Blackwood Manor

Serein came out of the slave's quarters, disappointed he couldn't get to hear more of the music. After all, it was excellent, top-notch music, as if played by a professional musician. He had obviously been playing for years; if not his entire life. Serein looked around for his master, to see if she was ready yet. Seeing her, he walked towards her. He only stopped when he was by her side, saying nothing.
"Ah, hello, Serein." Arriya said as her servant stood next to her. "Tell me, have you seen any of the other masters? And will you take me to them?" Who knows, maybe I won't run into Marius for a little bit.

Evan smiled back at Ayra and took the glass of water.

"Thanks," he said. "To answer your question, I'm a slave... My name's Evan."
Isabelle was walking through the slave quarters to the showers,as she heard Valerie yell for her slave. She didn't dare look up at him as she walked by,she didn't want him to see the fresh bruise. She also passed by the angel one,whom she had felt sympathy for. Like her,he had a master who loved to let her anger out on him. She guessed that they were the lucky ones in the house. How she envied the other slaves and their kind masters. She walked into the showers and undressed quickly. She looked down and she could still faintly see the bruises and cuts from his fit last week.

She shook her head of those memories and quickly turned the water on and adjusted it. When the water hit her face,she gasped and gritted her teeth. She squeezed her eyes closed and breathe shallowly through the pain. She grabbed her shampoo and washed her hair quickly and did the same with everything else. Once she was done,she quickly dried and dressed. She grabbed a fresh uniform,made sure everything was just right and left.

When she reached Marius' door,she knocked softly and waited for him to let her in. Her stomach was knotted up and she was a bit hungry,but she knew better then it let any of this show. She kept her head down low and hoped that she didn't take to long,she'd rather like to avoid the same punishment as last week.
Marius returned to his room avoiding everyone. He walked in and waited for his favorite toy to arive when he heard the door he smiled and licked his lips " are late" he said with dark voice he was feeding from her fear he took his whip and hit it to the ground knowing that the poor girl was about to die from fear "...come in" he ordered her with an evil grin.

Valerie looked her neko slave and kissed his forehead "...come on Dishy I have a surprise for you..." she whispered and licked his lips "...but if you want to earn it you will have to be a really really good kitten can you do this for me?" she asked and made him look her.
Isabelle jumped from hearing his booming voice but more so from hearing his whip hit the floor. She trembled as if she were in zero degree weather. She raised a shaking hand and turned the handle,slowly walking into his room. She closed the door behind her and stood still with her head down. She tried to calm her nerves down but to no avail. The more she tried to calm herself down,the worse the shivers were. She began to breathe shakily and her heart pounded in her ears. She swallowed and said," can I serve you Master?".
Serein said, "Yes, I've seen one slave going to his master, but that's it. Come with me." He said, turning to face the way Klehdishnin went. "Follow me, then." He said, walking down the hallway, waiting for Arriya, then continuing on to the living room, where Klehdishnin and his master were.

Klehdishnin, in his peripheral vision, saw Serein and Arriya approaching. Thank God! He thought, hoping things wouldn't become absolutely terrible. "More than likely, yes, I can do it for you." Klehdishnin said to her, stepping back a half pace. His clarinet was in his hand, his right hand.
Arriya followed Serein, smiling inwardly at how he was a little more obedient. Maybe my threat worked. I feel bad about... oh no. Her eyes widened at seeing Valerie. "Hello, Valerie. Didn't expect to see you so soon." Arriya said.
Marius saw the young girl walking in his room she was trembling from fear he noticed her trembling she was about to shatter. He hit the ground with his whip and walked towards her slowly "...took you sweet time I see" he said loudly hitting the air with his whip again this was really close to her. He used the whips handle to raise her head and make her look him " dont even care do you you believe that the other masters will save you do took me two minutes to do what I did to you last time" he whispered as he pinned her against the door and slowly licked her neck "...I wonder how much time it will take them now to hear your screams...I bet I can do better than last time I believe I can make you bleed out before they even notice anything" he whispered to her ear.

