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Futuristic Blood and Glory (Always Accepting)

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Pounce Ninja
This will be a mature RP with elements of violence, gore, addiction, substance abuse and mental instability.

Champions take up the role of hunters in a bloody game of survival where the more you kill the greater your fame!

This RP is Closed

Theme Song for the RP



Players Role

Players will create and play a Champion. The rp will center around the champions and their struggles in dealing with fighting monsters and dealing with the effects of "Line"

This RP will be a Semi-sandbox RP. Players will be allowed to create their stories, sub-plots, adventures and what not. Locations will be set up and there will be thread wide events such as The hunts. Not everyone will have to move at the same speed however I will be making Time Checks and announce the date and time it is in the RP.

There will be mental stability mechanic in this Rp that you will be responsible of maintaining. This will be explain under Mechanics.

Current Events!

An old ruined city has been found, untouched by humans for hundreds or years. In an attempt to recover some of the lost technology and weaponry a team has been assembled and a mission planned. Champions have volunteered to escort the scientists and explorers to help protect them from the monsters which have made the city their breeding ground.

Once they arrived at the city a sound device was used to try and clear a small portion of the city which used to be a military base. This cause a bunch of monsters to flee unfortunately the airships got caught up in the chaos and crashed through a canopy and onto a building landing upside down. Thankfully the barrier device survived the crash and a force field has been set up to keep the monsters out of the cleared area.

Right now...

The building below has been cleared and Champions are now helping with trying to secure the temporary base. Blocking off holes, windows and door ways while other make sure the floors are 100% clear of monsters. Some are also exploring the ruins.

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~Wall of Arcadia ~ March 15, 4021 ~ 10:40 a.m. ~

~First Wild Hunt of The Season~

The last bit of winter was melting away leaving the air cool and crisp. The bright warm sun had melted away most of the snow which had blanketed the area as spring took over winter and the air was charge with new life. Within the walls of Arcadia the air was charge with a tangible energy but for a completely different reason. After three dormant months of quite uneventful weeks it was finally time for the first Wild Hunt of the season.

“Welcome everyone to the first Wild Hunt of the season!” Aaron Gold, the main sports caster for the Hunts announced. His picture filled almost every screen as a tall dark haired and fairly handsome man in his late twenties. “The sleepy months have passed us by and now it’s time for some blood shed!”

The crowds gathered below the monitors let out a loud cheer ready and eager to watch the hunt. The energy had been building all week as fans of the even started making plans on where to watch the event. Some planned viewing parties, other started betting rings, and restaurants started to stock up and advertise their own Wild Hunt events. The news media became a buzz with several interviews going on with some of the new Champions and some of the veterans. Everyone had their favorite and every Champion had a fan club of some sort. Banners and posters were made up as fans crowded the shore line of Eximius the week leading up to the event. Any champion seen walking around was swamped by some kind of attention whether it be by media or fans.

The hour was quickly approaching and Champion were stationed along the wall in the direction of their choosing. Some chose the mountains while other the thick forest or rolling hills. There were exits in each of the cardinal directions with three levels for each. One at grown level, one half way up on level with the canopy and the third at the very top where those with the ability to fly took off from. Each one had their advantages and disadvantages it really depended on the preference of the Champion. From each level on the wall it was easy to see a gathering crow of fans. Bursts of cheers and applause would erupt from the crowd whenever a champion took an elevator up.

Upon the largest screen in the middle of the city was a timer counting down from 20 minutes to the start of the hunt season.

Within the inner wall things were busy. Crew and teams for each Champion ran about making sure tech and weapons were in optimal condition. Last minute health checks were performed as each Champion, duo and team took their starting points along the wall taking gilded elevators up to the higher levels. Droids with cameras buzzed around shooting footage of each champion as they go ready while new broad casters mad their commentary on who was the favorite to win the hunt this time or who was the newest up and comer. There was no place of silence with so much excitement going on.

Once the fifteen minute mark struck the tension started to build as Champions got their fill of Nectar so the 15 minute on set time would pass and the Line would be in full effect at the first buzzer.

Team Stealth Strike

Iris "Scarlet"

SE Ground Level Exit of the Arcadian Wall

“It’s almost time!” Iris cheered excited to finally start the hunt. The past three months had been almost torture on her from being idle for so long. She managed to train with her team mate Roy but it wasn’t the same as actually fighting blood thirsty beasts. The Champion was practically bouncing with energy as she zipped around the green room that had been set up for them to get ready. Sitting still was not an option for the hyper young woman as she made the work of some of the attendants very difficult compared to her calm mild mannered team mate. She had her suit on which fit snugly around her trim body along with her boots and gloves she was equipped and ready to go. She whined softly as she stood still a moment to have a collar clipped around her neck loosely. A precaution given what had happened last season.

The feline Champion had injected too much Nectar into her system causing her to run after any and all monsters that crossed her path even if the one she was attacking wasn’t dead. This had led to her getting lost and once the Nectar had worn off she was basically defenseless. Three hours later they managed to find her in a tree barely conscious and bleeding from several wounds. It had taken her quite a few days to recover afterwards. Since then she had worn a tracking collar that not only monitored where she was but also her vitals and the amount of Nectar in her system.

Iris slid her bracer off as she pulled out three vials of Nectar she only needed one and a half but back up was always good to have in case of an emergency. She slipped them into the holding spots in her arm port before sliding the cover close protecting the port on her arm from harm. A bottle of water was held out to her by one of her trainers with a stern face and she let out an exasperated sigh accepting the bottle and downing nearly half of it in one go.

“You know the routine, last thing we want is for you to pass out from dehydration.” He said in a gruff voice. He was a tall man wide in shoulders and frame and very strict. But that’s what made him a good trainer, he looked out for his Champions mind and body which was very important.

“Yes, Anton I know.” She sighed heavily as she finished the second half of the bottle setting it with the other four she had already drank.

“Can’t wait to start tearing into some monsters… It will be amazing!” She proclaimed excitedly. “Right Roy?” She questioned over to the calm brunette. Not even waiting for an answer she nodded “Right, of course I'm right!”

“Iris! Focus.” Anton snapped cutting off the girls train of thought and bringing her back to preparation. Her emerald eyes snapped back to attention.

“Good now t’is time to go to the gate. Fifteen minutes until the buzzer.” He announced loudly so the whole crew could get moving. Iris nodded and quickly left the room eager to start hunting. As they walked she pressed just above the dive on her arm activating the injection system. She could feel the warm Nectar seeping into her veins and rushing through her system form her already quickened heartbeat. She grinned to herself feeling it’s effects as her senses sharpened and her whole body feel warm. She took in a deep breath to steady her nerves as she felt her heart start to hammer in her chest.

There was only ten minutes left before they could hunt and Scarlet was already feeling the blood thirst start to kick in.


@Godman873 @HoneyBear-Kat @LotusSan @Veirrianna Valentine @Harbinger @Lucem Tenebris @tomio @Phantom King @MrDevious @King Of Imagination
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Jekyll Wilson

Arcadian Wall, North Section, Canopy Level Exit Bay

Jekyll shifted from foot to foot as he looked around the Middle Exit Bay, His patience slipping as he felt his muscles twitch repeatedly, uncontrollably. The dull gray of the surrounding objects, the lack of visual flare for their “comfort”, reflected off of Jekyll's similar Grey eyes easily as he looked around anxiously. His fingers were tapping on their respective palms in a slight chaotic frenzy as he tried to calm his nerves, the adrenaline in his body pumping away as time drifted closer and closer to the time the doors would open and he would be allowed to go out and finally let all this steam and energy out.

Breathing in deeply, and letting the gathered air out, Jekyll raised his twitchy hand and forced it onto the side of his face, forcefully stopping the unnatural twitching, while also grounding his sense to the ground beneath him. Rubbing his face, before sweeping his hand through his slightly stiff spiky hair, Jekyll was about to say something, an impatient curse, when a hand tapped him on the shoulder, the dainty touch being filled with hesitation, and nervousness.

Turning around, slightly annoyed that he had been snuck up on, Jekyll looked critically upon the nurse that had originally became a part of his little Life and Needs Monitoring entourage. With her silky looking mop of brown hair, the nurse would have most likely looked like a feminine boy if it wasn't for the shiny amethyst marbles she possessed for eyes, the two stones giving her appearance the right amount of beauty that prevented anyone from thinking she had even the smidgen of a Y Chromosome stuffed somewhere inside of her.

She fidgeted slightly, constantly switching which leg she placed her weight on, not that she had much to go around with the incredibly light build she seemed to live with. Two things Jekyll noticed the most about her was the very pretty hair pin she had on, as well as the clip board in her hand, which she seemed to be intent on breaking. Her mouth opened and closed many times as she tried to force out whatever medical question she was about to interrogate him with. Why else would his nurses talk to him? It wasn't like he sent them baskets filled with cupcakes and carrots.

Right before Jekyll was about to call it quits and just tell the nervous nurse to get some other, more confident nurse to ask him, she began talking, no, stuttering would be a better way to describe what she did, “M-Mister Jekyll, s-si-sir, I-I ne-needed to ask yo-you if you fel-felt fine this eve-evening, on acc-account for y-your wee-weekly che-checkup.”

Jekyll groaned as the reason he was even interacting with this infuriating little woman was realized. His weekly checkups were not a coveted job by the countless nurses that made up his team, and countless times he had seen them doing outrageous contests outside the Eximius compound to decide who would have to do next. He had also seen examples, such as right now, where the senior nurses, who had stayed on as his helpers for some reason, would pawn off the weekly job onto the newbies. Sometimes it would take weeks for the newbies to realize they were being yanked, before retaliating with very intelligent comebacks, which was rare. He had seen lesser subtle ones blatantly punch their offender and that was always fun to watch.

Yet, this nurse seemed to be more of the type to never realize she was being punked, unless he eventually told her, which he promised to do if he saw her a week from now. Narrowing his eyes, Jekyll replied, “Yes, yes, I feel fine. I'll feel even better once I get the Nectar in my system,” Jekyll moved his shoulder up and down, before looking at the nurse, his eyes forcefully becoming softer and continued, “Hey, you don't have to be so nervous.”

In an act of extreme invasion of personal space, Jekyll softly placed his rather twitchy hand on the head of the nurse, her eyes becoming doe-like as the unanticipated action forced her even farther out of her comfort zone. Giving her a small little pat, Jekyll removed his hand and nodded to where all of his other nurses were working on things distantly related to his health, his message clear.

The nurse nodded frantically, a small uncomfortable, but grateful smile on her lips, before writing down a very vague description of what he said, absolutely loving the short and sweet response, before quickly twisting around hurrying away, back to the other nurses who were secretly laughing, either behind their work or their more obvious hands.

