Blackwood Academy for the Gifted

Are we required to modify our characters a bit, despite being accepted? Like, I'm alright with it (and I agree with your points) but I just need some clarification.
[QUOTE="Mister Spades]Are we required to modify our characters a bit, despite being accepted? Like, I'm alright with it (and I agree with your points) but I just need some clarification.

Think of me as a financial advisor. You aren`t obligated to follow my advise. It is, however, highly recommended. Why? OP characters, metagaming, etc...those things are usually banned from most rp sites, and for very good reasons. And I`m giving you tips on how to improve your characters and avoid such things, amongst others.


Puggie said:
Name: Alex Kianera




Sexual Orientation:


Alex's mother was a human and her father was an Elf. Her mother never knew until Alex was born when she noticed Alex's pointed ears. Then she looked at her husband and saw pointed ears on him too. She was frightened so one night, she packed a suitcase and ran off, leaving Alex with her father. Over the next 10 years, Alex's father had taught her how to use her magic until one day, when he was captured and killed by a gang. So for the next few years, Alex lived on her own in the woods until someone came by and gave her a letter to come to the school.

Fruit; Fall; Nature; Animals; Going on an Adventure

Having Fear; Death of Others

Despite the death of her father and her missing mother, Alex is an energetic, fun-loving girl. She is almost always cheerful and cares for others. She is also very brave and Is always seeking out an adventure. Alex is also great with

weapons (having lived alone for 3 years) and she prefers a bow and arrow. She is an amazing singer and artist.

Appearance Change (changing molecular build to change into any animal, person, or inanimate object and mimic the sounds they make; also includes simple things such as changing hair or eye color). Also, she can talk to animals

Best Subject:

Worst Subject:

Class 1; 10th

She is inspired by the animals of the forest to always keep trying. She may have lost her mother and father, but she will keep going until she acomplishes her goals.

Optional Pet:
Amber the Fox
You have an overall good profile. The dislikes should be made more character specific, rather than being what EVERYONE dislikes, and you should offer an explanation to why her character`s mother didn`t notice the father`s pointy ears until the precise moment of her daughter`s birth.


Rayischo said:
Name: Rayisho Samaysune
Age: 20

Gender: Male


View attachment 133259

Background: He grew up with a Demon as mother and a Wolf - Human Hybrid as father. They taught him to use the Scarlet Flames and to control them (he surrounds his arm in Scarlet Fire and creates a claw).

One day he escaped from home and taught himself to use Black Lightnings. Now he have the full control over Scarlet Fire and Black Lightnings.

What they teach: He teaches Math and Chemistry

Personality: Friendly out the lessons but strict in the lessons.

Likes/Dislikes: Fire and Friendly People

Gift , if they have one: The full control over Scarlet Flames and Black Lightnings

Optional Pet: Nope

Species: Hybrid (Wolf-Demon)
You should REALLY expand your profile. Both your character`s personality and gift are lacking content. Add more to the personality and make sure to explains what it means to have "full control" of something.
the mana does decrease over time but only 15% of the mana I work for in training,

1 week of training giving brakes and rest thats - 98 hours

if I go a week of no training thats - 91.15 of mana left
Kalani said:
Chloe Matthews







Sexual Orientation:





After witnessing the deaths of both her mother and father, Chloe began to shut out the world. She was 14 years old when they were killed. She knew she had a power that would have saved them, but in the moment she didn't know how to use it. Before their deaths, Chloe had been a very happy and bubbly girl. She was always very social with her friends and lived a very active lifestyle. As she grew up, Chloe had never been the most graceful person. The awkwardly long legged girl is probably more accurately described as uncoordinated, clumsy, and accident prone.

As a little girl Chloe discovered her gift after watching her broken arm mend itself within two minutes of her falling out of the tree. Amazed by this she had gone on to experiment with her gift on herself and on others. Chloe's letter arrived around three years after the death of her parents while she was living in a foster home. Her foster family was very scared of Chloe's abilities so they were not hesitant about sending her away to this unknown place.


