Blackwood Manor

Isabelle finched again as he wrapped his arms around her and lifter her up. She balled her self up and would have burried her head into his,but his chest was cold. She hadn't really expected him to warm like a normal person but she wasn't prepared for this. She gripped the robe around her more as her face began to heat up. She hope that there was no one downstairs to see her in this state. She didn't have much dignity left but what she did have she wanted to hold onto it for as long as she could. She began getting a cramp in her neck and ended up having to rest her head against his chest. The sensation made her stomach curl and she wanted this whole thing to be over with. She also wondered slightly if he was going to display the painting of her in the hallway with the others
Klehdishnin thought good looks saved me? Hallelujah. Then Valerie tightened her already vice-like "hug" around the stomach, making his berathing shallow. He could swear his ribs were about to crack; but that was just one of the many fantasies that drifted around his head as he tried to stay able to breathe. "I don't.." He stopped to cough. "Suppose we can go now?" He quickly finished. If this kept up, he wouldn't be playing for anybody. Klehdishnin heard himself quoting a song. "Sometimes, love hurts." How could that be true, however, if he didn't love valerie in the slightest way?

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