One didn't even bother to hide it. The obvious aggressor was actually quite pretty, if it wasn't for her obviously bad personality. With the way her mouth curled up in a vicious path, and how her nice blue eyes looked like especially sharp stalagmites, the taller woman had a very low laugh, like she was laughing about something that was infinitely more humorous than it should have been. Shaking his head, Jekyll turned his head away from the group of nurses as the blonde headed one, he had never bothered to learn any of their names, patted the mousy brown head on the back, her little friendly pats filled with forced as sympathy and camaraderie spirit. Even her smile had lost its cruel edge, instead presenting a soft, caring look that honestly surprised Jekyll with how well she changed acts.

However, sickened with the nurses' actions, Jekyll's nervous energy, merged with his sprouting irritation, only found solace as he looked down at the hairpin in the palm of his hand, the object originally belonging to the little mousy nurse. With its dark purple color and exquisite design, it kind of looked like a vine of grapes, the hairpin had gone great with the otherwise boring and drab look the new nurse had been able to almost naturally pull off. Emphasis on the word “had”. Now it was in Jekyll's possession, but it wasn't like he was actually going to wear the thing, no, he had only taken it because he thought it would look nice in his collection of his acquired goods. Shoving it into his pocket, the tiny muscles of his shoulders twitching, Jekyll sighed as he figured it was time to start preparing for the hunt.

Reaching into his back pocket, Jekyll searched around for only a few minutes, before his rubbery hand was able to grasp onto the durable vial that held his precious Nectar. Pulling out the miniscule little thing, Jekyll began to roll up the loose sleeves of his suit as his veins seemed to bulge in readiness, their size seeming to increase from the excitement and making ready to keep the drug comfortable in its future marathon through Jekyll's body. Keeping the vial firmly in his hand, Jekyll unhesitatingly brought up his wrist and put it close to the vial. He grinned as he firmly inserted the needle into his vein, the pain numbed from the countless times he had done it before. However, his body could never get used to the little intense fire that lit his veins aflame as the drug began to enter his system, beginning to takes it routes as it filled up everything it could reach.

Jekyll threw the vial away, where he could only assume his nurses would pick it up, and grit his teeth as the drug slowly set his whole body a blazing, He didn't know if others felt like this when they injected Nectar into there systems, but Jekyll could only assume that the initial reactions, much like the side effects varied from person to person. Jekyll started to once again shift his weight from foot to foot, much more rapidly than before, and began shaking even stronger, as he dealt with his entire body getting near to the breaking point, the drug breaking all human limit as it slowly weakened every limiting chain that currently held Jekyll to his mortal body and restraints.

He could feel the urge to go out there and show off his godhood increase along with the adrenaline as the drug worked its magic, or, to be more exact, science. The hairpin in his pocket began to burn along side him, surprising him with how it didn't burn a hole through his protective suit. The burning began to subdue as the drug started its full effect, Jekyll beginning to twitch and smile as he felt his abilities increase. He could not wait for this hunt to begin.

The only depressing part of the whole thing was how cold he knew it was going to be out there. Of course, his Nectar induces resistance should probably be enough to counteract any kind of adverse effects he would have to the intense temperature, but that did nothing to allay his worries of how it would work out in the future. Regardless of how many times his fear were allayed by the scientists, all of them parroting the same thing over and over again, Jekyll could never get over the possibility of his body freezing to the point that something would come on by and smash him to bits, leaving as nothing more than just a plethora of shards on the ground that would never be anything physical again.

Many times in the past he had found himself dreaming or even thinking up fantasies of him being smashed to bits in some unfortunate way, no one around him minding. He had even had some about a large hand appearing from nowhere and stabbing him to death with its mighty glory. Shaking his head in an attempt to throw away his fears, Jekyll sighed as he looked onward towards the wall, his entire being focused on its one desire to go out there and kill those monsters.
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SE exit of the Arcadia wall, ground floor

"Fuckin' finally. No more being cooped up in that damn room for me."
Jason thought, smirking as he made his way over to the large crowds gathered in front of the exit. Glad for the barriers in place, at least he wouldn't get swarmed this time by his fans.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN." he yelled out, gaining the attention of the crowd who only cheered louder at the sight of him. Several camera droids flew over to him, hovering and jostling to get a good shot of him. He reached up and pulled his eye patch off, throwing it into the crowd with a wide grin, watching as the crowd fought over the little piece of cloth.

"WELCOME TO THE FREAK SHOW!" he finished his sentence with a smirk, his bionic eye spinning in its socket for a moment as it calibrated and booted up. The iris glowed with a bright green flash. The crowd went nuts, and people tried to push through the barricades to get to him. Unsheathing his sword, Guthook, from his back he grinned, watching as sparks arced along the length of the heavy blade. With a final wave he turned to head to the gate, grabbing one of the camera droids.

"Stick with me, I'll give you a damn good show." he said, the droid following him as he walked.

When he got to the gate he noticed he wasn't alone, his smirk turning into a grimace. He'd have to split off from the others when the gate opened, but that wasn't too much of a problem. He never hunted with others, not anymore.

Jason took up a position near the gate, keeping well enough away from the girl and her partner. He knew about the girl, she had a reputation for being spastic and a little neurotic at times. Not what he wanted to deal with right before a hunt.

Pulling out a portable laser sharpener he started running it along the edge of his massive sword, his eye sending back diagnostic readings on the sharpness of the blade until he was happy with with the edge, sliding the sharpener back into a pouch on his belt. He had been waiting for his next big hunt, seeing as he slacked off towards the end of the previous season and allowed some of the other Class C hunters to nearly catch up with him. He smirked at the camera that was following him, pulling out a stimpack with Nectar inside.

"Kids, don't try this at home." he said as he pierced the skin of his neck with the needle, feeling the Nectar slide through his veins. It was a familiar and comforting feeling, though he could already feel his chest start to tighten up some. He had eaten a full meal before this, so his nausea wouldn't be too terrible.
Sunolph McFarrson

North East section of the Arcadia wall, ground Floor.

"It's about time we got this show on the road..." Sun laughs, walking over to his position slowly but surely, waving at the droids and blowing kisses for all the fan girls out watching the event. If I was in that room any longer I would've melted it!

"You're gonna kill em' today Sun!" He throws punches at the air, not feeling weird in the least, but using it as a way to exert his energy. He then pulls one of his signature moves, what he calls the "Rock Em Sock Em Flash bang" He isn't very good at giving names to things. He reaches his hand inside his sweatshirt, entering a 3 digit code which dispenses a confetti grenade into his pocket that Sun invented himself. He tosses it up into the air, then spins around in a circle and shoots it with a weak beam of light, since he is not under the influence of Nectar. However, the confetti grenade is made for this purpose and explodes, sending a shower of color into the air, he then waves at the droids again, and finally gets to his waiting spot.

"Sun, where in Arcadia have you been? We need to run you through your check up!" Sun sighs, exaggerating it painfully and slowly, and walks over to get his check up with the nurses. "Hmm... You heart beat is normal, your blood sugar is fine.. and you have a less likely chance of dying today!" The nurse looks at her watch, and looks back up at Sun with full green eyes. "It's the fifteen minute countdown.. I'd get your injection soon." A wild grin appears on Suns face, as he nods with a quick yes, and goes to type in his 10 digit security code to start his injection. His suit is made to have special points on all the major vanes with various amounts of dosage, to make the lines affects happen as quickly as possible.

"This feeling... I've missed you nectar... Now let's go kick some monster ass!" Sun flexes and strikes poses at the droids, then looks down and spots his partner standing right next to him. I guess I just noticed her! He laughs, and waits for the hunt to begin.
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Caleb "The Animal" Giles

North ground exit of the Arcadia wall

Caleb knew it was just about time to get ready. He looked around the small room he was in with five others around him two of which were trained to deal with 'special' cases such as him. They were all nice people but he couldn't even remember their names, he felt like a jerk with what they had to put up with, one was even left with a nasty scar but he couldn't remember when it was or who received it. A female walked in front of him and asked him politely if he was ready. He stared at the ground for several moments before nodding, he was never ready but he wasn't able to wait any longer. When Caleb took Nectar he turned into something different, he wasn't certain how he looked but he was just as monstrous as those creatures he was killing on the outside and one day he would be slain just like one of them, when he would finally lose it.

Caleb felt Nectar enter his system, it was cold and ruthless like the antarctic. He could feel the fabric of his mind chaning, as it began to submit to more primal urges. There was always a struggle with Caleb, he tried to fight the urge in his mind but it never did him any good. His control always slipped out of his grasp as an animal wrestled his body away from. After a few minutes his body would reflect the transformation in his mind, he would look on through the eyes of the beast helpless unable to influence its actions. Just as the physical transformation had begun Caleb's powers went into overdrive, for only a second he felt a mixture of immense pain, incredible power and uncontrollable rage. The pain subsided almost immediately but he knew his bones were breaking and reforming. When the entire event was over Caleb had become what his fans so admirably called him, "The Animal".

He had never appreciated his champion title but it caught on wildfire and it described the thing in Caleb's mind accurately. He was looking at the wall in front of him as his body was trying to move freely but was being held down by his crew, they were trying to place a specialized collar around his neck so he could have some degree of control over what he did and so they could track him easily, last thing they wanted for him to do was attack another champion, even a secondary dose of Nectar floated around inside of it in case it began to wore off during a critical moment.

His arm thrashed around ready to break loose only to be interrupted by a small click of the collar locking around his neck. He could feel a small amount of control return to him as he exited the room and marched over to the ground level door. The door was built extremely sturdy to keep both the champions in and the animals out, that didn't stop the animal from beating on it with claws and fists though. A loud roar came from the red eyed seven foot tall beast with brown fur and torn jeans on. It wasn't patient like Caleb but he was doing his best to keep it under control before the hunt started and that was the hardest thing he had to do.
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Southeast exit of the Arcadia Wall, Ground Level

Tivor stood alone among the crow of Champions. Some, he could tell, were nervous. Fidgeting. Looking down at the ground. These were the new kids, Tivor thought. They were about to learn the number one lesson the Hunts. All weakness would be purged. If Tivor had to credit the system with one thing, it would be that. If you were weak, cowardly, afraid, or nervous you were going to get the living shit beaten out of you by Mother Nature. She took no pity on the weak. At best, you manage to not break your whole body. At worst, you're dead. As a Champion you lived and died by one rule, kill or be killed.

