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Fandom Bleach: Endless Abyss [IC]


The Mortal God






Peace, it's a funny thing...how everyone longed for peace and yet when it finally came they found themselves doing little in their lives, training for a yet unknown enemy or simply enjoying the time where there was no conflict. However some Shinigami couldn't live like this, their lives revolved around fighting powerful enemies that threatened the Balance between the worlds. Thus some Shinigami have been longing for an enemy to come along to upset the balance, something to challenge them! Fighting and Capturing petty criminals was not that exciting, especially for those Shinigami that possessed great power. However the Shinigami would soon get something that would upset the balance of the worlds, perhaps it'd be more than they expected...all things said...peace wouldn't last...not for long...

This day would start out like any other, the sun was shining, the skies were blue with little to no clouds in the sky and the Shinigami were all going about their daily duties. The Head Captain himself was debating on whether or not to call a meeting for the Captains & Lieutenants but with so little happening it seemed like a waste of time. These were dull days for some, whilst others took the time to enjoy the peace there had been over the past few decades. Although time moved seemingly fast, it was a drag...when you can live for several hundred years, maybe even thousands, a decade seemed like so little yet in that moment, it seemed like eternity. So this story begins in a time of peace, like many other stories...and yet, the enemies that awaited the Gotei 13 in the not so distant future would turn this story into a nightmare in which the Shinigami would do what they've done for many, many years...fight to maintain the balance of the worlds and bring about peace...that one word, that one thing...that would always come back...or would it?
"KAIZO! Come out here and accept this challenge you little shit!" Kenichi yelled, standing outside Squad Eight's door. The shinigami guarding the door seemed genuinely frightened, not knowing how to reacted to the Kenpachi of their generation brazenly challenging their captain. They trembled slightly, holding their spears half way up. "K-Kenpachi san...W-we cannot allow you to.." One of them sputtered out. Kenichi shot them one friendly smile, that was filled with bloodlust, and said "Well, aren't you a brave one. Telling me what I can and cannot do..." In a flash, he was no longer standing where he once was. Instead, he appeared behind the brave, nameless shinigami. His right hand was placed on his shoulder, palm facing the sky as he said "Tell me, do you feel like you have any sort of control of the situation?..." As his voice trailed off, he disappeared once more, and reappeared where he once stood, as if he hadn't moved at all. Smiling, he called out once more "Kaizo! Come and recognize this brave one here! He told me I cannot do something! You should promote his ass to a higher seat!" Clearing his throat slightly, he took out a flask, took a swig from it and put it back in his sleeve pocket. 

Yes, he was drinking sake in the middle of the day, what of it?...

In any case, he took a seat on the ground in front of the barrack matter-of-factly, and waited for the captain to come out...
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"KAIZO! Come out here and accept this challenge you little shit!" Kenichi yelled, standing outside Squad Eight's door. The shinigami guarding the door seemed genuinely frightened, not knowing how to reacted to the Kenpachi of their generation brazenly challenging their captain. They trembled slightly, holding their spears half way up. "K-Kenpachi san...W-we cannot allow you to.." One of them sputtered out. Kenichi shot them one friendly smile, that was filled with bloodlust, and said "Well, aren't you a brave one. Telling me what I can and cannot do..." In a flash, he was no longer standing where he once was. Instead, he appeared behind the brave, nameless shinigami. His right hand was placed on his shoulder, palm facing the sky as he said "Tell me, do you feel like you have any sort of control of the situation?..." As his voice trailed off, he disappeared once more, and reappeared where he once stood, as if he hadn't moved at all. Smiling, he called out once more "Kaizo! Come and recognize this brave one here! He told me I cannot do something! You should promote his ass to a higher seat!" Clearing his throat slightly, he took out a flask, took a swig from it and put it back in his sleeve pocket. 

Yes, he was drinking sake in the middle of the day, what of it?...

In any case, he took a seat on the ground in front of the barrack matter-of-factly, and waited for the captain to come out...

Takeshi Shiro

Takeshi was doing what he did best...laze around. He was in his Squads courtyard taking a nap in the sun when he was awoken by someone shouting, this made Takeshi's eye slowly creek open as he rubbed it with his left hand and sat up, then proceeding to yawn and speak to himself "The hell is going on now?" Takeshi made his way to his feet and walked over to the location of the noise when he heard faintly "Kaizo! Come.......this.....brave one here!" then some other stuff, it all sounded a little dodgy to him, but who the hell would come to Squad 8 asking for Kaizo? Well as soon as Takeshi finally made his way to the gates of his Squad barracks, pushing one of them open just enough to see the Squad 11 Captain sitting on the floor drinking. Takeshi looked at the man lazily and blinked as he then rubbed the back of his head with his right hand and yawned before speaking "You the one asking for Kaizo? Cause I figured you'd know by now that this is Squad 8" he said pointing to the Squad 8 number on the gates as he continued to speak "And that he's the Squad 7 Captain...I don't mean to be rude an all but...can you not read or anything?...then again" Takeshi glanced at the Sake before continuing to speak "Maybe that's affecting your eye sight a little..."
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Arina let out a slight grunt as she she was forced face down into the concrete of the warehouse, Zagi's foot firmly pressing down in between her shoulder blades. Her blue eyes glanced up at her Fourth Seat, Settan was restrained by Kin with a blade to his throat. A blood curdling cackle echoed off the walls of the room as he stabbed his Zanpakuto straight down into the floor, piercing Arina's shoulder.

One of Zagi's goons had managed to restrain the Fifth Seat Ichirou by this stage and had thrown him on the ground beside Arina. His eyes widened slightly as he landed in what seemed to be a pool of Arina's blood.

"You know... I was really hoping it would be Kuchki who came for me... but I suppose you'll do," his voice was chipper as he twisted his blade in a circular motion, causing Arina's wound to widen and gush blood. She winced slightly and mentally cursed her Captain for sending her on a recon mission.

