Blackwood Manor

Serein sighed, he knew she was more thoughtful and ration than Marius. Anyone was more thoughtful and rational than Marius. He walked down the corridor, looking through the window to the outside world. A world he would likely never get to be in again. Instead, he was stuck here, with a demon of all things as his master. The thought was absurd! Serein eventually ended up at Arriya's room, opening the room for her.

Klehdishnin was completely fine with the fact one of the slaves had come to watch him play, and the fact the other was just coming for his instrument. Maybe he could play with that one, some day? He continued on with the song, knowing that trying to form a smile- which he had tried many times before- just ruined his playing. Unless he wanted it to be a tight, almost forced-looking smile.
Isabelle was taken by surprise as the one who was named Viza walked over to her and opened the door. She watched him walk in and grab his violin,and gave him a small nod. She noticed the one who was playing wasn't fazed by them,so she walked in and sat on a near by couch. She sat with her hands in her lap and watched him play. She smiled at the music,it was very soothing and calmed her a bit. Quietly she told him,"you're quite good at that. You've must been playing for years". She looked down instantly,feeling awkward that she spoke.
Robin had swore to herself never to let that little fact get to her. And she was slowly breaking that promise to herself, it wouldn't matter if the whole world was against her at this point, she'd just forge on as usual. Her family was already against her indirectly as far as she could tell, they just didn't say it. She stood up from her spot in the garden and walked back home, the manor would be her rite of initiation into being accepted by what's left of her family. She strode back towards the manor, she had a purpose but she had no idea how to fulfill it, as she walked she pondered on ways to prove her worth to her sisters and brothers. The fact that she knew her father wanted a son instead of her was so ingrained into her psyche that she automatically assumed the rest of the family shared their father's sentiment. It would be a hard fight but Blackwoods are known to be a resilient lot among demons, it really was her against herself and the world.
Evan turned away slightly, fidgeting with something in his pocket. Talking to people was never easy for him; he didn't even know why he said anything.

"No, that's fine," he said. "S-sorry, are you busy...?"
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Ayra chuckled "You have no need to be scared sir." He smiled softly. He walked to the fridge and got some water. "Here." he said softly offering it to the man. He looked over to the oven, it would be hours before the cake base would be finished. "I don't think I've seen you around the manor, are you a master or a slave?"
Marius's blood was burning that little worthless slave tested his patience and on the top of that Valerie was back "...this is getting out of hand" he yelle and kicked the table he looked the empty canvas and his eyes turned red "...yessss" he said to himself and sat on his chair he start painting like his was possessed "...scream...yessss" he whispered

Valerie stayed in her room her twin brother was exactly like she remembered him she bite her thumb and looked her wall there was a large portrait of her that forced him to do years ago. She shook her head and decided to go downstairs she could hear music at least they had fun "...excuse me..." she said to catch their attention her eyes were yellow "...perhaps many of you dont know me I see many new faces here I am lady Valerie Blackwood twin sister of Lord Marius Blackwood...could I speak with his personal servant please?" she said her voice was changed there was nothing of her cheerful self she looked exactly like Marius same voice same lack of emotion
"Serein." Arriya said quietly as she stepped into her room, smiling as she glanced around. The room was still adorned in shades of black and dark red, her two favourite colours. She turned to face her servant and said without a trace of emotion, "Why do you hate me so? And please, be honest."
"You want the truth?" Serein sighed. "Alright, the truth is yours." He paused for a moment, expanding and stretching his wings in the hallway. It felt nice; being able to expand them. He contracted them again, folding them behind his back again. He honestly hated keeping them folded all hours of the day, it made them feel sore. He hesitated for a moment, thinking about what he was going to say. Well, she did ask for the truth. He thought, beginning to speak. "I despise you because of a multitude of things.. I'm racist, for one, I despise your race. Demons make me shudder in distaste. Secondly, the fact you're my master of all bloody things really peeves me." He said. "Alright, that isn't much, but that forms my entire demeanour around you." He said.

