Blackwood Manor

His eyes widened at the mere thought. Bringing Sarah into this was not a card Marius wanted to play.

"One last thing," Daniel said turning on his feet to face Marius once more, "If you think building some mystique of yourself, while hiding away like an insect, in your room will scare people, it does not scare me.

"And if you even consider threatening me through her,"

Daniel edged closer still his face now inches from Marius,

"I will bury you."

Leading himself away toward the kitchen door, Daniel barged through and into the dining room, "Let's go." he snapped. Sarah got up from her seat and followed quietly, tilting her head toward the floor and waving the others 'goodbye' as she walked out.
Marius let him have the last word only because he knew that Daniel was scared of Sarah probably as much as he was with his paintings. He calmed down and walked out of the room seeing him leaving with his precious Sarah giving him and her an evil grin warning Daniels to stay away from his room and his paintings if he valued Sarah's well being.

He slowly walked pass the dining room and start walked to the second floor it was a mistake coming down those fools werent helping at all. He took the left turn for his hallway his footsteps were heavy he knew that Isabelle was there waiting if Daniels didnt pissed him off he would let her stay there the whole day.

He start walking towards her stopping at each painting checking them when he was close to her and grabbed her neck and pushed her hard against the wall only to scare her. Daniels only made him feel angrier with her. He loosen his grip on her for a few seconds later and slowly caressed her neck and cheek his hand was moving like a snake around its prey against her body.

"...good work kitten" he whispered to her ear and felt his breath on her as he gently patted her cheek " seems I wont have to break your legs today"
'Looks like he hasn't had his fill.' This was the main reason he despised Marius. His violent tendencies made him the number one person to avoid in this manor in his book. While he didn't like being a slave, he was glad that most of the Masters treated the others with some decency, unlike the one before him. 'I wonder what my punishment will be.' Viza approached the man and the slave he was harming.

He stood next to him, not making any movements. He was merely here to draw his attention away from the girl. His eyes locked with Marius' and he awaited what would happen next. He was fully prepared to be yelled at or struck. His face held no expression, but he was seething with rage on the inside. This man had no right to harm someone. He was not ordered to go against this, so he wasn't acting out of line. Technically, he was only standing there and nothing more.
The thought of Marius blowing a fuse frightened Robin, being so close to him when he suddenly erupted was nothing short of staring down a volcano and being told to skinny dip in it. He didn't say anything but just left his spot beside her, storm into the kitchen and start screaming who knows what at his favorite slave. Robin held a lot respect for Isabelle, she is technically property to the most violent member of the entire Blackwood clan and she still has the balls to stay on instead of run.

Surprisingly, Daniel followed in after Marius and a shouting match could be heard or at least Daniel blowing a fuse could be heard. It was one thing to see Marius get angry and another to see the icy chill brand of anger Daniel brings to the table. Being alive to witness Daniel snap was a rare opportunity, rarer still is finding someone who would stare down Marius.

If this goes on any longer, she might have to step in and break it up, regardless of her fear of Marius. Her demon blood made her more resilient than an average human but Marius didn't seem like the average demon, for all she knew he could send her flying through the manor walls without much effort, the same could be said for Daniel. Thankfully enough, the confrontation ended and Daniel left with Sarah. It would also be Robin's cue to leave as she did not like prospect of sitting beside Marius after what had happened in the kitchens.

She wolfed down the last of the pancakes and made her way back to her room, it wasn't just enough to leave the dining table, the heat of the confrontation could be felt throughout the manor. She hurried the rest of the way to her room and changed into something more suited to roaming about outside the manor. Even though she wasn't part of it, she could feel the tension simply escalate within the house and she doesn't like it. It might make her crack and suffer worse punishments than Isabelle, she was after all responsible for a lot of screw ups around the house, some involving Marius's paintings. She made sure to lock her room after leaving it and proceeded down to the main hall of Blackwood Manor.

*part of post subject to change -begin-*

Of course, traversing the thick forest was a hassle, but a hassle she'd be willing to go through. It was a bit inconvenient that their manor was located some ways from civilization, with nature surrounding it. A small town lay at the edge of the forest where Robin would frequently visit whenever the manor became too stale for her tastes. The town itself didn't offer much save for the basic necessities and as such didn't have many visitors coming over, which made for a very peaceful setting perfect for when one desires to clear their minds, and Robin simply carries a lot on her mind with no intention of ever letting go, mainly due to not knowing where to dispose her problematic thoughts and emotions. The town would be a quick and temporary respite for her weary demonic soul and mind.