Tivor was not like the weak. He was calm, breathing a comfortable level. He would have liked to have found a team before the first Hunt. Sadly, he hadn't met anyone he would want to go on a Hunt with. Maybe today he find someone, but he doubted it. He would do fine regardless.

Most people were getting checked up by their crew or team. Final preparations before opening day. Tivor had no such help there for him. Such things weren't needed. He would just take his Nectar, go in, get the job done, and repeat. He had no need for a group of babysitters or parents to dote on him.

With a heavy sigh, Tivor reached into his pocket and pulled forth a vial of Nectar. He hated the Nectar, what did and does to him both physically and emotionally. Every season he swore to himself he would stop. Stop taking the Nectar, just stop being a Champion. And yet, every year he would end up back here, minutes away from the first Hunt of the year. Could he hunt without Nectar? Probably. Would he ever hunt without Nectar? Taking a look down at his metal left hand answered the question. Never again, he had told himself, never again.

Tivor took the vial and downed the contents. As he felt the contents enter his system, he cracked his hands together and pumped his arms. It's game time, he thought. He weaved his way through some of the champions until he was standing relatively near to the front of the gate. The one thing you didn't want to be was at the rear of the group. You wasted far too much then simply getting out the gate. He looked over to his right, spotting a team that had also gathered near the gate. He tried to think of something to say, but already the nectar was already slowing down his active mind. He managed to give a nod and say gruffly, "Good luck."


Arcadian Wall, East Gate, Ground level

As always Connor was tense before heading out. The cheering of the crowds helped pump his adrenaline up a bit, still he was waiting for the burning to begin. Soon 20 milligrams of nectar was going to be dumped into his blood stream. Then he'd have to wait for 15 minutes. After that, it'd start to take effect. At which point he was going to start going berserk. he stood up looking at the exit. Breath echoing in his helmet, the roar of the crowds rising above it. He looked around, the cameras were showing everyone, Including him...though he was acutely aware of one fact though, the absence of someone very important. "Hell is Red Menace?! Should be here by now! Is drunk on Vodka again...wait, when is not drunk on vodka?" He paused going over what he just said. He Angrily shook his head, "Damn it...focus...keep focused stay focused...Keep a hold of it all for as long as possible. He'll be here whenever he feels like it. Yes...when he feels like it."

The whole unconsciousness thing after the line had worn it's course, and the fact he was new to the circuit was enough of a reason for him to be paired with another Champion, most weren't willing to deal with a berserker. One Champion was either cold enough or drunk enough to go ahead and do it. The Red Menace, the favorite of the bar crawlers, the lord of the Vodka drinkers, the man of the people if they had a B.A.C of over 0.1. Yes that was his mentor. He was part of the Team dubbed by the people, "Team Vodka." Even though Connor wasn't a drinker, The red menace drank enough for both of them...and then some.

If he showed up in enough time fine, if he didn't he'd just have to a little bit more careful, The Red Menace was never absent in a hunt, very late, probably even VERY drunk, but never absent. He had other matters to be concerned about anyway. He did one last check on his helmet, and body armor, making sure they were as secured as possible. Everything checked out, He looked over to another screen, a picture of champion grabbing the drone camera, shouting something at it. That is what he could be, instead he was the rookie at the bottom of the heap. A lot of people were C. He Was D, with a measly, 37 kills to his name. He needed to change that.

Whatever awaited him beyond that door, wanted him ever champion out there, and everyone in here dead. Here he was to do two things, 1. Kill the monsters, 2. entertain the masses. A small tone rang in his helmet, he held his breath knowing what was going to happen. The nectar drained from one of the vials, he felt a rush of warm liquid seeping into his veins. his breath picked up again, his heart rate already was beginning to feel a bit faster. He had about 5 minutes before the first part of the pain began to seep in. He began to pace back and forth, like an animal in front of gate ready to be let out. He had to work himself up before his muscles started aching. He wasn't called Frenzy for nothing. He muttered to himself, "Come on, come on, come on! Open the gate, let me get out there...COME ON, COME ON, COME ON! LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!"

Katherine "Kat" Ariat

North-West Section of the Wall, Ground Floor~

Kat sat on a cushioned bench in her "prepping" room. The monitors set up in the little lounge like area were all viewing the fans, the reporters with in the crowd, and the scenery of the places her and other Champions would perform in, every now and then. She sat there, legs crossed femininely, a towel around her neck, water bottle in her left hand. "Ooh~ Theyre really pumped today aren't they?!" Bright green eyes stared at the monitors with excitement and anticipation. This was her first hunt on live television, this was big to her. Her crew scrambled to get everything ready for her. Checked and loaded her weapons, made sure the gadgets on her suit were functional, and even checking the suit its self for any tears or rips.

The countdown struck to its "25:00 min. remaining" mark on the bottom right corner of one of the monitors. One crew member checked her blood pressure while the other used a stethoscope to check her breathing,
"Ooh! Thats cold," She squirmed and giggled as the female doctor stuck the metallic stethoscope up her shirt. "Ms. Ariat, you should probably suit up now."

"Huh?" She swiftly glanced to the monitor which went from 25 to 20, she looked back at the crew member,"Yes! You're right!" The small girl jumped up from her seat and walked nonchalantly to her dressing room with a smile, while everyone that worked for her ran around chaotically trying to do everything on time. They brought her the suit, and quickly she changed from her orange jumper with a hoodie, shorts, and cut off sleeves, into a slim fitting suit that clung to her like a glove. She stepped out and another member walked with her to the door,"You have your inhaler?"

"Yes..." she said rather boredly.

"Your guns are loaded and you have extra mags?"

"Yes...." Kat slipped on some gloves that cut off on the knuckles.

"Is your shield charged?"

"Uhh..." She looked at her right fore arm to check the charge,"Yes it is..."

"And you have those extra Nectar viles for emergency?" the woman asking her the questions pushed up her glasses waiting to take notes with a pen and clipboard in hand.

"Yes yes yes! I do!" Katherine turned on her heels impatiently and bent down to slip on her boots that were left by the door.

"Then you're all good to go." She opened the room's door, sunlight flooding in, making the "Shadowcat" bring her arm up to shield her forest green eyes.

"Thank you~!"

"Break a leg Ghost!" a male crew member shouted from some where in the room behind her.

"Yea! Lets break their legs!" She put her hands up and tightened them into fists, that crazy look in her eye accompanied by a big happy grin.

"Thats not what he meant, go have fun out there kid, don't get hurt." The woman ruffled Kat's hair and pushed her out the door.

"Hey!" Kat turned around to complain about the hair touching but hey had already slammed the door in her face. The crowds uproar snapped her into motion and grabbed her attention. She turned to smile at them and wave childishly. She didn't have too many fans, as this was being her first year, but still had some none of the less. Hooked to the belt of her suit were a pair of orange tinted goggles. She grabbed them and slipped them on her head like a head band. They were just for show but made a nice touch against her bright green hair. The crowed went wild as they watched her put on her signature item/accessory . She looked over to them and put two fingers up to the side of her forehead to make a salute, with a cute wink before going to her position.

There she stood, arms crossed and waiting for the mark. A big "GHOST" was embroidered in white across the back of her shoulders on her black suit. She had quite a lot of character and charisma stuffed in her 4'11" body. Her physical make-up was small but didn't look any less womanly than the next girl wearing a skin tight body suit, she still got curves in the right places. Kat turned her head to a big screen behind the crowd "10:46 min. remaining", unaware that the big screen was showing her green-haired self and her Champion stats.
"Aaaaalright...!" she mentally pumped herself and showed it by pushing her fist into the palm of her other hand. Her eye brows furrowed in such a manner that gave her facial expression the look of determination.

Each minute on the countdown felt like an hour. She looked over the horizon, a hand over her eyes to cover them from the sun. In the distance she could see the massive ocean of green from he forest trees, that rippled every now and a gain when the wind blew and the leaves shuddered. Spring had just came in to play, this was apparent by little patches of dirty snow that freckled the ground of the forest tree line. The air was still crisp and cold as well, adding shivers to Kat's body that already trembled with anxiety.
"Hmmm...." her eyes, the same color as the lush forest, narrowed as she wondered about the creatures she couldn't wait to encounter. Putting her hand back to her side she looked around the ground floor for her auburn haired partner. He was a giant when he stood next to her, at almost six feet in height, how could she miss him?

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SE Ground Level Exit of the Arcadian Wall

“Get that camera out of my face.”

The young man happened to be completely dressed as he was supposed to; his suit had been on, though his technology was lying on a table in the middle of the room. Iris had been zipping about, nothing that was particularly unusual for her at any given moment. The cameraman kept a visual on Roy for a little bit longer than he liked, so eventually Roy would reach an arm out to shove the person who had been capturing his visual. Roy was not a very big man; he was five foot seven, and walked around at one hundred and fifty pounds. The man before him must have been double his size in weight alone, so the hand that would be extended toward the man would be caught in a small pocket of fat – barely moving him at all.

This was when Anton got involved, physically forcing the camera to turn. What was the reason what Roy did not want it capturing his actions for the moment? Well, this was a reoccurring theme every week. Roy had to change the bandages on his face and he did not want anyone to see it. There was two people who had ever seen his face without the adornment of bandages. Iris was one, and Anton was the other. For some reason, instead of the usual drone which Roy could snatch from out of the air to get the camera out of his face, he would be force to deal with a person holding what seemed to be the only handheld camera in existence; given the day and age. He did not fully understand why this person was in the room. Had they been short a drone for the week?

When it came down to it, Roy was not an unreasonable person. However, the subject of his face had been touchy ever since he suffered the various slashes which had left them permanently marked. One of the bandages upon his visage had been slightly falling off from the bottom. It had made Roy uncomfortable enough to cause a small spectacle in front of the entire audience belonging to Arcadia. Walking out of the green room momentarily, Roy was handed a new role of medical tape by Anton on his way out. Moving past a couple of camera-clad drones in the hallway, the champion would move to the bathroom before properly applying the appropriate amount of adhesive medical tape to hide his scars. Three strips. Within two minutes, he had been walking back into the green room where Isis had been finally caught by Anton and forced to settle down.

Roy walked over to the table in the middle of the room, grasping his technology. He opened it up, checking to make sure that all connections remained untarnished. One person who had been a part of their crew had reminded Roy that the systems had been completely checked and had been deemed functional, but he did not care. If Roy had not made sure things were in order for himself, then he never would have felt comfortable maneuvering throughout the duration of the hunt. His father had always reminded him that if he wanted things done correctly, that he would have to take initiative to do things for himself. Once he closed up the back of the box-shaped device, he offered the crew member a small verbal gesture of his gratitude.