Klehdishnin continued playing; even when Valerie walked in the room. He assumed if he stopped playing; she'd get mad at him. So he continued playing, turning it into an action-packed song just for smiles or laughs of the people around him, making it sound like there was forthcoming doom.
When Valerie entered the room,Isabelle looked up and over at her. Seeing her put Isabelle on edge,she looked so much like Marius. She got nervous and reverted back to her old self,looking back down at floor. She swallowed hard and folded in on herself once Valerie asked to see her. She slowly stood and looked up at Klehdishnin giving him a small smile. She bowed her head back down and followed Valerie back out to the hallway. She swallowed again and quietly said," may I be of serve to you my Lady". She stood there still as a statue afraid she might do something.
Marius stayed in his room for hours he looked the painting when he was done he looked his new painting and smiled he stood in front of it and drank some wine smiling.

Valerie looked Isabelle and gave her a small smile she gently raised her head and sniffed her she almost touched her lips.

She pulled away from her "...makes sense" she said and walked in the living room making a nod for her to join her " how is my dear brother?"
Arriya let out a chuckle. "My, my, my, is that so?" She reached out and grabbed part of his wings, pulling herself to his side. "Oh Sere, it'd be a shame if I was to -oh I don't know- rip your wings off slowly and oh so painfully. Or beat you to within an inch of your life and bury you in a shallow grave." She chuckled, then let him go, a pleasant smile on her face, "But I'm too nice for that. To be honest, I don't like angels my own self. But I'd rather have you than let any of my demonic siblings have you. So, try to be a little more appreciative, okay?"
Serein felt a lump in his throat as he grabbed him. That was a poor decision, I called it, damnit! Serein was glad she wasn't choking him; like he had seen Marius do to several slaves before. Marius went through slaves as if he was simply donning a new vestment; it sickened him. Serein listened to the fates he could have; visually playing them in his mind; knowing all of them were possible to become of him. He was only making his fear worse for himself; a bad habit he seemed to do quite a bit of. Serein felt as he was let go, and instantly stepped back, away from Arriya. "O-Of course.." He said, bowing his head in servitude.
Isabelle flinched when she felt Valerie take her head into her hand. She looked away from the woman as she brought her face close to Isabelle's, she was way too much like her brother. She breathe a breath of relief when Valerie let her face go,and she quickly looked back down to the floor. When Valerie walked away from her,she turned slightly to look back at Klehdishnin ,and seen him still playing. She sighed and closed her eyes,listening to nothing but the music. When she opened her eyes she noticed that Valerie had walked into the living room,wanting her to follow. She folded her hands in front of her and followed like the good slave that she was.

She wasn't sure how to answer Valerie's question,did she really want the truth? "Master has been most kind to me and the others. I'm very honored to serve him". She was lying through her teeth,but she also knew better then to talk bad about her master. She feared he might over hear her and she would get punished again.
"I didn't actually hurt you, did I? If so, I apologize, as I was only trying to make a point. Also, did you have something to eat already?" Arriya asked nicely, concern in her eyes.
Marius opened the door and hanged the new portrait it was a girl with brown hair chained in a bathtub filled with blood and rose petals around her.

Valerie sighed and got up "...yeah your bruises scream kindness" she said and walked towards her " about we try again only this time lets try the truth shall we dear...I know my brother he is rarely kind to a girl wearing clothes so...dont be afraind to tell me the truth"
Isabelle wasn't comfortable with her being so close to her,she felt like she couldn't breathe. She swallowed and said,"it was my fault my Lady. I should not have left master until I was ordered to,I knew the rules and still I broke them. Master was only doing his job,slaves are not to disobey. I was a bad slave and so I was punished". She was still looking down and she began to fidget with her dress.
Serein looked anywhere except Arriya's eyes. Her point was well made. He avoided her first question; saying; "Yes, I already had breakfast this morning." He was looking to the side of her, through the open door, into the outside world. Oh, how he longed to get paid for his work. He had actually answered both questions; it just depended on how she took the way he talked.
Arriya inwardly sighed. It'll be a long time before he listens to me. She thought, then spoke. "Go and talk to someone else. Like one of the other servants. I need to get cleaned up and meet up with the other masters. So, now's your chance to be away from a demon, even for only a little bit longer. I'll be out in a few minutes so take advantage of it while you can." If he gets in trouble, maybe the punishment will take his demeanour down a notch.
Serein was mentally relieved. He said, "Thank you." Then briskly strode off, hearing music in the distance. He walked down the hallway, turning to the right, stopping as he hears people talking. Eavesdropping is considerably rude; Serein. He thought, shaking his head. He continued on towards the music. That meant at least one person was happy somewhere, right? He walked inside, seeing Klehdishnin. He sat on the couch; listening to Klehdishnin play on the clarinet. He was now playing a nice jazz song.
Marius looked the portrait at least that was something he walked downstairs where he could hear music "...great more noise " he complained he stood in a corner and start looking for Isabelle.

