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Fandom Bleach: Endless Abyss [IC]

Blissful Lesson Ruined



The dew was still fresh on the leaf blades, the sun barely basking the Soul Society with it's warmth. In the barracks of Squad 9 was 3rd Seat Tetsuo Norishin, teaching other members of his squad. Yet this was no ordinary lesson. It wasn't on any type of fighting skills but was rather a lesson on practical knowledge that most Shinigami never bothered with. Tetsuo believed training one's mind and constantly learning also helps in the battlefield. Sadly, today's lesson would be interrupted. The sound and shockwave of explosions shook the room, many of the shinigamis turning to Tetsuo with worry on their face. Tetsuo's face remained solemn until the warning was finally issued. Intruders had invaded the Seireitei. It was Tetsuo's utmost duty to protect the Squad 9 barracks and the people in it. But...but something called him to the sound. A lone voice killed the silence "Go" One of the students abruptly said, everyone turning to him. He had a wide grin on his face, patting his shoulder to display a sign of trust "We can take care of Squad 9 in your place 3rd Seat. Show the other Squads we're a force to be reckoned!!" Shock was on Tetsuo's face before a warm smile formed across it. He nodded to them "I'll be back"  The students cheered as Tetsuo left the room in a hurry, quickly finding himself at the Captain's office. Much to his surprise was the Lieutenant rather than Captain. Tetsuo did a quick bow to the Lieutenant before speaking "Lieutenant Harada, we have to protect the squad but" Tetsuo held his zanpakuto tightly, looking to the Lieutenant for their next move. "but we must fight!"
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"Yes we do!" *grips her zanpaktuo* "YES! YES!...We'll have to find the Captain later! We'll take out the enemy, and protect the squad! Come on Tetsuo!" She starts running to the front door of the barracks with her face scrunching up trying to hide her excited grin. As she goes she reminds the lower seats she passes to stay put till further notice. When she reaches the door she KICKS it open! "By order of Kohaku Harada, Lieutenant of squad 9! First order of business of Team Kohtet:  Locate the enemy!!!"
Akemi steadied his blade. He could feel it. Enemy were coming. He breathed slowly gathering his spiritual power and felt it build up inside of him. It was going to be a tough fight. He hoped he wouldn't have to prematurely release his bankai. A trickle of sweat fell from his forehead. Why wasn't the captain here yet? That incoming power was so great. He started panting slightly. 

"Squad! Get ready. The Deluge comes!" 

@Crimson smile

Blissful Lesson Ruined



The dew was still fresh on the leaf blades, the sun barely basking the Soul Society with it's warmth. In the barracks of Squad 9 was 3rd Seat Tetsuo Norishin, teaching other members of his squad. Yet this was no ordinary lesson. It wasn't on any type of fighting skills but was rather a lesson on practical knowledge that most Shinigami never bothered with. Tetsuo believed training one's mind and constantly learning also helps in the battlefield. Sadly, today's lesson would be interrupted. The sound and shockwave of explosions shook the room, many of the shinigamis turning to Tetsuo with worry on their face. Tetsuo's face remained solemn until the warning was finally issued. Intruders had invaded the Seireitei. It was Tetsuo's utmost duty to protect the Squad 9 barracks and the people in it. But...but something called him to the sound. A lone voice killed the silence "Go" One of the students abruptly said, everyone turning to him. He had a wide grin on his face, patting his shoulder to display a sign of trust "We can take care of Squad 9 in your place 3rd Seat. Show the other Squads we're a force to be reckoned!!" Shock was on Tetsuo's face before a warm smile formed across it. He nodded to them "I'll be back"  The students cheered as Tetsuo left the room in a hurry, quickly finding himself at the Captain's office. Much to his surprise was the Lieutenant rather than Captain. Tetsuo did a quick bow to the Lieutenant before speaking "Lieutenant Harada, we have to protect the squad but" Tetsuo held his zanpakuto tightly, looking to the Lieutenant for their next move. "but we must fight!"




"Yes we do!" *grips her zanpaktuo* "YES! YES!...We'll have to find the Captain later! We'll take out the enemy, and protect the squad! Come on Tetsuo!" She starts running to the front door of the barracks with her face scrunching up trying to hide her excited grin. As she goes she reminds the lower seats she passes to stay put till further notice. When she reaches the door she KICKS it open! "By order of Kohaku Harada, Lieutenant of squad 9! First order of business of Team Kohtet:  Locate the enemy!!!"



