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Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth - Additional IC


The Travelling Storyteller

Las Noches - Hueco Mundo

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Hollows joining hands with shinigami had been something unthinkable, an unwritten law, for how can one expect two natural enemies to come together no matter the circumstances? However, as ludicrous as this idea sounded, that is exactly what had occurred during the now concluded war - Hueco Mundo and Seiretei had united their powers in the face of a common enemy.

And yet, now that the thread was eliminated and the balance was restored, albeit with much loss plaguing the entirety of the Spiritual and Materiel world alike, shinigami and hollows could go back to how they were before and bury their union in the soil of history. Even if they did that, though, things were irreparable. Too much had gone down in order for life to begin flowing the same way it did before, seeing as everyone's fate and thus that of the future had altered its path. Change had taken place. Change in ranks, in power, in hierarchy, for now in Hueco Mundo there reigned a new group of Espada. They were stronger, better, more ferocious (or at least the liked thinking so). They were also left to do as they pleased. As arrancar fought daily in order to climb to the top and steal the rank of the 1st Espada, anarchy silently crept through the white dessert, then seeped in through the walls of Las Noches


Death and Rebirth
Banzan Zavala The 5th Espada sat still in his designated seat in the meeting room of Las Noches. The Espada would occasionally hold get-togethers in this place and, even if a certain person didn't enjoy taking any part in these "bullshit hang outs" (as Zavala referred to them), while the others were cramped in this repressed space, there was nothing else to do.

Thus the blood-thirsty brute that is Banzan Zavala now stood calmly, faced with all of his "brothers and sister". Well, truth is that he wasn't calm at all but only appeared so on the surface. A hellish fire always raged deep down within the arracar's soul and was now emerging through his fingertips, which were anxiously fumbling around with one of his beaded bracelets. No matter now many times he attempted to calm down through repeating Buddhist mantras in his head, nothing could ease the nerves of Zavala. Thus, after a couple more minutes, he suddenly tore apart his bracelet, allowing the beads to fall to the ground and at last break the silence. Then, to further disperse the plague of remaining quiet, the man as though roared "Oi, dumb-asses, what the hell are we doing here anyway!? I am sick and tired of just fucking around doing nothing, sitting on my ass all day long. It's driving me... mad!" After that short outburst, Zavala was still red all over and looked with stern eyes over the other Espada in the room. Then, the fiery demon came to realize that he didn't know some of them and thus he sighed before speaking up again, this time in a more calm tone that, for once, matched his soft features "To all those fuckers who don't know me - the name's Zavala. I am the 5th Espada." And with the last statement uttered, the man threw forth his chest, signifying his pride in his power and the fear that his name induced.

@Beaurmont, @Alirofgar, @SoulFire, @Rayischo, @Vitaani, @Mousie
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Zira only sits on his place. He looks a bit annoyed but us rather tired. Really, he wanted to sleep now, but that would be unfriendly. As the 5th Espada shouted, Zira jumped up and than looks angry.

"No reason to shout! Dumb-ass low level!" He yelled at Zavala and than sighed. "Why do you shout? Do you want to get noticed? Dumb-ass?" He asked with a smile on his face. But he knows: there is the possibility that he call him Little boy. Something he hates. Yes he's not very tall (rather little) but he H's the surprise effect on his side, cause he hides his Number with a Bandage.

@Beaurmont, @Alirofgar, @SoulFire, @HornedGhost , @Vitaani,@Mousie
Chizu lounged in her seat, long-ways, legs kicked up over the arm of one side while her head head rested back on the arm of the other. She was happy that things had gone back to the way that they were, no more shinigami to deal with, those pricks that think their soooo much better than them. Hueco Mundo and her brethren were all that she needed, and she still held a bit of resentment at the fact that they were forced to work together. That resentment forever fostering due to taking a rather humiliating beating from Rosa when she had mouthed off in the beginning before they all banded together. She was rather sore about the whole thing even still, but she was working through it, looking for a good excuse to release some stored aggression out. That's when the holler of a brother caught her attention and made eyes shoot open, she turned her head to see who had spoken. She raised an eyebrow as the shorter looking Espada spoke, "Is there some place you'd rather be right now Za-za," she questioned, mockingly, "I'm not in the mood for anyone else's bullshit, least that of a #5, so can it!" While she knew this was an overreaction, she didn't care. she needed to vent her frustrations out, and he was a prime target, but she couldn't stop herself there. "Take notes from the shrimp over here, and shut your damn mouth before I teach you how." Her sudden outburst made her feel a lot better. She sat up, placing her feet on the table in front of her, crossed her arms across her chest and sighed. Rosa and Black Dog were always picking on her and today, just now, she needed to vent to cool back off.


