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Fantasy Blade Royal (Always Open)


New Member

Only a handful of years ago, we would have looked at the technologies today in awe; would have said it impossible, in such a short time. But, having it stare us in the face now only proves just how quickly humanity is growing and changing; technology is expanding. It all started with basic, olden gaming systems; gradually growing to that of faster, and stronger gaming systems, and computers. Then,
it came out; a device called the Oculus Rift. At first, it was but a device you clasped to your head; putting the player into the gaming world through sight and sound alone. It gave you more of a feeling of being in the game, in person, though still lacked all of the experiences which would fully wrap up the sensation; the true gaming experience. It lacked touch; being able to feel, or smell. You were still aware that it was just a game; not reality, and this was not acceptable.

Years came, and went, and over time, the aspects of it began to change. Soon, though through edgy means, at the time, more sensations were able to be added into the entire experience. Until we came upon what we have to this day...

May 25, 2035

A new device has hit the market; the final product of all those years of study, and melding of different technologies to provide the entire experience everyone so desired. This device has been named Orb Rift; a long distant relative to it's elder, Oculus Rift. Yet, the finest piece that provides the finest virtual reality for those who use it. With
but that of a simple, slick, and clean headset you place over your eyes, a person can completely connect into that of virtual reality. The sensors along the skull have been formed to send signals to that of the nerves in the brain, through current scientific means; otherwise dedicating the mind to a 'dream like' state, where the individual connects into a reality that is shared with others who have connected the same way.

And the first game ever to be released on this new, well-tuned system? A game called Blade Royal; a fantasy RPG, where others can join to level and build their characters, or just to hang out with individuals they would otherwise be unable to in the many beautiful scenic areas of the 'world.'

This, is where
your story begins. Who will you be in this new world that future technology has brought us? What will you do with your time there? In the end, you are the one who makes your story what it is...

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The Earth has music, for those who listen.


"Please customize your character."

The words would tickle at her ears, as the world around her began to change. At one point, she had been laying in her bed; the new Orb Rift strapped to her head, as she pulled the proper switches to begin starting it up. As she laid back against that of her soft pillows, and closed her eyes, a strange tickling sensation had run down her spine, before the world as she knew it faded away. No longer did she feel she was laying against soft fabrics, and sheets, but her body felt as if it were floating; floating in a space of inky darkness.

Then, a few flashes of lights, as those words had played in her ears; swiveling, and twirling around each other like a dance of colors. Soon, it would all fade and zoom into that of a menu before her. Her? What was her? She couldn't look down and see her feet, or lower body, but she knew she was there, as her fingers would lift to glide along the choices. Flipping through them, one by one, she would opt for her desired race of a Pixie, and the chosen appearance of her character, before inputting her name.

"Welcome to Blade Royal, Freya."

And in another swirl of stomach twisting colors, as the menu would be yanked from her finger tips, her body would be launched into some unknown depth once more....

Really, perhaps she was a bit late to the party. It was June 2, 2035. About a week after the game and system had released, but unlike the few rich counterparts of the world, Freya had to take time to save up for such an expensive piece. It mattered little to her, however. She was just excited about what was to come, and finally having been able to get her hands on something she had been ecstatic for the moment she had laid eyes on it..


Her vision would begin to fade into clear view, as she stood for a moment in surprise; crystal hues glimmering against the sun's warm rays of light. The sun? She could feel it warm her porcelain skin, as she finally began to turn her face to peer around the open city she appeared to be within. It was bustling with people. Real people, or NPC? She couldn't tell. But God, it felt so real! She could even feel that of the light breeze caressing her long, silk locks of blue hair.

"Wow.." Was all she could force herself to state, in her moment of pure awe at the beautiful, fantasy world around her. In some top corner of her view, she could see the lingering words, Algodones. A main city, certainly; perhaps one where all the new players spawned. It would only make sense, being that she spawned there, and it was the first time she had ever even picked up an Orb Rift.

Her clear, shiny wings would flutter a bit, as she would step forward with bare feet along the heated cement. Of course, the sensation would cause her to cringe with slight pain, before stepping back again in the cool of the shade from the building beside her. She would look down at her feet; wiggling her toes a bit, in realization that it looked nothing like her own feet, in real life. Of course it didn't. She had made this character exactly as she had hoped. But, it was still strange to look down, and see someone else's feet, besides your own.

And the sensations...They were so...


Slowly, her wings began to flutter harder, as if with a mind of their own, as her feet began to slowly lift up off the ground; providing safety from her bare feet, and the heat of the cement, as she began to glide forward. Her pointed ears would twitch to the many different sounds of the town, as she explored; gazing into nearby shop windows, and otherwise making note of the finer details...Her long silk, white dress would sway with the wind, as she flew, only to slow to a stop at a shop window with gleeming weapons and jewelry.

"Uwah!...This place is so real...and amazing!" Freya would squeal, as she swirled around in the air, before stopping to press her hands and face up against the glass; peering in with wide, shiny eyes, at the many beautiful items within. Though, with a light frown, she would lean back; lifting up a hand to bring up that of a menu before her face. Pressing a few buttons, her pointed ears would seem to droop, along with her wings, as a soft whine would escape her glossy pink lips.

No gold...

Didn't games usually start you out with at least a little bit? To get you going? She found it strange, and slightly disappointing, as her mind began to wonder to how she could possibly make the gold to buy some of these extravagant items.

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I love video games, since they are so creative and beautiful. This game is also ten times better than Skymin. ^w^


"Please customize your character."

She just listening to the Npc's words, as the world around her began to change. Alice was sitting on her comfortable computer chair, when she had the new Orb Rift strapped to her head, since she did used the old Oculus Rift before the new Orb Rift came out. She turned the Orb Rift on, since it was already plugged into her computer, laid back on her comfy chair, and closed her eyes. A strange tickling sensation had run down her spine, before the world as she knew it faded away. No longer did she feel she was laying against comfortable chair, but her body felt as if it were floating; floating in a space of inky darkness.