"...and dont even dare to apologize Ill kill you so slow that you will beg me to finish you off" he hissed and licked her lips. He punched the walled next to her and growled "...go to the couch and take off your uniform and dont even dare to take your eyes from me" he ordered her and crossed his hands.

Valerie was heading to her room when he heard Arriyas voice " my Arriya you look good as always and well its been nearly ten years now I missed this place" she said and look upstairs "...and call me crazy I missed my brother too"
"You actually missed him?" Arriya asked, then shrugged, "Well, at least he has someone who missed him. I'll be honest. I was glad to be away from him. And you're looking very nice yourself. Although, refresh my memory; who is the cute little kitty next to you?"
Isabelle trembled as she looked into her master's eyes. She didn't like the color of them let alone the intent behind them. Him being this close felt like the world was closing in on her,it was getting hard to breathe and she began to panic. Thoughts of what happened last week began to take hold of her as he spoke of what he would do this time. She prayed and wished that someone would knock on the door or do something to get her out of this nightmare. She let out a yelp and covered her head when he hit the wall beside her head. She slowly uncovered her head and looked at hole in the wall. It was a huge hole and trembled more when she realized that it could have been her head.

She stumbled when he forced her to walk over to the couch and she caught herself on the table. Righting herself she turned a deep shade of red and looked up at him in surprise. Did he really think this was the right punishment? He had really lost his mind this time. She looked at him and said,".....b-but...".
Viza eventually made his way to the courtyard after awhile of walking. Things in the manor were too crazy for him to actually enjoy the sounds of the music. If he were to play inside, he would most likely be interrupted by someone or something.

Although he came out here to play music, he actually enjoyed the courtyard. Being outside gave a sense of freedom and helped him feel like he wasn't a slave. It was like finding a fountain in the firey pits of hell.

Viza removed the violin from its case and began playing. The sounds of the strings were elegant and calming. He hummed a bit as he played. He would not sing, singing was reserved for times of happiness and as long as he was a slave, he would never be happy.
Marius frowned when she hesitated and hit her with the whip ripping her clothes and making a big red mark on her chest " you question my orders?..." he asked coldly and hit her two more times he had no intention of hittting her but her lack of obedience made him lose it "...or you deny follow my order?" he yelled and slapped her he hit her again and again until her uniform was ruined and the remaining cloth covered only some of her skin. He threw the whip away and caressed her leg all the way up to her neck "...cry you can cry and scream all you want dont hold back " he took his whip and put it in her hands. He gently kissed her lips and caressed her cheek " try to stay still" he whispered and got up he sat across of her next to an empty canvas and looked her.

Valerie smiled "oh this is Klehdishnin isnt he cute" she said and gently rubbed his ears as she walked behind him and hold him from behind "...he is the cutest kitten I have ever saw" she said and hold him tight "...he is also an excellent musician although he doesnt likes me enough to play something to me" she pouted she knew for awhile that he could play but he never said anything to her about it
"Aww, he is adorable." Arriya said, then coughed slightly, "But maybe he'll one day play for us. Would it be too much to ask, Klehdishnin?" She asked sweetly.
Isabelle screamed from the pain,clutching what remained of her clothes to herself. She fell to her knees as tears flowed down her cheeks like a waterfall. She flinched and coiled herself up and he ran his hand up her leg. She pulled away from him so far,that she might as well had been part of the floor. She tried to turned away as she felt his lips on hers,but he held her head still. She didn't dare move again as he stood up,her legs and arms stinging from the pain of the whip. She looked over at her hand and realized she was holding the whip,and looked over at him. He was sitting next to one of his canvases and looking down at her,she didn't know how to feel. She looked away from him and used what was left of her clothes to cover herself.
Marius smiled he loved her new pose better he start painting her "...thats good you look lovely" he said and smiled from the excitement it took him almost two hours to finish it.

"...its done" he said and threw his pallet and brushes down

in the painting theres was Isabelle holding the whip shedding blood tears having a halo over her head and two big angelic wings broken and bloodied he stayed silent watching his new piece and gave her a warm smile he cut his wrist and signed with his blood.

