Blackwood Manor

Klehdishnin looked throughout the dusty hallways. He hadn't been here in such a long while.. Memories came to him, and he remembered every moment of every hour of ever day here. It was a strange sight, seeing yourself in the past, in your mind at least, seeing everything happening at once. Klehdishnin stopped when they got to Valerie's room, and Valerie opened the door. Klehdishnin set down the bags, looking over as his master called his name. He sighed, laying on his back on the bed next to her. He hated it when she used him as her teddy bear. Even the thought arouse a bit of anger. Last time she bit him in her sleep, too. Though, knowing there was nothing he could do about it, he laid there, trying to think of better times.
Marius turned in his sleep and opened his eyes when henoticed the blanket around him he sat on the couch and looked around Isabelle was gone " have to be kidding me" he growled he got up and walked out of his room "ISABELLE" he yelled clearly mad at her.

Valerie hold him close hugging him was the only way to calm down and her other evil side wouldnt took the best of her "...mmm you always smell so good dish..." she whispered and snuggled against him " were such a good boy today caring all my staff I think I should give you a small thank you gift" she whispered and kissed his cheek "hmmm perhaps ill put another bed in my room so you wont have to leave would you like that?"
Klehdishnin allowed her to do as she wished; besides; she was a demon, and likely many times stronger than him. ..He didn't want to find out if that was true or not. As she sniffed him, he simply gave himself away to his thoughts, barely listening to her. Then she kissed him, and cornered him with her words. There was no correct answer. He hated times like this. If he said yes; that would surely amount to more of this torture, and if he said no, that would probably result in more of this, anyways, as well as punishment. ..There was no correct answer... And if he hesitated, like he was- too late not to- it'll probably end up as.. He didn't even know. But, he was a man he knew what he wanted. He let the words roll off his lips. "No." He said plainly.
(Stop, stop, let's take this ooc to the recruitment thread. Alright? Answer at the recruitment thread.)
"I will stay away from Marius, but not because I fear him. I will stay away since I don't want you to be hurt due to my interference." Viza continued his walk down the hall, turning towards the girl again, before rounding the corner. "If you ever need help, just find me." He walked to the next hallway, leaving the area. 'Maybe I'll go play some music.' He hadn't played in a while and he could use a bit of relaxation at this point. If there was a perk in his life as a Slave, not having an assigned Master would be it. Since he wasn't appointed to anyone specifically, he often had time to roam the manor.
She nodded to Viza as he walked away. He was the second slave to talk to besides Ayra,who she worked with so they had to talk. Ayra didn't talk to her much,so maybe she would have a better friendship with Viza. She was about to walk back to the kitchen when she heard her master's voice yelling out her name. She shrank in terror as she slowly turned to look at Marius. She slowly walked over to him and trembled,afraid of what might happen this time. She kept her head down and said,"....y-yes,master?".
"Oh, Serein~! Guess who's back?" Arriya called out as she entered the manor. As she listened for footsteps, she set down her suitcases and looked around. Yep. Not much has changed in seven years. I'm... not sure if that makes me happy that's very little has changed, or unhappy that little has changed. Not hearing anything, Arriya rolled her eyes and spoke up, a bit louder this time, "Serein, I know you do not like the fact that a demon is your master, but you've had seven years to get over it."
Serein scowled as he heard his name called. How could his master, Arriya, be so happy about him? He didn't move an inch as she called his name, a bit sour. He had hoped she'd have died some terrible, tragic death. She hasn't changed much. She still expects him to come straight to her, as if his life depended on it. That's what he thought about it, anyways. He sighed, walking towards the entrance as she tried again. His wings were folded, and he looked at her plainly, standing roughly twenty feet away, straight ahead of her.
Robin made it a point to leave the Manor via the back entrance, the front door seems tempting but is more than likely being watched. It didn't really matter much to the family if she disappeared, she was, after all, the youngest of the clan and she was female, so no one really cared about her. She doesn't even have a personal slave as far as the assignments went, which was the extent of how forgotten she really was in the family.

