Totally human, I swear!
I just got a possibly peculiar idea for a method of roleplay development.
Basically, a group of rpers will converge with these following conditions in mind:
Does anybody have any commentary on this, perhaps of considerations I might have missed?
Basically, a group of rpers will converge with these following conditions in mind:
- A set of rules is posted, known to everyone. These rules are applicable to a wide variety of genres, and none are genre-specific. They are mainly to be sure that everyone is on agreement with:
- Style, length, and formatting
- Whether the ooc or any other part of the rp will be offsite
- The conduct and attitude expected of the roleplayers out of character
- The general tone of the rp
- Any sensitive content and how it will be handled
- How many characters each rper will make at minimum and maximum
- Pretty much just stuff regarding the rp's procedures
- Only the host, and maybe one other person they choose as an assistant, will know what characters have been submitted until initial character development is finished. Characters may only be rejected if their sheets indicate a breakage of the rules or if names are duplicated, rather than anything to do with worldbuilding or character compatibility.
- A small portion of the initial applicants, possibly excluding the host and their character review assistant, collaborate to worldbuild for the rp's main setting. This group may or may not know what characters everybody else has submitted.
- Optional- a different, slightly smaller group picks essential elements for the rp's plot. These people also may or may not know everyone else's characters.
- The host reviews all, with some vetoing power.
- Once the main setting (and/or plot) is developed, everybody's characters are revealed publicly.
- People may do even more plotting and character making, this time everyone knows everything; Or just skip this step.
- The actual rp commences with the characters beginning the rp unaltered.
- Depending on the rp's initial rules, more characters may be made.
Does anybody have any commentary on this, perhaps of considerations I might have missed?