The same person lifted the small box off of the table. It was the size of a normal backpack. Once it had been placed on the appropriate spot on his back, the technology began interacting with his suit. Framework began building out of all sides which had belonged to the rectangular-shaped invention. It strapped to his limbs in various places; both legs had almost been practically covered along with the radius of his waist. His feet both rested within the frame itself. His wrists and his upper torso would be locked up as well. The gloves which had adorned Roy’s hands had slots on the outside, which plugged into the exoskeleton as well.

Grabbing the cups of his headphones, Roy lifted the item from his neck. As soon as he placed them onto his head, the noise around him canceled out completely with a click of a button. Only two voices would be able to be heard at this point; Anton, who wore a microphone to keep in constant contact with the team, and Iris. The collar which had belonged to the female not only worked as a tracking device, but also had microphone and speaker capabilities. If the two were ever split up given unpredictable terrain, they would be able to keep in constant contact with use of the system that Roy had created. Given the unfortunate event which had happened a season prior, Roy deemed it necessary moving forward that the two be in contact at all times during a hunt.

There was but one vial of the line for Roy. Each hunt, it was all he required. Most of the time, Roy went without using the drug at all to enhance his performance. The only reason he felt that it was proper to keep it on him was due to the fact that his power was almost useless without it. Throughout the community, Roy had been seen as the forerunner for a ‘clean’ way of performing hunts. Roy first became a champion with limited use of the line. Well aware of its addicting nature and its ability to drive users insane, it was enough to keep the young man steering clear of any tendencies leading to prolonged uses. Many champions brought more vials with them into battle, or used some beforehand. Roy used none beforehand and rarely used any during hunts. As a result, all of Roy’s offense relied on his exoskeleton and skills with his weapons. The young champion’s use of the line is debated – some criticize him and believe he is foolish for not taking the route in which is ‘safer’. Others believe he was truly ushering in a new age of fighting with his limited use of Nectar.

Roy did not care either way. He rejected the limelight, just as always. There was but one thing that Roy knew was enough for him to remain safe during his hunts. One vial of the line was enough to induce his Kundalini; the part of his ability which allowed Roy to walk the line teetering on life and death to accomplish the tasks he needed to. Anything permitted when it came to his survival, as well as Iris’.

Iris had mentioned his name, but Roy had not been listening at all. He was too busy mentally hyping himself up to be focused on the attention deficit issues which his partner often faced on an everyday basis. Regardless of how he handled the particular statement offered to him, one thing rang true. Roy loved the girl as though they shared the same blood. More often than not, in the rare occasions that Roy lost himself, she was always there to pull him back. The reason why such a calm and intellectual person in Roy dealt with Isis on an everyday basis was because of the understanding that she had often times arose as his rock – his means of stability. This nonetheless rang true when Roy returned from his hunt after countless hours searching for Iris and underwent a near-catastrophic emotional breakdown when he was told that she was not going to be found.

Of course, that changed. And Roy had never felt more relieved in his life.

Anton walked up to Roy, with the young champion’s weapons in each hand. First, Roy was handed his katana. Tying the sheath of the weapon around his waist, he would position the sword so that the hilt barely poked outside the part of his exoskeleton belonging to the left side of his waist. Once that was fastened in the correct fashion, Roy’s hand would reach to grasp his sniper rifle out of Anton’s grasp. It was a newer model, which had been previously tested by the military of Arcadia as a possible replacement for the standard sniper. It received second place, much to Roy’s delight. He found pleasure in owning such a new toy, which had been a vast upgrade from the sniper which he had kept on him in the previous season. Pressing two fingertips against a small glowing circle upon the frame of the gun, the scope would retract inward and effectively cut the gun’s length in near-half. He placed the sniper onto the small of his back, horizontally, where it would latch onto a spot on the exoskeleton designed just to hold it.

On Anton’s call, the crew would move into full gear. Roy was completely ready, standing at only an inch taller with his exoskeleton intact. First, Iris would move out of the room and would begin walking with Anton and a couple of extra crew members. Roy followed closely behind, with the rest of the crew hovering at the champion’s flank. As they walked through the corridor leading to a staircase, drones provided view for those watching the pre-hunt feed. Roy was not looking excited in the slightest, nor was there even an inch of emotion splashed across his face. He maintained a focused demeanor as he continued forward, avoiding looking at the cameras as the crew eventually began descending what appeared to be a rather elegant stairway. It lead to the basement underneath the green room, which in turn withheld a passageway leading to the entrance of the forest at ground level. Separating the basement from the outside world was a large metal door, which was unlocked electronically. It slowly began opening, parting from the middle prior to separating. The speed moved in complete conjunction with the timer leading to the beginning of the hunt. Meanwhile, multiple cameras continued encircling both Iris and Roy, who had since maintained side-by-side positioning. The announcers, as they did every hunt, would go on to introduce every champion whom had been participating in the hunt. Given that it was the start of a fresh new season, each person or team would get a small introductory. There was one male, and one female.

“Team Stealth Strike consists of up-and-coming champions, Scarlet and Roy. Scarlet has gathered a rather large cult following over the years, given her performance during hunts in addition to her quirky personality. Her main power allows animalistic displays of skill in dishing out monsters. The second half of the coin is Roy, who is known to be subject to various debates regarding his use of Nectar. He virtually uses none, to the point where even close followers of Stealth Strike are unknown of what his primary powers actually consist of. Together, Roy and Scarlet have racked in a little bit over two hundred kills in three years, something which is not seen as a small feat in the community. The two have been practically inseparable, with but one hunt on record for each champion conducted solo. That hunt was the first hunt that both champions ever participated in. It is expected for Stealth Strike to rack up close to a hundred kills on the season. Fans seem to think that it might be even more. One thing is for certain. These two will provide a fast-paced, up-in-your-face style of fighting which is always exciting to watch.”

The small opening provided by the gates had showed a lush forest, both thick and vibrant in color. This was where both Roy and Scarlet found their skills effectively used the most. Anton had just finished up giving the two a pep talk, which consisted of many overused lines on his part. “Keep focused and you two will kill the hunt. Don’t let anything slow you down, keep moving and work off of each other.” It was overused and common, but Roy endured the lecture each and every time without an extra word to offer. They were the same words that motivated the two to work at their full potential from the get-go, so if anyone had respect for the occasional tediously used lines, it was Royce. Anton provided the two with a hand for each of their shoulders before moving from the gate. Immediately after the man did so, Roy’s light blue hues would move to Iris’ direction. A man offered a 'good luck' in their general direction, but Roy did not respond back to it. A small smile broke through as his eyes made contact with those huge, awe-inspiring green orbs.

Then, Roy winked.

“You ready, Kitty?”


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Please keep track of your sanity, if your character took Nectar add the appropriate number to the meter. Don't know what I'm talking about? Check the Mechanics and Note Tab!


here is a comparison chart. If you need to look at this it is also in the Overview tab under Tech vs Power

Relative Strength & Effectiveness

14Hard Level Monsters
11 - Powers with Nectar w/ tech assistSmall pack of Medium Lvl
10 - Powers with NectarMedium Level Monsters
8Easy Level Monsters
7 - Technology not related to powers
5 - Powers without Nectar
2 - Above Average/ Train & Work Out
1 - Average Health Human

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Rick Gramme / "Storn"

SE Gate, ground floor

Rick confidently strolled towards his support team. "Andrew! Good to see you again in the new season." He extended his hand towards the lead technician. "What have you got for me this season?" There was little friendliness in his voice, since their relationship was one of a professional nature.

The greying man grasped the Champion's hand. "I see you've already gotten your dose of Nectar. Good, this season we've gotten a few slight upgrades to your suit, allowing you a 30% increase in strength compared to last season, but you should've already tested this, if I'm right?"

Rick merely nodded, prompting the older man to continue.

"Right, we've also got you better swords, but that should've been tested alongside the suit. Now, the big surprise is this baby right here. Came in yesterday." With those words, he took a harpoon gun out of a nearby crate.

"Now this beauty will pierce the skin of all but the toughest monsters, while it also includes a tracker, as well as a chain so you can tie them down, or tie up their feet, or whatever. You're the one that's supposed to be out there, not me." Rick took the gun and Andrew went back to the suit, checking it for errors and doing last-second maintenance, ensuring it runs at full capacity.

Half an hour later, Rick was making his way towards the South-Eastern gate, having the remainder of the Nectar injected into his bloodstream.

"And here we've got five-year Champion Storn! Storn hasn't got a team, claiming he's more of a solo player. He's certainly shown us that the last years, folks! Storn's mostly known for his showmanship, and he's considered one of the higher tier Champions around. In kills, he's at rank B, with a killcount that's slightly higher than 550. His weapons consist of two swords and since this season, a harpoon gun. He's always pleasantly surprised us, and we hope for this season to be no different. However, there have been rumors of retirement, but there have been no official statements by the Champion himself yet..."

That bothered Storn. He wasn't going to retire anytime soon. He still hadn't killed any truly epic monsters, nor had he done something memorable. He'd just killed a bunch of regular monsters, which weren't even that hard, to be honest.

His suit chose that moment to inject the Nectar into his bloodstream, and he found everything around him to be clearer than ever. He knew that was an illusion, like the bear hanging out at the vending machines. That wasn't a real bear either.

And as the initial focus faded slightly, he only had eyes for the gate. The moment it opened, he would be out there, hunting. He felt his heartbeat quicken, and instinctively knew the moment was near. Soon, the gates would open.
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Xerxes "Phoenix"

SE Canopy Level Exit of the Arcadian Wall

The crowds were flourishing and excited seeing the shows of display with the Champions, one of them putting on a good show of fireworks for a sect of the crowd watching. Roaring cheers were heard by the Champion who tossed his eye-patch into their midst and decided to grab one of the drones to put on a show for everyone. A small girl with green hair and orange tinted goggles apparently a new girl. A subtle rise in rookies this year, much more than last year even however that just means more are to die in the start of this next hunt. There was a certain hush it'd seem over most of the crowd as the hiss of doors could be heard opening to reveal a dashing crimson haired man with the look of annoyance evident on his face.

Suddenly roars shook out within the crowd in excitement as if they were watching a fight with their favored loosing who managed to come out on top. Followed by swarms of drones to get close-ups and face-shots of him recording his every movement, and a good number of the screens went black with a gray snow-like substance falling down into the blackness before landing on a small egg like protrusion. The protrusion started to grow an ember-like orange starting in the center starting to spread out towards the shell followed by a wave of fiery red through it as well eventually the egg ignited in flames and exploded flames enveloping the old image and in place would be Xerxes' shimmering yellow-green eyes staring right into the camera, his head would appear to be bobbing as he began to move forward a chant rolling through the crowd.