"Shrimp...?" Zira looks very angry. "What do you mean with Shrimp, Chizu?" He asked her and looks angry. Than he let out a big sigh and Stretched. "I'm so bored... why we can't walk down to the Menos Forest? I want to see these brainless Gillians!" He said with a smile. Than he looked at his Bandage. He decided to unwrap it and show his Number. The Number Four. "Everyone who don't know me: I'm Zira des Derume, 4th Espada" He said with a smile. "Nice to meet you all or something..." He added and scratches his head.

@Beaurmont, @Alirofgar, @SoulFire, @HornedGhost , @Vitaani, @Mousie
Rosa made her way through the halls of Hueco Mundo, the light tapping of her steps echoing in the silence. A constant devious grin expressed her mood, and the almost erotic sway in her hips could tantalize most men. Course, any man that gets close to me...may loose a limb. She licked her lips slowly, a hunger from deep inside her grabbing her attention. Oh my, I'm already hungry again? She stopped for a second, pouting a bit and lightly rubbing her stomach. Suddenly one of her weakling pawns passed by, stopping when he spotted Rosa. Sputtering nonsense, he got on his knees and bowed before her. As it should be. She thought, a wicked grin returning to her pale face. She trotted up slowly towards the pawn, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Oh my dear, there is no need to grovel on the dirty floor. Please, please stand!" Rosa explained, her face serene and caring. The grunt looked up towards her, expressing his confusion. Slowly and awkwardly he stood, staring into her eyes. "Yes of course! Its not good to eat a meal that's been on the floor you know..." A loud crack and splatter was heard, before the pawn could even react. He slowly gazed downward, horrified to find that Rosa had impaled him through the chest. Splatters of blood had touched her cheek, and the serene gentleness she once wore was now turned into twisted enjoyment. "You know the best thing is to always savor every little bite of your meal. The added horror of my prey...ahh..." She let out a slight moan between words. "Its just icing on the cake you know? But...I can't savor you at the moment. I've got somewhere to be. Let's finish this up dear." She muttered, removing her hand from his chest slowly. As the pawn's sight got darker, his body grew cold. He could no longer see Mistress Rosa's face. "Don't you worry...I'll finish this fast. Thank you for the meal..."


Still licking her lips, she felt a strong longing within her stomach. I'll have to remember to be more careful next time, I can't just eat all my pawns now... She thought, giggling slightly. After a few more moments, Rosa found the meeting room where she told the other Espada to meet. She composed herself, placing a hand on her hip. Talking could already be heard from inside the room. Ready, she opened the door before being exposed to a little fight between Chi-Chi, little Zira and...ugh...Zavala. A ping of irritation spread through her body, but she kept herself in check. Do not kill them. Do not...Kill. Her devious smile returned and she began making her way to the head seat. Everyone watched her silently as she took her time, rubbing the edges of her chair. She looked at Chi and winked before actually taking a seat on the arm rest of the chair. "My my, you naughty kids shouldn't be fighting you know. Especially not without me." She squinted her eyes a bit gazing at each of the members in front of her. "I hope you are all introducing yourself correctly? My adorable guard dog, Vikas is off somewhere else doing...an important task for me." She closes her eyes and smiles in thought at the mention of an important task. She revels in it for a moment before opening her eyes again and leaning forward, resting her arm on her knee and her head in her palm. "As I am sure you will miss him, it is unnecessary for him to be here...currently. Please, by all means continue your introductions." She sits silently for a moment before realization dawned on her. "You know what, I forgot that I hadn't introduced myself yet. You will refer to me as Mistress, or Madam Rosa. Whichever you prefer." She grins a bit, sending a look toward Zavala, trying to toy with him once again. "I am number one, and the master of Hueco Mundo. I enjoy long walks on the beach, and devouring men. Pleased to meet you."
Chizu didn't get a chance to shoot her mouth off at Zira again before the door to the room flew open, the sight of Rosa making her sit straight up as she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She hated that she was #3 and this maniac was #1, this woman was nothing but a heartless beast with a bottomless pit for a stomach and an insatiable appetite. She wasn't sure if it was truly hatred that she felt for the woman or envy, perhaps it was both. Either way she followed Mistress with her eyes as she entered the room and took her seat at the head of the table. At the mention of Black Dog not being here she was a bit curious as to what exactly he had been sent to do, or perhaps she was only saying that and ate him. You couldn't be sure what was actually going on with this #1, but it was in everyone's best interest not to cause a stir or to question her. Chizu took in a slow deep breath before speaking, "I'm Chizu, the number three." she slowly exclaimed in a monotone sort of voice.