Helping, pineapples, the sky, wind // Pain, loud noises, being scared, the dark


Chloe had always been a wild, fun-loving, young girl before her parents had died. She was very social and full of life. Circumstance however, has buried many of those traits. Though much quieter and softer, Chloe still holds a passion for helping others. She has a huge heart and would sacrifice herself if it meant that someone else could live. She is dedicated to those that she loves and she remembers everything.


Chloe has the gift of healing. With some intense concentration and a touch Chloe can mend any injury. She has the ability to heal not only herself, but also other people, animals, ect. The only downfall to her gift is that when she is healing her body absorbs the injury from the other person into herself where it then will heal. Therefore, Chloe feels all of the same pain and even receives the same injury that whoever she is healing had. This makes the healing process very difficult when someone is experiencing a lot of pain or is losing a lot of blood. This was the reason that Chloe could not save her mother and father the night that they died.

Best subject:

Writing / English

Worst Subject:



Class 2


She has lost the two most important people in her life and she blames herself. It may be too late to save her mother and father, but maybe she could save someone else someday.

Optional Pet:


~Hope this is okay, let me know if anything needs to be changed/added/corrrected!~
You own a very god profile. Your character wasn`t wrecked by her parents dying, that`s a huge plus. But, just as many others, you should moderate the ability. The healing you described, though fallible on others, seems to essentially make your character immortal. I advise a placement of a limit on how much she can heal herself.


[QUOTE="Misuka Masamoto]the mana does decrease over time but only 15% of the mana I work for in training,
1 week of training giving brakes and rest thats - 98 hours

if I go a week of no training thats - 91.15 of mana left

I see. Well, the point isn`t really the source of the mana. She might even have it full. The point is, if you are gonna be able to create stuff, then the amount and placement have to be restricted well. At all times.


BradG said:

Name: Ryder Hayabusa

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Background: Ryder grow going from foster home to foster home. He spent a lot if time be experiment on by the military. Ryder has a soul link with an unknown entity. As Ryder was growing up they didn't always see eye to eye . This would cause him much trouble . Also it was over protective. Once almost killing another child. But over the years they have learned to work together. Due to bring lock up a lot Ryder had time to study. They allowed him to go to school and he earned multiple degrees. He is a doctor of psychology and is in MD. His masters degree is in education. So the school has him as a teacher, guidance counselor, and school nurse.

What they teach: History

Personality: He is very kind and loves the children . But he gets lost sometimes talking to someone no one else can see even arguing .

Likes/Dislikes: He loves the children and would die for them . He dislikes anything that stand in the way of them.

Gift , if they have one: The soul he is connect to can move objects and temporarily control people. He can even see and hear what it sees and hears. The down side is if the go to far apart they experience great pain. The greater the distance the greater then pain

Optional Pet:

Species: human
You have a working profile but controlling people, eve if for a short amount of time is over the top. He should specify what aspects he can control exactly.
it depends on my will power meaning it is restricted if I have the slightness of doubt my mana deceases slowly. My Sensai can explain this better than I can!
[QUOTE="Misuka Masamoto]it depends on my will power meaning it is restricted if I have the slightness of doubt my mana deceases slowly. My Sensai can explain this better than I can!

Remember those examples I gave? If at any point your character reaches anything even remotely something to that (even if she is more motivated than ever), then it`s a huge problem for all other rpers who are trying to solve the problem with their rping and wits as they are suppose to. The trick is this- If you have absolute control over whether or not it is possible to beat your character at any given point, then it`s OP.


ShadowedNexus said:



Leon Runkai





Sexual Orientation:





Leon always knew about his ability and how he was special. He mostly tried to keep it secret from others, including his parents and family, because he knew no one would understand and they might be afraid. This didn't stop him from practicing and learning how to use it though. This continued until one day he caused an incident in his class, accidentally revealing his gift. By the next week, he and his family received a letter inviting him to Blackwood Academy. It took a couple weeks, but Leon eventually convinced his parents to let him attend so he could learn more about his own power and others like him




Brightness/The Heat/Cucumbers/Rude People


Leon is very friendly and loves to talk with others. He is usually quick to make friends and is helpful to others. He openly dislikes those that scorn others for no real reason. He loves to scrimmage with friends or anybody he is friendly with. He usually tries to keep the peace among people and work towards better solutions. Leon isn't afraid to make his opinion known and will tell others if he feels they are doing something wrong. When he isn't with others Leon likes to read or do other calming things like practice with his gift.