- Squad 9 -

"Why locate the enemy when the enemy's already found you?" A voice echoed throughout the barracks as a masked figure appeared before the two.  He stood in front of the gate that Kohaku had kicked down while having his left hand on the side of his waist. In his right hand however was the squad's 9th seat that he casually held up by his head. "If you don't kill him now, He'll end up being the death of you. After all, weaklings like this only shackle down the strong in the end." The masked man noted before tossing the 9th seat's incapacitated body on the ground before them. The mask that covered his face was dark purple with a black thunderbolt like symbol striking down the middle of it. Outside of the mask, the mystery individual seemed rather weak as the amount of spiritual pressure emitted from his body was comparable to that of a low seated member, yet the odd aura around him suggested otherwise. "If I may ask so boldly, where is your captain?" The man asked curiously. 
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@People At Squad 7 Barracks

Legs crossed, posture perfect and eyes sealed, the firmly planted third seat of division seven replicated the life of a mannequin whilst in her jinzen state. Cool tones of blue from her sheathed blade laid with perfect balance across the mid section of her thighs. Breathing to a minimal the shinigami kept stiff with a mind clear as the sky of a perfect day, soon to bubble with activity as large spiritual pressures emerged before colliding. Without an reaction, the shinigami silently monitored the somewhat minor altercation from within her allocated quarters. Instantly she recognised these energies to be that of senior Captain Tatakai and that of the infamous Kenpachi Kenichi, which - needless to say - peaked her interest. All other energies surrounding the two could barely hold a lit match when compared to the roaring flames brewing within the two highly powered individuals and thus were given no attention by this shinigami by default.

Whilst the altercation continued, an abrupt halt brought the shinigami immediately onto her feet within an instant, mere seconds before an announcement sounded. The air thickened with the unsettling news, only growing thicker as multiple unknown entities made themselves known - one within her divisions barrack's. With a dead straight, unfazed face set in stone, the shinigami swiftly nestled a small part of the smooth edge to her Zanpakuto's sheath within her left palm before exiting her room.

Within seconds Ruri Katsumo arrived at the scene. Taking a further second to glace at her peers, she noticed Lieutenant Kawagana's injuries. Inwardly her eyes rolled, outwardly they set on the foreign presence, a blue mask concealing it's face. Gripping her sheathed blade tighter, Ruri's already alerted senses sharpened, she was ready for anything but was mostly awaiting her Captain Tatakai's orders.

I hope the captain's alright. This is going to be a tough battle, we need the extra manpower he can give us. Akuma thought as he concentrated on building up his spiritual power. He knew he would need to release his shikai but wants to prevent that as long as possible. He needs all of his energy. I really should see about unlocking my bankai. It would be useful right about now. Gritting his teeth he dug his feet into the ground as the increasing spiritual level threatened to push him down. Releasing his own riatsu helped as it steadied the on slot. "We're as ready as can be."

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Yellow Mask Fight

(Collab Between @InfiniteCosmos & @Kurisa)​


Yellow mask watched as the attack flew towards him, Kenichi using shunpo to vanish from his sight. "Looks like my lucky day!" Yellow mask leaped into the air, pulling chains out of thin air as he spun, the chains then began lashing everywhere as electric coursed through them. "If you're going to hide then I'll just destroy everything!" As Yellow mask finished what he was saying he stopped in the air, pulling his chains back as he prepared to lash them down at the ground.

Before he could however Kazu appeared behind him, his sword slashing down at great speed. Yellow mask barely noticed Kazu until the last second. Yellow mask leaped forward however Kazu's sword had caught his back a little. Yellow mask spun in place to face Kazu, swinging his chains as he did, as he faced Kazu he was met with a foot to the face then sent him flying back down to the ground at speed forming a small crater and kicking up dust as Kazu landed and spoke "God damn masked freak! You think one kick would take me out!? Now we're even! So let's just have a good fight! it's rare anyone strong comes around that I can go all out on!"

Yellow mask pulled himself up from out the crater, stumbling a little as he did "The hell is with that kid!? Feels like i just got hit by a fucking mountain!" Yellow mask made his way out of the crater, his chains dragging behind him and crackling with electricity 

"KAZU! Stand down dammit!" Kenichi yelled. To see his third seat fight was a like seeing a little brother fight from afar. It brought him pride and courage. However, from what he has assessed, this opponent is not someone Kazu should be fighting. In fact, he wasn't sure if he could take the enemy down without releasing his sword. "Kazu-chan, this is an order. You are to strictly be my support in this fight if you wish to stay. I might have to go a little wild with this one. Getting you caught up is not likely to sit well with the old man. So, watch your back, and more importantly, stay the fuck out of my way..." His voice trailed off with some menace in it..

