but with ears like his it was probably less than comfortable. Something to wear when necessary...or if he wanted to look like an idiot. An audible sigh escaped his lips as he undid the strap that kept it held close, luckily undamaged from the small scuffle he'd had as he set it over his head. A slight grimace spreading across his face as it flattened his ears, hand already pressing down against the button that rested on its side. He might as well get this over with as quickly as he could. "Got about six corpses down here, still fresh as you all know. Could just dump them somewhere or use an idea that I'd like to propose. I'd be indisposed for awhile but it might be worth it. Anyway, what I could do is string them up much farther off in different spots. Light a small fire underneath them and so on. Might draw any remaining monsters in the area and keep them occupied. If they end up turning away from it they may even go off in another direction entirely, limiting the number of monsters we may potentially have to deal with. Hypothetical as hell, yes...but it couldn't do much harm as far off as I plan to put them. Thoughts, suggestions and comments would be lovely, main thing though is everyone better be alive when I get back!"

James released the button, keeping the headset on despite his irritation. Awaiting the comments of his fellow champions. Their opinions were just as important as his and it was better they stay informed. As was the purpose of the headsets after all, despite his obvious dislike for them. Now he simply took a seat, awaiting either approval or disdain from his comrades.

@Shura @Der Kojote @Darksoul90 @Goddess @Tree @Rifleman
Charles A. Fisher

Ruins, first floor.

Charles looked around and examined the disembodied monster corpses that the other Champions had finished off earlier. Kneeling down near a Xenon corpse, he can already see the horrific gashes and injuries this poor bastard had to suffer through while it was still breathing. Thoughts of even confronting any of these Champions in Arcadia made him shiver a bit, for they were obviously very powerful.

That's the thing, though. If his syndicate gains more attention by the law enforcement in Arcadia; if it already hasn't since the last raid, they will eventually seek for help. A Champion or two may even suffice as they would probably be ordered to hunt the Fourth Echelon's leader down. A challenge Charles was definitely willing to take, face to face.

Grunting as he got up, Charles looked around to those who were close by,
"Starting to get too old for this shit..." he muttered to himself. Charles heard something about Iris finding some loot, and Royce being his usual self. He could hear another Champion coming down to check things out, a man by the name of Jekyll. Charles was going to respond to him through the headset, but Cecil had already met up with him and is keeping him occupied. So, he thought against the idea.

Rewinding a bit though, before Cecil had caught up with Jekyll, Conner voiced out what Iris had found.

"A computer?" Charles repeated over the headset, "Pack it up and send someone to go back upstairs with it where it's safe; it could hold valuable information. Least, if it still works." Charles said as he looked around once more. Maw, or James, came up a moment afterward, proposing with how to deal with the monster corpses.

"I like your idea," Charles began, "But there is no way you're going at it alone. I can come along and start the fire wherever we end up dropping these things off, but seeing that I have a wounded arm, we will need someone on point guard to help cover us if the rest of the team is fine with the idea. We shouldn't trek too far out though, this place is way too big for some sight seeing." Charles stopped, and let the silence sink in a little bit. "As far as I know, guys, this building is clear. It could use some defenses here and there, and I am willing to hand over my cameras to whoever wants to plug them up at our blind spots. But if these bodies stay here for long, we will have to deal with another sweep, but I can guarantee that it won't be that easy. Does anyone have any objections?"

@DamagedGlasses @Tree @Shura @Der Kojote @HelixCube @Goddess @King Of Imagination @Rifleman
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