"Phoenix. Phoenix. Phoenix. Phoenix. Phoenix. Phoenix. Phoenix. Phoenix. Phoenix. PHOENIX!!" The last time they had said it, it was followed by applaud and cheers then finally the announcer began speaking a small box with his image on the corner of the screens now as the drones continued to follow Xerxes.

"Believe it or not folks it is Phoenix, who was thought to have simply vanished as of last year's hunting season. It appears he is alive and in tip-top shape, Phoenix has gathered a large amount of faithful followers with his snide remarks and fluid dismemberment of most the creatures he has faced. Most would disapprove of this Champion for his low count of monsters for his amount of time as a Champion, but others would disagree! As most of the monsters outside of the wall he chose were dangerous enough to have dispatched a trio of champions prior, most say it's dumb luck, others claim it is the hidden skill that nobody can easily comprehend even if they see it. Seen to ignite a whole section of the jungle on fire with no obvious source. A group believe he has mastered the white flame, others believe it's mastery of atomic movement so that he increases the speed of atoms to a point that they explode causing ignition! All in all we are happy to see his return, what will we with this up close 'n' personal approach those of you love in this years hunt!"

Xerxes was walking with a slight distaste for the drones around himself giving one a glare that swept down in front of him for a close-up then gifted it with a swift uppercut with a hand-spear cleaving clean through the drone before he'd toss it away a few cuts on his hand from the metals and hot energies inside it but it already appeared to be healing and he felt it. He towered well above most of the people guiding him across towards the wall with five minutes left on the time before the first hunt would officially begin. Xerxes checked behind himself for his tomahawk that were sheathed on each shoulder blade so he could bring his arm up to grip the handle and draw it attacking all in one motion for a swift dispatch. He'd feel for his belt next as he walk the roars and voices of others now nonexistent to him as he was mentally in his own sanctuary preparing himself.

Finding a good amount of bullets across it along with a small four-inch black rod on his left side magnetically locked into place so he'd have no chance to loose it. Then finally his hand would up to his head pulling all of his hair back tying it into a ponytail, except for the spare few that weren't drawn back and hung loosely over his brow swaying lightly with the wind and his movement. Just as Xerxes was about to make his way down the passageway a light tap was felt on his shoulder. Turning swiftly a hand drawn back in a hand spear fashion nearly touching his face as if he were going to stab clean through whoever it was, he halted almost as soon as he drew back. Before him stood a girl in her early twenties with silk-like auburn hair and a wonderful array of freckles standing a good few inches below him. He looked down upon the girl who seemed to be shaking in her presence staring up at him.

"M-Mr. Phoenix, always a p-pl-please to see your return bu-b-but you forgot this.." The small star-stricken girl would extend her dainty arms and latched in both of her hands was a Camelbak type bag, and from how high she could lift it along with the shaking in her arms it was obvious the bag was full of water. Xerxes would extend the recently cocked back hand to receive the Camelbak his mood lightening momentarily before he searched the front pouch and found a bag full of beef jerky. He'd look up with a small smirk bringing the bag onto his back by maneuvering his arms into it and making sure the nozzle for drinking was latched safely to the strap. Locking his eyes with the girl he'd then speak.

"Tell them next time I prefer thinner slices and teriyaki.." With a wink Xerxes would then check for the time. 2:02. He'd turn swiftly on his heel afterwards and make his way down the passageway rotating his arms a few times so he'd be able to swing in full rotations without worries of his arms locking up or his swing slowing down. Once he was content he halted and came towards the gate that had slowly started to rise, and as it did so he'd sit down in a criss-cross fashion when he saw another video drone sweeping its way around, encircling him coming in close then back out to get a shot at his back. Which held a red version of his phoenix tattoo on his armor. On the underside of his arms were the words 'Phantom Vigil' displayed in white so if he were to stand arms by his side it'd be read clearly, and he currently had his hands behind himself to hold him up in a bored resting manor so they were very well present. Nobody except for himself and one other knew why that was written there but that was for a later date. Now it was time for the hunt to start and Xerxes to make up for the time he was gone.

Northwest Gate

Elisa nimbly jumped from building to building on her way to the northwest gate. She wanted to avoid attention and warm up a bit before her hunt and this seemed to be an excellent way to do it. As she near flew above the crowds, she looked down upon them all. They were tightly packed and their excitement gave the air a near electric quality. She hated it. It was too loud. Too brash. She missed the peace and quiet she found in the gardens in eximius already. In some not-so-deep primal part of her though, she was just as, if not more excited. She found herself baring her fangs as she scrambled across the roof tops. This hunt was going to be fun. She stopped as she reached the northwest gate, and did a quick mental check. The officiant said her dressing room was on the third floor, third window from the right. She braced her self and adapted some wings. It felt like she had been gut-punched but she was used to it. She took a deep breath, ran to the edge of the building and jumped. Allowing herself to fall for a half second before snapping the wings open and gliding to the window. She hit thew window with a thump and skillfully opened it while hanging onto the small ledge, allowing her to swing herself into her dressing room gracefully. The room was sparse but she happily noticed that all her gear was arrayed on the single piece of furniture, a table. She quickly surveyed everything. Absorption boots were in order, she stomped as hard as she could and felt no recoil. Her armor fit well and moved well. The morph gloves slipped on like a second skin and when she switched to claws it easily morphed with her hands and formed a razor sharp exoskeleton for her new sharp appendages. She switched back to gloves and picked up the climbing gear. The rappel system was a comforting addition to her equipment. She had practiced with it strenuously over the last few months and it was light weight and made a lot of what she did a lot easier when she learned that climbing wasn't it's only use. She remembered the combat practice when she used it. Disarmament and hanging had never been as fun. She gleefully strapped it on her back and made sure that it's auto fire system was interfaced into her gloves. Lastly there were the 3 vials of Necter, she took them without thought or emotion. They were a tool and while most of her wished she didn't her survival instinct said she did, and her instinct had never led her wrong. Then with all equipment on she strode into the building. She spent 10 minutes dodging press until she entered the canopy level, which seemed mostly empty save for her camera droid. She ignored that. She frankly didn't care about having fans anymore. All that mattered was the hunt. She grinned and bared her fangs one last time before the game began. She was going to enjoy this.
Iris “Scarlet”

SE Gate - Ground lvl

Ten minutes. The clock above the door started to count down the final minutes before the hunt. Iris glanced around at the other Champions that had a gathered in the south east exit. She noted quite a few had chosen that exit and sighed heavily they would have to scatter if they wanted to find any decent cover and proceed with stealth. She watched as more showy of the Champions hype up the crowd outside, posing and playing for the droids. Her ears twitched and moved hyper aware of every sound as her emerald eyes quickly scanned and flicked around the large tunnel. A red head entered behind them and she recognized him as the ‘Ogre’ though she fancied him more as Cyclops seeing as he had one normal eye. Then there was Sun, an appropriate name given he was very bright. She noticed one Champion commonly called ‘frenzy’ doing what he did best and working himself up he called to open the gate echoing off the walls but the door stayed shut. The last she noticed was Mr. Invincible one of the older of the gathered group, or at least he looked it.

She noticed him wish her team good luck and gave a toothy grin back “Thanks, you too.”

Five minutes. The echoing of the crowd started to seem more and more distant replaced by the pounding of her own quickening heartbeat. The Nectar was almost in full effect and she could feel it. Reaching into every muscle strengthen them, seeping into her mind sharpening ever sense and heightening her awareness but also her paranoia. Scarlet started to breath quicker as she felt the buzzing of thought in her mind increase tenfold. For everything Necatar did to help her fight she hated how it messed with her head. Her scattered thoughts became more scattered. She Closed her eyes limiting the stimulation “Hunt, fight, kill, protect.” She thought to herself chanting the mantra Anton had forced her to focus on before every hunt. He helped to focus her mind and shift into a predatory state of mind. Her breathing slowed

Hunt, fight, kill, protect. Hunt, fight, kill, protect. Hunt, fight, kill, protect. Hunt, fight, kill…

“You ready, Kitty?”

Protect. Her eyes snapped open looking over to her partner, her life line to what sanity she clung to during the hunts. Her focal point and guide when her mind shifted to an instinctual state. She growled softly and grinned “Ready. I’ll follow your lead.” She replied as she hunched low ready to run. The feral side of her clawing its way out ready to rip through the doors if need be. The locks started to come undone as the last few second ticked past a cool breeze swept through the hall carrying in the earthy sent of nature’s new spring. This only served to further fuel her blood lust as her muscles itched to run.

3… 2 1.. GO!

@Braxnond @TiredWriter

Time to Hunt

Please refer to the information above to gauge the difficulty of your encounters. Under the Lore tab is a list of common monsters that can be found around Arcadia. They will not be right out side the gate. This is call a Hunt for a reason. Champions must venture out and hunt down their monsters. You will control your own Encounters. The only exception is when you see the encounter block. I will be throwing random curve balls at people. This is mostly based on a Die according to who signed up when.

I will be posting time checks ever few pages or so to keep everyone on the same time line and to keep the RP moving.

Have fun and cause some bloodshed!​


SE gate, ground level

Jason cracked his neck, his adrenaline rising as the effects of the Nectar started to hit. There was an omnipresent static in the air, small sparks of electricity arcing from his body to the floor. He had been waiting for this for much too long, the first day of the hunt was where a Champion would make or break that season. This time, he was determined to surpass everyone like he had the year before. He had a reputation to uphold, after all.

As the clock counted steadily down he took several deep breaths, opening up his lungs for the first bolt out of the gate. Luckily he was right up at the front, so he didn't need to be slowed down by the rookies behind him. His eye shifted color, going from a light green to a deep crimson as he changed his vision mode. If he was going to track these things down, infared was the only way to go. Hearing the cutesy interaction between the two near him he rolled his eyes slightly, lifting his sword before slamming the hook deep into the concrete in front of him. The blade stayed in its place as he let go, cracking his knuckles loudly.

"Hey, Leatherface." he called over to Roy, grinning maliciously. "Try not to get any more of those." he motioned to his own face, pointing out the bandages the boy wore. "Any more of those bandages and we'll have to choose a new stage name for ya. 'The Mummy' sounds about right, I think." he teased mercilessly, grabbing his sword as the final countdown started. He normally wasn't this cruel, but seeing as this was the first hunt of the season, he'd take any edge he could get.