Then, a few flashes of lights, as those words had played in her ears; swiveling, and twirling around each other like a dance of colors. Soon, it would all fade and zoom into that of a menu before her. "I guess that this is where I get to pick my race." said Alice, since she knows what she was doing. She started to flip through the races to see which race will she like the most. Alice saw the pixie race, and she was interested with the 10+ speed, since she likes to go fast and use magic. She tapped on the pixie icon, choose her appearance, and inputting her name.

'Welcome to Blade Royal, Alice."

And in another swirl of stomach twisting colors, as the menu would be yanked from her finger tips, her body would be launched into some unknown depth once more....

Her vision would begin to fade into clear view, as she stood for a moment in surprise; crystal hues glimmering against the sun's warm rays of light. The sun? She could feel it warm her porcelain skin, as she finally began to turn her face to peer around the open city she appeared to be within. It was bustling with people. 'Those must be the other players.' thought Alice, since they were jumping around like idiots. Alice was still amazed by how beautiful the fantasy world is in the Orb Rift, but seeing the beautiful city didn't last very long, as soon as she started to walk on the cement floor. "Hot!" said Alice, as she quickly ran towards a shaded spot.

Her blue wings started to flutter harder, as soon as she was in the shaded arena, since it looked like it had a mind of it's mind. Alice started to slowly lift up off the ground, and she glided forward the cement arena, since her feet was off the ground. She then started to touch her feet, since she hadn't touch them yet. 'It feels so real!' thought Alice, since it felt like she was touching her real feet.

Alice was use to the many different sounds of the town, since she lives in a city in real life. "Lets see where I am." said Alice, since she hasn't check the map out yet. The map open, and she saw the different shops on the map. "So I am in Algodones right now, and there is a cafe and spa here?!" said Alice, since she didn't think the creators of this game would put a cafe and a spa in this game. 'That is great idea!' thought Alice, since she loves both the cafes and the spas. She then started to think how she was going to get money in this game, since she ended up checking her inventory, after she had looked at her map for a bit, and she didn't started off with any weapons nor money. 'I think I can kill a monster in order to get some money, but I have no weapons on me. Maybe, I should take a npc's quest mission, since they also give me some money.' thought Alice, as she went to find a npc, so she can do the quest mission.

( I still like Skymin. ( :) ))
The Earth has music, for those who listen.


As Freya floated in her spot before the shop window, she would cross her arms; lifting a finger to her lips in curious thought. With a slight tilt of her head to one side, some of the loose strands of her silken hair would fall against that of her rounded face. What were the ways you usually got money in a game? Well, you fought monsters. Of course, she was certain it was possible to fight some very low level monsters with her bare hands, if she found them. But, they usually didn't provide with the most gold. There was also the possibility of getting another player to trade her the gold, but that required friends, and honestly, any friend she made here would more than likely be just as new as herself. No, she
needed to at least start out on her own. What kind of player would she be if she already attempted to start leaching off of other players right off the bat? She needed to get a feel of pulling herself from nothing, to something.

"Aha! I've got it~" She would chime out; unable to help but allow a soft giggle to bubble forth at the realization that hit her. RPG games like this always had quests. Especially for those who just started, to get them used to the game, and started on items and gold. If anything, it would be the best place to get gold; certainly more so gold than she would get from small fry monster. Yet, where could she possibly find one? She would turn, as her wings fluttered; almost looking like a blur of motion, like that of a humming bird, at that point. Even as she looked about, however, she did not see any indication of a quest nearby; no NPC with some large yellow exclamation point above their head, or any other thing like that. Maybe if she looked through a map? Usually the maps showed where important things could be located, including that of quest givers.

Lifting up her fingers again to glide along the air before her, her menu would once again pop up with a chime. A press of a few buttons, and a whole map would sprawl out before her. She would blink a few times, with long lashes, and stare in shock. She knew the place was big, alone, by what she could see. But, according to the map, it far extended across the land. You would need a mount, or even that of a portal from within the city to make it to the edge of the town, just so you could go out into the wild, if you started from the center. Unless you wanted to take a few hours of a walk; which seemed utterly pointless, really, if you could make the trip faster. But, at that moment, that information was meaningless to her. She was more focused on that of the shops; small little shop icons for different products littering the surface of the map.

Weapons, armors, potions...


There it was. A small little exclamation point on the map. It wasn't far away from where she found herself. Certainly, she could fly there with ease. Closing her map quickly, she would launch forward; flying quickly with a sway along the cool breezes, towards that of the question. There were a litter of humans, she would note, in the area she was arriving to. None too surprising. She had recalled reading how this city was mainly for that of the humans, despite the mixture of races that met there. But, her eyes would snap to that of one of the humans; a human who appeared slightly different. Despite the exclamation point on the map, there was none above his head. Instead, the human seemed to almost lightly glow in a white light. She would slow her flutter to a gentle glide, as she stopped before him; the human NPC turning to look at her, with a wide smile. She didn't even have to speak to him, or make any motion, for him to know what she was there for.

"Ah, You are Freya, right?" The male human would question, before leaning slightly to peer over her shoulder. "And you must be Alice?" At this, Freya would find herself slightly surprised; quickly turning to look over her shoulder at who the NPC could possibly be speaking to. To her surprise, another female Pixie would seem to be floating up. Was she new, as well? It would seem so, and none the less, her question would be answer with the NPCs words, as he would continue. Still, she was quite a beautiful Pixie. With a light frown to her pink lips, and a furrow to her brows, she would inwardly wonder if a tad more work to her character would have been necessary. But, her expression would quickly melt back into a soft one, as she would otherwise shrug off the thought. She found her character to suit her taste well, either way, and besides, it was more about the game, than that of appearances, right? Still, she had to admit the person had done quite a nice job in the details.