"You know," Arina mused through gritted teeth, "When you were kicked from Division Twelve, I didn't think you'd take it this bad... it's kind of pathetic really. You're like a sulking chi-"

A sickening crack cut her off as all the air was forced from her lungs, a shooting pain running through her ribs. She would have yelled from the pain, but she was too busy trying to catch her breath. A groan replaced words, and she was only sent into more pain as Zagi stepped off and kicked her square in the side, all the while laughing.

Settan tensed up and his charcoal eyes darkened slightly as Zagi burst out with laughter once more, he glanced down at Arina who was clearly in pain. With a calming breath, he made his move. It was almost too fast for the rogue Fifth Seat to see as Settans hand gripped his with a strength he didn't even know the man had. In an instant, Kin's sword had been ripped away from Settans throat, and the Division Seven Fourth Seat had spun the rogue around, pulling out his Zanpakuto in a swift movement and lodging it into the mans abdomen and shoving the tip up, through the body, exiting out the back of his neck.

Once all life had left Kin's eyes, Settan carelessly discarded the body, allowing it to drop to the ground. Zagi's laughter echoed through the room once again as Settan's eyes landed on the deranged man who seemed to be twitching with... excitement?

"Oh, Settan... that was perfect!" his laugh still hadn't subsided, "But I wouldn't get too excited,"

Settan's eyes followed Zagi's down to the Fifth Seat who was now lying on his back, with Zagi's blade resting on the side of his neck. Ichirou's eyes were wide and his face was twisted with horror. He would probably be begging for his life if the wasn't frozen with fear.

"I'd be watching your step, Fourth Seat. You wouldn't want to lose a friend over this, would you?"

Settan's gaze narrowed slightly, and as he moved to stand down Zagi's lips twisted into a demented smirk. The Zanpakuo sliced through Ichirou's neck and the blade was pointed at Settan before either he or Arina could realise what had happened. There was a strange gurgling sound and a sudden struggle as Ichirou tried to pull himself up, then nothing as his body crashed back to the gorund.

Arina had managed to stand by this strange, half of her body was drenched in the blood from from the new hole in her shoulder.

"Bend and Shift...Meikai Kumori"

There was a blast of light as her sword transformed into a rather large scythe. This made Zagi's grin widen as he pointed his sword at her, the blood dripping down the blade and onto his hands.

A small smirk crossed the Lieutenants features as she swung the weapon in an upwards motion, "Collude without ends; through will I grant you form... Akuma Mori."

The ribbons of her scythe turned into tendrils of shadow, and as they were flung up into the air, the tendrils morphed into four lances. Zagi's laugh grew louder as she slashed her Zanpakuto downwards, hurtling the lances towards Zagi and his goon.

The rogue Shinigami dodged them easily, but his comrade however, was not so lucky.

"Now we're talking!" Zagi's voice was full of anticipation as he advanced on her, his blade meeting hers as she pulled her scythe up to block his oncoming attack. There was a series of swings and clashes between the two, and as they clashed once more, Zagi laughed again, "Oh, this is living!"

Then there was blood. A lot of it.

Arina's face was sprayed with the blood of her opponent as Settan stabbed the man from behind. It was a rather anticlimactic death, as Zagi simply fell to the ground.

Arina tilted her head slightly at the body of the rogue Third Seat and then looked up to Settan with a blunt stare, "That was a cheap shot."

The Fourth Seat simply shrugged, "Wasn't it you who taught me that there were no cheap shots in a fight?"

She didn't reply, she only sighed slightly and moved towards the dead body of their Fifth Seat, "Captain Tataki is gonna be mad, that's the sixth Fifth Seat we've had this year."

Arina scoffed, and placed her newly sealed Zanpakuto in its sheath, "Do you even know our Captain? Besides, we wouldn't have had to fight if the idiot hadn't blown our cover."

She glanced back at Settan for a moment, "Well, I'll leave you here to clean up this mess... gotta report and all..."

Settan glared at her, but before he could say anything, she had shunpo'd away, leaving him to do everything.

"That bitch."


She wasn't sure how much blood she'd lost, but it was about midday, and Arina had managed to pull the obi from her kimono off her waist and tie it around the wound Zagi had given her. Although most of her clothes were drenched in blood, and she was leaving the occasional bloody footprint behind, she was all but sure she had contained the bleeding.

She was now back in the Seireitei, and heading towards the Division Seven barracks to report to her Captain. That was until she heard the drunken yelling coming from the Division Eight barracks... Something about Kaizo coming...


With a small sigh, she made her way to the source of the noise, only to find the irritated 8th Captain, lecturing the 11th. A polite smile found her features as she neared the two.

"Captain Kenpachi, sir," she mused, hoping to draw his attention, "I'm headed to the Division Seven barracks now if you'd like me to show you the way..."

She gave a closed eyed smile, before gesturing towards her destination.
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Takeshi Shiro

Takeshi was doing what he did best...laze around. He was in his Squads courtyard taking a nap in the sun when he was awoken by someone shouting, this made Takeshi's eye slowly creek open as he rubbed it with his left hand and sat up, then proceeding to yawn and speak to himself "The hell is going on now?" Takeshi made his way to his feet and walked over to the location of the noise when he heard faintly "Kaizo! Come.......this.....brave one here!" then some other stuff, it all sounded a little dodgy to him, but who the hell would come to Squad 8 asking for Kaizo? Well as soon as Takeshi finally made his way to the gates of his Squad barracks, pushing one of them open just enough to see the Squad 11 Captain sitting on the floor drinking. Takeshi looked at the man lazily and blinked as he then rubbed the back of his head with his right hand and yawned before speaking "You the one asking for Kaizo? Cause I figured you'd know by now that this is Squad 8" he said pointing to the Squad 8 number on the gates as he continued to speak "And that he's the Squad 7 Captain...I don't mean to be rude an all but...can you not read or anything?...then again" Takeshi glanced at the Sake before continuing to speak "Maybe that's affecting your eye sight a little..."