*part of post subject to change -end-*

*subject to change because it could be that residents can't leave, the manor is not in fact rural, the list goes on*
As Isabelle sat in the hallways,waiting for Marius,she heard him and Daniel fighting closer to the bottom of the stairs now. She silently wished Daniel would just leave her master alone,it would only result in her getting punished more. Marius always hated whenever one of the other masters took up for her,and she always got the worst part of the whole thing. Things got quiet for a moment and she heard Daniel leave,she let out a breath that she had been holding. She was about to relax some when she heard Marius' heavy footfalls coming up the stairs,she folded in on herself some as they got closer to her.

She kept her head down the entire time until he grabbed her again and pushed her against the wall. Once again she clentched her teeth together and squeezed her eyes closed. She didn't dare touch him this time,he was seething with anger and she didn't wish to put herself in more harm. When he let go she quietly took a deep breath and jumped when he placed a hand on her cheek. Forcing her to look at him,she looked into his red eyes and trembled at bit when he wrapped his arm around her. She was beyond afraid that this might be the end for her.

She was knocked out of her scared state by another set of footfalls. She didn't dare take her eyes from her master's to see who would dare to interrupt him. She wished she could talk to others through minds,because right now she would tell this brave and foolish person to leave and to avoid Marius at all costs. She closed her eyes as she knew she would get more punishment due to this person interrupting him.
Marius frowned when he saw the young neko standing next to him he looked him and turned his back to Isabelle he gave him a hard slap "...Isabelle...go in my room " he said him calm soft voice it was like a small kid was talking that made him look like more intimidating than ever especially when Isabelle knew what he was capable to do when he was mad.

He didnt waited for her to go in and grabbed Viza's neck "...listen to me little brat I know your game and I know what you are...damaged goods I was the first one who suggested that you should leave but everyone here likes to pretend that they are saints and right now you give me a reason to dispose of you because only my slave has the right to be here all other slaves shouldnt even come close to my room" he yelled and pushed him away "...I know what you think...if he touch me Daniels will kill him isnt that right boy?...well too bad for both of you if I see another slave walking in near my hallway Ill start chopping parts out of her so get out of my sight before you make things worse for her " he yelled and walked in the room slamming the door behind him
Isabelle gave the boy a grateful look as she rushed inside the room,hoping that Marius wouldn't kill him before she got to thank him. Once inside the room and looked around at all his supplies and all the paintings that he had yet to put in frames. She walked around looking at them all but never touching any of them,for fear of something happening to them and she getting punished for it. She walked over to the only window in his room and looked down. She looked at the vines growing up the side of the house,a few of the had roses on them. Looking at them,she wondered if she could use them to brighten up her room some. She would have to ask Daniel once he calmed down.
Marius walked in the room and took a deep breath to relax he looked her watching the window "...thinking if you can jump from the window?" he said and laid down on the couch to calm down having his eyes fixed on her his gaze was like it was piercing her soul. He let his red hair loose and looked the couch across of his. "...sit " he ordered her and stood up he had his robe fall to his elbows revealing the bat like wing tattoos on his back.

He walked to the table next to the door and poured two glasses of red wine. He put one on the table between the couches and laid on the couch again with his glass.

"Consider it as a praise for your good work..." he said and made a nod to her so she could take the glass.

He looked relaxed now and calm like nothing had happened out there was he calm or he was trying to calm down.
Isabelle jumped when she heard his voice from across the room. She turned towards him and lowered her head,giving it a slight shake to indicate she was saying no. She stood there while he made himself comfortable on his couch,and awaited her next orders. When he ordered her to sit,she slowly made her way to the other couch and gently sat down. She never raised her head as he went about fixing him something to drink. She would never look her master in the eyes,unless he made her. She always feared of what might happen if she did.

When he sat the wine glass down in front of her, she was taken by surprise. He never offered her anything of his,and she was afraid to take the cup. She knew if she didn't take the cup she would get punished but she also knew to never touch anything of his either. She slowly grabbed the cup and sat with it in her hands,never taking a sip,in case it was some form of test.
The slap was expected, but that didn't make it any less painful. Although the pain was great, he did not waver. His face remained blank and his eyes held no fear. He would not give this man the satisfaction of seeing him react. Seeing someone quiver beneath you was the point of violence, but Viza would deny Marius of that pleasure. He watched as the other slave was ordered to enter room and noticed the way the Master spoke. 'Trying to act nice? It's a little too late for that.'