Suddenly, however, a window would appear before both of their faces; showing that of the words the NPC would speak, as he spoke them, and the details of the quest which was being given. It wasn't a lot of gold, but was to be expected. It was a simple quest, which usually warranted less reward, plus, it was for that of beginners, like themselves. She was certain if she kept up with that of the quests, she would eventually be lead to higher bounties for her work. Clicking the accept button, the message would otherwise disappear from before her; a glitter of light suddenly forming along her feet and down a path across the road; seeming to lead her towards her destination. Though, instead of following right away, she would pause to look back at the other Pixie, once more. Apparently, her username was Alice.

"So you are new too, huh? This game is pretty amazing, right? I almost can't believe it really is a game...." Freya would conclude, in small talk. Making friends in a game like this was important, right?

Meet Your Queen

"If you two are new here, you should really go speak to the Pixie knight found at the training grounds nearby. His name is Alfrigg, and he will keep you updated on the Queen Pixie's needs and quests, if you find yourself not in your home lands."

Quest Objective

Speak to the Pixie knight, Alfrigg






I love video games, since they are so creative and beautiful. This game is also ten times better than Skymin. ^w^


Alice clicked on the accept button, when the quest appeared in front of her face, and a glitter of light suddenly forming along her feet and down a path across the road; seeming to lead her towards her destination. She then turned her head towards the another pixie, since she was bit focus on playing this game. "Yep. I am new, and this game is almost like skymin with the Oculus Rift on, but it's like ten times better." said Alice. She looked at the pixie's username, and saw that her username was Freya. "Anyway. It's nice to meet you, Freya." said Alice. She open her friend's list, and send Freya, an pop out message asking if she wanted to be her friend. "If you wanted to be my friend then there you go, and do you want to do this quest together? Since I know what I am doing here, because I have played some mmorpgs before. By the way, did you saw that there was a cafe and a spa in Algodones on your map?" said Alice, since she was thinking of going there with Freya, because it looks like fun.

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The Earth has music, for those who listen.



A soft chime which would indicate her notification, as a little red light would flash in front of her eyes; perhaps as a way to get her attention, in case she could not hear the sound. Though, she wasn't sure why she wouldn't hear it. Maybe in the midst of battle, you were to focused to note such things, and so an extra precaution to make note of your notification was necessary, just in case. Well, it mattered little, really, as she would open her menu; gliding through the options, until she stumbled upon that of her friends list. None too surprisingly, though still disappointingly so, her friend's list was completely blank. Though, there was the little notification at the bottom of the empty list, which would show her request.

Clicking 'accept,' her first friend would be added; changing the once bland, empty friend's list into one which at least held a single friend. Well, she was taking her first steps. That was all that mattered, and she hoped that, one day, her friend's list may be much thicker. Freya was known, well, at least among friends in real life, to be a hoarder; a collector, of sorts. This was just another of her collections; a quest to collect friends, maybe rare items, and mounts. Oh, how she had always loved collecting mounts and pets in that of games; this one certainly not going to be any different. Though, she had a few other things before her, in that moment, to keep her occupied; leaving the thoughts of a hoarder behind, for now, on the items she may collect in the future.

"Ah, yes, yes!"
She would finally chime, with a flutter of her wings, as she would smile brightly towards her new friend; clapping her hands together in a wave of excitement at the prospect of doing quests together, and that of the spas. "They also seemed to have some sport centers, and theaters. There is so many places here! So many to explore, at least, I hardly know what to do.." She would conclude; her smile fading into a more puzzled expression, however, as she would tap her chin in thought. Finally smiling again, as if striking an idea, she would point to her new companion. "Well, what do you think? You are my first friend on here, so you should decide. We could do the quest right now, or we could take a detour to one of the more fun locations, first. I want to check them out at some point, anyhow." She would question; waiting for her friend's final decision, as she would pull up her map.

"If we head to the spa...It's only a few streets down. Well, there are a few. But this one has the most ratings.." She would murmur; seeming to speak mostly to herself, as she would gaze at her map. She would use her fingers to zoom in on a spa called "Mist Valley," with seemingly a rating of four out of five stars; the highest rating out of the spas in the main city.

I love video games, since they are so creative and beautiful. This game is also ten times better than Skymin. ^w^


Alice's eyes started to glimmer when she heard that there was some sport centers and theaters here. "That is awesome! There is so much things that we can do in this city." said Alice.

She then heard Freya asking her if she wanted to do the quest first, or go explore the fun locations.
"I guess we can go look that the fun locations, since it's better to know them first, and the quest can wait for us." said Alice. She looked at Freya's map, and saw that she was looking that the spa named Mist Valley. "Lets go check out that spa, since that spa must be like heaven if it has 4 out of the 5 stars rating." said Alice cheerfully. She open her map up, and started to fly there with her new friend: Freya. "Come on, Freya. The spa is waiting for us." said Alice. Alice later arrived at the Mist Valley spa, and started to take a peek in of what it looks like inside from the window. "This spa looks awesome." said Alice. She then entered in the spa, since she wanted to know how much money it cost here. "Excuse, but can you show me how much money it cost here? I am just curious." said Alice, as she was talking to the spa npc behind the counter.

The Earth has music, for those who listen.


Freya would nod slightly, in agreement to her words. She was right, after all. The quest didn't seem to have a time limit, so it could be completed at a later point. Though, the fact
did bring up a curious thought, none the less. She wondered, curiously, if there really would be timed events and quests. She could only assume as such, but it was an interesting prospect, either way. "Alright then!" Freya would conclude, with a flick of her wrist to send the menu, and map, disappearing into thin air. Her glossy lips would spread for a wide smile once more, as she would otherwise brush a few loose strands of hair from her face. She didn't need the map, anyhow. For, at that point, Alice seemed to bring up her own map; using her beautiful wings to flutter away down the path she found more convenient to get to their destination.