If one were to classify Kenichi's reiatsu flow into gears, he was in gear one while fighting with Kaizo. He is in gear two, heading to gear three now. Anyone without substantial reiatsu or knowledge of how to resist an onslaught of monstrous reiatsu would likely be brought to their knees now. Observing the reiatsu crackle from the chains of Yellow Mask, he deduced that either he can manifest his reiatsu in a similar fashion, or he can control electricity. 

Swinging his sword upwards in the direction of Yellow Mask, he used Issen once more. He wanted to keep the opponent at a distance to get a feel of what his abilities are like. At the end of his slash, he sheathed his sword, preparing for a quick draw...

Kazu prepared himself to attack once again however he was halted by his Captain shouting, Kazu listened to his Captain and kicked the ground hearing his orders...he knew it wouldn't be a good idea to disobey them as even he would have to deal with severe punishment "Fine...just don't lose then old man" Kazu took a step back to observe the fight, he'd attack where he felt necessary but otherwise he'd just sit back...ideally...not his kind of fight.

Yellow mask listened to this and chuckled, feeling the Captain increase his Reiatsu yet Yellow mask was no stranger to strong Reiatsu so this wouldn't phase him...he'd had to deal with a lot worse where he came from. "Putting your dog on a leash there? or should I say puppy? You'd be wise to attack at the same time but I guess we'll do it your way Captain I'll kick your ass first then deal with the little shit over there!" Yellow mask narrowed his eyes behind his mask as Kenichi used the same technique from before, as if it'd work after he'd already seen it...seemed more like he was trying to test him, yellow mask wasn't onboard with such shit.

Yellow mask vanished from sight, avoiding the attack, He'd then appear a fair distance behind Kenichi, swinging his chains in at Kenichi from both sides as electricity crackled from them.

Hardly surprised as his attack as dodged, he took a breath to steady himself and observed the incoming attack. He let the rude comment from Yellow Mask slide as he did not care about such low taunts. Right now, his only task at hand is to crush this little incursion.

"Oh I'd be more than enough for you, you anime character wanna-be. I swear there was someone in a manga that did the same thing, mask and all." A small flash of purple reiatsu emanated from his eyes as he made his next move. Seeing both chains come at him, he half wanted to test how strong the electricity was. However, he refrained from taking unnecessary injuries. In any case, he ducked under the chains and kicked off the ground, bringing himself airborne slightly. He had whispered "Daisen Sekai" right before three images of himself appeared and shunpo'ed towards Yellow Mask. With this, he wanted to test out if he can bring out more than two chains. If the chain is limited at two, Kenichi is going to land an attack. During his approach, his sword was still sheathed and ready to be drawn.

Yellow mask listened to Kenichi but shrugged off the comment, he was more focused on what Kenichi was doing at this time. Seeing Kenichi dodge his attack and leap into the air Yellow mask grinned behind his mask, even when the three images of Kenichi appeared his grin remained...maybe that was the good thing about these masks? you couldn't see the expression on his face. Yellow mask then stomped his right foot into the ground causing the ground to shake and crack "You'd be wise not to underestimate me...not in the slightest...and this testing of yours, it's irritating" The ground then shook more violently as chains burst out from under the ground, several hundred of them in fact, all rushing towards the images Kenichi had created. 

"But hey...let me bring you in on a secret..." Yellow mask then appeared behind the images, no chains attached to him even as the others continued to move "Those chains...those aren't my weapons" Yellow mask positioned his hands as if he was holding a weapon, the air then cracked with electricity as a scythe of pure electricity formed in his hands, he swung this from his right to his left, releasing a large arc of electricity at the images. If Kenichi was one of them, he'd find himself caught in a pretty big attack...

"Hm, you're pretty quick. But I'm no slouch myself..." The voice boomed and echoed, seemingly coming from three different directions. There was two attacks. An arcing slash, and chains from the ground. Two of the images took the attacks head on, just as he would have. They would dissipate and fade out. The real Kenichi reappeared behind Yellow Mask within striking distance. He whispered "Yonezu.." A black sword appeared in his hand where his katana once was. The force behind the piercing strike can be felt several feet away as the air would ripple from his sword and away from it. If Yellow Mask doesn't somehow avoid it, he is surely going to be skewered...

