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Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

We don't say so, Mr.Beau-Senpai, we know^w^

A potato? I want oneee.

Is it a roast potato, or is it raw? ^-^
Please, call me Monty friend. ^u^ Any potato enthusiast is a friend of mine. <-< >-> Ittsss a roast, keep it safe. *Slips one into your pocket*
Okay you are no longer one of the many Senpai~

Monty it is then owo hello Monty potato

Potato enthusiastic people in the fun room oooo~

-eyes sparkle- a roast? Ooo I'll keep it safe! -Takes potato out of pocket and pets it- awh^w^
Finally finished with all my characters... I am so done! I mean this in both the metaphorical and literal sense...

Anyway, just waiting up on a few more people but, regardless of this, this RP should be starting in... like, a day or so! To those that reserved character spots recently or have submitted only a WIP - don't worry. Just take your time, finish up your personage, and join us in the IC. We will have started already, probably, but you can still jump in at any time!

Also, @Beaurmont and @Alirofgar - you guys still need to add some background info to your arrancar character sheets. Again, as I mentioned, take your time~
@HornedGhost and every other Shinigami.

There is something I would like to possibly discuss and that is the relationships between our characters. Because some of them may know each other for dozens or hundreds of years! So it would be good to make them, who dislikes who, who hangs out with that and that guy etc. Possibly make up some events which our characters had in common? This would also apply to other factions in the RP. (if people don't already have set their relationships)
@GabrielD921 I kind of agree with you on this and initially planned to include a relationships point in each CS. However, I decided against that since I figured that some people might prefer for relationships to be decided during the RP itself, seeing as that could be perceived as more... interesting in a sense????

Now that you've brought it up, though, how about we do a little poll. Personally, I will refrain from giving an opinion on this. So, should the characters have pre-determined relationships? Yay or Nay?

Thus far it's 1 Yay to 0 Nay.
What I initially thought is that our characters, or at least the majority of them, were newly stated captains after the Quincy war. (Correct me if I'm wrong about the war, haven't seen Bleach for a while.) I guess what we could start off with is a captains meeting introducing our characters to each other? Maybe some people who have their 'senior' captain OCs who have been in their positions before or during the war can welcome our newer ones. Tell me what you think about the captains meeting idea. As for the other races, I'm not too entirely sure, but perhaps something similar to the captains meeting for the Espada.

So to answer your poll, I say no to pre-determined relationships unless players have already established that link through their backstory or whatever. (OuO)
@Mousie you are totally correct to assume that the shinigami took up their posts after the quincy war! However, before that, they were still a part of the Gotei 13 and probably knew each other (or at least most of them did...) from before. As a matter of fact, three of my charas already have some form of relationships with other personages! Anyway, we are definitely going to start off with an introductory meeting on each side, whether it be Seiretei, Hueco Mundo or the world of the living. That was the idea I had in mind from the start (great minds think alike I guess!!!), however I will not include any canon characters (the senior captains) apart from Nanao and Shunsui... That's just unnecessary.

Anyway: 1 Yay to 1 Nay!

BTW, @Mousie, are you still thinking of rping as the 10th Division lieutenant?
Hmm, well I like to think everyone in the Gotei at least knows each other's names. I'm all for maybe coming up with past relationships, though.
I agree with most of what has been said so far, I think that mostly everyone in the Gotei would be sort of familiar with one another, or at least know everyone's names, but I think it could be interesting to add in the factor of past relationships as well so we're not starting completely from scratch. Does that make sense? Or am I just rambling? :P
Well I gotta get back to work, otherwise I'd take a look at everyone's characters and see if I can come up with something (I'll probably get to that later tonight). But if anyone wants to be frenemies with my Midori let me know~ (^U^)
@Hex good luck with your work!

Also, Imma wait for a few more opinions to come in before deciding on a final verdict, and after that is done I am going to ask all of you an important question...
P. important and in relation to the relationships between characters, considering the fact that the odds of them being pre-determined are looking good. Actually... it's not really a matter of "life or death" or anything along those lines. I just don't want to keep the other rpers out of the loop and make decisions on my own without considering your guys' feelings...

That is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me! Actually, I was hoping to lower everyone's expectations so that you don't feel disappointed when I mess up but I guess there is no going back now! I just have to be a good GM!!!
Oh come on now! I'm sure there must've been even nicer compliments than this! Anyway, keep the good work up!
Well, predetermined relationships isn't a bad idea in slightest. Neither is new ones forming. Both men and women can be fickle creatures...perhaps there could even be un-requited love. Maybe even a love triangle. Ah. so many options~
HornedGhost said:
@GabrielD921 I kind of agree with you on this and initially planned to include a relationships point in each CS. However, I decided against that since I figured that some people might prefer for relationships to be decided during the RP itself, seeing as that could be perceived as more... interesting in a sense????
Now that you've brought it up, though, how about we do a little poll. Personally, I will refrain from giving an opinion on this. So, should the characters have pre-determined relationships? Yay or Nay?

Thus far it's 1 Yay to 0 Nay.
I kinda say wait till.we start honestly

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