Arina let out a slight grunt as she she was forced face down into the concrete of the warehouse, Zagi's food firmly pressing down in between her shoulder blades. Her blue eyes glanced up at her Fourth Seat, Settan was restrained by one of Zagi's goons with a blade to his throat. A blood curdling cackle echoed off the walls of the room as he stabbed his Zanpakuto straight down into the floor, piercing Arina's shoulder.

Kin had managed to restrain the Fifth Seat Ichirou by this stage and had thrown him on the ground beside Arina. His eyes widened slightly as he landed in what seemed to be a pool of Arina's blood.

"You know... I was really hoping it would be Kuchki who came for me... but I suppose you'll do," his voice was chipper as he twisted his blade in a circular motion, causing Arina's wound to widen and gush blood. She winced slightly and mentally cursed her Captain for sending her on a recon mission.

"You know," Arina mused through gritted teeth, "When you were kicked from Division Twelve, I didn't think you'd take it this bad... it's kind of pathetic really. You're like a sulking chi-"

A sickening crack cut her off as all the air was forced from her lungs, a shooting pain running through her ribs. She would have yelled from the pain, but she was too busy trying to catch her breath. A groan replaced words, and she was only sent into more pain as Zagi stepped off and kicked her square in the side, all the while laughing.

Settan tensed up and his charcoal eyes darkened slightly as Zagi burst out with laughter once more, he glanced down at Arina who was clearly in pain. With a calming breath, he made his move. It was almost too fast for the rogue Fifth Seat to see as Settans hand gripped his with a strength he didn't even know the man had. In an instant, Kin's sword had been ripped away from Settans throat, and the Division Seven Fourth Seat had spun the rogue around, pulling out his Zanpakuto in a swift movement and lodging it into the mans abdomen and shoving the tip up, through the body, exiting out the back of his neck.

Once all life had left Kin's eyes, Settan carelessly discarded the body, allowing it to drop to the ground. Zagi's laughter echoed through the room once again as Settan's eyes landed on the deranged man who seemed to be twitching with... excitement?

"Oh, Settan... that was perfect!" his laugh still hadn't subsided, "But I wouldn't get too excited,"

Settan's eyes followed Zagi's down to the Fifth Seat who was now lying on his back, with Zagi's blade resting on the side of his neck. Ichirou's eyes were wide and his face was twisted with horror. He would probably be begging for his life if the wasn't frozen with fear.

"I'd be watching your step, Fourth Seat. You wouldn't want to lose a friend over this, would you?"

Settan's gaze narrowed slightly, and as he moved to stand down Zagi's lips twisted into a demented smirk. The Zanpakuo sliced through Ichirou's neck and the blade was pointed at Settan before either he or Arina could realise what had happened. There was a strange gurgling sound and a sudden struggle as Ichirou tried to pull himself up, then nothing as his body crashed back to the gorund.

Arina had managed to stand by this strange, half of her body was drenched in the blood from from the new hole in her shoulder.

"Bend and Shift...Meikai Kumori"

There was a blast of light as her sword transformed into a rather large scythe. This made Zagi's grin widen as he pointed his sword at her, the blood dripping down the blade and onto his hands.

A small smirk crossed the Lieutenants features as she swung the weapon in an upwards motion, "Collude without ends; through will I grant you form... Akuma Mori."

The ribbons of her scythe turned into tendrils of shadow, and as they were flung up into the air, the tendrils morphed into four lances. Zagi's laugh grew louder as she slashed her Zanpakuto downwards, hurtling the lances towards Zagi and his goon.

The rogue Shinigami dodged them easily, but his comrade however, was not so lucky.

"Now we're talking!" Zagi's voice was full of anticipation as he advanced on her, his blade meeting hers as she pulled her scythe up to block his oncoming attack. There was a series of swings and clashes between the two, and as they clashed once more, Zagi laughed again, "Oh, this is living!"

Then there was blood. A lot of it.

Arina's face was sprayed with the blood of her opponent as Settan stabbed the man from behind. It was a rather anticlimactic death, as Zagi simply fell to the ground.

Arina tilted her head slightly at the body of the rogue Third Seat and then looked up to Settan with a blunt stare, "That was a cheap shot."

The Fourth Seat simply shrugged, "Wasn't it you who taught me that there were no cheap shots in a fight?"

She didn't reply, she only sighed slightly and moved towards the dead body of their Fifth Seat, "Captain Tataki is gonna be mad, that's the sixth Fifth Seat we've had this year."

Arina scoffed, and placed her newly sealed Zanpakuto in its sheath, "Do you even know our Captain? Besides, we wouldn't have had to fight if the idiot hadn't blown our cover."

She glanced back at Settan for a moment, "Well, I'll leave you here to clean up this mess... gotta report and all..."

Settan glared at her, but before he could say anything, she had shunpo'd away, leaving him to do everything.

"That bitch."


She wasn't sure how much blood she'd lost, but it was about midday, and Arina had managed to pull the obi from her kimono off her waist and tie it around the wound Zagi had given her. Although most of her clothes were drenched in blood, and she was leaving the occasional bloody footprint behind, she was all but sure she had contained the bleeding.

She was now back in the Seireitei, and heading towards the Division Seven barracks to report to her Captain. That was until she heard the drunken yelling coming from the Division Eight barracks... Something about Kaizo coming...


With a small sigh, she made her way to the source of the noise, only to find the irritated 8th Captain, lecturing the 11th. A polite smile found her features as she neared the two.

"Captain Kenpachi, sir," she mused, hoping to draw his attention, "I'm headed to the Division Seven barracks now if you'd like me to show you the way..."

She gave a closed eyed smile, before gesturing towards her destination.