Leon is able to write and create runes using his hands and fingers to create things, or cause action. He can either have the rune wait for him to activate it or for it to activate automatically. The way it would appear is if it is a solid object, it looks like he reaches into the rune to grab it. If it is something more like fire, then the rune would create it itself. But if it is an action like movement, then it applies it to the surface it is on. The more complicated something he wants to create or do, the more time and energy it requires to write the rune. Like say he could write fire, but all it would do is create a fire the size of his rune, instead he could take more time to write a rune causing the fire to go in a certain direction or take certain action. The same goes for creating an element versus creating something made of the element. He keeps a sketchbook on him with many quick runes recorded so he can more easily apply the runes in action, but he can use any surface.

Best subjects:

Writing and Math

Worst Subject:



Class 1 // 10th


To learn and have fun

(If there is anything I need to fix don't hesitate to say.)

Excellent profile! You should state some negative things in the personality section and once again creation of stuff out of thin air is OP. However, given he needs to write runes, to know combinations and it takes time and energy, it could still work provided there is a limit to what he can create (complex or magical items should be cut off from the possibilities)
Oh yeah thanks for pointing that out, I actually did mean to edit his personality. I'll outline the limits to his powers more clearly
Noyeh said:

View attachment 132926


Haruka 'Thanatos' Zhujiao





Sexual Orientation:





Haruka has a rather hard time explaining it, saying he had an older brother that was 17 at the time and was a fugitive but than died. Also stating that he was never raised by proper parents, which his brother did take care of him. Than Haruka got the invitation, he signed up and here he is.

View attachment 132927

"You should be able to understand right?"


Apples // Oranges // The Heat // Sun // Food


Pears // Vegetables // The Cold // Moon // Jerks


Haruka is very alike to someone who rarely understands anything, he gets confused a lot and shows a rather weird timid nature. But because of that nature, he is very unpredictable, making ways to escape, harm, or negotiate. But he doesn't lie, and if he does, he can rarely keep his act up. Haruka is very cheerful too, so he gets excited over anything.



Pyrokinesis is the psychic ability to manipulate or create fire. Generally, one begins manipulating a candle's flame. In more advanced practices one can extinguish a candle flame or reignite a flame that has went out. Pyrokinesis is a branch of psychokinesis. Another common name for Pyrokinesis is "Flame Manipulation".


Psychometry, translated from the Greek as “measure of the soul”, is an ability to read an object just by touching or looking at it. As any other ability it takes a while to master, but yields good results as you go along the training process.

The ability is very good with antiques and old objects.

This is the ability to see the past, future and energy of an object. This ability is used in a way to learn more about objects. This can be done just by touching or it or looking at it. This can be a very useful ability but not the easiest ether. Psychometry is connected to clairvoyance, clairaudiance and remote viewing. Psychometry can also be considered like telepathy but to be reading the 'mind' of an object.

By touching the object you are connecting your energy with its meaning a easy channel of energy to read. The word psychometry comes from a American physision and professor Joseph Rhodes Buchanan in 1842. Joseph worked with his student which he taught by giving them drugs in a glass and asking each person to work out which drug was which just by holding the glass. Due to their accuracy which he highlighted in his book 'Journal of Man' He says objects have souls and remember things. Well i believe objects don't have souls but they do retain memory. Psychics today sometimes use this ability to connect more with their client or a animal. Usually they do this using a object the client is wearing, holding e.g clothes and jewelry Family heirlooms would be the best as they would hold the most history for the psychic to use.