Yellow mask watched as two of the images took the attacks, shortly after Yellow mask felt Kenichi's presence behind him, a grin forming on his face as he seemingly took the attack from Kenichi, only to burst into electricity that crackled violently and travelled in all directions. Yellow mask appeared on the ground some distance away from Kenichi and spoke "you aren't the only one who can make clones...now how about we quit the pissing around and really get into it!" Yellow mask appeared before Kenichi, slashing the electric scythe from left to right towards Kenichi's mid section, as he did electricity crackled in his right hand and up his right arm, and although Kenichi couldn't see it, a grin was plastered on yellow masks face.

His attack missed, yet again. He was annoyed, sure, but he was starting to enjoying himself for the first time in a while. He chuckled manically, as he waited for Yellow Mask to attack him. When Yellow Mask appeared before him again, he pointed his sword downwards to counter the slash. His sword was still coated with his reiatsu and thus made it so the electricity did not transfer to him. Using the momentum, he turned himself upside down and executed a direct kick to the side of Yellow Mask's head.

Yellow mask continued to grin as his attack was countered, then came Kenichi's foot to the left side of his head. The kick connected yet Yellow mask held himself well, he used the momentum from the kick and spun, his right arm no longer crackled with electricity and the scythe that he had held in his left hand had now turned into a Katana of electricity. As Yellow mask spun around, holding his Katana in reverse a large explosion like sound could be heard as a massive spear of electric shot down from the sky towards Kenichi, all at the same time as Yellow mask was slashing the reverse held Katana towards Kenichi.

"Hm. I'll be sure to kick the shit out of you next time, this kick was too light it seems..." He commented nonchalantly. As the scythe disappeared and the katana formed, Kenichi knew he had to come up with something quick. Using his coated katana as a lighting rod, he drew the lighting to himself and countered it with the precise same amount of reiatsu, just in reverse. Kicking the air beneath them, he got slightly more height and avoided the katana coming at him. While doing so, he brought both feet back and shunpo'ed towards Yellow Mask with them, putting just about all of his strength behind it as well. He kicked at the left side of Yellow Mask's head in the sort of Super-Sentai-Dynamic-Entrance way that lets one know that he isn't taking the battle all that seriously.

In all honestly, he is finally starting to have fun...

Yellow mask watched as Kenichi nullified his lightning spear and avoided his attack with his Katana...it seemed he was quite agile for someone titled "Kenpachi" Then yellow mask saw Kenichi come at him with a fast kick, it made Yellow mask think about how this guy likes kicking...and it was kind of annoying right now. The Katana crackled as it vanished, Yellow mask stepped out of the way to avoid the kick, it was a surprisingly smooth movement as Yellow mask grabbed Kenichi's leg and spun him around before releasing him and sending him flying towards a nearby building "PISS OFF WITH THE DAMN KICKING ALREADY!"

Seeing his kick avoided, Kenichi was starting to get annoyed even more. For Fuck Sakes.. He thought. This guy is quick, agile and packs a decent punch. Soon after he finished with his thought, he felt a breeze. A swift one at that. Then he realised he was flying towards a building. This guy had managed to grab and throw him. Oh hell fucking no... He thought now. Kicking his leg out and using shunpo to cancel out his momentum, he stopped before he crashed into his building. If this was a game of speed, he does not mean to lose. With a small buzzing noise, he disappeared and reappeared to the right of Yellow Mask and executed a momentum-boosted back kick with his own right leg towards his midsection and immediately followed with a reverse heel kick with his left leg to the right of Yellow Mask's head. While all this was happening, Kenichi grabbed his sword and executed a point blank Issen at Yellow Mask as well.

Kazu had been sat down watching this fight and in truth was growing bored...he wanted to be in the fight, not watching it...how was he supposed to support anyway? how? if anything he'd just end up in the way and so he really was just waiting for a time to come when he could actually jump in and do something rather than sit around and let his old fart of a Captain hog all the fun...