Looking towards the door, he realized what he had done. "No. This is not affecting my eyesight. In fact, my eyesight is perfectly fine. You're Captain Shiro of Squad Eight, and this is indeed Squad Eight..." He got up and dusted himself off quickly. Sensing another soul nearby, he took one quick glance in that direction and saw the lieutenant of Squad Seven coming their way. He has always been fond of her, even if she doesn't seem completely genuine all the time. "Captain Shiro, I bid you farewell, you should still consider promoting this one though. He told me to not do something... That takes serious balls..." He smiled and turned towards the approaching lieutenant.

"Ah, Arina-chan. You're hurt. You don't have to show me the way to your squad. I can surely find my own way... You should head to Squad Four, however, to get some treatment. Afterall, your captain might be a little mad if you walk into the barrack all bloody and hurt. He might think I was the one that hurt you..." He said, chuckling ever so slightly. "However, I can't tell you to not go to your squad. You can make that decision on your own... I;m heading out, though, see you there~" He said in a cheery tone as he shunpo'ed away, approaching Squad Seven.

Upon arrival, he made sure he was at the right place before calling out once more. "Kaizo! You little shit! I got lost but now I'm here to challenge you! Come and accept it!" Then, in a softer voice, "Oh, and your lieutenant is hurt, send her to Squad Four before she bleeds to death or something...."
Looking towards the door, he realized what he had done. "No. This is not affecting my eyesight. In fact, my eyesight is perfectly fine. You're Captain Shiro of Squad Eight, and this is indeed Squad Eight..." He got up and dusted himself off quickly. Sensing another soul nearby, he took one quick glance in that direction and saw the lieutenant of Squad Seven coming their way. He has always been fond of her, even if she doesn't seem completely genuine all the time. "Captain Shiro, I bid you farewell, you should still consider promoting this one though. He told me to not do something... That takes serious balls..." He smiled and turned towards the approaching lieutenant.

"Ah, Arina-chan. You're hurt. You don't have to show me the way to your squad. I can surely find my own way... You should head to Squad Four, however, to get some treatment. Afterall, your captain might be a little mad if you walk into the barrack all bloody and hurt. He might think I was the one that hurt you..." He said, chuckling ever so slightly. "However, I can't tell you to not go to your squad. You can make that decision on your own... I;m heading out, though, see you there~" He said in a cheery tone as he shunpo'ed away, approaching Squad Seven.

Upon arrival, he made sure he was at the right place before calling out once more. "Kaizo! You little shit! I got lost but now I'm here to challenge you! Come and accept it!" Then, in a softer voice, "Oh, and your lieutenant is hurt, send her to Squad Four before she bleeds to death or something...."

Kaizo Tatakai 

Kaizo was in Squad 7's courtyard finishing up some push ups when he heard someone calling for him outside his Squad barracks, he looked towards the direction of the shouting with a blank stare as he spoke to himself "The hell? Who's seriously calling me out?" Kaizo sighed then shunpoed over to the gates of his barracks, standing on top of them as he looked down at the man who had called him out who was none other than the Squad 11 Captain "You seriously calling me out? like...seriously? Are you drunk or something?...And on the matter of my Lieutenant...the hell is she wounded for? it was a god damn recon mission, what did she do? stab herself?" Kaizo shrugged then leaped off the gate and back into his Squads courtyard "Well whatever...get your ass in here, I could do with some decent exercise"


Kazu had been following the old fart around to see what he was up to and he wasn't exactly being stealthy about it either as he was dragging his Zanpakuto along the ground behind him, leaving a trail behind him where the sword had cut into the stone. "The hell is the old fart doing?...stupid old man..." Kazu finally found himself outside the Squad 7 barracks, standing behind his Captain and listening to the exchange between the old fart and Captain Tatakai. As Captain Tatakai went back into the courtyard Kazu spoke up "So you're challenging the Captain of Squad 7 to a fight?...huh...so how many of his punches do you think you can take before he knocks you out? 3? 4? I don't want to scare you old man but I've seen him do some pretty scary things...I'm not sure your frail old man body can hold up to those punches of his" Kazu knew his Captain wasn't an old man but it was funny for him to speak about him as if he was...
Arina Kawagana

Arina would have gone to the Division Four Barracks, if it weren't for the fact that wanted to see this fight. She made sure to carefully hold her kimono closed as to not flash anyone before she bowed to the Division Eight Captain, "I'll make sure they don't destroy anything other than our Barracks." She then turned away to shunpo after the Division Eleven Captain. 

She arrived in her own barracks in time to hear Kaizo ask about her clumsiness, and her eyebrow twitched slightly. She had half a mind to punch him in the face, but she guessed she'd leave it for the Kenpachi.

"Recon my ass!" she yelled out, pretty much collapsing next to Kazuhiro who had come along to watch the fight. She turned to him with a Cheshire grin and lifted a hand to ruffle his hair, "Hey little brother! How are you doing today?" her voice sounded as if she was talking to a little child, but there was true affection there. 
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Kaizo Tatakai 

Kaizo was in Squad 7's courtyard finishing up some push ups when he heard someone calling for him outside his Squad barracks, he looked towards the direction of the shouting with a blank stare as he spoke to himself "The hell? Who's seriously calling me out?" Kaizo sighed then shunpoed over to the gates of his barracks, standing on top of them as he looked down at the man who had called him out who was none other than the Squad 11 Captain "You seriously calling me out? like...seriously? Are you drunk or something?...And on the matter of my Lieutenant...the hell is she wounded for? it was a god damn recon mission, what did she do? stab herself?" Kaizo shrugged then leaped off the gate and back into his Squads courtyard "Well whatever...get your ass in here, I could do with some decent exercise"


Kazu had been following the old fart around to see what he was up to and he wasn't exactly being stealthy about it either as he was dragging his Zanpakuto along the ground behind him, leaving a trail behind him where the sword had cut into the stone. "The hell is the old fart doing?...stupid old man..." Kazu finally found himself outside the Squad 7 barracks, standing behind his Captain and listening to the exchange between the old fart and Captain Tatakai. As Captain Tatakai went back into the courtyard Kazu spoke up "So you're challenging the Captain of Squad 7 to a fight?...huh...so how many of his punches do you think you can take before he knocks you out? 3? 4? I don't want to scare you old man but I've seen him do some pretty scary things...I'm not sure your frail old man body can hold up to those punches of his" Kazu knew his Captain wasn't an old man but it was funny for him to speak about him as if he was...