Freya would do the same; wings fluttering wildly, as she would follow after Alice. She couldn't help but laugh slightly, as her Pixie friend, and herself, would glide in elegant twists and sways over the crowd of other players and NPC; a trail of light Pixie dust following behind them, in suit. When they had finally arrived at the Spa, Freya would land delicately along the cool flooring of the entrance, while Alice would take a moment to peak into that of the large window. She had to agree, of course, it seemed quite spectacular. It was a very large, pristine building. Once the two would enter, while Alice spoke to that of the NPC human behind the counter, Freya would take a moment to truly take in her surroundings; her crystal hues gazing about.

The spa entrance, in itself, was breath taking; a long open hallway, with lush cushioned chairs, and carpeted flooring. The row of tiles down the center of the room, towards that of the desk up front, was made of clear glass; the view of glittering water beneath it's surface clear to view, as large glowing, rock-like pillars stood at each end; a few fountain-like spurts pouring out from the top of the pillars into a small open pool of water at the center of the room. The soft trickle of the water could be heard lullingly along with the gentle tune of jazz on the air, as she would release a sigh of content to the overall sensation the place gave. Nothing had even happened yet, and already she felt relaxed.

The male would smile at Alice, and would chuckle softly. "No cost...Relaxing at the spa, and eating or drinking the spa's food or beverages, provides no bonuses to the player. It was a location added purely for that of a hangout for that of players. That being the case, all time at the spa is without cost. Only things in which provide bonuses to the players, in this world, cost any money...Please, feel free to change in the changing rooms, and spend some time relaxing. We pride ourselves on having the finest necessities within our spa." Of course, at these words, Freya would look slightly surprised; blinking, in her awed state. "Free? For real?! That's...amazing!" She would squeal out. Of course, perhaps it shouldn't have come as a surprise. This wasn't the real world, which meant there was no bills for this establishment to pay; no workers to give paychecks to. There was no need for money, and it could thrive just fine. If the players were not gaining anything from it, it would only naturally be without cost, as there would be no point in wasting hard earned gold on something that had no benefit.

Of course, the NPC would seem to be amused by her excitement; nodding slightly, in turn. "Yes. Though, there are some rules. You must have on a bathing suit, at the very least, at all times. If you do not own a bathing suit, you can find a house given suit in the changing rooms. They are the basic white one-pieces. At the end of your visit, please be sure to return the suits to their proper place."

A new location has been added! Check out the Settings/Locations tab to see more information about the Misty Valley Spa.

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I love video games, since they are so creative and beautiful. This game is also ten times better than Skymin. ^w^


Alice was looking at the male npc with surprised look on her face. "That is awesome! A free 4 out of the 5 stars rating spa!" said Alice, who was also squealing with excitement. She heard the male npc that they needed to put on a bathing suit, and if they don't have one, that they can use the basic white one-pieces in the changing room. "Ok, and lets have some fun at the spa, Freya." said Alice, as she flew into the female's changing room, since she was very excited about this. She changed her clothes into the basic white one-pieces, and went into the pool, so she can relax in there. "Feels so good." said Alice, as she was floating in the water, since she was laying on her back.

The Earth has music, for those who listen.


Quickly, she would follow her friend; lifting up off her feet once more to glide down the hallway along after her friend. Her wings would make a light humming sound as they fluttered against one another to carry her along. Once in the changing room, Freya would quickly change; grasping down one of the hanging white one-piece bathing suits. Draping it over her arm, she would walk over to that of a stall to close the door behind her. Tugging off her silk dress, she would tug on that of the bathing suit, which fit her frame nicely. Though, Freya was certain the bathing suits would form to fit any body shape. It was a game, after all. Who knew what could be done with all that was in this giant world. It blew her mind, no matter how many times she thought of it.

Yet, once she was done changing, she would exit the stall; throwing her dress into that of one of the lockers. Freya would leave to enter the pool area; the familiar trickle of water and light jazz music tickling at her ears once more, as she would catch that of Alice already in the cool, crystal clear waters. Smiling brightly, Freya would slowly sit at the pool's edge; testing the waters by sliding her feet in first, as her wings would droop to lay flat against her back. She had no need for them, in that moment, after all. Gasping softly to the icy cool waters, she would shiver; slowly sliding more and more of herself into that of the water as she began to adjust to it's temperatures.

Finally fully in the water, she would sigh; swimming up to Alice's side, before splashing her lightly with some of the water with an open palm, as Alice float across the surface along her back.
"Super cold, too!" She would exclaim with soft laughter, before sticking her tongue out playfully at her. "I wish I could live in this world...It's so amazing...I just can't get over it.." She would huff out, with slight puff of her cheeks; laying back, as well, to float along the surface of the cool water on her back, as her hair would sway along in the waters around her head; the lights of the room glimmering off the water's surface.

I'm hoping to make a character from each race, eventually, but I wanted to start with the Pixies...I've always enjoyed the support more than anything, on most RPG games...Why did you pick Pixie?" She would ask; turning her face slightly, while she float along the water, to look at her companion.

I love video games, since they are so creative and beautiful. This game is also ten times better than Skymin. ^w^


"I wish that I can stay in this world too, Freya, since this is true paradise." said Alice, who was already getting use to the water, since she was staying in that water for a while. She was swimming around in the water, since she was having fun, but she then heard Freya asking why she picked Pixie. "Well. I picked Pixie, because I was getting a bit bored of playing as a human in the other mmorpgs, plus the pixie was pretty interesting to me. I also ended up picking the cute little fox girl when I was playing the Tera Rising mmorpg, and make her carry a giant hammer around in that game." said Alice, since she actually did that. "I also never seem to be a support class in some of the mmorpgs, so I decided that I should be the pixie race because of that." said Alice. "Also the pixie race have some of the cute accessories ever." Alice started to swim under the water for a bit, and came up to talk to Freya, some more. "What race are you going to pick next, Freya?" asked Alice, since she was curious.