She always felt uneasy in the presence of Rosa, probably because she had a knack for devouring everything, but she seemed seriously have a thing for devouring men. That was, in a way, good for her, although it still meant that she would have to endure her ridiculous pet names and other forms of bullying. After speaking, Chizu hung her head a bit staring at the table and at the others in the room, all except for Rosa. She was still mad at her for the last altercation they both had and she didn't want to engage with the woman anymore than she actually had to.
What the hell is this bullshit! I don't want to be in the same room as this bitch any longer than necessary. Her face was turning a light shade of red from her automatic submissive response from even being in Rosa's presence. She hated herself for being that way, but it had always been that way since she had first seen her eat and got even worse after she had taken a beating from the woman.
Chibiko hurried onward in the many maze-like hallways of Las Noches. His rush was to be expected if he were to make it for one of the Espada's first meetings in a long time. It excited him to know that he'd be seeing some newer faces. He was also intrigued with a child-like curiosity to see the legendary hollow who conquered Hueco Mundo herself, 'Mistress Rosa'. He rubbed the tattoo mark that signified his rank for luck. He wanted to make a good impression with the newest generation of Espada. Although he was from an older generation, he was extremely happy to be lifted from his Privalon Espada status back to his old rank. Perhaps Mistress Rosa pitied him for his dog-like behavior where he'd worship the strongest member. Maybe. He finally arrived in the meeting room and saw that everything was almost dead silent. Hell, everything seemed awkward at this point. He smiled at everyone and sat down near the doorway.

With a few blank stares at everyone, he opened his mouth to say something before he stopped. There she was. Espada number 1, Mistress Rosa. If he had to die in any way, Chibiko would rather be devoured by her than anything. With Aizen gone, she was the new Goddess whom he had worshiped. "P-Pleasure to make your ac-" Chibiko began to choke out a few words before he noticed everyones pissed off glares stared him down. He gulped deeply and continued. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance everyone! I'm Espada number 7, Chibiko Suzuki." His eyes turned small very quickly.

As Rosa entered the room, he directly smelled blood and already knew what was going on. As Rosa took a Seat, Zira looked at her. "Rosa! You ate someone... again..." He said and sighed. "Really.... why are you always so hungry?" Zira asked with a little smile. He couldn't help, but this monster is one of his friends after all. Even if she's eating everything. He's in fear that Rosa eat him one day. But for now, that won't happen. As Chibiko entered the room, he looks surprised. "Another low level?" He asked himself and than smiled. "Yo! Nice to meet you Chibiko!" He said and than yawned.

@Beaurmont, @Alirofgar, @SoulFire, @HornedGhost , @Vitaani, @Mousie

"Listen here ki-!" Zavala was on the verge of going off at Zira when he was interrupted by Chizu. The woman's mocking touched the man in all the wrong places and only fed the raging fires within his soul. Truly, as she was not up for taking anyone's bullshit, so was he. "Za-za...?" a growl emitted from his throat as the man gripped onto the hilt of his nodachi. The 5th Espada was anxious to unsheathe Goka. If these two thought that they could get away with mocking him without any consequences then they were wrong. As Zavala pictured their charred up bodies, the blood-thirsty brute pulled at his sword...