He scoffed. It seemed like the captain of Squad Seven was speaking down to him. Light exercise, he called it. It would seem like he forgets he is about to face off against a man of brutish strength and freakish stature. Before getting up, he reached back to ruffle Kazu's hair as well. "Well, Kazu, you see..." He faked a few coughs, just to play along. "I'm quite strong, and I don't get hurt all that much. I recon I'd be alright. Now, stay back with Arina-chan. I'm sure she'll take care of you." He said, nodding to Arina to signal that he is leaving his third seat in her hands. 

Standing up, he followed Kaizo into his squad courtyard. He set his zanpakuto down, against a rock. He took off his haori as well and let his kosode slide down and fall to his waist. He then tied it up with his obi. Taking a deep breathe, he got into a square stance that was rigid but not stiff. "Alright master Tatakai, let's go. This is the 145th time of me challenging you to hand-to-hand combat..."
(OOC: Wouldn't it be easier to use @ whoever rather than quoting?)

 Lieutenant Azemi was sweating from his overuse of his bankai. He needed to practice hard to get the hang of it. He need to become the captain. It was his personal need. Ugh and their went his last remaining Yari. Every day, he'd been adding how many yari he could control, and how powerful his trump card was. At this point, it would be foolish to reveal he had a bankai. It would make his captain nervous that he was coming for him not that he wasn't. Akemi grinned slightly as he sheathed his sword, Syl. He took one last look at his cave and finally left it after hours of practice. As of late, he'd been sleeping early and waking up early to come and practice in this remote cave. Oh well, time for some Shumpo training, he thought as he began to flash back to the barrack in preset random like way for no one to find his cave. He trust no one, especially that third seat brat. That kid was dangerous truely. One day, he might have to put him down if need be. 

Enough of those killer thoughts, he needed to be perfect lieutenant now, he thought as he reached the barracks. 
(OOC: I was looking for that but entirely forgot that typing it also god damn works!)

@CaughtInTheRiddle, @InfiniteCosmos

Kaizo Tatakai 

Kaizo waited in the Squad 7 courtyard as Kenshin took his position, Kaizo kept his stance rather relaxed as he blankly stared at Kenshin who had referred to Kaizo as Master Tatakai...this made his skin crawl a little "Please don't call me that...it's Kaizo or Captain Tatakai. Master makes me sound old" Kaizo then took a deep breath as he cracked his knuckles "Alright, you make the first move..." Kaizo always let his opponent make the first move, he preferred it like this. This was mostly so he could see what his opponent was capable of before fully getting into conflict and even though he knew the majority of what Kenshin was capable of, his habit was to let his opponent go first.


Kazu glared at Arina who touched his hair and referred to him as Little brother! The two weren't even related! "HEY! DON'T TOU-" Before Kazu could finish, the old fart also touched his hair, Kazu grit his teeth then shouted as the old fart walked off "DON'T TOUCH MY DAMN HAIR YOU SMELLY OLD FART!" Kazu's right eyebrow began to twitch as a vein appeared on his forehead, showing that he really didn't like it when people touched his hair! Kazu then walked in behind the old fart who had now taken up position ready to fight the Captain of Squad 7. Kazu went to a nearby wall and sat down with his back rested against it, laying his Zanpakuto on the ground next to him before shouting at the old fart "I HOPE YOU GET YOUR ASS KICKED YOU PERVY OLD MAN! KICK HIS ASS CAPTAIN TATAKAI!"

He ignored the comment his third seat made. He was always so hostile towards him. Back in his day, if he was even remotely close to acting like that towards his mentor, or father, he would more likely end up with cut wounds all over his body. They behaved in a no nonsense kind of way when it comes to senpai-kohai relationships. The kohai was supposed to respect the senpai, almost to a fault. If the senpai says jump, the kohai should ask how high? When the senpai says run, the kohai asks how far. None of this name calling, all this disrespect. However, Kenichi knows that the head captain is fond of this child. To make an exception and place him directly into the most violent squad of all is a testament of what the head captain saw in this child. Kenichi has been largely lax in his training of this supposed prodigy. However, now, he is thinking about stepping it up a notch, going from bokken to real steal kind of way.

Focusing back on the fight in front of him, he said calmly, "Alright Master Tatakai, I think we can both agree to the rule of not using shunpo? In any case, here I come." Knowing who his opponent is, and half wanting to show how far Kazu still has to climb to even reach his foot, Kenichi decided to go about 75% right off the bat. He kicked off with his right, which is also his back, foot and rushed towards Kaizo. The spot where he kicked off was left with a visible dent to the earth. He pulled his right arm back, hand balled into a fist and prepared to attack with it. His left arm was kept bent at the elbow and close to his body to guard against the counter. As soon as he got close enough to Kaizo, he unleashed a quick right jab, aimed at Kaizo's left shoulder. To the observant Kaizo, he would probably realize that Kenichi's right leg isn't exactly positioned as it should be in this sequence of offense...

Kaizo Tatakai

Before the fight started Kaizo watched as the wounded Arina walked into the courtyard and leaned against the wall next to Kazu, Kaizo then turned his attention back to the Captain of Squad 11 who had once again referred to him as Master Tatakai. Kaizo remained silent as Kenichi came at him, Kaizo observed Kenichi's movements then let out a breath as Kenichi launched the jab towards Kaizo's left shoulder. Kaizo's body moved swiftly as he lowered himself and stepped under the jab and to the right of Kenichi, as he did he threw a right punch towards Kenichi's gut. Kaizo should have been holding himself back a little but he wanted to get some frustration out from the get go...he really didn't like being called Master Tatakai...