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The Earth has music, for those who listen.


"Aah, I see.."

She would murmur, as she would sink slightly lower into the water; her mouth slightly covered by the cool liquid. As Alice came back to the surface from her moment of exploration beneath the water, she would blow some air out of her mouth; causing some bubbles to flutter forth from the water. Droplets would drip from her strands of hair; sliding down her face, and otherwise sticking her soaked hair to her face, as she would finally lift herself up a bit from the water to speak again. Yes, Alice certainly seemed like a decent gamer. There was certainly a game that she had mentioned which even Freya hadn't heard of. "I think I'm going to go for the Beast class, next."

Freya would finally conclude, with a nod, after a few moments of contemplating the matter. Slowly swimming back to the edge of the pool, she would take a moment to allow herself to sit underneath the nearby waterfall; the cool water pouring over her, as she would shake her head, and otherwise shake some water droplets from her hair. Pulling herself up out of the pool, the water would soak the cement ground beneath her in heavy puddles; dripping off her frame, as the white suit clung to her figure. The swim may have seemed short lived, but she had never enjoyed swimming too much. Perhaps a small amount here or there, but she much preferred herself on land. Freya would stand to her feet; adjusting some of her bathing suit, before plopping down onto a nearby chair. Stretching herself out onto the cushioned seat, to allow herself to drip dry. Lifting her arms up above her head, she would brush her fingers through her wet hair; sighing softly, with content, before closing her eyes and otherwise laying back against the chair to relax.

"I've always liked collecting things, in video games; especially that of mounts and pets. I heard the Beast race are known well for their breeding, pets, and mounts, so that is certainly what I may go for next." Freya would conclude.

I love video games, since they are so creative and beautiful. This game is also ten times better than Skymin. ^w^


"Oh, so you want to be a fox girl then. I don't mind that at all, Freya. Just change back into your pixie character, so you can hang out with me." said Alice, since she does the same thing as Freya in the other mmorpgs that she has played. She saw Freya getting out of the pool, and she was seating on a chair, so she can relax. "I am actually seating in a chair in real life, and I usually just level up my character to the high level that I can get by training by myself in a mmorpg, but since, this mmorpg doesn't have any levels. I am going to focus more on getting the best armor and the weapons in the game." said Alice. "Have fun with making your beast character, Freya, and do you want to get a massage?" said Alice, as she also got out of the pool, so she can seat next to Freya.

The Earth has music, for those who listen.


Freya's pointed ears would twitch lightly at her words of a 'fox girl;' one eye partly opening to gaze at her from where she sat. She would purse her lips a bit, as if in curious thought, but would otherwise give a light shake of her head.
"A fox girl? No, I don't think so...I'm pretty sure the Beast race has multiple choices of animal-like humans you can be. I'm thinking more of a wolf, perhaps....Or maybe a panda bear. Those are my favorite animals." She would otherwise explain; a bright smile once again spreading her lips, as her wings would twitch a bit to shake off some droplets of water from their paper thin surface. Closing her eyes fully once more, she would nod; bouncing her foot slightly, as her legs crossed over one another in her seated position.

She would listen to Alice's own goals, in the game; to gather that of the best armor, and weapons. "I wonder what that would be...This game is new, so most of the items are a mystery, for now...But that is a good goal...I guess we both know where we are heading.." She would state, with a light giggle. "I, myself, am laying in my bed while I play this. It's much more comfy, and I don't have to worry about sore muscles when I disconnect from sitting in an upright position for too long.." Hearing the water nearby move and splash slightly, as Alice would pull herself out of the pool, her eyes would flutter open once more; a look of pure relaxation in her soft expression. At Alice's mention of a massage, however, she would quickly sit up; holding her knees to her chest, with bright blue hues that would glimmer with excitement.

"Oh, God...Yes! I bet it'll feel just as good as if getting a massage in real life...I think it's just down a few halls..." Freya would state, simply; standing up from her seat with a stretch, and a happy groan. Walking over to grasp one of the white, neatly folded towels nearby, she would use it to drape around her frame; drying off a bit of her long locks of soaked hair, so that she may not drip all over the place on their excursion to that of the massage room.

I love video games, since they are so creative and beautiful. This game is also ten times better than Skymin. ^w^


"Oh. I was thinking that you would ended up making a fox girl character, but that works too, Freya." said Alice, since most girls end up making either a cat, a bunny, or a fox girl, because they are all cute. She heard Freya talking about that most of the items in this game are unknown, since it's still a new game. "Well. Someone has to know what is the best weapons and armor are in this game, since people likes to sell the best weapons and armor in the market. I will be the first player to get them all, and my chair is a bean bag chair." said Alice.

She then just watched Freya being excited when she mention about them getting a massage.
"I knew that you were going to be excited about getting a massage, Freya, so lets go" said Alice giggling. She started to dry herself and her hair with the towel, and then wrap the towel around her frame, so she can follow Freya to the massage room. "After we get a massage, we are going to leave the spa, since I want to explore somewhere else." said Alice.

June 2nd, 2035.

Bellflower, CA.

College had been quite the troubles for Christina. Having just finished her Sophomore year, she had found the rhythms of what she had been taught more than enough to convert her brain to mush. The drive home to her apartment had been, for a lack of better words, lousy and left her in a grumpy mood. It was far too late, though part of her was glad that the year had ended. Finals were done and the toll it had left on her brain would soon dissipate.

Ideally after she had moved to California, she didn't expect anyone to remember her, much less try to make contact with her in any way, direct or indirect. However, as she neared the steps and got to her door, she noticed a package outside with her name stamped on the delivering address. In a bit of surprise, she picked it up. Unlocking her door, she moved in, kicking off her boots within an instant. With a brief stop in her kitchen to get something to eat, she set the package down.