But then, suddenly, a sharp pain pierced his skull, coming from behind his eye-patch. The deep wound inflicted in the past as though screamed out to him, torturing the man. This was somewhat of a regular occurrence, yet Zavala never truly got used to this enraging reminder of the only battle he lost. It as though send him back in time, to that extraordinary day during which he felt truly invincible, adrenaline rushing through his veins while fire enveloped his body in a moment to be engraved in eternity. He truly believed that he could emerge victorious, yet this wishful thinking was suddenly completely vanquishing as he faced utter defeat at the hands of that woman. And now, years later, his empty eye-socket screamed her name in agony and hatred - Rosa Kodeosu. Zavala knew that she was right behind the large doors to the meeting room, and thus he focused all of his spite towards his biggest enemy and forgot about the two "small fries" that had insulted him so. In all honesty, there was one thing he was grateful to Rosa for - she helped keep his priorities in check. If it wasn't for the bloody Mistress of Hueco Mundo, Zavala would have already set this place ablaze many times, taking everyone's life together with his own. However, as long as she was around he knew that he had no time to waste on pointless battling and trivialities. The only thing he had to work on was his power and then - obliterating her.

As Madam Rosa entered the room (forcing Chizu to straighten up, which spread a half-smile across Zavala's face), filling it with her suffocating presence, Zavala glared daggers at the first Espada, as though trying to hurt her with his mere gaze. He knew such an attempt was futile but continued following her with his eyes as Rosa made herself comfortable in the head seat, as seat that should be his! Feeling himself losing his temper once again, he forcefully and swiftly turned his head in the opposite direction, only to see that a Chibi-like boy had sat in one of the seats near the entrance. When he had come Zavala did not know and did not care, yet he took note of the feminine appearance of this man and wondered whether someone like that could really be an Espada. But then suddenly the 5th in ranking took his words back since he had learnt the hard way not to judge a book by its cover. And yet, the man truly found it hard to not do so since the words that came out of this guy irked him. "Kiss-ass" he thought with a snarl, and then, trying to keep himself from another outburst, turned his attention to all the other Espada and said, attempting to sound as calm and collected as possible (which was tough for someone like Zavala) "That Zira or whatever his name is is completely right in feeling bored. What the hell are we doin' here, anyway? Sitting on our asses like there aren't lowlifes out there, rebelling and trying to overpower us. I don't know about you, but I won't deal with their bullshit and would much rather be out there, burning up those motherfuckers!"
As the last of the group mentioned their introductions, which she did little to actually pay attention to, she felt the familiar tightness in her stomach once again. She noticed a random bone lying on the table and happily grasped it in her hand. It was a longer and thicker part of the skeleton, maybe from part of an arm. She lightly traced a finger along its length, humming a soft tune to herself. However, the bark of a rabid dog broke Rosa from her trance. An annoyed frown crossed her features as Zavala continued to complain of his apparent vast boredum. Not caring to even look up at him, she let out a light scoff, using her nail to carve at the bone. "Oh my, never would I imagine that one of the chosen members of the Espada would worry about the petty arrancar filth that lies outside these walls." She smirked at her obvious jab at Zavala, but then sighed in exasperation. She leaned back on the arm rest, keeping her attention of the bone. She brought it up in front of her eyes, twisting it back and forth, rather lost in thought. "I suppose you are right however my dear number 5. There are still many out there vying for control of Hueco Mundo. Perhaps...its time for a retalitation then?"

Rosa looked away from the bone and gazed into Zavala's...heh, eye. "Tell me then Zavala. what would you have me do, please. You have my attention, I'm interested." The Mistress rose from the arm rest, and slowly made her way toward the 5th Espada's seat, not before of course trailing a finger through Chi's hair. Her steps echoed in the small meeting room, strenghtening the awkward unpleasent silence. She could feel the daggers being shot at her from the annyoed man, but she literally thrived on his hate. She stood behind his chair, not making the effort to face him, keeping her attention on the bone.
Chizu had wished she could communicated telepathically to Zavala to shut his mouth before he got them into something that none of them wanted, however, the obnoxious man couldn't help but open his mouth...and on top of that complain and offer an action that Rosa should take. Way to go, smart-guy, sit in the throne room and complain to the queen about your problems. Yeah, that's the thing to do! Chizu didn't even bother looking over at him until she heard Rosa stand, and she thought that her heart was going to pound out of her chest as she felt the woman's finger playfully trace through her hair as she passed behind her. She wised someone would try to take her down, just for the simple fact that it may give her an opening to blow that smug condescending look off her face. She knew that she couldn't initiate anything like that and expect to last long, as the her powers were better suited for a drawn out battle and Rosa wasn't one to be inactive during a skirmish. She did have a nasty habit of showcasing her dominance over others though, which was made apparent by the action she was taking now, but if Chizu expected her abilities to effect someone like Rosa...then she'd have to be able to take a beating and still be willing to take some more. As one who has been in that position, she was more on the side of waiting for someone to step out of line and challenge her dominance and then try to catch the ravenous beast off-guard. She glared at Rosa, rosy cheeks from both

embarrassment and tightly contained anger. However, she was certainly grateful that Rosa was looming over someone else at this point, not sure if she would even be capable of forming a proper sentence if she were in Za-za's position. He seemed like a loud-mouthed idiot who couldn't tell when he had overstepped, so she eagerly awaited his response.