Psychometrists will use their ability a lot on ante ques to find its past and what the energy if like of a object, of course you don't want a object with negative energy in the house. You can also probably do psychometry on haunted dolls and objects which would be very close to empathy.

Psychometry is a very interesting ability and although not very well known it is a idealic ability if wanting to start out in psychic abilities, it is also one of my favorite abilities.

View attachment 132930

"How is this new information?"

Best subject:


Worst Subject:



Class 1 // 10th Grade


His Dead Brother

Optional Pet:


(Did I do okay? PM me or Tag me to tell me to fix or add anything. Bye.)
You seem to have an ok profile, though he should check the background to make sure there is nothing you would like to add and the abilities need limiting:

*creation of stuff is OP.

*the ability to aqquire nearly unlimited amounts of information, like in his second ability, is metagaming and is essentially mind reading. He should state more specifically exactly what kind of information or memories he can pull out from any given thing and how much of it. Then, we should take a look at it again.
You should try to find it now, it's in the place called Limbo, A.K.A, the place where dead Posts go. Well, bye!
Because of OCD, when I do something and someone makes it a failure, I delete it, the pain stays in my heart and I try to commit suicide but I don't. I should see a shrink.
Noyeh said:
Because of OCD, when I do something and someone makes it a failure, I delete it, the pain stays in my heart and I try to commit suicide but I don't. I should see a shrink.
I didn`t say it was a failure. It was a very good profile, simply the abilities were overpowered. They could have been easily reduced. Anyway, I`m sorry if I offended you in any way. Since you deleted your profile, would you like to make a new one?
@Misuka Masamoto That's the reason I can't commit suicide, my own fucking quote! Stop saying random quotes!

@Idea Well, if I see a, 'it's not approved' and the easiest thing is to fix a small, very small thing, I delete it and I be done. And no, sorry.
ShadowedNexus said:



Leon Runkai





Sexual Orientation:





Leon always knew about his ability and how he was special. He mostly tried to keep it secret from others, including his parents and family, because he knew no one would understand and they might be afraid. This didn't stop him from practicing and learning how to use it though. This continued until one day he caused an incident in his class, accidentally revealing his gift. By the next week, he and his family received a letter inviting him to Blackwood Academy. It took a couple weeks, but Leon eventually convinced his parents to let him attend so he could learn more about his own power and others like him




Brightness/The Heat/Cucumbers/Rude People


Leon is very friendly and loves to talk with others. He is usually quick to make friends and is helpful to others. He openly dislikes those that scorn others for no real reason. He loves to scrimmage with friends or anybody he is friendly with. He usually tries to keep the peace among people and work towards better solutions. Leon isn't afraid to make his opinion known and will tell others if he feels they are doing something wrong. When he isn't with others Leon likes to read or do other calming things like practice with his gift. Rin can have problems in that for most people you either like him or you hate him because of how he acts. Rin is somewhat clumsy and can often make mistakes while using his gift. He is also very forgetful and has a bad memory.


Leon is able to write and create runes using his hands and fingers to create things, or cause action. He can either have the rune wait for him to activate it or for it to activate automatically. The way it would appear is if it is a solid object, it looks like he reaches into the rune to grab it. If it is something more like fire, then the rune would create it itself. But if it is an action like movement, then it applies it to the surface it is on. The more complicated something he wants to create or do, the more time and energy it requires to write the rune. Like say he could write fire, but all it would do is create a fire the size of his rune, instead he could take more time to write a rune causing the fire to go in a certain direction or take certain action. The same goes for creating an element versus creating something made of the element. He keeps a sketchbook on him with many quick runes recorded so he can more easily apply the runes in action, but he can use any surface. Leon cannot create or alter most things of magical origin, he can however create thing that can do so such as water or wind to change a magical fire.

Best subjects:

Writing and Math

Worst Subject:



Class 1 // 10th


To learn and have fun

(If there is anything I need to fix don't hesitate to say.)

The gift is fixed, as far as I can see. Good job.