Yellow mask watched as Kenichi came back at him, using shunpo to close the distance, needless to say Kenichi was back at it again with the kicks...and it was really getting on Yellow masks nerves! Yellow mask opted for the "fuck this" take on the situation and just released an immense amount of electricity from his body that shot everywhere violently, anything hit by it would be severely burnt and potentially if it hit part of a body...maybe blown off. The shock wave from the attack alone would have been enough to throw Kenichi back and cancel out the attack. Yellow mask was starting to lose his patience with this guy and would show that as he stomped his right foot into the ground, raising chains up from the ground to try catch and hold Kenichi, whilst with his right hand he signalled for not one lightning spear but twenty to come down at Kenichi...regardless of what happened, destruction would be caused.

Being pushed back in his current state, he knew that his opponent is growing restless. A restless opponent is prone to mistakes. As the electricity crackled and popped, Kenichi drew in a breath. Just who this punk thinks he is? Trying to use his reiatsu to intimidate him? How laughable. Going back to the aforementioned comparison to gears, Kenichi put himself into gear four. His reiatsu took a turn to the wild side, being comparable to that of a wild beast's in terms of ferocity and aggression. In his state, he is even faster and hits harder than before. He dodged the chains easily but he noticed the spears. He thought of Kazu. He shunpo'ed down, standing in front of Kazu. His sphere of influence with his reiatsu would extend just past Kazu's current position. His sword shone a deep black as he had entered Shikai and further coated it with his dense reiatsu. "Kazu" He said in a soft voice "Don't move, no matter what, until I tell you to. " As he waited for the spears to rain down on him..

Kazu watched as the spears rained down, Kazu had held his Zanpakuto tightly, ready to release it, until his Captain appeared infront of him, taking the attack. Kazu looked at his Captain and thought about how every time he got into a dangerous situation that would nearly or surely kill him, he'd be there to get Kazu out of it...in honesty this annoyed Kazu greatly...Ever since the Head Captain brought Kazu in he was always treated as a special case, so much so that his own Captain was pretty much told to throw his life away if it meant getting Kazu out of danger. This had all angered Kazu and now he was tired of sitting back and playing safe "Captain...I'm afraid I have to disobey that order"

Kazu took a deep breath then ran past his Captain, dragging his Zanpakuto behind him. Yellow mask at this point wasn't even phased, instead laughed at Kazu running towards him "The hell are you going to do kid?" Kazu continued to run before coming to a stop and looking at yellow mask, when he opened his mouth and exhaled, his breath visible due to the cold. This made Yellow mask look around a little "Did it just get colder?" Looking to the sky he saw the clouds gather and the sky grow dark, then only a few words came from Kazu "End all before you, Hasai Nadare.." Suddenly the temperature dropped drastically, red lightning then began to crack down on the area, causing serious damage...Kazu had been told not to release his Zanpakuto within the Seireitei, yet he was tired of listening to orders.

Yellow mask looked down at Kazu who was now holding a much smaller Zanpakuto "The hell did you do kid!? is this your shikai? this it? some flashy uncontrollable lightning?" Yellow mask went to take a step forward however couldn't move his leg, looking down he noticed ice slowly crawling up his legs, slowly freezing him. Kazu himself was slowly freezing "I was told never to release this Zanpakuto inside the Seireitei...it's because I cannot control it, it's power is far to strong for me to handle...maybe this due to my young age or perhaps the fact I cannot control my Spiritual energy all that well...but that doesn't matter, it wont stop me from turning you to ice...

Kazu however knew he could barely move, so he may have been able to freeze him but he wouldn't be able to move to cut him down...however Kazu wasn't alone here "Captain...You'll have to finish him, it's only right after all...this is your fight, I'm just playing support here" Kazu had gotten a little more serious and in doing so referred to his Captain as Captain. Yellow mask grit his teeth behind his mask then raised his right arm into the air as his right hand began to crackle with electric "I'LL CRUSH YOU, YOU GOD DAMN BRAT!" Yellow mask then went to throw his right hand down to launch a large spear down at Kazu. Kazu wasn't worried though...there were two major things in play here though.

"KAZU!" Before he can reach out and physically stop him, the little runt was gone. Sighing and running a palm against the flat side of his sword, he sheathed it and prepared his next attack. He moved closer to Kazu and avoided the lightning spears that were raining down on them from Yellow Mask as they left craters in the ground that were also charred upon impact.

Observing, he knew what kind of zanpakuto Kazu had, having been notified of its restrictions. This would be the first time he was going to see it up close though. Before long, he felt a tangible change in the tempature around them. His breath was becoming visible and his clothing became slightly stiff from the cold air. Red lightning cracked and fell around them, another effect of Kazu's release of course. Geez, he thought to himself, this kid can't control his sword, and is indiscriminate in its damage, but imagine him with control... 