As the countdown dropped to zero and the gates flew open, Jason used the sword as an anchor point to suddenly launch himself into the wild, shooting forward at an incredible speed. The blade ripped out of the concrete violently, throwing chunks of rock and rebar behind him. He didn't much care that the other Champions would possibly get hit, he had other things to worry about.

Tearing through the forest he could feel the Nectar doing his job, amplifying his speed and agility. Quickly breaking off from where he figured the others would go he leaped into the trees, dashing through the branches until his infared picked up a noticeable set of footprints. Still slightly warm, and more than enough for him to track.

Jameson Armstrong

Arcadian Wall, East, Upper Levels.


That was what he lived for, what he fought for!


That was what he longed for!

It had been too long since the hunt was active, since he could use his great strength. Now, Jameson Armstrong was ready. He strode boldly forward through the doors of the exam room, his entourage following after him hastily, as he approached the nurses meant to examine him prior to the hunt. He moved near to them, and brought his left arm over his head, his right coming up from below, his curled his fingers into tightly closed fists. He flexed the muscles in his upper body, his clothing releasing a tearing sound in a shriek of protest as his shirt was instantly ripped apart, leaving his overly muscled upper torso exposed to the nurses who took care of his checkups.

"Jameson Armstrong, Reporting for medical checkups! I can already guarantee you that my body is in perfect form! You can tell by the shine and power in these muscles!" He said boldly, his features those of pride and confidence.

The nurses though, they were used to this by now, things such as this were usual in their lives. Jameson was a flamboyant showboat, he was toned and a huge man, the nurses were used to his antics at this point, and they just put up with it as it continued. He switched his stance and changed to a second flex, the left arm curled near his abdomen, his right flexing up towards his shaved forehead. Jameson was not grinning, or frowning, he simply kept a stern look on his face.

He looked at the nurses, awaiting their exam process, however, they waited, staring him down. They all knew how he was, knew to get him sweating in his boots before the proceeded. They watched until he glanced down at them, and frowned, before relaxing with a frown and a surrendering sigh. He concentrated for a moment, allowing his body to calm out of it's power, the Kinetic barrier that constantly wrapped around his body and kept him invulnerable to most outside attacks had lowered itself.

His posture slumped slightly as he readjusted himself to support his own full weight, and the floor beneath him creaked slightly. Jameson took a seat on what he knew would support him, and allow the nurses to look him over, the floor. It was only a few tests, and after a few moments, he was clear for use of Nectar. He rose and bowed to the nurses quietly. Even if he was a show boater, he knew these women had no interest in his antics, so he stood still as his small entourage threw a new shirt over his shoulders and he buttoned himself in. A moment later they brought him the cloak he typically wore to the hunts, followed by the heavy metal gauntlets.

"These weapons... Passed down through the Armstrong Family for Generations from Father to son, incredible dual purpose tools of unparalleled destruction!" He raised his hands high as he spoke, the barrier rebuilding itself rapidly with a slight hum until he was back to his normal appearance, a slight glow emanating from him.

It was only a few moments before he turned towards the doors that led to the gates. The nurses were waiting for him there with the vials of Necter he was allowed. He'd hold off on taking them until he knew he'd need them. He looked down at the vials and frowned slightly. He'd always promised himself, no matter what, he wouldn't go out like his father, Delusional and thinking himself indestructible. He took the first of the vials and slid it into the receptacle in his gauntlet, the other two slid into a holding chamber. The gauntlet was designed for the hunt, it was an injection system that helped bypass his kinetic barrier, which extended to the gauntlets themselves.

Jameson made his way to the gates, and stood at the ready, waiting for them to open, he looked out into the field that was soon to be his hunting grounds and he let out a long, slow, relaxed breath. He let his thoughts clear out of his head and kept his mind focused on the simple process of keeping his barriers as active as he could so that his form would gleam brightly. A sort of sparkling effect rose out of his form, and he literally began to shine back any light cast upon him. His entourage had left him alone and he was now ready for the hunt. Ready for the gates to raise.

Jameson "Strong Arm" Armstrong was ready for the hunt.

SW forest, ground level

As the timer counted down, Roy remained completely still. His gaze had since turned from his teammate, fixated on the outside. It was the same story, each and every time; people would burst through the door running for dear life to find their first kill. With a two hour time limit, Roy thought that there was no point. Aside from that fact, as long as people did not take the same route, things for Stealth Strike would sail smoothly. That was when he heard someone speak who had undoubtedly been standing within Roy’s immediate vicinity.

A ginger, with an eye patch. This was the person who had decided it was a good idea to call Roy out. As the man continued talking, Roy would offer but a momentary gaze which lasted no more than a couple of seconds. The fact of the matter was, the other champion was not the first man whom had attempted to throw him off of his game. Aside from that, it was a petty and downright embarrassing attempt. Such desperation was nothing more than pathetic in the eyes of the Roy.

Besides, telling the young man all the things he knew all ready would not do him any good. Personal problems and the hunt were kept completely separated, just as always. This was his profession; some took it as a game, but Roy considered playing at his highest level a priority. The gates had finally opened after the long wait; Roy remained still as a plethora of champions rushed past, including the one-eyed moron. Watching as he went off, Roy took solace in the understanding that the man would probably end up with less kills than he. Statistics did not lie; the man had been over five years his elder, with undoubtedly a year in experience or more over Roy. He needed Nectar to fight - yet, all he had to his name was fifty extra kills.

Roy was set to double his season average; after a situation such as that, he would have to be sure to do so.

“Let’s move.”

After making sure they were the last ones standing at the southeast gate, Roy would begin running in the one direction that he saw no one adhere to; the far left side. He ran through the outskirts of the forest from the gate, eventually launching himself off of the ground and breaking through a thick wall of leaves. The man’s feet would land upon a thick branch. One hand held onto the trunk, eyes scoping out for even the slightest of movements below him. Roy did not need to do any tracking; he considered it a waste of time. It was too time-consuming to focus all that energy on one kill. More than likely, Roy would be able to chase down a monster he found as he traversed through at a quicker pace than the average idiot looking for Blue’s clues.

Luckily, his exoskeleton was relatively light; the fact that it barely added weight to Roy allowed him to actually move around within his own desired, appropriate scope of range. He did not have to worry about smashing through branches when he jumped onto them, or creating small craters in the ground when he landed from such spots. Contrary to this, the benefits gifted to Roy from the exoskeleton itself was astounding.

About two hundred feet away, was a large lake with a bunch of brush surrounding it. Roy kept absolutely silent, listening to every inch his surroundings had to offer before his eyes caught onto the exact indication he had been looking for.

A couple of the leaves had moved from the brush around the lake. A common area to visit for those who knew enough of the forest to understand that it was the only water source for miles. The monster sniffed about, after just finishing getting its fill of hydration through use of the water. Roy caught onto the sight immediately, and dashed off. Leaping from tree to tree until he got close enough, the man observed the behavior of the Lurchbilge as he continued onward. It had since moved from the small plant, and had begun walking away at its own leisurely pace.

There was no time to waste. Figuring that Iris was close behind, Roy used his continued momentum to leap off of the tree branch – extending all of his extremities in the process. His aiming was precise and his timing happened to be impeccable. The drop from the tree branch to the ground was twenty feet, or otherwise known as no problem at all. With a passive ability like hyper durability, such falls were virtually harmless. Nearing the monster, Roy would tuck both of his arms and legs inward at the last-second so that he could get the best possible drop on the monster. The Lurchbilge, which had spotted him too late, looked up as he was landing.

The young man’s feet crashed into the monster’s back, facing his tail. He was sure to do so, because it was the only part of the monster’s body that was the most utilized under moments of duress, such as when it could not operate the rest of its body. That was exactly the situation at hand for the monster at the moment. The force of Roy’s landing had caused the monster to flatten out onto the ground like a pancake. As he hit the ground with an extremely loud thud, Roy felt and heard some of the bones belonging to the back monster break. Unfortunately, he would not be able to stick around long enough to find out what exactly the wounds were. However, it would be easy to learn within the ensuing couple of moments.

The Lurchbilge let out a blood-curdling roar. Roy, from his crouched position, performed a quick back-flip off of the monster. As his body curved to the mold of the flip, the Lurchbilge’s tail would attempt to stab at the spot where Roy’s midsection had previously been. His feet had barely missed the barb-tipped tail as he turned in mid-air. Roy landed twenty feet away from the monster, staring it down after his graceful landing. Without an extra second to spare, the Lurchbilge would begin running at Roy. This was when he was able to see what bones had broken as a result of Roy’s rough landing. A couple on its side, apparently; at least one bone had been sticking out, presumably a rib. His leg was also slightly damaged, because it certainly was not running at Roy full-speed. His back-right leg was also slightly being dragged.

The monster must not have believed it could land successfully on its legs without hurting itself further, because it did not attempt to jump at him. Instead, when it got close, the Lurchbilge would kill its momentum in attempts to land a swift swipe of its right claw. Its left was still on the ground, along with its back set of claws. This was going to be a much easier first kill than Roy had originally anticipated.

Roy ducked under the right claw, which had whizzed over the young man’s head and missed it by mere inches. As he crouched, his right hand would grasp the hilt of his Katana and rip it from its sheath with incredible force. Such a strike was often used by Roy. The blade traversed through the front-left leg belonging to the Lurchbilge, cutting through most of the meat and bone in the process. After doing so with relative ease, the monster wobbled quite a bit. Its arm had not fully detached quite yet; undoubtedly holding on by its last threads. Roy turned his upper-torso to the right as quickly as he could before sending a rather violent left-roundhouse kick into the injured front leg. It flew out from under the monster, tumbling along the ground as it went.

The Lurchbilge let out another yell, falling to its left side. Spinning the hilt of his blade in his hand so that he was holding the sword in reverse grip, Roy stared at the pathetic monster. Swiping the blade in a crescent shape, Roy allowed his arm to follow through all the way across his own left side. The bottom of the monster’s open jaw would be cut clean off, falling into a leaves below. The monster had now been bleeding profusely through two separate amputations.

After the man had sliced the monster’s bottom-jaw off, the momentum caused Roy’s right arm to swing to the left side of his body. With the blade still being held parallel to his forearm, he would stab the monster with a quick jab to the right. The blade would plunge into the top of the monster’s mouth. When he had finally finished cutting through the tendons, meat, tissue and brains with his swift stab, the tip of his katana would actually pierce the top of the nine-foot tall monster’s head. He quickly retracted his arm, taking a couple of slow steps backwards in response to the heavy flow of blood being released from the Lurchbilge’s head.

Letting out its last breath of air, the monster’s body went limp. Roy stared down at the monster for an extra second, making sure it was dead before he lifted himself back up into the cover of the trees.