Kenichi noticed that Kaizo stepped under his jab, which is fine because he threw that punch basically as a feint. Kaizo also threw a punch at his gut. Due to his positioning, Kenichi received the punch with his left arm which was guarding his body already. Grunting slightly from the force behind the punch, he braced himself and carried on with his offensive plan. Using the momentum from the punch he received, he used his own momentum from the punch he threw to turn his body and unleash a kick not was not only about 95% of his power, but also enhanced by the momentum he has at the left arm of Kaizo. During this kick, his left leg has left the ground and coiled up as well. His right arm is now covering his midsection and left arm is slightly higher to guard against a counter.


"Did you hear? The captain is going against Kaizo from squad 7 again. " 

"Really? Let's go watch! It's always fun to see the captain fight."
"Yes, it normally is. To bad you two will be to busy cleaning out the barrack's urinals to watch." 

Freezing the two members of squad 11 turned to find their fourth seat, Akuma, at the entrance of the bar they had chosen to spend their time when skipping patrols. Akuma inwardly smirked enjoying the way their faces paled. He took a moment to enjoy their fear before finally dragging them from the bar and physically throwing them down the street in the direction of squad 11's barracks. "They better be sparkling when I get back there!"
Now, time to go watch the captain fight. Using fast step he arrived at squad 7's barracks quickly and took a seat beside the third seat, Kazu and Arina. He was more amused by Kazu's outburst then the fight. Always so quick to anger. I wonder how much sake the captain has drunk?

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Kaizo Tatakai

Kaizo was growing tired already of the Kenpachi's seemingly overly defensive style and so Kaizo devised a plan to get the Kenpachi coming at him in a far more aggressive style. As the Kenpachi's leg came round to Kaizo's left side, Kaizo raised his left arm, raising his index and middle finger to seemingly stop the oncoming kick however as the kick would make contact with Kaizo's fingers he'd release the Hakuda technique known as Tsukiyubi and with his right arm now in position, his hand aiming at the Kenpachi mid section as he pulled his middle finger back, holding it down a little with his thumb, he then released a powerful flick that would release a shockwave capable of sending the Captain of Squad 11 flying...this skill was known as Oni Dekopin.

As his kick with his right leg connects but is seemingly effortlessly reflected, he uncoiled his left leg while his back was turned to his opponent. Before his kick with his left leg would connect, he would suddenly feel a rushing breeze, then loud thuds that seem closer to full on crashes than simple thuds. Moments later, he found himself buried in some rubble. How did that happen? Let's rewind...

Kenichi uncoiled his leg, just as he thought he would. Thinking that he was going to land a clean hit Kaizo, he was inwardly grinning. However, as he kicked out, Kaizo countered with a proper hakuda technique. Honestly, who uses proper technique nowadays... In any case, Kenichi was sent flying with a seemingly simple Oni Dekopin. While he is still buried in the rubble, he was already hard at work coming up with some rather... inventive, albeit not completely moral, uses for that technique once he can master it and use it without completely obliterating whatever his target it. Back to the present time...

Shrugging off the rubble, he let out a maniacally laughter that would send chills down even the most combat-hardened shinigami, he got himself into a lunging position, planting his left leg on some rubble, he laughed and said "You shit! Who uses proper techniques these days!" With a hard push of his right leg, he kicked off and seemingly flew towards Kaizo. In his 'flight', his right arm was pulled back at the elbow, his middle finger pointed at the ground and his palm faced Kaizo...
Miyume Sayama

The day was like no other. The skies were amazing, the sun's light shined throughout the land and gave its inhabitants life. To put the icing on the cake, everything was peaceful...or so they said. "Oh my fucking shit!!! Get up you little worms!!! We have work to do!!!" Miyume yelled. Her face redder than a demon's, the lieutenant was beyond pissed.

Under normal circumstances, all the seated members were to tend to their daily duties by now. But they weren't and such insolence was completely unacceptable. How could they possibly match up to and surpass all the other squads if they were all a bunch of lazy fucks? Waiting patiently like the respectable lieutenant she was, Miyume heard movement going on behind closed doors but apparently they took her as a joke.

Stepping on the ground hard enough to crack it, her mood seemingly lightened up. "If I don't see your asses in the next ten seconds then...I'll take my time mutilating your corpses." All of the lower seated members appeared before Miyume almost instantly, with some of them still in their PJ's. However, this did not please her...not one bit. "So you could hear me. I didn't even yell that time." She sighed before turning to the Shinigami in his pajamas. 

"Unsheathe your Zanpakuto and give me all you've got." Miyume ordered. "I don't have my Zanpak-!!!" She punched his face in before he could even finish. "Damn right you don't, you useless and disrespectful little shit!!!" The lieutenant replied as she turned his face into a bloody mess in a matter of seconds. Her knuckles were drenched in the Shinigami's blood as his body was continuously pounded into the ground. By the time Miyume stopped, his face was unrecognizable.

She lifted his bloodied face up before showing it to the other seated members. "See that? I didn't even need to use my zanpakuto. You know why? Because he was completely unprepared for battle. Now just imagine if I was an enemy and this pajama ass bitch was you all, what would've happened?" "We would be dead." "Correct Felix. But luckily for you and for him, I'm not so consider that your lesson for today. Now get to work." Miyume concluded before shunpoing off into one of the Rukongai Districts.

The End of Peace


"Are we ready?" "Of course we are! We're here for one thing..." "Yeah but we don't know what that is!" "Shut up you lot...Some of you don't know for a reason, you are expected to fight to the death here. However knowing some of you, you'd just blurt out the plan to the enemy without a second thought...you are simply muscle, nothing more...so do your job and do it well, otherwise you'll have the King to answer to...and he will be most displeased if we come back empty handed...Now lets go."