Amid munching into an apple, she recognized the sending address, it was her brother, but what he'd be sending her that was in a package this awkwardly shaped was beyond her. She pulled a kitchen knife out from the draw and slowly slit the box open. As she moved the packing pellets out of the way, she pulled out a box of an Orb Rift. Her eyes widened for a bit as she stared intently at it. Something else was beneath the box, a programming code for a game, a recent one, one that she had heard a lot about.
"Blade Royal..." She mouthed, scratching the side of her nose as she carried the two of them into her bedroom.

There was a card attached to the box that the gaming hardware was in, she picked the tape off of it and read it.
'Hey sis, it's been a little while, I always remembered you liked video games and I forgot your birthday last year... So, here ya go. You wouldn't believe how spectacular things are in Japan. The medicinal practices here are outstanding, I wish you could come some day. Oh, also, I'm getting married! Lots of good news, please, feel free to give me a call when you're free. Happy B-Day -Love, Jackson.' She gave the written word a small smile. How long has it been since I last played a game... She wondered, lost in bewilderment over how much school had really taken over her life. With the summer coming up, she'd have plenty of time to get acquainted with it.

She set it down and plugged it in to charge, setting the game to configure itself as she undressed and took a shower. After finishing, she returned to her room, completely dried and in her undergarments, she laid down in bed. "How long has it been... Let's see if I'm still rusty..."

"Please create an account."

"Username and password."

"Logging in..."

The buzz of the virtual reality device had really lived up to its name. When she was transported into the digital world she could now see her own hands, as though a physical manifestation of herself had taken over. She was floating, surrounded by the immense coding of data, it was still installing. She was always fascinated with this when she was younger, she loved the flowing cybernetic images that carried around her like a complicated formula. After a designated amount of time, the digital coding formed a white fluorescent surrounding, with her still floating and a massive title before her. It covered the name of the game, she knew that much, she touched the base of it as the screen shifted, leaving her in a darker room where she was left to design her avatar.

"Please customize your character..."

A robotic voice commanded. A plethora of options came up before her, however, Christina was more in it for the game. She selected random and felt a stirring light around her. In the irony of the moment, as the keyboard came up that asked her to type in her name, she chose, Light.

"Welcome to Blade Royal, Light."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/77197a748a0c5c3a4fa38fafe1b0ea53.jpeg.59efe666b690e9f4e2d3f436a2fa2960.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69090" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/77197a748a0c5c3a4fa38fafe1b0ea53.jpeg.59efe666b690e9f4e2d3f436a2fa2960.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The sweetening sounds of the BGM awoke her to the startling sign of a realistic and massive city. Gazing around as the sun beamed down on her, she could hear other players talking, surrounded by a bunch of others wearing the same basic beginner's gear that everyone starts off with. She looked down at herself, she had basic garbs, she looked at her hands,
"Wow... They've really upped the quality on these sorts of games... It's so life-like..." She examined her fingernails, A bit longer than usual, thank goodness they're not jutting out of my fingers... What do I look like...? She continued to open up her menu the way she remembered, with a simple swipe of her hand, as the options came up. She clicked on the character one, examining herself. What she saw prompted a gasp. "No way... I can't be...?" She reached up and to touch the top of her head, but before she got down to the long blonde hair, she felt two prodding object that twitched upon impact. "I have ears!?" She exclaimed. She then turned around to look at the tail jutting out of her back, "Well... This is embarrassing..."

After she'd had her little episode, she calmly reminded herself, Composure... For someone who used to do this sort of stuff competitively, you're a little off the edge right now... She let out a sigh and examined her initial gear. No gold... No weapons... All I have are the basic rags... Nice. Her internal sarcastic tone prompted a quick look around, "There should always be an NPC right around..."



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The Earth has music, for those who listen.


"Perhaps...But I haven't been able to find anything, myself. Maybe I just haven't looked in the right places, yet.." Freya would conclude with a curious expression. Tying the towel around her frame, as well, she would knot the end to keep it from falling off her figure while she walked. Not that it mattered, with bathing suit right underneath, but it made it easier than carrying it, none the less. Their feet would patter against the cement, as they walked down the halls; pointed ears twitching, on occasion, to the lulling music which could certainly put her to sleep, if she allowed it. Hopefully, though, she would not; Freya far too excited about the adventures which awaited them.

As they made it to the massage room, there would already be two beds laid out, and two NPC ready for their duties. "Welcome! Please lay on your stomachs, and allow us to sooth your muscles, for you." One would speak, as both would smile brightly towards the ladies. Freya would nod, and move to stretch out along one of the beds; placing her head against that of her arms, to rest, as she would close her eyes. There was no need to look around, after all; Freya simply opting to leave her ears to listen to her surroundings, and any chatter which may ensue. When the two would lay down, the NPC would begin their jobs; running their hands down their backs, and arms; otherwise soothing out any tense muscles.

Freya would sigh with content to the sensation of the relaxing massage, as she felt the NPC press his fingers into her muscles; rubbing at her shoulder blades, and down her spine. "Ah...I could..almost fall asleep...But I won't! We really do need to do some more exploring...Well, more so that of our quests. We really should get that done, after this...A nice, relaxing massage, and swim should definitely get us refreshed and raring to go on the journey ahead of us..." She would murmur, softly. Of course, she greatly enjoyed the relaxation of this place. But, she knew well she couldn't waste all of her time here. Well, perhaps she could...But what was the point in playing the game, if she wasn't going to actually attempt to further herself?

However, her thoughts on the matter would otherwise be temporarily brushed aside, as she would feel that of the warm sensation of smooth hot rocks being placed down her back. Of course, at first, she had flinched to the surprising feeling, but had easily relaxed into it's comfort.