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Sunolph gets so excited, he forgets about his partner standing right beside him. He summons light, solidifying it into a long, razor sharp sword like object. He then begins to slowly walk into the woods, trees left and right start being cut directly in half, falling opposite directions of Sun and catching on fire. "Oh monsters... come out come out wherever you are..." his eyes glow a bright crimson, as he continues walking and then he chucks his sword into the nearby bush, the bush instantly catching fire.

Then, he realizes he hadn't checked to see if his partner was behind him, but doesn't bother to slow down or turn around, instead he just simply says
"Hey, don't get to close to me or you might be burned alive... or cut in half." He doesn't wait for a response, and continues. Each time a tree comes down, there is a bright burst of light, and the tree slowly slides off it's base form a clean cut, even though he doesn't have his sun blade like object with him anymore.

Then, Sun finally achieves his goal of why he was cutting down the trees. A pack of Iseags come out, a group of 7, looking clearly annoyed. Sun grins, and he pulls out his specially made pistol, and puts in a new mag.
"Look's like it's time to rock and roll. Any ideas partner?" He finally looks back, waiting for a response, That is, if she's even there. If she isn't, he's going to be in some deep shit.

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(I wasnt getting alerts -o-)

Katherine "Kat" Ariat

"2:00 min. remaining"

It went by so fast. Looking left and right Kat observed as more Champions arrived to their places. Some of them looked really intimidating. She shook her head,'
Youre not here to worry about others....' she reminded herself. Suddenly the crowd grew quiet. Suspense and tension filled the air, and the clock had only 10 seconds left. She looked ahead, taking a deep breath,"Okay here it comes..." She stood a stance, legs a part, arms down on either side. She bounced on her toes, a good mix of excited energy and nervousness coursing her body and settling in her mind. She closed her eyes, dark long lashes only visible,"Just have fun, its a game, dont worry." She said to herself.

Forest orbs open, she quickly looked to her right, watching the big screen with 5 seconds left...

It all felt like slow motion now...

Her head turned to the left, watching her fellow Champions prepping themselves...

4 seconds....

She tore her eyes from the sight of others next to her, blinked with a confident smirk stretching her pink lips and looked ahead, her destination infront of her, just calling her name.

3 seconds.....

Her chest puffed as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes again....

2 seconds....

Her breath released, some hairs being blown out of her face

1 second.....

She stood silent, and focused on her body, drowning out the crowd and their murmurs as they awaited for the release....

0 seconds...

The click of the gate awakened her from her meditation, a determined grin growing across her face. Her eyes shot open and she took off just as the gate swung open.

In the corner of her eye she could see Sun. He was in his own world now, she could tell. She groaned and attempted to catch up to him. He advised hed to stay back as a precaution to knocking down the trees,"Oh great," she muttered. And sure enough, the trees were going down,"Gah!" She evaded them quickly and with ease.

She looked around watching out for anymore trees and didnt realize he had stopped. She looked ahead and skidded to a halt,"Whoa whoa whoa," she bumped into her much larger partner, his presence stopping her momentum. She stumbled backwards,"Oops sorry~" she shrugged innocently. "I was thinking, maybe i shouldve been infront of you so i wouldnt have to worry about those trees and---what...what are you doing?" She stopped mid sentence, her short attention span getting the best of her. She saw him pull out his pistols with a grin on his face,"Why are you---" she bent over to the side to peek behind him,"Oh..." She blinked at the pack of 7 Iseags. Kat smirked as she grabbed hold of the pistols that sat in their holsters, on her lower back, in a criss-crossed fashion. She pulled them out,"I see you got some friends," She giggled sadistically.

"Looks like its time to rock and roll. Any ideas partner?" Sun asked her.

Kat shook her head,"Lets just have fun~!" She threw her arms in the air and gave an innocent smile. She loaded her dual pistols while staring at the jagged-toothed creatures. "Theyre so ugly it hurts," she giggled again.
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Jekyll Wilson

Arcadian Wall, Northern Section, Canopy Level Exit Bay

Jekyll rubbed the side of his face as he watched the clock slowly descend closer and closer towards the time in which the gates would open and he would be allowed to go out and hunt. The Nectar pumped through Jekyll's veins as he started to get more antsy the timer ticking down closer and closer to the final click, the red numbers mocking him with the average paced movements that seemed to make everything seem to go way to slow.

Out of sight, Jekyll was unable to see his nurse helpers move farther away from him as they watched him seethe, one of the more helpful seniors grabbing a hold of the newbie and dragging her off. Jekyll cracked his neck as his heart beat started to beat like a war drum his Nectar laced blood flowing into his body and head. His tongue began to get heavy as the all the stimuli started to weaken his ability to actually make words.

His mouth beginning to feel like he had taken a huge bite of molasses, Jekyll went over to the steel gate that would soon open and let him free, his sight going around the room towards all the other Champions around him. There weren't any that particularly got his attention, none of them being interesting enough for him to really notice them and actually know who they were. He would be the first to admit that the lives of others didn't interest him very much, only the stuff they left lying around that sparkled. Speaking of random lives of others, Jekyll zoned in one the echoes that were still rushing through the dark tunnel the Champions had poured in through.

Jekyll had never really cared for the crowds that cheered for him and the others, but he would be lying if he ever said he didn't love how his fan club would cheer his name out with such exuberance, and even better, when they used his nickname. He loved his nickname, and thought it was the best thing ever. While some might be discouraged or embarrassed by being called anything similar to “Gummi” Jekyll loved it because of the way it made other Champions underestimate him, and he also found it cute. Jekyll was about to go on an inner tirade of how awesome his inner tirade was, when he was stopped as a voice called out his name.

Looking around him, Jekyll was about to go back to it when the voice called out once more. Jekyll jumped at how close it was, before looking down and groaned at the sight before him. The nuisance crossed its arms in annoyance at the gesture and replied, “Yes, well, I'll have you know that keeping you inline isn't the highlight of my day either.”

Jekyll shook his head and replied in a sullen tone, “Yes, Mrs. Whickerbottom. Now, why have you graced me with your presence this close to the hunt."

The nuisance, Mrs. Whickerbottom, smiled with annoyance, “Oh, forgive me for my intrusion, but I think we both know why I came here. Now, take a step back and try to remember anything you might have done wrong in the past hour or so.”

Jekyll crossed his arms in stubbornness, knowing full and well what he was being interrogated for, “I have no idea what you're talking about.” It wasn't like he was going to go out and say it. This entire interaction was getting on his nerves, mostly because it was hard to not slur his words with his heavy tongue, something he did not want to do around Mrs. Whickerbottom. She would never let him forget it.

Mrs. Whickerbottom frowned at the refusal to tell the truth, “Let me refresh your memory, its purple and it doesn't belong to you. Don't make me take you out of the Hunt Jekyll.”

Jekyll frowned, knowing full and well that no Hunt, meant no pay, and if Mrs. Whickerbottom was the decision maker, he would be out of the next Hunt as well, “Alright, alright. You old bat, here.” Slightly bitter towards his nurses, knowing full and well one of the more observant ones snitched, Jekyll pulled out the Hairpin and threw it at the old lady.

Catching it easily, Mrs. Whickerbottom smiled, “Thank you, sweetie. Now, get ready, you only got about a minute before the gates open.” Laughing, more like cackling to Jekyll, his handler walked away with a skip in her step. Well, not really, skipping would probably crack her back and a whole lot of other stuff as well. Now that he thought about it, Jekyll really wanted to see Mrs. Whickerbottom skip.

Turning back around, feeling slightly annoyed at having his time wasted by the old lady, Jekyll turned towards the gate and let his limbs relax, his rubber physiology making it easy for his body to release tension. Cracking his neck, Jekyll got into position for grappling onto the canopy to any kind of landing he was going to see, ignoring the way his pocket felt empty without his spoils of "war". As he waited for the final minutes to tick down, Jekyll thought back to who his Handler actually was.

Mrs. Whickerbottom was, to date, one of the oldest still working Handlers in the system. He had heard stories of how she had smacked away any officials who came by with suggestions of retirement, but he didn't really believe them with full acceptance. Mrs. Whickerbottom was about 5'0” and with the fragile muscles she seemed to have, he had nothing but skepticism for the rumors. Now, he would say that the old bat certainly had a good head on her or something, because there was no other reason for the officials to tolerate an old person like her still holding such a delicate position. He didn't really know how old she was, but from the way she looked, he could easily say she was about 75. His slight respect for the old hag still didn't stop him from insulting her thou-

Jekyll stopped thinking over the particulars of his relation with his Handler as he heard the sound of the door opening. Opening his eyes sharply, Jekyll took off from his little readying crouch and soured through the air as he took the time to gauge his surroundings. Quickly he threw out an arm with experienced ease, his arm extending easily with the Nectar Supplements, and quickly felt his extended hand hit its target, a thick branch.

Jekyll smiled as he swung through the air, his eyes bright and observant as he smiled thinly, his sight skirting back and forth to the different trees that swarmed his surroundings. He found himself floating comfortable in the air, surrounded by the thick jungle canopy he had found himself coming out of. Now that he was surprised, as the Northern side of the wall was always his favorite for the amount of stuff to grapple on to, and, in this part of the Arcadian outskirts the cold wasn't as pronounced as the others were.

Flipping through the air and throwing out another extending arm, Jekyll watched his surroundings as he made his way deeper and deeper into the greenery. He was certainly going to get some kills under his belt this time. Grabbing onto the next branch, Jekyll felt his gelled up hair get buffeted by the air, and felt the air hit his face, bringing its naturally cold temperature to Jekyll's delicate body.

He frowned as he felt his muscles get tempted by the air, their figurative gears getting clogged, before Jekyll moved them around and forced them to warm back up. With the threat of getting to cold with the speed he was moving, Jekyll kept a hold of the branch he was grabbing onto and flipped around it, landing on the branch with ease as his rubber legs adsorbed the reactive force from hitting it to fast.
Redd Shotokhan

Arcadian Wall, East, Ground Level.

A man with an 'Asian', straw, traveler's hat made his way through the crowds towards the cause of the commotion. His body was hidden from view by a black cloak with upturned collar. Behind him was a duo of doctors. One was a brunette with dazzling curves. The other was a blonde who hid her face behind a clipboard of sorts. The information they were looking over was streaming in from some central databank on a screen resting within each hand-held device that they both carried. The clipboards, of course, being the main device in their slue of medical supplies. They brought with them a box full of several kinds of needles and serums. Within a few of these were syringes full of Nectar. Both of the doctors looked quite fatigued as if they had just walked a great distance. Their hair, which they had no doubt taken hours to prepare each morning, was now stuck to their faces and drenched with sweat.