The Shinigami went about their day as normal, enjoying another peaceful day unaware of what waited on the horizon...and soon they closed in. Explosions suddenly erupted throughout the Rukongai, several districts turning to rubble, Fire raging as it burned houses and people, Smoke filling the skies, turning the blue clear sky grey. Squad 12 were the first to see the data...in mere seconds several districts had turned to nothing, at the time the Squad 12 Lieutenant was in the room where the data was being received, a Shinigami turned to Zero, the Squad 12 Lieutenant and spoke "L-Lieutenant! It's urgent! this is an attack! what shall we do? We can't track them, they're spiritual energies are being scrambled by something...we have no idea where they are!" Zero looked at the screens, studying the data. Behind that mask it was hard to tell what he was thinking, feeling...he was just blank...Yet Zero opened his mouth and spoke few words "Alert everyone...I'm going out" Zero turned and walked out the room as the Shinigami nodded and got to work on sounding the alarm and notifying the other Shinigami that there was an attack.

"Attention! The Soul Society is under attack by an unknown enemy. Several districts in the Rukongai have been destroyed and we believe the enemy is making their way to the Seireitei! We are unsure of the enemies power, we believe they have considerable strength and so we advise those of lower positions to avoid engagement with the enemy, find your Captains and follow their orders!"

The Alarm was sounded throughout the Seireitei, the message made clear. Shinigami began to panic as they ran to find their captains to seek orders, whilst some ran to hide...

North Gate


"I wont let you pass this gate! Puny ant!" The North Gate keeper swung down his large axe at the single cloaked figure, as the axe made contact a shockwave was released that then kicked up dust. The Gate keeper grinned widely as he began to laugh "All this panic for nothing! You're so we-uh" The North Gatekeeper was cut off as his axe shattered, the cloaked figure still standing their unharmed "Is this what the Gotei 13 put up to defend their gates?...how laughable" The cloaked figure looked down to his right hand, a shard of the Gatekeepers Shikai still in his hand "Take this off my hands wont you?" The cloaked figure threw the shard at the Gatekeeper, piercing the Gatekeepers throat causing him to drop to his knee's and hold his throat as blood spilled through his hands. The cloaked figure the appeared on the Gatekeepers right shoulder and spoke "It seems you've fallen Gatekeeper...I'll just take the front door in okay?" The Cloaked figure then re-appeared where he was stood, raising his right arm up, aiming his palm at the Gatekeeper who was still chocking on his own blood "Disappear..." The Gatekeeper was suddenly sent flying through the north gate, his body flying through the Seireitei as it crashed and rolled. Once the body had come to a stop it was barely in one piece anymore. 

Almost simultaneously the other Gates were destroyed, the enemy now entering the Seireitei from all directions, as far as reports had gone the Shinigami had counted 7 enemies, one at the north gate and two at every other gate, yet these enemies soon split up and began to engage Shinigami alone...clearly they were confident in their power to attack The Gotei 13 with only 7 people. However two of the cloaked figures found themselves meeting at the same spot, the Squad 7 barracks "Really!? You couldn't take some other place!?" "I'm here for a good fight...just shut up and deal with the pests" "Tch! Fine..." The two cloaked figures fired some form of beam at the Squad 7 barracks gates, destroying them and kicking up dust. The two figures then emerged through the dust as one spoke "Must be my lucky day...two Captains for the price of one?" The figure then looked around, noting there were others here "You handle those three...You can deal with that right?" "SHUT THE HELL UP! I'll finish this quickly..."

The only thing the separated these cloaked figures apart was the colour of their masks, each had a different colour but what this meant was not yet apparent. Yellow mask began walking towards the three Shinigami at the wall, noting one was already wounded, the other a child and the other seemingly in good shape. Kazu quickly leaped to his feet and picked up his sword "I GOT THIS!" Kazu grinned and rushed at Yellow mask, his sword held back behind his head as he then brought it down at Yellow mask who responded by swiftly unsheathing his own sword with his right hand and clashing with Kazu "Not bad for a kid...but get out of my way!!" Yellow mask then twisted his body and slammed his left leg into Kazu's right side, sending him flying through the wall and into a nearby building "Now you two! come at me! same time! I want to have at least a little warm up!"

Blue mask looked over at Yellow mask then looked at Kaizo who had just side stepped the Kenpachi's attack casually, maybe a little shunpo was used..."Well...since my partner over there is taking on two at once I feel I should do the same...not that you'd take me on fairly though correct? I mean...we did just walk on in and destroy this place" Blue mask then began walking towards Kaizo, his sword materialising in his right hand before he then rushed at Kaizo, disappearing then reappearing behind him, slashing at Kaizo's left side, yet Kaizo wasn't so easily caught off guard. Kaizo unsheathed his Zanpakuto and quickly blocked the oncoming attack "On a scale of 1 to 10...I'd say you rank at 20, being pretty fucking stupid taking on two captains!" Kaizo then appeared behind Blue mask, his right leg about to connect with his head before head disappeared again, appearing in front of Blue mask, his right fist flying towards his face. Due to being faked out Blue mask was caught off guard and was sent flying into the barracks which kicked up dust. Shortly after Blue mask emerged, his mask completely intact still "Well shit! Those masks are pretty tough...at least you can take a punch! finally might have some fun around here!" a grin appeared on Kaizo's face, his eyes glowing as an orange aura appeared around him "please...don't die quickly...let me beat you to death slowly!"