Valerie sighed and rubbed Isabelle's cheek "My brother can be a little rough sometimes...unlike me I dont like violence I love a good old fashioned torture yet again I am far more kind and gentle than him I dont get irritated by small things" she whispered to her she was really close to her caressing her cheek and lips " have really soft skin and nice face yet I havent saw any paintings of you thats...strange I wonder why" she slowly went to kiss her lips

Marius slowly opened the door and frowned "...Isabelle" he said with angry voice when he saw them about to kiss he grabbed Isabelle's hand and pulled her away from Valerie.

Valerie smiled at her brothers behavior and crossed her hands " my you so afraid that ill harm your precious little pet brother?"

Marius walked in front of Valerie "...touch her again and Ill throw that cat of yours to the dogs" he turned to Isabelle and dragged her out of the livingroom he threw her to the wall and slapped her "...what the hell have I told you about the other masters?" he growled he always said that she was to follow his orders ignoring everyone else
Arriya shut her bedroom door and quickly changed into a new dress, a red summer dress. After putting up her two suitcases full of clothes into her closets, she opened her door and overheard arguing. Oh come on. Tell me that wasn't who I think it was. She listened for a minute before stepping out, Well, it seems like Marius is still his normal self. She sighed loudly. "I asked for a welcome home, but this was not what I meant."
Isabelle didn't really like being near Valerie all that much,the woman made her feel really uneasy. It felt like she always had a secret agenda and being sweet to you was just part of it. She flinched away from her as Valerie placed her hand on her cheek and lips. Isabelle didn't want her that close to her,so she tried to politely move away from her. As she was moving away from her,she felt someone grab her hand and she got yanked away. She blinked a few times and looked up to see her master's angry face.

Isabelle instantly got a bad feeling in her stomach and she trembled again. She stood there as she heard the siblings fighting with each other. One thing was for sure,maybe now Marius would take out some of his anger out at her now. But that was likely never going to happen,Isabelle was his favorite punching bag. Next thing she knew,she was thrown against the wall again. His hand hit one of her fresh bruises and she held her cheek as she fell to the floor. She didn't dare look up at him as she quietly answered,".....I apologize master,she only wanted to talk to me".
MArius frowned and grabbed her head forcing her to see him "...I am serious next time she will suck your souldo Not trust Valerie" he scold her and brought his face close to hers "...nobody is allowed to touch you am I clear?" he whispered and narrowed his eyes " bruise easily...thats good" he said and an evil grin appeared on his face "...go take a shower and clean yourself you look like a mess then come to my room IF you are quick enough I might spare the rod today" He said and licked her nose "...if you take your time...well theres gonna be a lot of screaming " he whispered and start walking away

Valerie looked her brother running away with his slave and smiled brightly "...oh you are such a cuttie when you have a weak spot brother" she walked away "...DIIIIIIIIIISH MOMMY NEEDS YOU" she yelled and waited for him to come.
Klehdishnin continued playing the song, really, honestly hoping this was for a musical purpose. If it wasn't... He sighed, stopping the song. He stood up, walking out the door of the slave quarters. He swivelled on his heels, walking towards where he heard Valerie speak. Since when was she his mother, anyways? How could she possibly come to making such an outlandish claim?
Arriya's eyes widened slightly as she heard Valerie yelling for someone. "Why would she name her kid Dish? And does she have to be so loud?" She looked around, trying to figure out where Valerie was.

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