"Well, I didn't know that "Mistress Rosa" had become so lenient towards her subjects. Have you perhaps become soft?" Zavala returned the 1st Espada's jab right back at her. Yet, unlike the graceful Rosa, he sounded infuriated, which he truly was. The woman made a kind of raging fire ignite within him, so strong that it set ablaze his insides in agony. This churning hatred was so unbearable at times that the 5th Espada occasionally pondered whether he would simply spontaneously combust one day and burn to death, facing the same fate as all his victims. Well, if that ever happened, he wished to drag Rosa Kodeosu down with him... Yet, that would have to wait as the woman rose from her seat and slowly made her way towards Zavala.

He felt like... fainting. His empty eye-socket screamed and screamed, as though wanting to render the man unconscious, to protect him from this... monster. However, he resisted this primal urge and remained immobile as the queen of Hueco Mundo positioned herself behind him. He didn't turn around and, as much as he would like to believe that this was an act of rebellion, it was more of a way for him to avoid her gaze, which made him filled with rage and equally intimidated. "Yes, a retaliation..." his eyesight swept around the room, finding some comfort in looking at the other arrancar. After lingering a while on Chizu, his gaze an odd mixture of pleading for assistance as well as mocking her, Zavala continued "I am talkin' about holding a little... demonstration... if you can call it that. You know, take those fuckers by surprise, kill as many as we can and assert our dominance as the Espada. Wouldn't you like that Rosa?" the 5th Espada barely stopped himself from hissing out her name. It simply sat wrong in his mouth...​
Rosa stood in thought, taking heed to pay attention to the man's reply. The Mistress giggled a bit when he respectfully jabbed right back in her direction. Zavala was an interesting arrancar, and she did so enjoy teasing him to no end. Casually continuing to rake at the bone's exterior, she pondered Zavala's words. For a moment, the clawing stopped at the mention of a demonstration of power, showing the newly joined Espada's dominance. The words rang in her head, sending chills down her spine. A mischievous smile parted her red lips, showing a rather unusual toothy grin. She simply couldn't contain her excitement. "A demonstration of power...an example to the masses attempting to lay siege to my domain." She whispered, letting it roll off her lips with ease. "Sure enough, that's not a particularly bad plan." She admitted with a coy chuckle, resting one of her hands on her hip. "I was considering destroying them all myself...it's been forever since I've had a good massacre." She whispered, her face in a bit of a pout.

She turned to face the table and observed all of the Espada members she had gathered.
"I'm so glad you have come to understand my intentions Zavala! I am already ahead of you my dear. I've already been making preparations for quite the demonstration. In which, you Espada number 5, will be taking part in. You'll be the main performance!" She exclaimed happily, throwing her arms up in the air with a bit of exaggeration. "Worry not however, as you all will have an important task to complete for me." Rosa brought the bone to the edge of her lips, her toothy grin slowly receding. "But this show of power will not be simply for the arrancar in Hueco Mundo...oh no. By far, it is MUCH more important than that. We're also going to show those damn shinigami the true power of the Espada." Her eyes had a sinister glow like never before, as her hand begin clenching the bone tighter. The splintering sounds grew as she continued talking. "Soon, everything will be in place."
Zira stood up with a serious and disappointed look in his face. He's going to leave the room. "Plan this massacre without me. I don't like it to "show my real Power" which means massacres everything that us weaker than we are. Or, how Zavala said, a demonstration of our Power." He slowly walked to the exit of the room and sighed. "I'm going to the Menos Forest... Don't bother me." He said and left a room.