Robin decided against straying too far from the manor, opting to stay at least within their cultivated land. Sure enough there was a nearby town she frequents but it was at these times when she needed to be alone and let her thoughts circulate in her, she didn't need noise, at least not yet. She gave herself up to the chorus of nature but she still had to reign herself in, losing conscious control of herself would mean she'd most likely start a fire just by touching things and she didn't want incinerate her second sanctuary.

She looked back at their family's manor, it looked as grand and imposing as it had a decade ago while she was still a young demoness. Much like their parents, who were in their own ways grand and imposing as well. It occurred to her that she was always treated poorly in the family, although not directly. The fact that she gets the worst portions in a meal, the fact that she was usually last in the loop of the family under the assumption she was even supposed to be included in those conversations or issues which regarded the family. Even her siblings didn't seem like they want to look at her general direction. "Hey Did you really want me? Or were you just keeping me because I'm a Blackwood?" She wondered what it would be like if she was really born the way her parents wanted her to be....male...hence her name.
Marius walked towards her if he hated something was his slave doing whatever she wanted. His eyes turned red and when he was close to her he slapped her hard "...did I said you were dismissed?" he growled and slapped her again "...are you and idiot or you test my patience ?" he yelled and slapped her again "...answer me" he growled.

Valerie looked Klehdishnin and sighed '...Dish do you have to be so serious all the time...besides I was going to be good with you but you are a really really bad kitty" she said and kissed his lips he could sense that she was about to suck his soul. She slowly broke the kiss letting his soul back to him her eyes were blood red and she had a psychotic smile on her for a second. She frowned and looked to the door she jumped from the bed and walked out quickly she run through the ghallway and saw Marius slapping a girl in maid uniform.

"" she whispered and her eyes turned green again

Marius was furious he grabbed her neck and went to push her against the wall "...I have no use of stupid slaves " he hissed and his eyes turn red. He was about to snap her neck and looked to his right seeing the strange redheaded woman who whispered his name. He looked Isabelle and pushed her away from him '...get out of my sight" he ordered and looked Valerie he shook his head and locked himself in his room again.

Valerie looked him walking away and then she looked Isabelle with a calm smile "...will you be kind enough to wait here for a moment dear?" she asked to Isabelle and smiled calmly.

She returned to her room and gave a deadly glare to Klehdishnin she was mad for rejecting her "... Klehdishninistolesserharensolinhen there is a maid outside she is hurt go check on her and then go do whatever you like and a warning...dont come back here if I dont call you" it was the second time she called him with his full name the first one was a night that almost killed him.
Isabelle bit her lip to keep from screaming out from the pain. Her face stung painfully from the hits,and she fell from the blows. She felt herself get picked up from the neck again,except this time he squeezed painfully hard. She squirmed and fought against his hold. She pulled at his hands trying to get free and she felt her eye sight get fuzzy as she was fighting not to pass out.

When he let her go,she fell to the floor in a heap,sucking in air quickly. She coughed and cupped her throat as it stung and her eyes watered. She scooted away from him and up against the wall,as a tall red headed woman walked over to her. She looked up at her in fear as she noticed that she looked just like her master. She scooted away more afraid of what she might do if she was any relation to Marius. When the woman walked into her master's room,she closed her eyes and took more deep breaths. She wanted to quickly get out of this hallway.
Klehdishnin thought to himself, {yes I do have to be serious all the time. Not like you ever let me play music, eith-} His thoughts were interrupted as his soul was split from his body, what he commonly called, 'the kiss of death'. He was relieved when his soul was given back to him. As she went away, Klehdishnin was relieved, and sat up. He sighed, again, thinking, {Are all the masters THIS crazy?!} He listened to his orders, and went through the door. He almost said "with pleasure", but decided against it, thinking that would only make matters worse.