Viza felt himself being choked and held back a gasp. He listened as the man rambled about things that weren't even relevant. The words didn't make him feel any particular emotion, they were just words. However, the choking was causing him great pain. Rather than thinking of ways to appeal to his attacker, Viza thought of ways to counter his threats. Everything he said, Viza had something in mind that would make the threats become empty. He was confused when Marius mentioned Daniel, but he assumed it had something to do with the earlier confrontation.

Once Marius released his hold on him, Viza waited until he was completely inside the room. He then began a small coughing fit, rubbing his neck as he did so. He filled his lungs with air greedily. 'That psycho has deep issues.' Viza rose to his feet and began walking, giving one last glance at the door. "If you attempt to murder me, I will return the favor without hesitation." His voice was low, allowing the words to be heard only by himself. He walked in a random direction, attempting to clear his thoughts. He regretted leaving he area, but Marius' last words stuck with him. He definitely didn't want to be the reason why that girl was harmed. Hopefully the last of his rage was used up on him. 'I wonder if I can have him arrested for animal cruelty or something.'
"Okay, mistress Valerie, yes, I'm sorry!" Klehdishnin said, picking up his master's heavy luggage. "Apologies for not noticing your lovely new hair colour shade, indeed, I'm sorry!" He said, getting the rest of the heavy luggage. What had she put in them, bricks?! He then got out of the car, walking towards the door of the manner. He barely managed to open the door, holding it open wide for his master. {Oh, she's so strange at times.. I didn't notice she changed the shade of her hair colour, and now I'm carrying every single bit of her luggage.. Why does she have this many bags, anyways?!} He thought, the nice, gentle breeze blowing through the door. The manor was a thing of true beauty, and now he was here, with his master again. It was grand, much too large for any one person to govern alone. But of course, when there are masters of a household, there are workers and slaves to work for them. Klehdishnin sighed as the luggage wore on his arms, his sleeves only went up to his elbows, and so the suitcases wore on his wrists, already starting to leave large, red marks. He could barely see ahead, over the three suitcases he was carrying in his hands, cutting off most of his view. His ears twitched, and his foot was at a strange angle, so that the door remained open, and he was not in the way. He did hope his master would come in fast; otherwise he was afraid his arms would soon give out.
Viza had reached the front of the manor by the time he finished his walk. 'Now what?' There really wasn't anything a slave could do here when not following orders. As he thought, he heard a commotion by the door. 'Guests? No, nobody in their right mind would think this is a great place to visit.' When he turned his head, he noticed a younger Neko, struggling with many bags. 'Looks like another slave.' He began walking over to the overencumbered stranger, thinking he could use some help.

When he reached the boy, he grabbed some of the heavier bags, allowing the Neko to actually see in front of him. "Need some help?" Although he asked, he didn't wait for an answer. He simply kept grabbing more bags, hoping to lighten the other boy's weight. "You really shouldn't be carrying so much. You could hurt yourself pretty badly." Viza noticed the collar around his neck, signifying that he was indeed a slave. The ears on his head perked up a bit, as he looked closer at the neckpiece. 'It's the same as mine. This is a pleasant surprise.'
Marius looked Isabelle holding the glass having a confused and scared look she was looking him nervously.He slowly sat and got up leaving his glass on the table Marius walked towards her and brought his face close to hers "...dont worry kitten its not poison" he whispered and took it from her hands raised her chin so she could see his face and took a sip from the glass "...see no poison in it" he said and gently place the glass in her small hands. He frowned and sniffed her neck "...nice perfume keep using it " he said and sat across of her

