Bleach Role Play


Ángel Caído
This is a story of my character Usanki Kishimoto and her life in Karakura town. Please post or message if you are interested in this rp.:lick:
((If this is Bleach as in the anime, the moderators will end up moving it to "fandom"))
(Thanks, lol)

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Well I was hoping for replies but I'll start it out.) The black and white haired teenage girl groaned as her alarm clark started beeping and slammed her hand down on top of it silencing it. She sat and up and got out of bed rubbing her bright green eyes. She went to the bathroom and did her business and showered. Drying off she got dressed in her school uniform.
((I would join but I know next to nothing about the series, since I stopped watching after like episode 10 lol. But sometimes it takes a few days just to get replies, so don't get discouraged.))
(oh thnx, and it's no problem I'm just tired of not getting to do rp's when I have the time)
if this thing is serious, i would love to join this since i am SUPER up to date with the bleach series.
yeah this is serious and that's great that you're updated on Bleach but I'm starting it back by like the arrancars so that people who aren't as caught up can know what's going on.
Digimaster..... in my opinion and it may differ to the lead of this thread, but in your sign up, if you do not have it, just leave it out. it tends to just clutter the sheet and you never know. you might not want hollowfication. and with your attack, can you describe it a little better then 'energy attacks'. this is pretty vague. is your ability much like chads? does your character gain anything when using your ability? Be descriptive. it helps alot in the long run. sorry to rant, i dont want it to seem like i am bossing anyone around. just giving some input.
ok...hollowfication is cliche I agree but if thats his character it's what it is. And Digmaster something more specific then energy attacks would be appreciated, specifically what kind of energy attack is it? Now if you have any more questions please mesaage me but otherwise , can we get this rp started?
I am sorry. i just tried to clean up his sheet. but as for my character, i am making it when i am off work and are about 90% done with it. just trying to get my zanpakutou written out. other then that, i think it should be ok.
Name: Riyoshi Nihoma

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Shinigami

Station: Kurakuratown-Soul society

Personality: Riyoshi is not very strict when it comes to the rules and guidelines. He thinks of them as rough boundaries and tries to find a way around them. If his superiors give him an order, he will follow it like a good soldier but the entire time he is doing so, he would be thinking of what fun things he could have been doing. In a fight, Riyoshi seems to take on another personality all together. Instead of being the goofy person among his friends, he turns into a blood thirsty, cold hearted, killing machine. He will destroy his enemy without hesitation, and without mercy. Some say that it is his zanpakutou leaking and corrupting his soul. But no one knows for sure.



Name: Suzaku

Release phrase: Awaken, Suzaku.

Shikai appearance:

Bankai appearance:
Alright I'll repost min.

Name: Usunaki Kishimoto


Species: Half human-shinigami

Lives in: Karakura Town

Personality: Fun loving and likes to relax. She is very creative and likes to be alone, but craves company to be around...quietly at least. When she fights she is direct and to the point although tends to be a bit of a snarky and sarcastic person just like in regular life.Her father is Gin and she hates him because she thought he was dead.

Appearance: Ass length white and black striped hair. She has sweeping bangs that she died purple. Her eyes are bright green and she's built like Matsumoto but her boobs are about three sizes smaller.


Name: HiMizu

Release Phrase: Dream HiMizu

Shikai: Zanpaktou splits in two and the original purple ribbon from the sealed form splits as well turning into braided fire and braided ice and water on their respective katana.

Bankai: The ribbons from shikai detach and wind up her arm as her katanas widen out as it goes branching out into flame like ends. Her face is covered by a purple mask and she has a purple circlet with a jewel in the middle of her forhead.
Name: Jing Mizumori

Age: 25

Species: Shinigami

Lives in: Wanderer

Personality: Serious, warrior type

Appearance:tall blue hair, green eyes


name: Relentless Earth

Release Phrase: Pound them into Dust

Shikai: An average size katana with a rusted blade and a green square blade guard, the hilt is wrapped with a white fabric,once the relsease phrase is spoken the blade crumbles into pieces and fall into the ground. Thus it gives the user the ability to control the ground around the user.

Bankai: The ground shift an creates a blade made of diamonds that not only can cut through steel, but can create green life such as plants.

Bankai Appearance: A long katana with a black hilt, a golden square blade guard and a blade constructed of shinning diamonds.

(OOc: I was seeing if perphaps youd like to work with me, i just made a soul society topic before i saw you had one. Its about soul society's captains are retired so new recruits and placed into a whole new organization of captains. We could work together on story lines etc)
Okay I'm sold. I roars totally want to join.

Name: Minato Shadowheart

Age: 17


Lives in: Twlight Town

Personality: Dark.

Appearince: Long black hair that is about shoulder length. He has dark blue eyes and wears black cloths.


Name: Amatrasu

Release phrase: Scortch this very earth!

Shikai: a large buster sword at first. Once the phrase is said the sword changes into a long sword and lights on black fire. Giving it's holder the power to control fire.

Bonkai: the sword changes into a long black Karens and becomes as hot as the sun.
Name: Amaterasu Enkou-shinzui

Age: 17

Species: Zanpakutuo

Lives in: Minato's sword

Personality: sadistic and twisted

Appearince: jet black hair down his back and a flame red streak on the right side wears a black cloak with red flames at the bottom

Zanpakutuo: can wield him self in sword form with same rules as Minato's sword
Kishi was waking up to the sound of her alarm clock her waist length long hair disheveled. Slowly blinking open her green eyes she sighed, 'Ugh I hate Mondays so much.' She groaned and rolled out of bed and starting getting reading for school.
Stepping out of the senkai gate, Riyoshi took in a deep breath and thought to himself for a minute.

So this is the town that i am supposed to watch over. Riyoshi thought as he placed his hand upon his zanpakutou.

Just as he finished his thought, his phone started to blow up with alerts. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone and opened it up. As he looked upon the screen, he seen multiple attack points.

They are attacking multiple points? Riyoshi thought to himself as he flash stepped from his location to the first attack point above kurakura town harbor.
Minato woke up to the sound of his phone going off. "Ugh what now?" he asked opening his phone. He saw that it was time for his first assignment. 'Go undercover as a student in kurakura highschool.' Minato groaned. "Fine under cover it is" he said putting on his black hoodie. He flash stepped to the school.

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