Among the plethora of human NPC which walked about the city, one particular one would glow. The same male NPC to which Freya had spoken to, when first meeting Alice, and otherwise gaining their first quest. Luckily for Light, she had seemed to spawn nearby said NPC, and the male otherwise seemed to note her presence as soon as she had arrived. Glancing over at her, with curious hues, he would otherwise smile brightly, as she looked about; that familiar light white glow around him, to indicate his importance.

"Hey, you are the new Beast, Light, right?" he would question; the same way in which he had questioned Freya and Alice when they had stumbled upon him. And just as suddenly, a screen would seem to flash into appearance before her view; words scrawling out onto the see-through surface. As he spoke, his words seemed to write out before her, at the same time.

Meet Your Alpha

"If you are new here, you should really go speak to the Beast knight found at the training grounds
nearby. Her name is Lalesi, and she will keep you updated on the Alpha Beast's needs and quests, if you find yourself not in your home lands."

Quest Objective

Speak to the Beast knight, Lalesi.






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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/77197a748a0c5c3a4fa38fafe1b0ea53.jpeg.c3a6ee59824316e91aa7966297f627c7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69101" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/77197a748a0c5c3a4fa38fafe1b0ea53.jpeg.c3a6ee59824316e91aa7966297f627c7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I'll go and do that right away, thank you for your assistance."
She clicked on accept as she words slowly transitioned to a shallow font, then even further to disappearing entirely. She swiped her hand down and brought up her map. She set a way point on it and a green cross appeared. "Okay... On my way... First steps right now." She began walking towards the marker, passing some higher leveled players who were boasting about some loot drops. They were wearing exceptionally cool and well organized armor, it made her a tad envious that she had such a later start. That there would be someone in PVP that'd be able to defeat her.

Wit this new resolve in her step, her walk turned into a run, a determined grin spread across her face as she charged onward to the training grounds. Some few minutes later she arrived, a little shaken out of breath, but otherwise alright. She looked around for a figure glowing the same way that the first NPC to greet her did.

She found a woman with brunette hair and what looked like race-based armor, a name over her head that read, "Lalesi" and a colored aura around her. Light approached,
"Lalesi I presume? I was told to come here for training."



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I love video games, since they are so creative and beautiful. This game is also ten times better than Skymin. ^w^


"Well. We did just started the game, so of course, we couldn't be able to find anything" said Alice, as she tied a knot at the end of her towel, so that her towel won't end up falling on the ground. She walked with Freya on the cement, and followed her to the massaging room. As they made it to the massaging room, one of the npcs greeted them, and told them what to do. She nodded at them, and laid her stomach on the bed. Alice moved to stretch out along one of the beds, and placing her head against that of her arms to rest, so she would close her eyes.

The NPC would begin to do their jobs, and started to run their hands down their backs and arms, so they can sooth out any tense muscles. Alice almost fell asleep, since this was so relaxing.
"This is so relaxing, and we will do that, Freya, since we hadn't talk to..." said Alice, as she open her quest log, so she can check out the guy that they should be looking for. "Alfrigg yet." said Alice. She saw Freya having smooth hot rocks being placed down her back, and they also putted those smooth hot rocks on her back as well. She had flinched a bit, but had easily relaxed into it's comfort after. "We will do the hot tub next, and then we will leave." said Alice, as she was still relaxed by the smooth hot rocks on her back.

The Earth has music, for those who listen.


"Nn...Hot tub? Yes...maybe...just a moment there, too, before we leave.." She would murmur softly; her tone a bit groggy, as if she were struggling between slumber, and consciousness. At that point, her body felt like puddy beneath the NPC's hands; moving and allowing him complete control with that of his fingers over her muscles. It was truly difficult to even attempt to open her heavy eyes, or find the desire to leave such a blissful place. But they really couldn't get distracted too much. She would swear to herself that she would find the desire to yank herself from the spa and continue onto their mission at hand once they were done lounging within the hot tub. Though, her will on such matters seemed weak, in that moment...

"All done, ladies. Please feel free to relax here until you are ready to leave..." One of the NPC would announce. At some point, before that, she had, indeed, drifted into sleep. At the NPC's words, she began to stir once more; eyes fluttering open with a groggy groan escaping her, as she would yawn, and rub at her eyes. "Ah, yes...Thank you...Man, I feel like a million bucks!" Freya would exclaim with a chime, allowing herself a moment to collect herself from her groggy state, before beginning to sit up from her position. At that point, the NPC had removed the smooth heat rocks from their back; leaving them free to get up when they so decided.

Yet, even as she collected herself, she seemed to be a bit groggy yet, as she stretched while standing; flicking her wrist to bring up the map of the spa. "The hot tub is in the Workout room, it seems; a few halls down to the right." She would state, simply, before brushing her map away into nothingness. "Pixie Queen, huh?...I wonder what she looks like.." Freya would murmur, in thought, while pondering that of their quest.

Lalesi would turn; blinking slightly, as her caramel hues would examine the Beast player before her. With a twitch to her large feline like ears atop her head, her lips would spread for a wide smile; sharp fangs in clear view behind them. "Ah, yes, that's me! Don't wear my name out... A new Beast, eh?" She would question; stepping forward to examine her form closer, as the large metal sword would clatter at her hip; fluff of a tail behind her swaying in curious excitement to the stranger. At that point, a light, bubbling chime would sound forth; an indication to her completion of the first quest, which was to begin speaking to Lalesi; a shimmer of gold appearing on the screen, before fading away, to show the reward to which she received for it's completion.

"Yes, yes, I think you might make a fine warrior." She would conclude, after a few moments of close eyeing; finally leaning back, with hands on her hips. "If you haven't heard, I am the lead Knight on the Alpha Beast's forces. Our kingdom is at a war, as of currently, with that of the Pixies...We are at neutral grounds, in this city, but do not expect them to be on friendly terms with you...We are in need of more warriors to give us a lead on our enemies...You can come to me when you want to find bounties on other players, or missions, from that of the Alpha, or even myself. But, I'm getting ahead of myself..." She would begin to explain; chuckling softly. "First, we got to get you to tip top shape. We will start by training you to fight."