Valerie got out of the car she had an angry face on her and walked towards the door she removed her glasses and gave him an angry look "...serves you right Dish for being rude to me" she always called him Dish it found it cuter. When she so his red face she made a pouting face " know you are lucky you look so cute in your new clothes " she said and gently kissed his nose " can leave them I am not mad anymore" she whispered to him and gently caressed behind his ears. She turned and saw Viza holding some bags "...Oh dear how cute are you ?" she said and walked near him she gently touched his face " look so serious and fierce I could steal you right now " she looked him with her red eyes and then looked Klehdishnin "...Dish it seems you have some competition " she warned him and walked in the house "...and dont pick them up all together you will hurt your back" she scold him.
Isabelle looked up at her master with wide eyes when he brought his face closer to hers,she didn't expect him to do something like this. She jumped slightly when he sniffed her neck and a deep blush crawled up her neck and face. She swallowed a gasp and looked back down again,this time due to her deep blush. Her eyes followed him to the other couch and she slowly brought the glass up to her to her lips. She took a small sip and coughed a little bit,the unfamiliar taste invading her taste buds. She blinked a few times and took another drink,the liquid warming her chest and cheeks. She could see why her master liked the taste of this dark drink,it was sweet and tart at the same time. She took one last drink and set the glass on the table and resumed her previous posture.
Klehdishnin suppressed a sigh as she kissed his nose, and called him Dish. Where did that pet-name come from, anyways? He knew it would be a bad idea to sigh in front of her, showing disapproval, so he didn't. She began to caress his ears, and so he twitched them, almost annoyed at it. He didn't dislike it, he just didn't want to encourage it. As soon as she said he could put down the luggage, he did, getting those god forsaken leather straps off his wrists. He looked at his wrists, red already. He sighed in his head, closing his eyes for about two seconds. Klehdishnin took most of the luggage, and hurriedly caught up to his master, following her. He had forgotten most of the way to her room, but he didn't want to admit it, and so he stuck to following Valerie. {Why do I feel like this will be even more strange than the last time I saw her..?} He thought, looking up at the back of her head. She was roughly five inches taller than him, by the looks of it. This was unsurprising to Klehdishnin, knowing that there were aplenty people taller than him, he had been short his entire life.
Viza felt uncomfortable when the woman touched his face 'What does she mean by steal?' The woman seemed eccentric, but she didn't come off as cruel. There were plenty of Masters and each personality differed. He was glad when the woman went into the house and he reclaimed his personal space. Being abused was one thing, but it looked like creepy women were something even more dangerous.

Viza watched as the other Neko took most of the luggage and followed after his Master. 'They seem like an interesting pair.' They acted differently than the other pairs here, but it didn't seem like there was antyhing to worry about. Viza took the remaining bags and simply followed the new arrivals. 'It's not like I have anything better to do.' It would be in his best interest to help out these two, rather than taking the chance of having a run in with something unpleasant.
Seven years. Arriya thought as she came within view of the manor, a suitcase in each hand. She smiled as she moved forward, looking around the manor. "Not much has changed, I see. I wonder how the others are doing." Her smile faded slightly as she thought of Marius. Well, here's hoping he's toned down even slightly.

Reaching the door, she took in a breath before opening it and walking in.

**Will edit if need be.**
Marius looked Isabelle she was standing again looking down " can sit down theres no need for you to stay like that " he said and frowned seeing how uncomfortable she was. He got up and went behind her he softly massaged her shoulders and smiled "...wondering if Ill snap your little neck kitten?" he whispered to her ear he slowly run his hand to her neck and caressed her " see its really easyto break someone's neck you simply press here and everything goes black" he whispered and pressed her neck a little.

"Dont worry if I am to dispose of you I would take my time enjoy...your every....little...scream" he hissed to her and forced her to look him his lips were close to hers they almost touched "...but today you did a good work so enjoy some more wine and have a little nap on my couch like a good girl and enjoy your day off"

Valerie looked the place " my this place havent changed a bit she gave Viza a sly smile and walked next to him "sooo whats your name sugar ?" she asked and gently caressed his ears "mmm you are so soft " she said and smiled brightly as she pinched his cheek although her smile faded when they crossed the forbidden hallway in the second floor the corridor with the paintings her brother's room its been so many years she didnt even talked to him. she shook her head and looked the two nekos she smiled calmly to them and start walking again "...Dish...I feel down again" she whispered to him he knew exactly what that meant she needed him close to her she took a heavy bag from him and kept walking until they were at a dusty hallway near the one with the paintings
Isabelle stiffened her back as she felt her masters hand on her neck,she truly and honestly thought that at any moment he would snap her neck as though it were nothing. As he forced her to look at him,she swallowed nervously yet again. She didn't really like looking up into his eyes,it felt as thought he could peer straight into her soul and make her do whatever he wanted. She could feel his breath on her and it made her shake,he had never been like this with her,and it confused her deeply.