Chibiko giggled in excitement as he watched the scene unfold before him. A Goddess with the power to devour all that she pleases. Marvelous. Especially since she could extinguish a great flame such as the 5th Espada, Zavala with ease. His eyes widened in surprise as Zavala mentioned killing off as many arrancar as they possibly could. "That's not very nice, Zavala." Chibiko silently whispered. Chibiko knew deep down inside that it was necessary. And if his Goddess commanded it, he would fall unto his sword and vanquish his enemies in her name. After hearing Mistress Rosa wanting to kill the ambitious threat herself, Chibiko's mood changed quickly again. He was much more positive of killing his fellow hollow now. But that wasn't all the great Mistress Rosa mentioned. She had explained in ambitions to kill not only the hollows off, but also demonstrate their power to the shinigami who had invaded Hueco Mundo in times past. Chibiko hated shinigami. He smiled as Mistress Rosa looked the other Espada's way and may have even slightly giggled happily. No matter who he had to kill or what he had to do, Mistress Rosa only had to command it.

"Mistress Rosa, if I may, I'd like to ask you something." Chibiko began in a quieter voice than usual. "What if the shinigami send people here to invade us instead of us invading them? What are our glorious plans orchestrated by you to be, Mistress Rosa?" Chibiko asked in a curious upbeat tone the way a child does. He had a small smile grow on his face as he awaited his Mistress' response. The other Espada were clearly weaker than her, and therefore in Chibiko's eyes, irrelevant.
Chizu didn't really care what these plans were at all. All she wanted to know was when was the fighting going to start and who they were going to destroy. They all had a mean streak within, some wearing those closer to the surface than others, but they all had a thirst...a hunger for chaos and destruction. However, Chizu did find herself not liking Chibi that much, his suck-up attitude was beginning to get to her. She couldn't stand the woman yet didn't have the power to do anything about it, but on the other hand...she could certainly get some fun out of kicking him around a bit.

"Why don't you just ask her to your room, maybe she'll eat you and you wear that stupid grin of yours as your devoured!" Chizu blurted the words out harshly, not being able to contain her frustration at this whole unfolding situation. Her hair was in her face now, as she had leaned forward and shouted these words. Realizing what she had done, she slowly sat back, fixed her hair, and took a few deep breaths. Good job, Chizu! Way to stay cool! Way to let that little bottom-sucking leech get under your skin...I swear, if I have to do anything with him or get him alone, I'm going to beat him to a pulp...kissing up to her all the time like she's some goddamn god. He makes me sick! She does too!! A slight blush was visible in her cheeks but she managed to keep her head up, looking first at Chibi before looking over at Rosa. The suspense of Rosa's hidden agenda was starting to bother her though, and she couldn't keep quite about that either. However, she wasn't going to explode at her like she did Chibi. "So what exactly do you have going on behind the scenes, anyway? Mind filling us in?" She asked, the annoyance in her voice clearly visible.