Lalesi would turn around to that of a rack of weapons; pulling a few choices from the ones which laid in the row, before turning around to present them to her. "Here, you have three choices. Either a sword, or that of duel blades. Pick wisely, and you will get your first ring for basic attack, as well. After that, we will bring you to the training dummies to practice your new technique. Maybe if you train hard enough, you can actually meet the Alpha..."

New Blood

Lalesi needs new warriors to join the war against that of the Pixies, and finds you to be intriguing, so has decided to train you to fight.

Quest Objective

Pick a weapon, and use it to practice on a dummy.



- Basic Sword -

+10 Attack

Comes with basic attack ring.


- Basic Duel Blades -

+5 Attack

+5 Speed

Comes with basic attack ring.


- Basic Dagger -

+2 Attack

+10 Speed

Comes with basic attack ring.



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I love video games, since they are so creative and beautiful. This game is also ten times better than Skymin. ^w^


Alice didn't listen to what Freya had said, since she was asleep from the massage. When the npc announced that they were done, Alice slowly woke up from her sleep, and started to yawn. She then rubbed her eyes, since that massage was like magic. "...Thank you...that massage was like magic." said Alice. She was trying to collect herself from her groggy state, before beginning to sit up from her position, and the npcs took the smooth heat rocks from their backs, so they can get up. Alice started to do some stretches while standing, and heard Freya saying that the hot tub was in the Workout room. "Lets go, and I bet the Pixie queen is going to be beautiful." said Alice, as she went to the Workout room, so she can use the hot tub.

The Earth has music, for those who listen.


"Yah...Beautiful..." She would agree, with a light nod, as the two began to walk again; towels wrapped firmly about their frames once more. Her mind would wonder in silence to that of the Queen; wondering just how she may look. Would she have long hair, too? It seemed most Pixies held the aspect of long hair. It wasn't too much of a surprise, really, being that Pixies did not cut their hair. They were all about nature, and that of organic means. The Queen would certainly have long, beautiful hair; possibly the best wings to be seen on a Pixie. Maybe golden wings? It would only seem fitting for that of a Queen. Yet, as they were walking down the halls, Freya would gasp; a sudden beeping sound in her ear causing her to jump a bit, and stumble to a stop.

Freya would look almost surprised, at first, but would eventually melt into an expression of annoyance. "Dammit! Is it really that time already?" Freya would murmur beneath her breath; lifting up her finger tips to glide open the menu. Of course, the time would peer her back in the face; about dinner time, it would seem. She certainly needed to get off, at that point, to join that of her family for their meal, and otherwise finish her necessary chores for the day. The disappointment was clear on her face, but she would sigh softly; attempting to release some of that frustration, before turning to smile at Alice.

"Sorry, I actually need to leave, now...Ugh!" Freya would exclaim, with a light shrug; fluttering her wings a bit. "I promise I'll be back tomorrow, alright? Try not to go on too many adventures without me! Maybe when I come back, we can finally get on our quest.." With those words, she would flick her fingers to bring up the 'log out' screen, before clicking it. Her form would begin to shimmer and fade, before disappearing in a burst of small sparkles.

And in the top corner of Alice's view?

Freya has logged out.

"As long as there's an adventure, count me in! - Dahlin"

((In case photo doesn't work)) http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000767456340/d2013134969a6586afd0e9eab6b0449b.jpeg&imgrefurl=https://twitter.com/smiie&h=636&w=638&tbnid=G_9MEVzqsqK4pM:&docid=PGnt4fCHQ39jcM&hl=en&ei=B7jPVfXpFuWumAXzwYX4Cw&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CCYQMygLMAtqFQoTCLWJus6MrMcCFWUXpgod82ABvw

Dahlin Kyne was no the kind of girl to play games. But this was supposed to be amazing. She created her character ((photo)) and set off. Her character was walking through a shrouded forest, thickening the air with leaves. There were brambles sticking out of every who what when where and why.
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I love video games, since they are so creative and beautiful. This game is also ten times better than Skymin. ^w^


Alice was walking to the hot tub with Freya, since she was having fun with her, but when Freya ended up stopping. Alice probably knew what was going to happen, since she was bit surprise at first then she looked annoyed. She heard what Freya had said, and she started to frown, since they hadn't done the hot tub yet. "Aw. You have to leave now, Freya?" said Alice, since she had some time to be with her. She heard Freya saying that she will be back tomorrow. "Ok. See you tomorrow, Freya, and I won't go many adventures without you." said Alice, as she saw her only friend in the game log out. Alice didn't know what to do, since she is hanging out at the spa by herself. 'Um...I guess I can use the hot tub, but it wouldn't be as fun without Freya being here.' thought Alice.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.253310bea43c0fc70bb0fefc3807599f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69181" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.253310bea43c0fc70bb0fefc3807599f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> It had been forever since Chris had played a VRMMORPG. After a absolutly grueling day at work, he'd decided that it was time to play one again. On he's way home he stopped at a local game store up the newest RPG for his Orb Rift, "Blade Royal". When Chris got home he was so excited to play that he didn't even have supper. He always loved the feeling of traveling into the virtual world, the tingle down your spine, that floating experience when you log in, and thrill of creating your new character.

"Welcome to Blade Royal, please sign in"

As he typed (or how ever sign in using in a virtual world) his pass code in, he was already coming up with ideas for his character creation so he could be ready when the time came. And surely enough a few seconds later he was in the CC room. Because he hadn't played an RPG in so long he decide to be a human(As he was usually a DPS but also liked to level up in defense points)

"Please create your character"

He quickly accepted the rules and Terms of Service like everyone else on the planet and, and spawned in.



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