She nodded her head in acknowledgement that she heard him giver her her orders. She sat back down on the couch and lowered her head once again. She grabbed the glass and took another sip,slowly swallowing the liquid. Though she was mentally exhausted,she was afraid to take a nap on her masters couch. She was afraid that she might not wake back up,or something equally bad. So she sat there quietly and slowly sipped at the wine.
Klehdishnin kept walking, looking around at his surroundings. He hadn't been this far into the manor.. Especially on this floor... For quite a while. This was the forbidden corridor; the one filled with Maruis's paintings. He dared not touch them, or even bump into them, but he did look at them, then back ahead of him, so he wouldn't crash into any of them. Valerie then came to him and said she felt down again. Klehdishnin quickened his pace, catching up to her. He smiled as she took off one of the heavy "brickcases" as he called them. He then returned to his plain face, beginning to ponder about where the name "Dish" came from. {Well, I don't do dishes... Klehdishnin? Oh, she's shortened my name more than it already is. That's where it came from..} Carrying on, they walked through the forbidden corridor, getting closer to Valerie's room. Klehdishnin hoped Marius wouldn't bust down his door and find them walking through his corridor.. That could become quite disasterous.

Klehdishnin thought about his master.. He couldn't come up with anything to rationalize her. {Well.. I suppose people who aren't outlandish are hard to come across, these days..} He thought. That was rational enough, for him. As they exited the hallway, they crossed into a new one, an extremely dusty one, by the looks of it.
Marius relaxed on the couch and looked the ceiling he was trying to think of something anything would be good at this point but he was blank. He stared Isabelle she was so nervous that she didnt even moved she was afarid of him and for a good reason Marius never valued anything except hs art.

He narrowed his eyes he looked like he was going to kill her staring her from top to bottom every single muscle of her body after few minutes he closed his eyes and fell asleep

Valerie stopped out of her room and slowly opened the door and looked inside everything was exactly as they used to be her there was even a picture of her and Marius together she waited for Klehdishnin to bring the bags in and she slowly went to the bed she fell on it and looked him "" she said and looked him he knew that she wanted him by her side
"My name is Viza." He spoke in a monotone voice and his expression remained blank. He took a few steps back when the woman was finished touching him. Creepy women were definitely more dangerous than Marius. She was practically treating him like a house cat with all the touching.

When Viza saw the paintings and recognized the hallway he was in, he felt like punching the wall. He did not need to be reminded of Marius right now. He was always calm, but that man never failed to make him angry. He brought down his anger, trying to clear his mind of all thoughts. 'There's no reason to think about him. He isn't worth greeting angry at.'

Viza carried the other bags in when the door was open. He set them down in an organized fashion in the most optimal spots. 'I guess that's the end of this journey.' After seeing the picture of the woman and Marius, Viza wanted to ask a few questions, but decided against it when the woman fell on the bed. The way she laid there and looked at the other Neko didn't exactly give him a good feeling. 'I guess that's my cue to take my leave.' Viza walked out the door, not looking back in the other direction. 'I definitely don't want to get caught up in that mess.'
Isabelle quietly sat there as her master fell asleep. She quietly stood and grabbed a blanket off his bed,she slowly walked over him and gently covered her master up. She walked to the door a quietly and opened it,walking out slowly. She shut the door behind her gently and took a deep breath,when she heard people further down the hall. She raised a brow and walked over to the other room down the hall. She began to walk over and as she went to look in the room she bumped into the slave from before.

She fell back and looked up at him and looked away. Quietly she said,"....I'm very sorry....I didn't mean to bump into you...". She hardly ever talked so it was hard for people to hear her.
Viza walked down the halls, wanting to get away from the situation in the other room. 'No matter how you look at it, that event is leading to only one place.' The relationship between Master and Slave certainly varied.

As he walked, Viza felt a collision with his body. As he looked down, he spotted the girl from earlier. When he saw her, he breathed an inward sigh of relief. 'Looks like she's safe.' The girl spoke very quietly, but being a Neko gave him better hearing, so he could hear her just fine. Viza bent down a little and offered his hand to the girl. "No, I wasn't paying attention. Are you alright?" He looked at her with a worried expression. Although he showed no emotion to the Masters, Slaves were an entirely different subject.
She took his hand and blushed a bit,standing she looked down automatically. "....I'm fine...thank you. I apologize again,I should be more careful of my surroundings". She took her hand back and stood near the wall so that he may pass. "Oh uhm,could you please just stay away from Marius? I don't wan to see you harmed on by behalf. If something were to happen because of me,I wouldn't know what to do. So,please just stay clear of him?". She fiddled with the lace on her dress,hoping that she didn't over step her grounds.

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