The personality is better, but it`s still not a flawed character. I`ll dig deeper here, since I don`t think I was quite clear before: A good character is flawed. No exceptions. A flawed character has a negative trait, something about them which isn`t a limiter to what they can do, but a negative influence on their behavior. Excess of this ruins a character too, however. Now, your character, which before was perfect personality-wise, is now clumsy and has difficulty with people...but he remains a saint. Yeah, now he is a shy saint with the chance of messing up this or that. But he is still a saint. Did I get my point across?


Noyeh said:
@Misuka Masamoto That's the reason I can't commit suicide, my own fucking quote! Stop saying random quotes!
@Idea Well, if I see a, 'it's not approved' and the easiest thing is to fix a small, very small thing, I delete it and I be done. And no, sorry.
your profile WAS approved, as I made a point to state before I started commenting.
Just please stop, I'm not joining back so.. Like said. "This Game is Over."
ShadowedNexus said:



Leon Runkai





Sexual Orientation:





Leon always knew about his ability and how he was special. He mostly tried to keep it secret from others, including his parents and family, because he knew no one would understand and they might be afraid. This didn't stop him from practicing and learning how to use it though. This continued until one day he caused an incident in his class, accidentally revealing his gift. By the next week, he and his family received a letter inviting him to Blackwood Academy. It took a couple weeks, but Leon eventually convinced his parents to let him attend so he could learn more about his own power and others like him




Brightness/The Heat/Cucumbers/Rude People


Leon is very friendly and loves to talk with others. He is usually quick to make friends and is helpful to others who want it. He openly dislikes those that scorn others for no real reason. He easily resents people that he believes did something to hurt or offend him, and he tries to get even. He loves to scrimmage with friends or anybody he is friendly with, however he is a bit reckless in the way he fights and can hurt others accidentally. He usually tries to keep the peace among people and work towards smarter solutions. Leon isn't afraid to make his opinion known and will tell others if he feels they are doing something wrong. Leon is usually a bit too stubborn when sticking to an ideal, even if it is wrong. When he isn't with others Leon likes to read or do other calming things like practice with his gift. Rin can have problems in that for most people you either like him or you hate him because of how he acts. Rin is somewhat clumsy and can often make mistakes while using his gift. He is also very forgetful and has a bad memory.


Leon is able to write and create runes using his hands and fingers to create things, or cause action. He can either have the rune wait for him to activate it or for it to activate automatically. The way it would appear is if it is a solid object, it looks like he reaches into the rune to grab it. If it is something more like fire, then the rune would create it itself. But if it is an action like movement, then it applies it to the surface it is on. The more complicated something he wants to create or do, the more time and energy it requires to write the rune. Like say he could write fire, but all it would do is create a fire the size of his rune, instead he could take more time to write a rune causing the fire to go in a certain direction or take certain action. The same goes for creating an element versus creating something made of the element. He keeps a sketchbook on him with many quick runes recorded so he can more easily apply the runes in action, but he can use any surface. Leon cannot create or alter most things of magical origin, he can however create thing that can do so such as water or wind to change a magical fire.

Best subjects:

Writing and Math

Worst Subject:



Class 1 // 10th


To learn and have fun

(If there is anything I need to fix don't hesitate to say.)

Seems perfect to me. Well done

Kira Kazua




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.284477dafd2d0a1bd9eb53f3b6d3f86c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58445" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.284477dafd2d0a1bd9eb53f3b6d3f86c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Sexual orientation:





Kira always grew up quiet and shy he never got any real friends and lived a boring life not being around people so he found out he had a gift and had fun using it whenever he was alone which was always. Even his parents didn't even try talking to him knowing he would be either quiet or shy.


+ likes to be alone sometimes do to his shyness (but will be around friends if they want him)

+ he likes sweets and sour things and he sometimes like bitter things depending on his mood.

+ he loves to use his gift when he's alone or is aloud to

- People wanting to use him for his gift

- always being alone with his thoughts

- not being able to control his gift and cannot speak.