@Beaurmont @Mousie
Walking down the dark corridor, a light breeze swept down the hall lightly moving Vikases hair up and down. The air around his home seemed about as hostile as it always was when he returned from a trip Rosa had sent him on. It amazed him how this group of people could even function without him being a peace keeper and intermission between conflicts. His steps echoed throughout the hall as he began to be lost in his thoughts. Vikas began to wonder if Rosa had been eating the right amount instead of overdosing like usual? Or maybe she started a fight with one of the espada again? Vikas just hoped she didn't kill too many pawns during his absence. A light appeared from the side of the wall on the right as Zira came out in a huff. He looked my direction for a brief moment before heading in the other direction. Zira must not be in the mood right now, Vikas would have to play catch up later. He stepped closer to the door when he overheard "Why don't you just ask her to your room, maybe she'll eat you and you wear that stupid grin of yours as your devoured!" Vikas remained out of sight for a moment to see what would happen. after a few moments of silence he heard from the same person as before "So what exactly do you have going on behind the scenes, anyway? Mind filling us in?" Vikas decided to go ahead and walk in and steal the spotlight. "Well, part of those "behind the scene" action would be me. And might i add, you shouldn't take your anger out on random people. You might live to regret it."
Zira finally arrived in the Menos Forest and sat down on a stone. He watched a he Gillians walking around with no clue where to go. Mindless, big, brainless things... that's what's funny for him. As he saw a bunch of Adjuchas, he closed his eyes and smiled slightly. "Get out of my sight..." He said to himself and stood up. "Ugh... time to ride a Gillian!" He said and jumped on a Gillian. The Gillian directly get out if control and fell to the ground. "Dang!" He vanished with his Sonido and appeared on another Gillian, which fell to the ground, too. But Zira jumped on another Gillian... but something was different... He feels that this Gillian has a stronger Reiatsu than the other Gillians. Suddenly, the Gillian he's riding ate another Gillian. "Wait! A special Gillian? Nice!" He said, but then realized that he's riding a Gillian. "Ha ha! I'm riding a Gillian!" After he rode 'Yenju' (he gave the Gillian a name) a few minutes longer, he jumped down and bowed down towards Him. "Thank you for the ride, Yenju!" He said and left the Menos Forest to head back to Las Noches. He decided to use Sonido. As he Arrived, he sighed. After I rode Yenju, I noticed that I don't have a Fracción... He looks disappointed for a short time, but then headed to The 'Espada Meeting room'. He entered the room with a serious look in his face. "Did you already planned the massacre?" He asked and sat down in his Chair.
Rosa let her cute Espada members quarrel for a moment, it always served as good entertainment. At the mention of getting to eat someone she perked up immediately, almost a little too ."excited. "Oh, do I get to eat someone? I'm always feeling a little hungry." She muttered, eyeing each member as if they were a walking meal. She let out a small chuckle, turning her attention back to the bone. She rubbed smooth exterior with her fingers, cool to her touch. "Don't you worry, I have need for all of you. The details, will come a short amount of time later. But that is secondary, I'm already preparing for it. For now, we have bigger fish to fry." Rosa felt a familiar energy coming towards them, and a small actually pleasant smile crossed her lips. She knew exactly who it was, as it calmed her down greatly. "Well, part of that behind the scene action would be me. And I might add, you should take your anger out on others. It might get you killed." A voice stated, entering the room suddenly. Espada ranked 2nd among her table, Vikas the Black Dog. Rosa tossed the bone behind her, clapping her hands together quickly. "Ah my dear knight in black armor has returned~" She sung happily. "Well, things are moving along a lot faster than I had hoped for. That decides it!" Rosa stuck a hand in her mouth, looking to be reaching for something. She, however, did not stop and continued until her hand began going down her throat.

Effortlessly, she grabbed something and began pulling it back out. A large rolled up map emerged from her lips, void of any saliva or other unsightly liquids. Ignoring everyone's reactions, she walked forward toward the table laying it out flat.
"We've discovered something interesting recently, well actually a multitude of things. But I think you'll all enjoy this." She pointed to a marked red 'X' on the map, surrounded by smaller red circles. A faint smile appeared on her lips. "Turns out a group of pathetic arrancer banded together in an effort to destroy the Espada. And no, I don't mean just me. As great as that would be. You're all targets." She looked back at Vikas, a come hither look on her face. "But~I~know~where~they~are~" Rosa whispered in a sing song tone.
Vikas looked at the small arrancer before him beckoning him closer. Rolling his eyes a little, Vikas went closer to Rosa and leaned down next to her face. "And where would that be madam?" Rosa pushed away his face and giggled a little bit. Even to Vikas and all of his time with Rosa, she was as much as a mystery as to everyone else. She could simply be enjoying the contact between the two, or plotting to get revenge latter on him. It was a sort of running game between the two, that he vastly enjoyed. He glanced at the rest of the espada in the room for a second to see what their reaction to this was, then let Rosa continue explaining things.
The last thing Chizu wanted to was to hear advice given to her by the Black Dog, she shot him a mean glare as he spoke. Rosa's little sound and dance was also a bit disturbing, although she could really use an outlet like a wannabe arrancar uprising to lessen her irritation. "Well I don't see what we're waiting for then," Chizu replied, as she stood up, "I need something to break anyway, might as well be some arrancar," her volume dopped as she rambled on, "Might just lucky enough to see a few faces disappear." It's not like Chizu wanted to fight for Rosa or anything, but she was still an Espada, and anything that could possibly pester one of them was essentially a bother to all of them...especially if Rosa brought it up. It was better to eliminate all obstacles that could prove a later irritation to them as swiftly as possible in her eyes, this way she could worry about the crazy two above her and maybe even those that yearned for more power below. She looked at the map and then diverted her attention to Black Dog, incapable of letting his comment to her go, as she was still in a bit of a foul mood. "Might live to regret it, huh? You have something you want to say?" She was in rare form today to even mouth off to Vikas, but she wasn't concerned with it at the moment, she was still riding the wave of anger and irritation, though it wasn't as high as it had been at the beginning of their meeting.

@Alirofgar @Beaurmont

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