The next thing he noticed was the fact that Yellow Mask was slowly being frozen from the feet up. Kazu was being frozen in place as well. Kazu said something about how he was told not to release his sword within the confines of Seireitei because of the massive damage he could cause due to the fact that he is not able to control it's powers. Kenichi is witnessing it first hand now, even though they are still in the Seireitei. If the Head Captain was to raise an issue with this, Kenichi plans on taking the blame for not being able to efficiently dispose of the enemy and Kazu had to be involved, even though Kazu disobeyed his direct order and involved himself.

Kazu said he would have to finish off the enemy, since this was his fight and he was the support after all. That brought a smile to Kenichi's face. He would go and ruffle Kazu's hair, despite his hatred of that. However, Yellow Mask roared and unleashed a massive thunder bolt towards Kazu. A serious expression came over Kenichi's face. Yes, he was the captain of the most bloodthirsty squad. Yes, they kill things for a living, and sometimes kill each other for things. Yes, they all love a battle and would gladly die in one. But, attack his squad mates like that is like buying a one way express ticket to meet the devil himself. Releasing his power to about 98%, the first time he has had to do that in over a century, he prepared his next chain of attacks. 

First, he executed a perfect Tsune-Rashomon, manipulating the threads so they cut the ice from Kazu's feet then sped up towards the lightning sent by Yellow Mask to restrict it and halt its movement. Next, he executed a Sansen Sekai. One of the images dashed by Kazu. Ruffling his hair, he whispered "Good job, now get the fuck out of my way..." Kazu would feel himself being grabbed and lifted by the top of his head, spun in a few circles and subsequently thrown about 300 feet from where he once stood. "Now to the fun part..." If one is even quick enough to observe this, they would see that the two joints connecting his shoulder and his arms were glowing purple. While still using Sansen Sekai, he coated his sword in reiatsu and dashed at the frozen Yellow Mask. 

A loud boom was all that was heard. Yellow Mask was essentially disintegrated. Only his frozen foot remained. What happened was Kenichi opened the two seals in his arms, ensuring that his next attack will be the end of Yellow Mask. During his Sansen Sekai-aided dash, and with his sword coated to a point where it can cut through even a zanpakuto with relative ease, he executed third simultaneous Me-O Yonezu, aimed at the head, chest, and legs of Yellow Mask. First strike entered through the left side of Yellow Mask's head, second strike entered at the center of his chest and third strike entered at the right side of Yellow Mask's right thigh. All three attacks pierced all the way through and thus that was the end of Yellow Mask....
@Blitzer @Crimson smile

A mask man, clad in mostly green clothing was seen walking though Seireitei, dispatching the numerous nameless shinigami that had come in hopes of stopping this intruder in his path. Without drawing his sword, and seemingly without breaking a sweat, he is dispatching one shinigami after another. The man did not seem particularly fast, nor particularly strong. However, he was moving essentially unhindered through the packs of shinigami that had responded to the earlier emergency call.

"Just where are the strong ones... All these... are trash..."

As it can be seen, he was a man of few words and even more efficient actions. He pauses for a moment, looking around. It would seem as if he had picked up a scent of his next prey. Moving swiftly, he launched himself into the air, running along roof tops and approached two particular shinigamis, heading towards what is Squad 11's barracks where the reiatsu is emanating from...

(I'm assuming Shokudo and Azemi had met up in the barracks after the captain sent out his order..?)

(Also, if you guys want to do this through a collab, let me know.) 
Kyou landed in an alleyway and looked around, both a bit miffed that he hadn't found his captain and relieved that he hadn't run into the enemy... He wasn't exactly looking to die today.  "Great, there's Captain's missing, the Lieutenant is nowhere to be found and I just know I'm gonna get blamed for this... This day could not possibly get any worse... Unless the Captain or Lieutenant die... that would make me move up in the ranks..." The thought of having to attend what he suspected were unnecessarily boring meetings horrified Kyou to the point where he mouthed a silent prayer on their behalf.
"Enemy spotted, Sir" 

Akemi snapped his sword from his sheath and unleashed his skikai in a burst of reiatsu. He was now ready for the war. He quickly spotted the green cloaked enemy. The green cloak man ran toward him, but Akemi flash stepped backwards. It was time for battle. Akemi unleashed his Yari missiles at the enemy in rapid fire. 


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