"Listen... I don't-" The blond huffed and puffed. "-Care if... You are new." She wheezed out a few more times as she patted her chest. "I don't ever... want to follow a champion who... Has a workout that... consists of running along rooftops! That's against the law!" She growled and blew a string of hair out from in front of her face only for it to make a wet smack back down where it started.

"He's not going to listen." The brunette chimed in. "He's from... That place. His kind wouldn't know what rules are... Surprised he was even accepted." The brunette seemed to be limping due to a cramp in their leg. Despite both of their complaints, and their winded condition, they eventually made it to the front of the crowd past the barriers set in place to keep the onlookers back.

The final check-ups they did all came up clear. He had no ailments, no dangerous physical abnormalities, and his heart(s) rate was far below normal. Which they had decided was a good thing. The cloaked man slowly removed his cloak during the final checks and showed the crowd standing behind him just who they were meant to keep their eyes on. His red skin flashed in the light as the cloak fell away, leaving a brutally built man at a staggering height of six feet and ten inches tall. A good foot taller than most normal men. His knees bent as he squatted down and began stretching his legs back and forth. His hands clasped together as the robotic drone flew around to the front of him to get a look at his face. Black pupils resting within an almost 'glowing' sea of red stared back into the camera. The whites of his eyes indeed matched his skin, save for being a shade lighter and more vibrant. But his iris seemed to be near non-existent. In truth, they were the same shade but due to this they were hardly noticed by most on a first glance.

The doctors nodded to each other, offering him four Vials of Nectar to be used with his 'syringe-gauntlets'. He took the vials, looking into the camera and dropped all four onto the ground, shattering them and spilling their contents. The crowd behind him went silent for what seemed like hours in comparison to the previous roar they had been flung into by the image of the other champions. But perhaps it was a combination of his bizarre looks and the display of reckless abandonment of Nectar together that sealed the deal and decreed the short moments of silence. It was at this moment that the announcer took it upon himself to announce who this red skinned man was.

"This shocking man before you, folks, is the fighter Redd Shotokhan hailing from Growar. The city of Sin and unrest. Age thirty-three, He applied and completed the requirements to become a champion in just two days. The time that it takes to just get the paperwork through! Going by the name 'Blood-Ogre', it is said this man has fought monsters since he was Thirteen years old. He came to this city to represent the Mu No Ken school of martial arts. Will he be a Devil that haunts these monsters' dreams? Or will he become just another blood spot on the list of losers?" The crowd erupted in mixed roars of cheers and boos. Though the majority of them were definitely not cheers.

Time would tick by with the ebb and flow of cheers, hisses, and chants that crowds do during sporting events. This time was spent in a pose with both fists pressed together by Redd. Seconds before the gate opened, Redd rammed each hand into their respective gauntlets. A Velcro-like tearing sound echoed out as the needles within plunged and tore down into each of his fists. He gripped the gauntlets with a squint of his eyes, looking up as the gate lifted. His right hand went up and gripped his hat to the top of his head as he leaned forwards and took a step forwards. This one leap allowed him to cover at least fifteen feet. His right foot was already prepped to burst backwards and fling himself even harder when it made contact with the ground. And so in a series of nine 'steps', Redd had managed to put on 200 feet between himself and the gate. He was practically flying forwards as he seemed to skip his way towards the open fields. The drone whirred and whined as its mechanics tried desperately to speed up and stay with him.

After twenty minutes, he had made his way out into a wide open space. A field that was encircled by tree line on one side and a mountain on the other. He came to a sudden stop using only two steps to slow his momentum down so he could stand still. His eyes rested upon a herd of Uaccam; Bison like creatures. He placed one hand up in front of himself in an eastern praying manner as he ushered out words that were not heard very often by the ears of those within the city. "Konoyo no subete no shokuzai ni kansha'o komete" His eyes had been closed for this 'chant' as he gave thanks to the world for its food and soon opened to find one of the more territorial of the creatures had already made its way to him in a charge. His right foot sprung forwards as he slammed his heel into the top of the bison's skull, growling and bulging his veins along his neck as he dug his left foot's toes into the ground. The resulting 'Spartan-kick' smashed the bison's head inwards and caused the creature's long neck to skewer backwards inside of its own body, ending its charge; The horn mere inches from his abdomen. "Itadakimasu!!"

He wasted no time in charging towards the others, jumping directly into the large herd of forty creatures and started to deliver crushing chops, axe-kicks, upper-cuts, elbow-strikes, and even a few head-butts against the angry 'cattle' monsters. His movements were a flood of weaves, spins, flips, rolls, and side-steps to avoid their curved horns and head-butts. It was a slaughter. After five minutes, all of the creatures lay dead in a pile. Their blood soaked the ground, leaving it (and Redd) a glistening crimson. Redd, himself, was standing on top of the mound of mutant beef with one arm held upwards and horizontal with the ground and the other downwards with his palm 'pushing' the air under it. His eyes scanned over the forest as he waited for the predators of the forests to take the bait and make their way to him. He knew that in the very least, he could provide a great feast for most in the city. Worst case scenario, he becomes a feast for some great and powerful creature. He looked forward to what fate had in store for him.

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"I agree. However, we should be cautious. These things are dangerous in large packs, and they have a great sense of smell. However... they have horrible eye sight." He pauses, the says "I have an idea, follow my lead, and uh... cover your nose." Sun reaches into his pocket, entering a 5 digit code that then dispenses a grenade. However, this one has a hazard symbol on it. "It's gonna smell like a rotten bitch! Stand back, hopefully it will irritate their sense of smell." He tosses the grenade into the group of monsters, which then explodes releasing a pink cloud of smoke. The Iseags then start sniffing the air, then all start trying to get after the grenade dispensing the smell, either in an attempt to destroy it, or an attempt to have it... Either way, the diversion works according to Sun's plan. "Alright, let's rock em and sock em!" He then clicks a button in the top of the trigger hole, which moves the suppressor from it's place on the front of the pistol, and attaches to the top, then forming into a zoomed sight.


Northwest gate to field.

Elisa waited patiently for the clock to to tick down and slowly made her way to the front of the gate ending with a short running distance for a quick running start into the canopy. When the clock ticked 30 seconds she felt the nectar kick in, filling her system with pulse pounding power and excitement for the hunt. As the lines spread through her veins she changed as well. Her ears grew furry and wolf like, pointing up over her tied back hair. Her hands grew into razor sharp talons, covered and strengthened by her gloves. She sprouted coppery wings and felt her hair lighten as it turned feathery and adopted the same copper as her wings. As the timer continued to run down she bent down and got into a sprinters position, feeling her eyes sharpen and focus catching on the running timer.


She tensed her body and felt her feet dig even deeper in the floor.


She took a deep focusing breath.


She began to sprint towards the exit before it could even begin to open.


She flew out of the gate in a flash of feathers and fur and landed in a nearby tree for a split second before beginning to traverse the forest, jumping from treetop to treetop with purpose. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the camera droid vainly trying to keep up with her but as far as she could tell, it was probably only getting the briefest of glimpses of her before she vanished under the canopy. Eventually, she reached the tallest tree she could find and climbed to the top. She landed silently and swung up to the top branch with catlike grace.She extended a hand and waited for a minute. Eventually a bloodwing lighted upon and it began to chatter at her. A llurchbilge was close by, the rest of the flock was distracting it now. She grinned and flew out of the tree. After some more racing through the treetops, she landed silently in front of the lurchbilge. She observed it for a moment and readied her line. She had developed a very specific way to deal with them. The biggest threat was the tail, so she dealt with it first. With an effortless shot, she stuck a hook on a nearby boulder. The monster heard the sound and in its rage, immediately charged towards the sound. Elisa smiled at the monster as he charged towards her line. At the last moment she tightened it and the front heavy beast hit it with both legs flipping the beast over on its back. Not waiting a second she braced herself against the tree and launched herself out, claws extended. She smashed on the ground. Happily feeling the scorpion tail come off as she did and enjoying the feeling of the splattered blood landing on her face. Not waiting a moment to not be cut open by a truly ridiculous amount of claws she jumped with a massive up stroke of her wings, landing in a nearby tree and stilling her heartbeat and movements. She smiled though. The hunt had really begun, and she would drive the now slowly rising beast to the ground many more times.

Arcadian Wall, East Gate, Ground level

"Boris. Like, what the fuck?" Jessica said through Boris' earpiece "Like, that guy is sooo dead. Check for a pulse?"

"Eh, he is fine," Boris replied, downing the remainder of the vodka in his glass. He made his way to the exit before people could react, not that they would, considering their prospective target. Boris was... well, the name 'Boris' sums it up nicely: Have you ever heard of a guy named Boris that you would mess with?

The audible sigh in Boris' ear conveyed complete resignation. "At least get to the East Gate, like, ASAP, Connor has been waiting for ten seconds already and by the time you make it there he might, I dunno, eat someone. Or something. Just go."

Boris grunted "Da, mem," in acknowledgement and made his way onto the sidewalk. "Where is--" He was interrupted by Chad honking a bike horn as he rode up on a hovercycle. "Spasibo, Chad."

"No problemo, dude, just keep it trim, you're already wayy late, brah." Chad said as he hopped off the bike, tossing Boris a helmet "Go shred it out there, Bro-ris!"

"I always do," Boris said as he rode away. His weaving through traffic, both pedestrian and automobile, did not go unnoticed, but everyone was in such a rush to get to their modes of viewing the Hunt that nobody even bothered to shout. So Boris' ride's silence was punctuated only when he sped up enough for the humming of the engine to pierce his thoughts. His thoughts were muddled by the Vodka, but not enough to keep him from worrying about his new protege. Not worry for his well-being, no, worry that he wouldn't ever shut up. Connor meant well, and could bench press a building, but his masseter was the muscle that kept moving his motor-mouth. As Boris rode up to the East Gate, he saw the boy literally shaking in anticipation. Boris parked and locked the bike, arriving at the gate with seconds to spare. "Ready, malysh?" Boris chuckled as he slipped into his combat gear that attendants had ready. He tested his suit, changing his cells to the color of the wall and activating his outfit's optical camo so that only a faint distortion and a shadow remained where the man-giant stood. He switched it off to conserve the charge and stood at the gate beside his protege. Most of the other Champions would be sprinting out the gate as fast as possible, eager to get their kills in for the allotted time. Boris was sometimes called the Boulder for a reason: He was hard to get moving, but damn, could he do some damage when at full tilt.




"Poshli, let's do this."

(@Der Kojote)
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