He crossed the hallway to the maid, glad he could get away from Valerie for once. Honestly, he was surprised these masters hadn't already killed their slaves. "Is anything broken?" Klehdishnin asked, smiling. Sympathy was easily achieved when meeting a slave, but with their masters? No... That would be a feat if they could make him feel sympathy for them. Klehdishnin held out a hand to held her up.
Isabelle wiped the blood from her lip when she heard a pair of footsteps approach her. She slowly looked up at one of the slaves that she had seen around the manor. She wasn't sure of his name but she knew him from when he would play for the other masters. She slowly took his hand and looked away from him and quietly said,"....thank you,I'll be fine. I need to get to the kitchen in case any of the masters need something". This was the second time that one of the other slaves had come to help her. She tried to give him a cheerful smile and said,"thank you again,I do not wish to get you in trouble with your master". She turned and walked down the stairs and to the bathroom to wash her face. She didn't the other slaves or masters to see what had happened".
Ayra stood awkwardly until he decided he would just make something as a surprise for the Masters. He hummed and skipped to the kitchen. His fluffy black tail swaying behind him he started rolling down fondant for a cake. He hummed a tune as he started to mix the batter. He soon put them in pans and placed them in a large oven. He started to play the waiting game.
Having felt like he'd been doing nothing for far too long, Evan finally stood up and left the room. After wandering aimlessly around the manor for a while, he entered the kitchen, where he spotted Ayra.

"Hi," he said, smiling nervously.
Ayra opened an eye and looked at the other man in the room "Hello." he said looking him up and down. He crossed his arms and blew some of his bangs out of his face. "Can I help you, perhaps you need something from the kitchens?" he asked and stood up straight his collar tinkling.
Klehdishnin watched as she walked away, and he turned towards Valerie's room. "Oh that's right, she doesn't want me to come back until she calls me in... Well, then.." Klehdishnin said out loud. He spun on his heels, walking to the slave quarters. He went down the staircase, not falling, like most people he had seen try to climb or go down these staircases. It was as if it were somehow slippery. Klehdishnin had no problem with them, at least. He continued on towards the slave quarters, opening the door. He walked inside, taking out one of the many instruments he played, the clarinet. He began to play, he rarely warmed up, anyways. Not surprisingly, it sounded just fine, and he continued the old tune he had learned. It was a long, five minute solo piece, which sounded just fine if repeated.
Isabelle walked out from the bathroom,the bruises already starting to show. She was glad for her long hair as it hid most of her face as she walked with her head down. She was about to make her way to the kitchens,when she heard music coming from the slaves common room. She tilted her head and began to walk over as the music got louder. It was a very pleasant song,very calming and she liked it. She opened the door slightly and looked inside,and seen the slave from before. He looked at home sitting there playing his instrument,and she smiled slightly. It was a nice change to see one of them enjoying themselves,instead of being bossed around by their master. She leaned on the door frame and watched him play .
"There you are, Sere." Arriya said, walking towards him. "You haven't changed at all in the past seven years." She smiled and gestured to her two suitcases near the door, "Now then, would you be a dear and get my stuff please? I need to get unpacked and go meet up with the other masters."
Serein sighs as she shortens his name. Wasn't it short enough, already? It wasn't some tongue twister like Klehdishnin's full name. Serein walked forwards, past her, grabbing her suitcases, turning around, heading down to the hallway to Arriya's room. He waited for her to catch up, though, doubting she remembered the way over the past seven years. He was a bit impatient with his master at times; but he was still who he was, and no one else could change that for him.
Arriya rolled her eyes as she followed Serein. What is it going to take to make him stop acting like this? She sighed loudly, I really don't want to resort to violence to make him listen to me. She hated losing her temper. It almost always led to her mentally blacking out and nearly resorting to murder. "Besides, I am not like Marius. I am more thoughtful and more rational." She spoke aloud.
Viza made his way towards the common room, hoping to retrieve his instrument. As he turned the corner, he noticed the Slave from earlier. He gave her a greeting and opened the door. He was surprised to see someone else in the room playing. He didn't want to disturb the boy, so he simply looked for his instrument. After glancing around the room, he spotted the violin case in the corner. He had left it here last week and he didn't have the time to come back for it. He grabbed the case and made his way out of the room.

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