He walked towards her and took the whip from her hands "...shhh" he whispered and wiped her tears "...dont be afraid he ripped her remaining clothes leaving her only with her underwear he put her on the couch and start treating her wounds "...this might hurt a bit" he said softly

Valerie hugged him tighter "...first he will play for me sugar then he can play for others " she said and smiled "...but he has to be a really good boy to do that"
Klehdishnin sighed a bit; he would play for her if she gave him the chance to, he never said he wouldn't. "No, no it really wouldn't be too much to ask, I never said I wouldn't play, Valerie." He said as she played with his ears. He then felt as she hugged her; and deciding their was nothing he could do about it; he let himself get hugged. Besides- hugs were nice. He then felt as he was practically crushed as she tightened the hug. Well, that's what malnutrition will do to you. He thought, holding his clarinet a decent distance away.

Serein watched with an almost bemused expression on his face.
"Er, Valerie. You might want to be make sure you don't break Klehdishnin." Arriya said with a concerned look on her face as she eyed Dish's clarinet. "Then we'll never hear his lovely music."
Isabelle balled herself up as he began removing what was left of her clothes. She tightned all the muscles in her body as he lifted her off the floor and onto the couch. She wouldn't let him get to anything,even if it was the last thing she done. She cowered more into a ball as he began checking her wounds,her knuckles turning white from how hard she was gripping her knees to her chest. As he began to clean them she let out a gasp,the sting of the alcohol almost too much to bare. There wasn't much for her to do,so she just layed there and let him clean them,afraid of what she would have to do to repay him for this.
Marius cleaned and treated her wounds he looked her the girl was broken perhaps he overdid it he gently touched her hands they were almost bloodied from how hard she was gripping her knees "...calm down you were amazing" he said and caressed her hand gently to calm her.

He got up and poured some wine for her " have this" he said and sat across of her.

Valerie smiled brightly "...oh Dish is fine" she said and looked him " should we go to my room?"
"If you say so." Arriya said quietly, still eyeing Klehdishnin. "Yeah. Let's had to your room. Come on, Sere~" She smirked as she glanced at her angelic servant.
Isabelle finched when his hand touched hers,she didn't like the feeling right now. She drew her hand back and burried her head into a pillow on the couch. She sighed a breath of relief when he left her side. She seen the glass of wine from the cornor of her eye and she turned away from it. All she wanted to do right now was go back to her room,sit in a tub of hot water and forget everything that happend. She also wished that someone would come and knock on his door or something so that she may be able to leave. She wasn't sure what was more frightening,her Master being cruel or him being kind and caring. She did know however that she didn't want to be here no more.
(I'll post sometime today. Sorry for the waiting.) 

Don't murder me.


Klehdishnin filled his lungs with air; inconspicuously as possible; as he was released from the "death grip" as he called it. Sure, he liked hugs. ..Valerie always went a bit overboard, though. "How about we go to the courtyard?" He suggested. He didn't entirely like the idea of Valerie's room. "So anyone who wishes to can come hear it." He insisted.

Serein nodded in agreement. It seemed like a good idea. Besides. What kind of room could he expect from someone belonging from the bloodline Marius belonged to? "Yes... Precisely. We should go to the courtyard." He agreed, nodding as he does so. Serein glanced back at Arriya, with a blank expression on his face.
Arriya held back her smile at Serein. She didn't like the idea of going anywhere near Marius and if she recalled correctly, Valerie's room was close to his. Holding back an inward shudder, Arriya commented, "Yes. The courtyard sounds better. What do you think, Valerie?"
Marius looked the girl she looked lost in her thoughts he did went a little to far. He walked towards her and put a robe on her he sighed and gently picked her up "...shhhh relax Ill get you to your room since you cant calm down here " he whispered gently and start walking with her in the hallway.

Valerie looked Klehdishnin "mmmm I wanted to be the first to hear you play" she pouted and looked him she hugged him back "...but I cant say no when you have such a cute face can I?" she yelled and squeezed him harder

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