Kira is a person that is really shy and only lets people that he really trusts into his life otherwise he's nervous or quiet around people, Kira usually has tape on his mouth so he doesn't activate his gift on accident saying the word that lets one of them out, he's a caring, loving, and funny person once he lets you on his life.

Gift: creation of armor- Kira has the ability to create any armor no matter how simple or how advanced as long as he can imagine it and says the code word to activate the armor letting it out. (He always has a armor in mind that's why he has tape on his mouth and he communicates by texting

Best subject: language art

Worst subject: math

Class: 1//10th


To make new friends to the best of his abilities.


1st) name: plasma burst: capabilities: has the abilities to shoot plasma rounds out of plasma cannon on his left arm, and is able to project a energy sword from his right this armor enhances speed, strength and defense by 45%

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.fe3151be42a15d3afd78a904ab545e0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58510" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.fe3151be42a15d3afd78a904ab545e0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

2nd) name: recon: capabilities: has a advanced sniper rifle that can shoot farther than a 50. Cal BMG, it also has a mini jet pack on the back so it can run across walls with ease, enhances speed, agility, stamina, aiming, and concentration by 45%

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.e2f3c4fbb64e95bb5640335534860cad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.e2f3c4fbb64e95bb5640335534860cad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

3rd) name: Crimson death: capabilities: has two swords that come out of the risk and is made with a infinite amount of throwing knifes, also made with light but hard metal for close combat, this armor enhances strength, agility, speed, and swordsmanship by 50%

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.14f6076a39c6ef80fdcb0e4344bd5188.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58455" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.14f6076a39c6ef80fdcb0e4344bd5188.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(This all the armor for now special armors will come in updates when you see them)



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Aqua said:
Kira Kazua




View attachment 134035



Sexual orientation:





Kira always grew up quiet and shy he never got any real friends and lived a boring life not being around people so he found out he had a gift and had fun using it whenever he was alone which was always. Even his parents didn't even try talking to him knowing he would be either quiet or shy.


+ people that don't bully him because of what he wears

+ people that care about him (he wishes for that)

+ having a friend or friends (he wishes for that to)

- being picked on

- peer pressure

- and being with to many people


Kira is a person that is really shy and only lets people that he really trusts into his life otherwise he's nervous or quiet around people, Kira usually has tape on his mouth so he doesn't activate his gift on accident saying the word that lets one of them out, he's a caring, loving, and funny person once he lets you on his life.

Gift: creation of armor- Kira has the ability to create any armor no matter how simple or how advanced as long as he can imagine it and says the code word to activate the armor letting it out. (He always has a armor in mind that's why he has tape on his mouth and he communicates by texting

Best subject: language art

Worst subject: math

Class: 1//10th


To make new friends to the best of his abilities.
Good profile. However, you should make those likes a bit more personal. What you mentioned he likes, and stuff everyone does.

As for the gift, can the armors have any power of their own? If so, what kind? (I take turning into a robot with a 20mm cannon as having a power too, not just "magic" powers)
Idea said:
Good profile. However, you should make those likes a bit more personal. What you mentioned he likes, and stuff everyone does.
As for the gift, can the armors have any power of their own? If so, what kind? (I take turning into a robot with a 20mm cannon as having a power too, not just "magic" powers)
Ok more personal, and yes each armor has their own ability like this one it has a plasma cannon and a energy sword.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.f30e2be46f2be9fc1a7cb815cd47e1f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.f30e2be46f2be9fc1a7cb815cd47e1f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Aqua said:
Ok more personal, and yes each armor has their own ability like this one it has a plasma cannon and a energy sword.
View attachment 134047
You already have armors planned, huh? Well, then please come up with a specific set of armors for him to choose from and don`t just go and state he can do anything he wants. If he can create any armor he imagines with any power, then that`s OP. It`s a counter-maker.
Idea said:
You already have armors planned, huh? Well, then please come up with a specific set of armors for him to choose from and don`t just go and state he can do anything he wants. If he can create any armor he imagines with any power, then that`s OP. It`s a counter-maker.
I know he makes the armor specifically for the fight he is in and he has three main armors and I'll post them with there abilities.

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