(OOC: There are 4 other enemies that can be taken on, one is reserved for a special fight. If you wish to fight one of these enemies please let me know in the OOC. Lieutenants and lower are advised to team up and Captains advised to possibly bring back up)
As his attack was dodged, he skidded to a stop, planting his foot down hard enough to cause the earth beneath him to crack and crumble. Grinning as he turned around to face Kaizo, he heard an explosion. The expression on his face instantly changed from light-hearted to serious. A small crackle of purple electricity can be seen flowing from his eyes for an instant. It is as if his threat senses has just been activated. As he was about to speak, the announcement blared out from the various sources around Seireitei. He reached his hand out at an approximately 30 degree angle and had his palm face his sword. In an instant, his sword left the position it was in and appeared in his hand. Again before he could say anything, his third seat charged in at one of the assailants that had just interrupted his fight against Kaizo. 

"KAZU!!!" He called out. It was too late. His third seat made contact against the enemy but was promptly defeated. "Fuck!" Sighing, He looked to the location where Kazu originally sat. He called out "Shokudo! Go get Kazu and rendezvous with Lieutenant Azami! THATS AN ORDER!" He did not mention for his squad members to survive, because he knew they will, while not really knowing if they would or not. "WHEN YOU MEET UP, WORK TOGETHER AND TAKE OUT THE ENEMY!" 

Turning back to the battle in front of him. He said to Kaizo "Tatakai, I'll leave this blue-faced fuck to you. If you lose, I'm hunting you down and killing you again." He said coldly before he shunpo'ed away towards the yellow-masked enemy, cutting off any pursuit he might give to Akuma. "Now, you yellow-faced fuck. I don't appreciate my fights being interrupted. You may not have my mercy." At the end of his words, he executed a quick draw of his sword, using Issen. As the arc approached his opponent, he had already shunpo'ed out of his enemy's direct sight...

@Blitzer @Crimson smile @Kurisa
Akemi stretched mostly recovered from his intense training that morning. He shouldn't be that much out of it today. Yawning slowly, Akemi made his way to his normal station greeting his squad member. It seemed like quite the peaceful morning. Now, he should get to making himself some tea... Then the blasting began. Akemi's hands went straight to his sword as he heard the announcement blaring over the Seretei. Immediately he started yelling. "Everyone out of the building and form up outside. All seated individuals to me now! Lets not turn this into a bloodshed of separate fighting! Go now! Don't dally!" 

Akemi let out a sigh. He never did get a break and where were his useless captain and seated officers? He stormed out of the building his sword, although casually held in only one of his hand. Let them come. He had plenty of men to dispose of. 

@InfiniteCosmos @Kurisa


"I was hoping something entertaining would happen soon!" Grinning Akuma tugged his biter mask around his neck showing his sharpened teeth. Unsheathing his Zanpakuto from the sheath on his back he hopped up. He was ready to squash the masked bugs, getting even more excited when they defeated Lazy, but before he could get a swing in his captain ordered him to find the lieutenant. Sighing, disappointed, he nodded. "Ay, captain."


Turning he used shumpo to race to where he could sense Akemi's spiritual energy. A blue mask got in his way, trying to draw him into a fight. Baring his teeth in agitation Akuma didn't slow or stop. A foot away from the figure he leaped. Twisting he grabbed the figures shoulder and pushed himself off. The force pushed the figure forward, sending them flying. Grinning he landed and continued on his way. Soon spotting Akemi. "Lieutenant Akemi, third seat Kazu has been defeated and the masked men have engaged the captain and captain Kaizo. I have been ordered to find you and help you defeat the enemy."

Akemi sighed remorsely when he heard Akuma's report, he hoped his third seat would never recover from that strike. Honestly Akuma was much easier to control in a sense and would make a decent third seat. Despite his unpredictable nature, he was predictable to a degree and easy to send on a rabbit trail. However now it wasn't time to abide on his wishes. "Fall into place Akuma! We need to defend our team until we get orders. I plan to be able to move quickly if need be. Until our captain directs us otherwise we hold here. I'll watch the left side and you take the right. If enemy engages fall to the middle, and I will support you. If I am attacked I expect support." 

@Crimson smile


"Of course sir. I've got your back." Grinning Akuma broke his zanpakuto apart so the chain was revealed. Allowing him more flexibility in fighting. He had high hopes that this fight would be aptly entertaining. Perhaps, Kazu will recover in time to join in. He held no resentment toward the third seat. Akuma had little will to gain a higher rank at the moment. "Though I do hope you won't need it."

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The Squad 8 barracks were in disarray, the captain and the lieutenant were nowhere to be found. " Honestly, get it together and form up!" Kyou stepped from around the corner staggering almost drunkenly, clearly having just woke up from his daily nap. He let out a yawn as the members started to get into position. " This is CLEARLY not a fight for those of you that have no rank... This is a job for lieutenants and the captains. You just worry about keeping yourselves safe here and trying to find that lazier than Mr captain so he do the work... Until then, I guess I'll have to pick up the slack as always." 

Kyou let out a yawn and walked towards the barrack entrance but turned back around "Ah, I should probably take my Zanpakuto~" This statement took almost all of the tension out of the situation. There was still fear of the unknown enemy but  the squad members were too busy staring incredulously at the third seat lazily slouch back towards his not so secret hiding place and grab his weapon. He looked at each member of the squad and frowned at them. " Why are you all still standing here? I'm not your damn Captain... leave, shoo." Without waiting for the other's response he disappeared and went off to observe the enemy. He wasn't joking about not getting involved if he could help it... hopefully other captains were taking care of the situation so he could go back to sleep.
~Kohaku Harada~

Kohaku sat in the squad 9 garden on a mat meditating and enjoying the weather. A slight breeze blew through the garden rustling the trees. A windchime tingled a little melody. She took a deep breath in of the flowery air and smiled. But all of a sudden her face became confused... she heard something... a bang...? In her mind:《It was probably that kenichi guy-》 *PAP!!* "OW! WHAT THE FUK-!? Ow... a rock? Who the hell threw a rock at me??" She looked around the garden and then up to the sky where a cloud of smoke was rising. <the message> She leaped up and sprinted to the captain's quarters. She yelled "CAPTAIN!" As she threw open the door. The lights were off and the desk was empty. 

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